StrokesPlus - Free Mouse Gestures for Windows XP to Windows 10

Web Name: StrokesPlus - Free Mouse Gestures for Windows XP to Windows 10






This App is No Longer Maintained. Visit the Replacement at StrokesPlus.netWe all love shortcuts.Whether it's a faster route to work, pressing 0 to talk to a human being instead of listening to an automated menu, or your favorite Internet browser pinned to the Windows taskbar.StrokesPlus is a completely free mouse gesture recognition utility for Windows which allows you to create powerful mouse gestures that save you time. With rocker support, modifiers, and the robust Lua engine built right in, there's virtually no limit to what you can automate.Traditionally, you begin a mouse gesture by holding down the right mouse button and drawing something, like the letter R for example, then release the right mouse button. This triggers the application to process your drawing and perform the specified action. The most common actions are maximizing/minimizing windows, navigating back/forward, or automated logging into a certain website. However, StrokesPlus takes it to the next level, giving you ultimate control over exactly what happens when your action executes.StrokesPlus In Action: Demo By Duncan [YouTube Channel] Native code; no frameworks or runtime dependencies (uses very little RAM) Built-in Lua processor Endless gesture and modifier combinations Granular control over program settings and actions Many time-saving functions exposed to the Lua engine Create global hotkeys for actions without using the mouse Scripting experience is very helpful Decent graphics hardware, unless you disable drawing gesture lines

TAGS:Mouse Gestures StrokesPlus 

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The free, powerful, and lean mouse gesture program for Windows XP to Windows 10, available in 32-bit and 64-bit.

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