Gun Shows Today — Everything Gun Shows™

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Welcome to Gun Shows Today Gun Shows Today (GST) is the #1 resource for gun show information across the United States. As the voice of the industry, Gun Shows Today provides everything you would ever want to know about 2020 gun shows in your state. Find complete and accurate information about 2020 gun show dates/schedules, show locations, venues, ticket pricing, promoter and exhibitor information and much more. Signup for our free gun show 2020 schedule update to receive emails about upcoming gun shows in your area.What is your Gun Law IQ? Test your level of knowledge about federal and state gun laws across the United States. Click here to start the test.Click here for a complete schedule of U.S. 2020 Gun Shows. Gun sales increased at the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States, and by a lot. In fact, gun sales went up by 85% in March of 2020 over March 2019. They began to rise in February, and didn’t stop there.There are a variety of reasons why this happens. Some are speculative and others can be proven, but either way, they all make a lot of sense. We’re all unsure of what’s going to happen moving forward, but one thing is for sure. We want to be prepared for anything.Political UnrestOne of the main reasons gun shops see an increase in gun sales is due to economic Read More >> Filed Under: 2nd Amendment Rights, Jay Chambers Tagged With: Jay Chambers, Product Reviews, zip stitch Nothing is scarier than injuring yourself during a hunting trip. Let’s say that you injure yourself at home and you need stitches: you go to the doctor, they apply those stitches, and you’re good to go. You’re all “stitched up” and you are ready to heal.Now, if that happens in the wild, you only have yourself to turn to. You’ll be staring at an open wound, completely aware that it’s going to leave a horrible scar. You will also know full well that every predator close to you will probably smell that entire bloody situation happening – which is why you need to close the Read More >> Filed Under: Jay Chambers, Product Reviews Tagged With: Jay Chambers, Product Reviews, zip stitch Should you buy a gun? There are plenty of anti-gun people who will tell you that owning a gun is wrong. But is it? For starters owning a firearm is a constitutional right guaranteed by the second amendment act of our constitution.The first president of our great nation, George Washington, stated that the only thing more important than firearms was the constitution itself. With that being said, what are the main reasons why you should own a gun? The market for 9mm pistols has a variety of high-quality options to choose from. This often makes it hard for specific models to stand out. However, Smith and Wesson’s M P series has been standing out since its introduction to the market in 2005. It has since become a favorite of police departments and firearms enthusiasts alike.What’s New With the 2.0?An updated version of S W’s modern classic, the M P9 2.0, was released in 2017. The new model brought a number of upgrades to the table.While the M P9 was mostly loved by its owners, the trigger of the previous Read More >> Filed Under: Concealed Carry, Jay Chambers, Product Reviews Tagged With: Concealed Carrry, Jay Chambers, Product Reviews In Buddism hell doesn't exist as a "place" - it's created by individuals, actions, thoughts, and words---a consequence of life for which each individual is accountable.Other faith-based believes notwithstanding---that is also true here on earth, not of the "hell" as depicted in scripture but those places we find ourselves where we don't want to be.I was at lunch at a chain Italian restaurant with a group of ladies from a volunteer group.   One of them was NOT having a good day, and when our very young waiter came by and asked how we were doing she said, quite boisterously  "We're all Read More >> Filed Under: 2nd Amendment Rights, LB Johnson Tagged With: 2nd amendment rights, LB Johnson The .22 Long Rifle cartridge is roughly 160 years old – the first batch of this type of ammunition was manufactured in 1858. It is, as some of you may know, the most common ammunition in the world nowadays when it comes to units sold.This particular cartridge is a long-established variation of the .22 caliber rimfire ammo. It is known, as mentioned, as the .22 Long Rifle or as the .22 LR – under 5.6x15mmR metric designation.What makes the .22 LR unique is the fact that it can be used in a wide range of one-bore firearms – namely rifles, revolvers, pistols, submachine guns, and Read More >> Filed Under: Jay Chambers Tagged With: Jay Chambers Several years back, not long after I got my first Concealed Carry Certificate I made my first long road trip in my truck with my 1911 in a holster on my hip. I carry because I'm often a woman traveling alone in dark places and because I support the Second Amendment.Secondary Sidebar Widget AreaThis is the Secondary Sidebar Widget Area. You can add content to this area by visiting your Widgets Panel and adding new widgets to this area.

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Gun Shows Today (GST) is the complete reference for gun show information across the United States. As the voice of the industry, Gun Shows Today provides everything you would ever want to know about gun shows in your state.

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