
More Solutions Ltd designs, develops and integrates a complete suite of innovative lighting and heating control solutions for modern home and commercial automation.

In todays fast changing social, political and economic environment, successful businesses face many challenges in maintaining a competitive edge whilst driving cost efficiencies and responding to growing corporate regulatory demands.

More Solutions prides itself on the ability to provide dynamic, flexible and often ground breaking solutions to meet client’s needs across a wide variety of industries both large and small.

Innovative Lighting  Energy Solutions

More Solutions has helped clients to cut costs, understand and better manage their own power and energy consumption and offer innovative, previously unavailable options for business requirements in remote locations or by retro fitting buildings.

Through ongoing innovations, More Solutions continues to define energy saving home automation solutions for both residential and commercial applications.

Central to More Solutions success is the ability to offer impartial advice and the ability to customise systems and applications according to the client’s specific needs. These range from off the shelf packages and integrated systems to wholly customised ones. In addition, More Solutions goes a step further than other suppliers by “future proofing” solutions developed and integrated for its customers.

To find out about innovative lighting and energy management solutions and discuss how More Solutions can help your business, feel free to contact the office on: 0344 251 1450

Company VAT Number: 806247047