Opus Dei - Saint Josemaría

Web Name: Opus Dei - Saint Josemaría

WebSite: http://www.josemariaescriva.info





Who Was He?06/30/2010This 7-minute video describes the life of Saint Josemaría Escrivá, who spread the call to holiness in daily life and was called the "saint of the ordinary" by John Paul II. "We have to be contemplative souls in the middle of the world, who strive to turn our work into prayer," he often said. "Married people, single people, workers, intellectuals, farmers... right where they are can and should be good children of God." NewsSeven Sorrows of Our LadySeptember 15th is the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows....Letters (I): New Volume in the Complete WorksA new volume in the Complete Works of Saint Josemaria has...CelibacyWhat is celibacy? How did it arise in the Church? Who lives...Saint Josemaria's Devotion to the Holy CrossFor the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on 14...Spiritual ReadingWhat is spiritual reading and what does it aim to achieve?...Serenading Our Lady of GuadalupeAfter his stay of 40 days in Mexico in 1970, the hour came...Saint Josemaria in action PlayThe Message of Saint JosemariaA documentary about Opus Dei's message and its founder....Play"The Heart of Work": Saint Josemaria's VisionA short video with selections from Saint Josemaria's...PlaySt. Josemaria: Freedom for our ChildrenSt. Josemaría always spoke a lot about freedom: granting it,...Play“Jesus, here is John the Milkman”When St. Josemaria was a young parish priest, there was a...PlayThe Saint of Ordinary Life: October 6, 2002A 23-minute video by Alberto Michelini with highlights from...PlayCalled to be saintsOpus Dei helps to find Christ in the work, the family and in...More videos of Saint JosemariaeScrivaLite: an App to pray about each day's Gospel12/27/2018This free App enables Saint Josemaría’s writings to lead you into the Gospel passage of today’s Mass, every day. The author of the App explains what led her to produce it and how it works.Books by St JosemariaThe WayRead these counsels slowly. Pause to meditate on these...FurrowIn a note to a 1950 edition of The Way, Saint Josemaría...The ForgeThis book, a compilation of spiritual annotations of...Friends of GodA canticle to ordinary life, addressed to ordinary...Christ is Passing ByAn audio version of "Christ's Death is the Christian's...Holy RosaryOne December morning in 1931, Fr. Josemaría dashed off this...His ImpactThe Splendor of Charity: St. Josemaría’s LegacyPope's Letter to Young People of UNIVScott Hahn: Sacred Scripture in the Writings of Saint JosemariaPope Francis & Saint Josemaria: True Friendship is DeepPlaySmyczek: "I carry 'The Way' and 'The Forge' around with me"PlayCardinal Dolan on June 26th: "All of us are called to holiness"Ratzinger: Letting God WorkO'Malley: "The vocation of the saints changes history"Message of the day“We see in work... a sign of God’s Love”You say it helps you a lot to wonder how many businessmen have become saints since the time of the early Christians. And you want to show that it is also possible today. The Lord will not abandon you in that effort. (Furrow, 490)What I have always taught, over the last forty years, is that a Christian should do all honest human work, be it intellectual or manual, with the greatest perfection possible: with human perfection (professional competence) and with Christian perfection (for love of God’s Will and as a service to mankind). Human work done in this manner, no matter how ...Full textWeekly texts"Be faithful in the service of God"Second Luminous Mystery: The Wedding Feast at Cana“Seeking him, finding him, getting to know him, loving him”“Mary, teacher of the sacrifice that is hidden!”“The Cross, the Holy Cross, is heavy”“The great Friend who never lets you down”Receive messages by e-mailIf you wish to subscribe to receive our messages of Saint Josemaria please specify your email address.dailyweeklyemail To comply with the Data Protection General Regulation, we inform you that the Prelature of Opus Dei is responsible for the processing of the personal data you are going to provide. The purpose of the processing is to communicate the information and send the required subscriptions, based on the explicit and unambiguous consent of the data subject to process, communicate, transfer and if applicable transfer internationally the necessary personal data.You will be able to exercise your data protection rights in writing, with copy of official identification document addressed to the Prelatura del Opus Dei, Calle Diego de León 14, 28006 - Madrid (Madrid - España) or by email to dpo@opusdei.org. More information in the privacy policy.

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Opus Dei is part of the Catholic Church. The name is Latin for “Work of God”. Opus Dei’s mission is to spread the Christian message that every person is called to holiness and that every honest work can be sanctified.

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