Free Census Project (USGenWeb) - Home Page Welcome

Web Name: Free Census Project (USGenWeb) - Home Page Welcome






VolunteerWe all benefit from the work of earlier researchers. Whether their research is published in a family book or in a family group sheet that covers one of our ancestral families. Now here is a chance to leave a legacy . . . Read MoreTrying to find an idea for an Eagle Scout Project? Need hours for a service project? Join the Census Kidz project. This project is setup to help kids and teenagers wanting to transcribe a census for a project . . . Read MoreEvery transcription must have a second transcriber. Censuses are a GREAT genealogical resource, but . . . they also leave much to individual interpretation. Poor penmanship, individual style . . . Read MoreCenTrans SoftwareCenTrans was written by Bill Husler for use in the USGenWeb Archives Census Transcription Project. It is a filemaker program and is available for both Macintosh and Windows. Read MoreRemember that "transcribing," means to make an exact copy.If you have any questions about transcribing the census, you've come to the right place. Please read through the tutorial . . . Read MoreIf you would like to receive these listings in your email there is a weekly announce-only mailing list for The USGenWeb Free Census Project. This contains the current Census Additions/Updates in the last week. Read MoreWhere to get RecordsThe Census Program is unable to provide census copies at this time. As much as we would like to, we simply do not have the funds or the manpower to coordinate it . . . Read More Welcome The USGenWeb Free Census Project was founded to put all of the U.S. census records online in a standard format, where everyone can use them for research, FREE of charge. Like everything we do in the . . . Read More 1950 Census To Present According to the National Archives and Records Administration the 1950 and later censuses are not available to the public use due to a statutory 72-year restriction on access for privacy reasons. Read MoreOnline InventoryThese pages are an index to only the census transcriptions that have been completed and are online. We only have those that volunteers have submitted. If you want to volunteer, check out our state pages. Read MoreA Gift of the Past for the Future!Started in February, 1997, The USGenWeb Census Project is an all-volunteer project to transcribe census records in a standard format in order to make them available to genealogical researchers on the Internet.

TAGS:Project Census Free 

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Welcome to The USGenWeb Census Project web site. This is a free and all-volunteer project to transcribe census records in a standard format in order to make them available to genealogical researchers on the Internet. Provide links to our census transcriptions online already completed.

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