A Repository of Historical Texts

Web Name: A Repository of Historical Texts

WebSite: http://bob.fooguru.org





This page is an index to some texts hosted at fooguru.org. The texts here have several characteristics in common:They deal mainly with Great Britain and Ireland in the 17th Century.They are marked up in W3C-compliant HTML.They are not elsewhere available in a proofed, formatted and referenceable format.The texts currently available areThe Memoirs of Gregorio Panzani, an account of the Papal representative to the court of Charles I in 1634, 1635, and 1636, with a review of the condition of Roman Catholics in England before and after.The History of the Troubles andMemorable Transactions in Scotland, from the years 1624 to 1645, a chronological narrative of the social and political events of the time from the perspective of John Spalding, an Aberdeen civil servant.A Relation of Proceedings Concerning the Affairs of the Kirk of Scotland, from August 1637 to July 1638 by John Leslie, Earl of Rothes. This is an account of one of the most important passagesof British history, written by one of the principal actors.History of My Own Times by Gilbert Burnet. Burnet, the brawny Bishop of Salisbury, is a usually entertaining, if not always an accurate historian. Read this as much for the notes as for the text.History of England, Principally in the 17th Century, by Leopold von Ranke. If you read only one history of Stuart England this year, choose this one.An index of web resources useful when reading about the 17th century.In the time of Sir John Eliot Three Studies in English History of the Seventeenth Century, by Mary Breese Fuller.The notes of Croke's judgment in the Hambden case. This is a short monograph edited by Samuel R. Gardiner.Documents Illustrating the Impeachment of the Duke of Buckingham in 1626. Samuel R. Gardiner's collection of papers pertaining to six of the counts against Buckingham is intersting on many levels. It was extremely difficult to proof, so corrections are even more welcome than ever.Notes on the Diplomatic Relations of England and France, 1603-1668. This document contains lists of the Englishambassadors and agents to France, and those of France to England.Songs of the Vine, an anthology of drinking songs edited by William G. Hutchison.A Tankard of Ale, an anthology of drinking songs edited by Theodore Maynard.A live index of Samuel R.Gardiner's History of England from the Accession of James I to theOutbreak of the Civil War.Gilbert Burnet's 1678 pamphlet on theSt Bartholomew's Day Massacre,August 24, 1572.Web production of Reynolds's 1894 edition of John Selden's Table-talk,with additional notes. Ralph Hodgson's Poems (1917). This was formerly on my Geocities page. A live Table of Contents of James Anthony Froude's 12-volume History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth.This site also hosts a set of notes taken atKilleen City Council meetings.Comments and corrections, especially corrections to the transcriptions, are very welcome. Contact bblair48@yahoo.com

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