WW2, Pacific War

Web Name: WW2, Pacific War

WebSite: http://www.ww2pacific.com





World War Two started almost eighty years ago -- two years and three months before Pearl Harbor, five years in Africa, and ten years in China. Events leading to U.S. entry to that war : pre-war and belligerent acts. The war in brief War in Europe began in 1939 with the invasion of Poland. After a "Phony War" of preparations Hitler invades Norway, France and the low countries. Battle of Britain ends when Luftwaffe relocates east and south to support the invasion of the Soviet Union. U-boats sink ships faster than they can be replaced. U.S. is building a two-ocean navy and supports the Royal Navy in the Western Atlantic. Japan attacks U.S., U.K., and Dutch to obtain materials to continue the conquest of East Asia conquering virtually the whole Pacific west of international dateline. Battle of Coral Sea slows the Japanese advance. Battle of Midway blunts the Japanese Navy. Invasion of Guadalcanal is first U.S. land offensive. After the Naval Battle of Guadalcanel, both Navies withdraw to rebuild. Forty-eight warships go down off Guadalcanal, 24 on each side. The Japanese withdraw. The first phase of the Pacific War is over. "Fletcher, Task Force Commander: the early days of the Pacific War"by James Bauer "The Days of Fletcher" -- Andr s Lazar s del Castillo releases here the introduction to his new book. "Los Dias de Fletcher" -- Bookstores Admiral Frank Friday Fletcher -- the first Adm Fletcher Admiral Thomas C. Hart Admiral J. O. Richardson Bauer, USN Charles Lindberg, civilian technician Corpsmen with Marines Gerald Ford Presidents Lyndon Johnson and John Kennedy were commissioned Navy officers before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford soon joined and received Navy commissions in 1942. George Bush was commissioned in June 1943 during naval flight training. James Carter graduated from Naval Academy in 1946. Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower were Army officers. Ronald Reagan was Army Air Force captain.William Clinton was draft dodger. George W. Bush was fighter pilot. Barack H. Obama has fired more cruise missiles than any other Peace Prize holder. Mussolini Italian Military ChronologyReference Section: Maps. -- overview Dud Torpedoes First UsageJet Aircraft Development - over 2,000 jets before war ended.Link to Photos -- all generationsMine WarfareAdmirals of Oct 1941Code namesCode TalkersConvoysEssays Talk : Frank Jack Fletcher and the First Year of the Pacific War. Ideas that did - and didn't - work Be Prepared. One must fight with what is on hand.Why Pearl Harbor? 2 Stories of some who were there. Stories from Readers. Rest of the Story. Basic English : international language Rabaul Historical Society - Requests info on Jap subs.Bits and PiecesFDR Conspiracy Population Mix of the USA FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - Find your ship ; your father Q and AAbout this website, books, and citation.Feedback on the book "Fletcher, Task Force Commander", companion to this website. Miscellaneous, Subsidiary Pages -about 30 pages that you might have missed. Here is My Story: I was ordered, in error, to serve on the pocket battleship Graf Spee, . . . Battle . . . Escape to Japan . . . Captured on blockade runner . . . POW #1 . . . Helmut's Story (35 pp) Helmut Ruge, 13th January 1917 -- 31th March 2009. There were other Enemy Alien Civilian Seamen during WWII, captured at sea before the U.S. was in the war, and interned for the duration,. The family listened to the news of the raid in disbelief; Valerie hadmarried a career sailor and was living in Pearl Harbor. I was almost 15 years old when the Japanese soldiers walked into Malang. From now on I was a slave for the Japanese Army." On the morning of December 7, 1941, I was eleven years old.These aremy memories of the bombing and the days that followed. - Yvonne's story. "As we approached our landing site, White Beach, our LST grounded on a sandbar some 20 yards from shore." -- Larry's story, Tami Air Field, Hollandia, DNG, 1944. "A few seconds later 'The Ghost Ship' lights were turned off and BLAMM!, heavy gunfire killed the silence, starshells were floating over the Vincennes and exploding shell fire caused the aircraft on its catapults to burst into flame !" -- Daniel's story, aboard Quincy, Savo Island, Aug 1942. "Kamikaze planes always came two at a time, low over the horizon. We had two minutes get to our guns. The planes would be in firing range for less than 20 seconds during which time you had to shoot them or they would have you." Joseph's LCS Luckiest SailorAbout this page: WW2 - Menu to World War II in the Pacific, the early years. These are some topics of interest and that seem little known or of possible help in understanding the period.Updated Sep 26, 2015 -- Start daily headlines 75 years ago.Dec 7, 2011 -- Start daily headlines 70 years ago.Dec 7, 2010 -- add Feedback on our new bookMay 25, 2010 -- add Hudson myth at Savo Island.October 25, 2009 -- add Royal Navy July 10, 2009 -- add 1939,40,41Oct 11, 2008 -- add Helmut Ruge of the Graf Spee.Contact us at URL : http://www.ww2pacific.com/ww2.html s

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Little Known Facts about the Pacific War in WW2, the early years.

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