Homepage OHS | Stanford Online High School

Web Name: Homepage OHS | Stanford Online High School

WebSite: http://ohs.stanford.edu





Stanford Online High School Offering courses for grades 7–12, Stanford Online High School is a highly selective independent school, where dedicated instructors help talented students worldwide pursue their passions in real-time, online seminars. Need to Move Your School s Classes Online? For schools exploring online learning in case of temporary closures, this webpage provides free resources and considerations for effective remote teaching and learning. Click this link for resources to run live classes online. Essential Fast Facts Stanford OHS is a school that draws strength from its students, its instructors, and its online nature. Our students are passionate about learning, ready to take intellectual risks, and engaged in significant pursuits beyond the classroom. Our students come from 48 U.S. states and 31 countries and interact with each other and their teachers through our seminar-style discussion classes. Through careful assessment, students are placed into courses by their readiness, not solely by their age or grade level. From advanced middle-school classes through 28 post-AP and university-level courses, our curriculum challenges students at every level. Stanford OHS instructors, 64% holding Ph.D. s in their fields, work closely with students to help them reach their full academic potential. Our dedicated student-support program includes specifically trained counselors, academic advisors, and college counselors. Our Student Life staff makes online and in-person community-building events a key part of the student experience at Stanford OHS. Beyond the Ordinary How can you get a feel for our extraordinary online school? Hear what some of our students and instructors have to say about our school s strengths. Stanford OHS has established a truly amazing community of learners, educators and supporters. The school provides a unique hybrid space with online flipped classrooms enriched by in-person opportunities through regional meetups and residential programs. Applications for the 2020-21 School Year are Closed Review our Application Process and Join our Interest List Here Your gift to Stanford Online High School benefits instructional and outreach activities. Make a Gift

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