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PagesHome Travel: United StatesTravel: EuropeTravel: AsiaTravel: Cruising the Caribbean2013 Reading Challenges Monday, July 10, 2017 Alex is a SENIOR!!!Hi! I know I haven't been keeping this blog up to date, but Alex and I have continued our journey as homeschoolers. She just completed her junior year and is now a senior! For her fall semester, she will be taking a full load of 12 credit hours as dual credit classes at our local junior college.

I have done a lot of genealogy over the past few years, and have recently started learning all kinds of art techniques. I have just started an online class to learn how to create digital scrapbook pages using Photoshop Elements. This is my first page!

I hope you all continue to enjoy your homeschool journey! This path we chose has its ups and downs, but it is worth it. - Dana1 comments Thursday, December 05, 2013 Nat Turner RebellionTomorrow we will study the Nat Turner Rebellion using three online resources:

image from Wikipedia
We will read "Nat Turner's Rebellion" at a PBS site under "Brotherly Love".We will use the Stanford History Education Group's site Nat Turner lesson plan to "read like a historian". We will read and discuss parts of three documents, including Nat Tuner's "Confession". (You can view the lesson plans after registering which is free.)We will watch the short Bio video about the slave rebellion.0comments Monday, November 11, 2013 Physical Science, Module 4: WaterI am using Exploring Creation with Physical Science for Alex's 8th grade science text. I have found a few sites that are REALLY helpful with links and videos. I decided to post what I will use on my blog so I can find it easier when I go through it with Alex. But, I want to give these people credit. (Plus, they will have more on Modules 1-3 while I'm starting my blog with Module 4). The sites are:

the blog Sahm I Am!under Physical Sciencea Wiki by Mrs. Debbie Nafzgerand an Educator's Science Resources siteSo, now I'll pick and choose what I want to use for Module 4....












The sites mentioned above also have links to various experiments, cartoons, worksheets, etc. Because of the things we've already covered, I'm only going to do one with my daughter. It was created by Debbie Nafzger and is a wonderful "Chemical Formula" worksheet.2comments Thursday, November 07, 2013 Lost in India (A mission story)This week, my daughter and I watched a series by Mission India (in partnership withSonlight curriculum) called "Lost in India".This is a short,8-part video series (most videos are between 5 to 8 minutes) that also includes other activities like family devotions.My daughter and Ifound itkind of cheesy, but we really enjoyed watching these shows.

It's the story of a man, Chris, who goes to India to visit his friend, Justin. But, he gets lost. The real story, though, is how we are all lost, but Christ seeks us. And, many in India are lost. Through this mission organization, you can give a donation to help start Children's Bible Clubs. Every $1 donation allows one child to go to a club for a year.And, through next Thursday (November 14th), Sonlight will double any amount given!I encourage you to watch these videos with your family, pray for India, and give to this mission.0commentsThe Constitutional ConventionToday we will be finishing up our study on the Constitutional Convention using the following three sites:

First, we will listen to "The Constitutional Convention of 1787 for Dummies by Keith Hughes. We have watched several of his videos and I think they are great!

Then, we will play "The Constitutional Convention" at Anneburg Classrooms. (Note that when it asks you to login you push "cancel" and you will be able to play.) This game says: "Travel back to 1787 and become a delegate to the convention in Philadelphia. As the Founding Fathers struggle to decide how the young nation will be governed, explore how very different men representing their states' conflicting interests created a bicameral legislature and three branches of government."And, lastly, we will play Constitutional Convention Jeopardy at the Super Teacher Tools site for a review. You can also play this on your iPad or other non-flash device. Whichever way you play, the scoring is awkward. But, I think it is worth it for a good review game!0comments Thursday, October 10, 2013 The Constitution which webought through the Homeschool Buyer's Co-op. The first show was today, though they are recorded and you can watch them anytime throughout the school year. I highly recommend them!
We started out by reviewing the Articles of Confederation and the Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist compromise while creating the Constitution.

We started with this video about The Making of the American Constitution. You can also watch the video on this TED EDsite. It also has multiple choice questions about the video and a "Dig Deeper" section.
Next, we watched this short video titled "Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists: A Compromise."Then, we did all of the activities that were included in the CW EFT. The two major components were summarizing the 10 amendments and then reading about cases and documents and determining to which amendment they corresponded.Tomorrow, we will actually watch the presentation as we spent two hours doing these videos and activities. I found two more videos I'd like to use...
A 3-minute Guide to the Bill of Rights, which is also from TED ED and therefore also has multiple choice questions anda "Dig Deeper" section.

And, "The Bill of Rights Hand Game: US History Review" by Keith Hughes. I have watched several of his videos and really enjoy them. This particular one is to help you remember the first 10 amendments that appear most often on a particular test and Mr Hughes uses hand 'signals' to help you remember what each of them mean.

As I've been teaching Alex again this year, I'm just amazed at all of the available resources! A lot of teachers now "flip" their classrooms and you can find some wonderful videos to explain difficult concepts! 2comments Tuesday, September 03, 2013 Learning Through Movies: Nelson Mandella couldn't fly. My daughterwanted me to call a wildlife rehab place but I didn't think they would take a dove. I finally called,and they took him!

When we got there, one of the volunteers said they thought his shoulder was messed up and he'd probably hit the window. When we got home I noticed a mark on our sliding glass doors where he definitely hit the window. We have a case number and can check to see how our bird is doing in a week or so.

The rehab center also housed other animals that are permanent residents for whatever reasons. They are used for educational purposes. There were a couple of squirrels, two opossums, some snakes, reptiles, and owl and probably a few other animals. It was nice and clean, and I think Alex I will start volunteering there!!!

They have two seasons for 'baby' volunteers - September October are for baby squirrels while March through August are for baby birds. This week there is a volunteer orientation to become a baby squirrel feeder. Alex is too young to volunteer on her own, but old enough to volunteer if I accompany her. So, we're going to give it a try! It's a commitment three 4-hour shifts per month for the two months. We're excited!2comments Saturday, August 17, 2013 We're BACK!!!!!Yes, we have RETURNED to homeschooling! We homeschooled Alex from kindergarten (or from birth!) through 5th grade. During 6th 7th grade she attended a private school. But, now she's in 8th grade... we will be homeschooling again!!!

How do I feel about it? Excited! Nervous! Tired!
Our first science experiment of the yearI'm excited because I love homeschooling love learning love teaching my daughter! Also, we love the flexibility of homeschooling. We plan on traveling 'a lot', though I haven't defined that yet.

I'm nervous because this is middle school... and almost high school! I feel like I could really mess things up. But, I know we can do this do it well!

I'm tired because we started school on Thursday. Both days I was exhausted when it was over! I'm already working on some changes this morning so it won't be so hard. History is NOT working and I'm totally changing it.

Over the next week or so I'll try to share what curriculum we're using. I'm so excited to be returning to this wonderful way of life and this wonderful community!!! I've missed you all!5comments Saturday, April 13, 2013 Busch Gardens: Behind the ScenesAlex had two weeks off for Spring Break this year so we decided to spend a few days in the Tampa area. My husband flew up on Saturday night to pick us up from our cruise Sunday morning.

The Detroit Lions train in Tampa during the spring, so we went fora game that afternoon. It was St Patrick's Day and, when these guys were raking the dirt, they started dancing to YMCA!

The next day, we headed to Busch Gardens. I think we saw this cute little squirrel where we stopped to have breakfast.

They make a little feather "animal" for the cheetah to chase using feathers from the park.

At this point, she was turning around! What a stop!

And, after playing, she got to enjoy a drink... but she's ever watchful!

Alex and her dad rode a lot of rides and I rode a few, too. I love the speed setting on my camera! It got both the cheetah shots and this fast-moving roller coaster shot! They are the 3rd from the back row.

Another of their rides. Alex LOVES these rides that just keep dropping you, though she found lots of roller coasters to love at Busch Gardens!

Next, it was time for our behind-the-scenes orangutan and tiger private tour. What an incredible experience! It was just the 3 of us with a guide for 1.5 hours....

Going "behind-the-scenes" into the Orangutan House...

With the orangutans, we got to see how they train them with simple hand signals. Most of the training is so they will present various body parts for medical exams. Even a female orangutan is (if I'm remembering correctly) 4 times stronger than a human, so they really need their cooperation!

Here I am giving the signal for the orangutan to put his ear to the glass. We did these exercises with two orangutans and then got to feed them through the tube there under my elbow. We just dropped in pieces of fruit!

And here is one of the trainers with their "smartest" orangutan. He's having her present her belly where they can do things like use a stethoscope or an ultrasound! She even did a cartwheel and a handstand at Alex's command!

Next we visited the tiger house...

This tiger was working on a retrieval command. There was a large stick in the water and he was supposed to jump in and get it. He preferred using his paws to try to get it to come to the side!

And this tiger needed its blood drawn. The lady near the head was feeding "meatballs" to the tiger to keep him occupied. The two ladies at the tail were trying to draw blood from the tail... the safest place to draw from! Unfortunately, they weren't able to get any blood at this time, but they didn't want to tire the tiger so they would try again later.

And, here I am using a bouy-on-a-stick to show this tiger where to put her head. This is also a training so they can observe various parts of the tiger's body for medical purposes.

And, our last stop was to go out in public to feed the 3 tigers on display. Alex chose a white tiger and was inside the glass area. She had a little tube she would drop the meatballs into - just like we did with the orangutans. My husband had a similar set-up.

But me? I was on a bridge and had to throw the meatballs over the moat and onto a little rocky ledge where my tiger was. I'm really not a good throw, but I made it to the tiger every time!!! There were about a dozen meatballs, and on the next-to-last one, the tiger tried to catch it in his mouth. So, I decided to aim for his mouth with the last meatball... and we did it!!! He caught it in his mouth!!

When we got back to our hotel for the night, we saw this cute little guy hanging out by the trash bin.0comments Older PostsHomeSubscribe to:Posts (Atom)Dana Alex in DC, Oct 2010
About MeWelcome to my blog! I homeschooled our only daughter, Alex, for 6 years... from kindergarten through 5th grade. Then, for two years (grades 6 7) she attended a private school. This year, we're HOME again!

Besides homeschooling, I also love to read, learn, travel, run bike! If you enjoy my blog, please leave me a message! I love to hear from you!
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