Websites Created by Eyler Coates

Web Name: Websites Created by Eyler Coates






Thomas Jefferson on Politics & GovernmentOver 2,700 excerpts from Jefferson's writings arranged under 56 subjects provide a complete outline of Jefferson's political philosophy and explain the founding principles of American self-government.The Jeffersonian PerspectiveCommentary on today's social and political issues based on the writings of Thomas Jefferson. A critique of national policies from the perspective of this nation's founding principles. The Jefferson Bible: The Life and Morals of Jesus of NazarethExtracted Textually from the GospelsJefferson's compilation of the moral philosophy of Jesus. Jefferson on Freedom of ReligionA complete copy of Jefferson's Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom with a comparison to the Act as passed by the Virginia legislature. Rayner's Life of Thomas JeffersonA completely revised and corrected edition of B. L. Rayner's biography, published originally in 1834, that emphasizes the role of republican principles in Jefferson's life and thought.Favorite Jefferson QuotesA collection of about 350 of the most popular quotations from the writings of Thomas Jefferson, selected from the much larger collection at Thomas Jefferson on Politics & Government.Objectivism and Thomas JeffersonSeven Essays on the Philosophy of Ayn Rand. These essays examine in detail the fundamental differences between Rand's philosophy and the political philosophy of Jefferson and the Founding Fathers. Conversations on Morality: An Open ForumAn open forum for discussions on the history of conscience and ethics. Conversations on Thomas Jefferson and Jeffersonian PoliticsAn open forum for discussions on the life and thought of Jefferson, with a special section on the Jefferson-Hemings controversy. The Jefferson FAQAnswers to a large number of questions submitted to the editor from visitors to the above Jefferson websites. Religious Oppression Around the WorldMonitors violations of religious freedom in each of the different countries. Includes essays on religion and society. Macaulay on Democratic GovernmentPassages from the essays of Thomas Babington Macaulay on various topics related to politics and government. Thought for Today:Ideas That Expand Your Mind Presents a short quote each day that provides insight and direction for living on this planet.The Mexican Pizza Riddle: Discussions on the Economics of PovertyOpen forum discussions of poverty in Third World countries. Cataloging the WebA redaction of discussions that took place on the Listserv/Newsgroup, "bit.listserv.autocat" (AUTOCAT: Library Cataloging and Authorities Discussion Group) on making the WWW more accessible.The Holy Bible: King James Version, RevisedThe old KJV of the Bible, revised and corrected to reflect the findings of modern scholarship.The Wisdom of the I ChingThis edition of the ancient Chinese "Book of Changes" emphasizes the philosophical aspects of the work. The Divine ComedyDante's masterpiece in plain, understandable idiomatic English. I helped the following friends get started with their own websites by designing their initial front page and providing a little bit of free advice. From such minimal beginnings, they have both done quite well for themselves, and apparently enjoyed it immensely. Return To Common SenseThis is Robert ("Bubba") Neligh's website of short essays on political issues. Bubba is a big fan of Thomas Jefferson also, and we have been in correspondence for a long time. I did the front page, the link and the comment pages, and a model page for the essays. Bubba has taken it over from there. The Collector's Guide to Opera Recordings and VideosThis is Liz and Geoffrey's interesting and useful opera site. Geoffrey was the mainstay of the "Conversations on Morality" website. They both enjoy working on the website, and wouldn't let me do more than the initial version of the front page, to which they have made several improvements, including a real nice looking title. Range War Along the PecosThis is John ("Kawboy") Crow's full-length western novel which I first talked him into writing, and then talked him into putting it on the Internet. It's full of action and suspense, with lots of scenes and characters that stick in your memory. Kawboy and I became friends way back when I was still on Prodigy. I set him up with a couple of model pages, and Kawboy quickly and easily took over from there.One Nation, by the grace of God,securing life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all.Send comments, questions and suggestions to: eyler@eyler.freeservers.comTerry Jordan's U.S. History Page====================================================== Comments? Deposit them here:

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