Meng To - UI/UX Designer

Web Name: Meng To - UI/UX Designer






The new iOS redesign is bold. It s a radical shift toward a polar opposite direction from its felt, faux-leather, lifelike user interface aka Skeuomorphism. Now it s completely bare and it s shocking. Apple, known to execute confidently to the smallest details can no longer fulfill that promise. The icons are horrendous, the user interface lacks structure [ ] As one dream ends, another begins. I ve had the incredible opportunity to have lived and worked in San Francisco for a little longer than a year. I ve learned so much. As I met new designers, I made new friends. I will be missing them dearly as I am about to open a new chapter in [ ] There are many iOS prototyping tools out there: Briefs 2, POP, Prototypr just to name a few. The one that really struck me as the most efficient is Flinto by far. Ironically, it s the only Web-based tool amongst them. And there is nothing better out there. It will literally take minutes to create a prototype [ ] The purpose of prototyping in Xcode is to be able to create a super high fidelity flow using the exact same software that builds iOS Apps. In Xcode, there is no limit. You can embed beautiful interactions, transitions, animations and sounds to produce a true native experience. In this tutorial, I will focus on the [ ] Experimentation is a highly rewarding part of a creative process. When you execute an idea and give yourself enough room, you can come up with inspired solutions. Ask yourself: what can you design if you had no superficial rules or trends to follow; only strong design foundations? In this article, I ll share my methodologies on [ ] There has been a recent shift to Flat UI, No Interface and Hiding Navigation Menus. The basis of simplifying is good, but can be counter-intuitive if badly executed. Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. , Albert Einstein said. When a product is too simple, it can become sterile or worse, it can be [ ] This is a follow-up post to The Best Hidden Features In Sketch. After 5 months, I still find myself learning new design techniques in Sketch. It s a very mature design tool now thanks to their constant updates. Some of their features are really useful, yet not obvious and probably underutilized. With this article, I m hoping [ ] A lot of designers throw around the term pixel perfection. But what does it really mean? Googling it really didn t help. With this article, I am going to not only attempt to define it but also give clear examples on how to achieve it. I will also share design files from which you can deconstruct [ ] Working on a large project often requires you to design wireframes to communicate complex ideas before spending countless hours polishing. There are many tools for wireframing ranging from the simplistic Balsamiq to the highly collaborative Axure, which costs a fortune. Personally, I use Sketch, a powerful vector-based design tool. With features like Artboard, Linked Styles [ ] There is a common technique in fine art: painters and sculptors would take a real life model and use that as a reference to create something entirely new. While that approach is not foreign in the digital world, far too often designers would use references that have already been created and well polished. That becomes [ ] About two and a half years ago, Retina displays were introduced to the market. It was new then and only a few enjoyed those glorious pixel dense screens. To adapt, we designers didn t think too hard–we simply doubled all the pixels so that they wouldn t look blurry. Today, that technology is nearly in every hand. [ ] About a month ago, I decided to start a new discipline: write a short piece about design every day using Day One, which has a useful daily reminder. My goal was to become a better designer. It worked. I started to obsess more over my design process and made many fascinating case studies. I had [ ] I love the iPhone 5. The extra 640 176 pixels for content is very useful. But, I ve had a lot of trouble accessing the most used button of all: the back button. As a rule in user experience, when a function is this frequently used, it should be made easily accessible. 49% of mobile users use [ ] Many requested that I write a tutorial on how to get started with Sketch so here it is. Sketch is the best alternative to Photoshop and is completely focused on user interface design. I must admit that the resources for Sketch are underwhelming right now and I am on a mission to fix that. Note: [ ] This will be part a series as I m still in the middle of learning and updating my processes for Android. I used to not pay much attention to their guidelines because I considered them inconsistent and unactractive at the time, but I believe that now things have changed. I m starting to see a pattern. That s [ ] It s hard to learn a new design application. And especially when you ve already invested many years in Photoshop, Illustrator or Fireworks. Luckily, Sketch isn t hard to learn as explained in my previous articles Sketch VS Photoshop. But I ve failed to explain all the intricate features that make this gem a lot more than meets the [ ] Mobile is shaping the Web in a dramatic way. It is now more exciting than ever to design for the Web thanks to CSS3 / HTML5 and a plethora of accessible new tools like Sketch, Espresso, Slicy, xScope and frameworks like LESS, SASS, Bootstrap, Meteor etc. Today, it is a whole lot easier to get [ ] Assuming that you design your Mobile app in 2x, I know it s tempting to use automatic tools such as Slicy to create your 1x assets. But it ll be far from perfect, since you ll end up with half-pixels and that means blurry outlines. You don t want blurry pixels. Giving that extra care shows your passion as [ ] In response to many who have suggested in my blog Sketch VS Photoshop that Fireworks is a great alternative to Sketch, I decided to download it again after many years. First Impressions In the first few minutes after using the UI, I can tell why everyone has been saying that Adobe neglected this product. It [ ] It s been more than 3 months that I made the switch to Sketch after more than 12 years of Photoshop. I want to take some time to give the reasons why it has improved my design flow. It not only made me a more precise designer but it greatly improved my efficiency by focusing on [ ] When I redesigned my portfolio, I had 3 goals in mind: Update the design to be more content-focused. Make it easy to update by using simple HTML5 codes. Make it infinitely scrollable, adaptable and mobile-friendly. Here are some techniques I ve picked up along the way. Load images as you scroll When you have a lot [ ]

TAGS:To Meng UI 

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UI/UX blog about the best design practices for iOS, Android and Web from a designer with over 12 years of experience.

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