publishers world record book of jobs creation

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Which 30 educational and economic partnerships most empower a billion women to end extreme poverty, and value their childrens sustainability? Fortunately for those caring about sustainability 2020s, we can map this by around partners and alumni of 50 years of servant leadership by fazle abed 1970-2019 together with legacy specifications mapped through his final decade

Viewed from 1970, Increasing life expectancy from 25 years below to average helped gravitate development economics worlds most trusted partnership hence sustainability last mile service markets

3) last mile health
2) agriculture for village food security

4)non-linear livelihood education
5) timing what platforms partners could facilitate entrepreneurial revolution not not just inclusive community but cooperation in full and meaningful entrepreneurial employment

financial entreprenurial revolution for nation's people history excluded from machine age

Saturday, November 20, 2021

welcome to mediated by diaspora scots -especially those with connections to galsgow university where the era of engines and humans began in the 1760s

our 1984 future history

explored the valuation and transformation of education - as the only way sustainability goals could be generated- in other word the only way parents of millennials could help them be the first generation that is not accelerating extinction of our species

our book drew on the first 140 years of the economist mediating 2 goals

end hunger -particularly of mothers and infants- children under 1000 days can be both physically and mentally stunted by lack of nutrition and hydration

end systemic poverty- by which we mean wherever the next child is born sustainability will depend on her community being a thriving place to be- supporting her parents if they cannot cope

big news - from being one of the worst places for poorest 3 to 5 year olds the usa is committing 400 bilion dolars to be a good place - where can it learn from

we have many other questions over the last 40 years by different age groups- help us explore which places - eg singapore have benchmark solutions for all ages and which have unique solutions for particular youth connecting sdgs including microfranchise designs celebrating adult collaboration entrepreneurial livelihoods from community to community- glasgow alumnus fazle abed (about 200 yeers into moral sentiments studies started by adma smith 1758) is the greatest educator we have ever met invitong collaborations at every age - see - we welcome your nominations pf servant leaders who in their own places are as exciting to be an alumni of as fazle abed - 2020s crises eg clamate, health, ever accelerating refugees due to wars show that we need all your nominations

No comments: who's helping american parents/communities desifn earl learning

eg bezos family foundation

No comments: Saturday, October 30, 2021 hard times at tal - but one of edutech deepest networks

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every country needs to analyse the continuity of its youth development system age 0 t starting work or apprenticeships - see this hkk program - no more drop outs

technology can be the solution - today every child could have their digital dashboard of skills already mastered - this is far more relevant tna paper certificates; digital models can be blockchained so that a student gets advice on what to practice next if they want to do particular types of work; this youth intelligence becomes ever more sustainable the less silos ot has

sadly english speaking education system s- the worst is usa - are designed eactly the opposite way round - 50 years ago maybe there was a sense to forcing total disruption to a chlds learning journey afet 5th grade about 11 and again at 8th grade at 14 - and of course families themselves move around but this is all the more reason why a childs dashboard needs personal ownership

2020s technolgies make all of this chnage so simple; dont listen to politicians who blame other counytries as competitors; plolitocains who dondt serve the childs human development member of first d generation are the problem as are discrepancies in community safety caused by a hierarchy of politics which is about adminstering people not servinng them- if you dare find out how totally broken us education is start with eg jegfferesns children written 20 yeras ago which expalisn how america hates/feras 14-17 yeear olds instead of nurtut=ring them deeply just at the age when most need apprenticeships in community not dropoing out and not endless examination - if you really care about the futire of the younger half of americans I am always at - to help with custmised diagnosis of whom a particylar state or county is most droppoing ourt- if you come from anywhere that values its younger half as the first sdg generation help compile teh catalogue below- part of 40 yeras work since we first published with The Economist in 1984

to start with through the 2020s wherever you encounter a big organsiation get ready to questuion it construbution to Envoronment, Society Goverment - whatever your relationship with the organsiation it is upn to you to minimise your relationshop with the organsiation if its esg does not feel right

why are these 10 curricula not common

financial literacy - this can be done from 2nd grade up (eg as soon as kids count); it is by those who co-create aflatounn curriculum which began in an indian orpanage

girls health from 10 ten up- ythe lancet has being arguing for this for years; the best way of doing this is micing ages 10 up and faciltating peer to peer

boys health 10 up is relevant too but not qute as urgent

nursing curricula - every teen should have at least one action learning apprenticeship - at the momemt many high schools only offer sports or theoeertical exams but most things from music to coding are mastered by practice- of course if health ws a peer to per curriculum those wh wanted to go into nursing or first aid could do so- in most of the world it is now realisee that instead of training a nuese to be expert in everything - most practices invlve specific training - any country without enough last mile health workers can first sort this ourt

there are curriculum which ae not offered because teachers need retraining first - it makes zero sense for any high school to have less than a third of teachers with time to question what is tech about to change- in the 2020s this quesrion is 10 times more important than ever before - unless enouh teachers can do this there willo be bo sustainability generation


fortunately smart approaces to adult refugees are now incorporatig learning passports - gdigital translation betwee curriculum co=ompetence in country of origin and new host country; in many cases it should take less than a year to convert any graduate

hifgly innovative subjects inclusing many on ending carbon are best offered with one world class free digital content web backed up by local mentors; it is rime to end thousands of professors teaching minor variants oif teh same subject often made to look distinctive with totally unecessary extra jargon


lets taka breank andask if ending povert means wherever the next girl is born she has a good chance at like - suely we can join in the worldwide movement demanding early childhood schooling everywhere; if you look at which counbtriesvre massively scaling earlycho=ilhood the goon news is expesive formats are seldom better thn low cst ones- the key criera is bond of love betwn teacher and kids

rhe great news drom adrica is thafed having issuedsecondarygrants for nearly a million kids oc=ver last 30 years now hasan acrive alumni club of 200000adults - a laefe number of whom are teachers;

it isincredible- you can go all through school a i sis witjout any practice in charinig meetings or co-crearive brainstorming- i recoomend scools seriously adopt for at least a dew days a year

viriual educarion baeds go narurally with dashboards where the learnen can ttak back what she has already accomplished as well as not

every child shouldhave access ro love rgy sel reaining- tokyos current mayor says she only woke up at school when a lessonon zen empwwred her


transpatency note - in 1984 i co-authored 2-25 report- we argued tech could change education - for example once ever student had a smart phone students should be empowered to interview their teachers ar least as much as be taught parrot fashion - fdortnately one new zealand cluster of schools led the edge on this - while their impact on new zealnand may have been small except in their home community - their book became a best seller in china selling 10 million copies - chinese politicians took up the challenge ; if yiu read my fthers1977 economnist survey you will see how adaptible the chinese mase ther education system as sustanability's primry orentsl challenge bravo- chine

No comments: Friday, July 23, 2021 FRANCISCAN MISIIONARIES SERVE COMMUNITIES LOVE AND TRUST BY ZOOMING IN PREFERENTIAL OPTION POOR LEADERS NETWORKSFAZLE ABED MADE POP 6 DIMENSIONALPOP -poverty sdg1PWP for womens worldPYP for youths worldPCP for climate worldPAIP for artificial intel to serve human not vice versaPinfraP an infrastructure world connecting every human life
FAZLE ABED WENT BEYOND SDG5 INCLUSIVITY - in any community he heled design over 50 years he demanded the cooperation of one and all in 100% productivity, sustainability and resiliency

futures of abed alumi prevent greenwashing of 17 sdg ppp by triangularisepop pwp pyp pcp paip pinfrap

example of pcp whose bringing world class pilots to villages eg p4p
No comments: Tuesday, April 20, 2021

hunicorns - startup networks critical to species sustainable- never to be exited!

contents dedicated to legacy of fazle abed and urgent value multiplying sdg-action knowhow he shared -and prepped to end viruses and celebrate 2020s girlpower

HU01 100k villager network startup with 1/500 nation; hu100 university collaboration of 1/500 worldwide graduate collaboration alumni

health hunicorns

finance hunicorns

education hunicorns

food/water security hunicorns

resilient communityh unicorms

HU01 Abed's first HUNIcorn-100000 villagers field lab connected by 16000 homes brac and village refugees built 1972 HU100 Abed's legacy hunicorn invitation- connect action networks 100 university alumni of the first sdg generation -humanise global village data at heart of 2020s tech life critical leapsNo comments: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 HUNICORNS EDUCATION

Although the world's great education laureates - wise. yidan - value fazle abed almost entirely for under 12s education it is woth noting:

1 almost all of brac's 100000 village staff are professioal trainers of livelihood skills

2 whilst abed's primary and early childhood schools are the largest non gov system primary only started to be a huge offering for brac after village mothers microfrancises in health and food security and village banking was reaching across the village nation

3 for brac livelihood education seeks to gow happiness and confidence communally across children - making sure they cn pass state exams is included but its not what makes brac schools different\

these are the main education hunicpors abed gave rthe world - we include his legacy wish colaition of new univetsities




early childhood

teenage jobs clubs

lifelong traiing next leaps


in this thread we brainstorm the new univrersity coalition

why a university directly from abed but the full compass can only be draw from what all brac's most sustainable partners including girls themselves recall of his brainstorming with them
!) around 1999 abed was shown evidence that universities are the main organisation typology to last across generation - if you have knowhow to share for sustaining humans across millennium 3, linkin university partners
2) around 2000 steve jobs wife challenged abed at a private dinner- you have knowhow that can help the world- why are you only working in bangladesh - so the university also became abed's way of debating who wanted to sustain worldwide partnerships with him - we know for example that
3) between 2000-2006 both billionnaire foundations gates and soros, and health servant extraordinaire jim kim wanted to co-brand health networks to end poverty - indeed the first school of brac university = james grant school of public health which connects how village women built rural health service in bangladesh and partnerships with chinese villagers and globally with james grant unicef missions starting with hu- oral rehydration , and vaccination and other keys to raising life expectancy from forties to 50s; by the time gates kim, soros joined in they wanted abed's villagers can end tubercoluisis and helped bush form the global health fund persuading the global health community that hiv and tuberculosis needed joint solutions
4) we know that abed sold the innovation courage - emotional intelligence of national university - to bangladesh's national politicians as searching for knowledge that future public servants world need; abed sought never to compete with the tole of private public constitutions but to triangularise what girls and youth futures intergenerational purposes could advance- it is vital to understand that abed took a different view to the leapfrog technologies like mobile and solar that bangladesh from late 1990s emerged as poorest nation to attract end poverty partners - how would the processes of brac partners change over abed's last 20 years on earth was his legacy question- and he kept on questioning possibilities for each of the 4 most visible golashealthfinance to end povertyfood-water securityeducation at every age grade and as a life long livelihood stream of connecting generations so that youth could do for sustainability innovation what his geneartion had not been able to do
so lets take a break from brainstorming what hu100 -partership legacy of global university of poverty can do - and catalogue the hunicors of health, education, food, povrty-financing- particularoy from the viewpoint of lead partners and worldwide compasses not just bangladesh........
part 2 so what can hu100 university partnerships do
they can ask how will education need to transform - importantly in places where youth are going to double and teachers themselves are going to have difficulty in keeping up- either as ic case of medinie in bamngfladesh as thetre are too few experts or becuase tech is changing the leading edge of what to know so fast that every 5 years leading edge expertise changes
what could brac bring that the world's top universities could not - abed preferred not to describe this in terms of his unique knowhow- the two simplest ideas: 1 every undergraduate does a village project; every best partner of brac connects alumni of brac university with alumni of other universities that partner celebrates
in abeds last decade, the future of university collaborations became abeds favorite conversation wherever he met ambassadors; where trust existed he would ask the ambassador to brainstorm how youth as the sutainability generatioon would need to help solve whatever was that nation's biggest weakness in sdg collaboration - be that climate, trust at borders, health, jobs that value youth, as well as humanising technology - if you like at what the un is zooming around #aiforgood applied to every un operational arm's connections with the sdgs- abed would have asked how can alumni of brac university connect with other alumni; abed knew which countries he had longest conversations with - eg china, uk, japan, netherlands so he started these debates as early as 2011 with their ambassadors - you will need at least one new ujiversity thats collaboratively wotld class per 50 million -thats eg one in netherlands, two in uk, 4 in hapan, 25 in china- these universities must be free to let their students become alumni of each other in resolving the deepest collaboation challenged - whilst debating these sorts of challenges with representatives of places futurrews, abed kept on asking his best partners who had made their money from business- what their own futiure of universiyty partnerships looked like
abed also framed how he hoped people would value not just his core role as world's most joyful agent of empowering poorest women to end poverty but how nations that love fa,ilies also avoid the middle income trap; he said look around asia- which countries have avoided that trap- look atvthe universities of singpapore and korea as two outstanding benchmarks
No comments: Older PostsHomeSubscribe to:Posts (Atom)......................................timing.the age of humans and machines dd not begin to 1760s scotland- until then most people did not move more than 15 miles from place of birth unless they lived near water; there was one exception that had emegerged in the old world ; it was an overland market relay connecting the 2 greates bay areas of the old old world-to the west the med sea the bay that connected asia to the 2 other known continents europe to the north and africa to the south
the great bay area that mainly tranversed from the islabnd of japan to the coastlines of korea and china as far as the place we now call shanghai and down the river to hangzhou- marco polo had called hangzhou the town with the greatest range of marketing goods he had ever seen; it was at the intersection of 3 trading routes; an inland canal up to beijing; where the overland silk road ended an transferred produce to boats which then salid up the river to the great bay..first 7 year report on brac posted 1979: village women are learning to read write: they are finding out about the causes of poverty and disease around them
they are teaching one another about farming and weaving, health and medicines; they are assuming public roles of leadership and management
for the first time in their history; they are contributing to local economic development through successful production cooperatives; it is hard in the West to imagine the drama involved in such profound changes fazle abed: 2025report

in the wstst, 1962 the economist-my father started debates of how different asian future capitalism would need to be to sustain two thirds of humans who are asian versus the white empire capitalismthat had monolposied advantages of trhe first 185 years of humans and machines -if we take the g8 as yarstick ofpowerful mid 20th century nations- seven are white representing about 15% of people ethnically; japan had sadly followed the white empire pattern until defeat inworld war 2 and was now looking to design wi-in trades with asians; over the next 15 years my father clarified the 2 asian capitalism models as rural keynesianism which abed/bandgladesh women beccame purest benchmar of; coastal belt caqpitalism which jpapan the korea the diaspora chinese in taiwan hk singapore led until china asked japan to share its borlaug/quality engineerind knowhow in late 1970s; it was after 1976 that china transformed businesses from just state owned ones include secondly village owned ones; 3rd billion dollar inward investments from the diaspora mainly in supercoty infrastructure incluing world class ports and trains
related collaborations girlsworldbank part 2
50 YEAR SEARCH FOR HumansAI top 100 hUNIcorns (networks that never exit life-dev purpose) - from 100000 village to first 50 new universities who share sdg alumni- also current top 10 at abed 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 dedicates freedom happiness of rural keynesianism TO chinese barefoot medics since 1970, all women under 30- quarter of humans- 90% of sustainability solutions......................WHICH ORBITAL GOALS INTEGRATE YOUR HUMAN DEV NETWORK ?

hU01 when fazle abed first built 16000 homes for
100,000 villagers he did not realise that over the
next 50 years this would become the deep data lab for
microfranchise solution partnering in helping empower
village women build the rural nation of bangladesh and
that chinese village women needing similar solutions
would incorporate social business capitalism into china's
rural keynesianism- all told 1 billion asians would not
have improved health, ended famine, become the world's -celebrated greatest education leaps with the least resources without resilient
safe community building -more on hu01Are you influencing your city's green collaboratory events? - example among 40 in-network collaboration cafe cities new yorkers helped mediate this 2009 while americans were free to celebrate green millennials.BBCGREEN Bangla5000 selections 2021-2000
21 lbs- africa's turn +hunicorn100 hughes
21-health equity:LBS: -cf AI 18..19..20..21
19 50 years building number 1 ngo collab with abed bhai.. GATES __NotesU-saving lives
13 khan asks musk- did your college plan include taking over NASA
03 bezos - gold rush or next electricityover 50 million Chinese died of famine by mid 1960s so by 1968 chinese village parents began Goals1-4 search; bangladesh joined in by 1972- its bangladesh story we have spent 10 years researching ... already by 1960s japanese koreans and chinese diaspora had the money and the motivation to help all asia rise...Friday, April 16, 2021 For some engineers, building 16000 homes at 5 dollars each housing total of 100000 people might have been miracle enough but then abed saw 16000 village mothers and 60000 kids starving or dying of diseases like diarrhea- so he designed microfranchise businesses for women to be the village food security and basic health servants - and two american chinese missioaries said can we swap some of your village micrfranchises (we need oral rehydration) with those in village china;
and then james grant of unicef said why not replicate your village solutions all across bangladesh, and is there something extra unicef can do for you - abed said can you arrange for the government to vaccinate half of bangadesh while our village networks do the other half. and so a blend of bottom up disater relief and sustainable micrfranchises became the world's largest ngo partnership- and all the while bottom up hunicorns networks had no taxes or traditional top down aid- empowerment is a very different way of nation building- and across the two thirds of humans who are asians - women just did it whereve extreme poverty was ended
hu01 - resilient community hu02 oral rehydration -nation wide moters traininghuo3 -last mile hrlth service franchise - one village women weekly door t door 300 homes selling basic non-prescrition drugs and being mothers source of health newshu04 - 5 times more productive village rice production...zzzmapping 6 ways youthand families can exponentially sustain increasing productivity by making every community a thriving place to grow up in
systems crisis: while each of the 6 ways offers growth beyond the reality let alone imagination of what is possible without access to the new way, if we exclude some peoples lives from access to the new way then we will lose sustainability of our species- example by 1939 we'd reached world war 2; the root cause was slavery, treating huge populations of people as underclasses with no access to electricity grids or other win-win uses of ir1 and ir2; it took us 180 years for first machines glasgow 1760s to get into this worldwide collapse; the mathematician von neumann worked feverishly for 12 years to deliver ways out of this mees ir3, ir4; within 2 years of his death in 1957, jfk had declared moon landing was possible; ai labs stuying the ultimate consequences of ir3,ir4 had been twinned out of staford facing asia pacific, out of mit boston facing the old world- the 7 white of the big g8 empires whose 12% of people had colonised most of plant earth as if the majority of peoples lives did not matter including the two thirds who are asian and in america those whose skin colors had beem slaves; within 4 years of stanfords ai lab intel had such a huge order from a japan calculator manufacturer replacing slide rulers that the programable chip was invented so as not to be beholden to one client; and gordon moore declared his aluni would multiply 100 times more comp and coms (ir2.1) power every decade to 2020s when chips would rival switching powers of human brains- and computers could run real time platforms previously requiring manual government . So getting ir3, ir4 exponentially right -for every next child born -notably goals 1-6 as basics for life and natural diversity let alone futureoflife- had 75 years to tik tok from birth of the united nations.
0 agriculture
*ir1 = energy machines -engines delivering thousands then millions time more horsepower and infrastructure both transportation and pipelines -eg electricity, fuel, water enabled big cities to emerge as most peoples
*ir2 telecommunicating machines eg telegraph telephone radio television satellite mobile
* ir3 computing tools for human productivity beyond slide rules and paper reporting
*ir4 AI= Artificial Intelwhen computers taking over governing real time platforms
*society 5.0 gravitating livesmatter where every society next child is born in is a great place to grow up because it maximisse peace, culture, natural diversity win-wins including healthy connections with other places

inspired by fazle abed we are searching for HUNIcorns- global village sustainability solution networks too vital to exit
HUNI0 is where sir fazle aded started up global uni of poverty 50 years ago with a field lab of 100000 poorest villagersHUNI100 - is the legacy - abed brac university which he started branstorming partners around 1999 - to celebrate both a new millennium and his 4th, 5th decades of end poverty networking
we see 5 action compasses of unicorns as gravitationally core to the bottom-up servant leaders maps designed by abed and partners who turned brac into the world's largrst and deepest ngo networl:last mile health servant unicornsending poverty with financial unicornsending hunger with food/warter security unicornslifelong livelihood education unicorns for all agesresiliemnt/safe social spaces so next child born anywhere has good chance to thrive
About Mechris macraechrismacrae.comyoutube washington dc email linkedin 9500 skype chrismacraedc co-author with The Economist's Norman Macrae 1984's 2025Report - 40 years to transform education and save our speciesView my complete profileBlog Archive 2021(7) November(2)welcome to mediated by dias...whos helping american parents/communities desifn ... October(2) July(1) April(1) March(1) 2020(1) December(1) 2015(4) September(1) May(3) 1972(1) December(1) 1970(2) December(1) May(1)
where can we expand seaRch for HUNIcorns rsvp


DEFINITION : Hunicorn starts ups that become so valuable that they are never exited -instead they scale massive advances in human sustainability

Diaspora Alumni of adam smith and james watt have searched for 260 years : where is the age of humans and machines valuing -open sourcing- all lives matter across generations rising exponentials

So we might hope cop26 advances some unicorns if Glasgow 260 is humanitys last best chance

Where we have found unicorns to date

7 wonders of fazle abed his first and his legacy unicorn- five more in between his total knowhow partnerships goals 1 2 3 4 and missing goal girls and lives matter infrastructure maps

Deepest partners of fazle abed

Humanities alumni of von neumann eg scholarship networks of the 2 original ai labs at mit and stanford

AI applied to operational arms of un and sdgs

National originated oddities

eg duke of edinburghs award scheme;

Research Networks of non-taxed expat communities of dubai

Missing curricula of lifelong livelihood learning eg ai as a curriculum of 3rd grade up teachers in korea and singapore

Irish diaspora of smith eg kennedys missing curriculum of developing two thirds of the world co-launched with the economist in 1962 and identified 2 curricula -poorest rural keynes; supercities integrations of sme value chains 1977

Where advancing 5g was nations number 1 eg ericckson/samsung gift to world -open standard of 7.5 billion people gov 2.0 platforms for sdgs

Where public servant networks excluded covid virus eg taiwan

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