Class Dismissed Blog | Morrison Foerster

Web Name: Class Dismissed Blog | Morrison Foerster






Class Action Welcome to Class Dismissed Morrison Foerster’s Class Dismissed blog provides insights and reports on the latest news, developments, and trends that affect consumer-facing companies. Subscribe below to receive the latest updates by attorneys from our nationally recognized Consumer Class Action and Product Liability practices. Morrison & Foerster’s Class Dismissed blog provides insights and reports on the latest news, developments, and trends that affect consumer-facing companies. Subscribe below to receive the latest updates by attorneys from our nationally recognized Consumer Class Action and Product Liability practices. ... The Eastern District of Tennessee recently ruled that there is no private right of action under the Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA) for an alleged violation of a voluntary product safety standard.[1] The ruling narrows the claims in a pending lawsuit about hoverboards and narrows potential CPSA exposure for all consumer product companies. Consumer Product ... When we discussed the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act earlier this year, we predicted that its tort liability protections would reassure manufacturers and distributors of novel COVID-19 drugs and medical products. So far, so good: the first court decisions interpreting PREP Act immunity in the COVID-19 setting have emphasized that the protection applies ... Despite their repeated efforts to provide guidance to lower courts, the Justices once again find themselves in a familiar position: attempting to clarify the constitutional limits on courts’ power to exercise personal jurisdiction over defendants. The Supreme Court’s docket has seen a steady stream of personal jurisdiction cases in recent years. But the lower courts ... Along with making their advertising materials eye-catching and influential, consumer‑facing companies need to ensure that their representations about products and services comply with advertising laws. This article discusses basic advertising law, some things to avoid and some things to do. Although every state has its own consumer protection laws, our focus is on federal and ... As states ease stay at home orders and individuals return to places of work and play, businesses are working hard to reduce the risk of transmission among their employees and customers. In addition to addressing compliance with health and safety guidelines, companies should think about other proactive steps that can reduce the risk of liability ... Does a plaintiff who files a class action alleging false advertising have Article III standing to seek injunctive relief—even when that plaintiff is a past purchaser of the product, and therefore is aware of the defendant’s allegedly false statements regarding the product? The Ninth Circuit said “sometimes” in Davidson v. Kimberly-Clark Corp.[1] There, the plaintiff ... The Ninth Circuit recently issued an opinion holding that district courts usually need not engage in rigorous analysis under the predominance inquiry of Rule 23(b)(3) before certifying a settlement class. In Jabbari v. Farmer,[1] the Ninth Circuit affirmed the district court’s certification of a settlement class that asserted both a federal claim and state law ... Barr v. Am. Ass’n of Political Consultants, Inc., 2020 WL 3633780, 591 U.S. __ (2020).[1] Earlier this month, the Supreme Court held, in a fractured decision yielding multiple concurring or dissenting opinions, that the 2015 government-debt exception to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (the TCPA) permitting robocalls to cellphones solely to collect a debt owed to ... The 1914 Federal Trade Commission Act (FTCA) created the Federal Trade Commission (FTC or “the Commission”) and empowered it to prevent, and provide redress to consumers affected by, unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce. In 1973, Congress added Section 13(b) to the FTCA, providing the Commission with ... The Ninth Circuit recently issued an opinion addressing standing and willfulness under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). In Ramirez v. TransUnion,[1] the Ninth Circuit affirmed a jury verdict and punitive damages award, although it reduced those damages by a third. The court held for the first time that “each class member must have standing ...

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