Anxiety central - Support Community Chat Room

Web Name: Anxiety central - Support Community Chat Room






Share your experiences or read others experiences with treatments for their anxiety disorder(s) Participate in or read about ongoing research studies and trials on Anxiety Disorders Discussion of Phobias. A phobia is a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object (spiders, snakes, etc) or situation (crowds, open spaces, etc). Accompanying this fear is a strong desire to avoid the object or situation. Anxiety about a perceived defect in one's appearance. Such as - Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Compulsive Eating, Binge Eating For the discussion of Disorders secondary to Anxiety Disorders. Possible triggers. Questions and stories about therapy (whether one-on-one, in a group, in-person, or online). Have any books helped you? Or web links? Workouts, Yoga, Jogging, Sports. Nutrition. All things getting and or staying fit. Discuss how anxiety and mental health is portrayed in the media and viewed by the public. A place to discuss religious topics and spirituality. Please be mindful to respect each others beliefs. This is a support section and NOT for debate. Football, all kinds, Rugby, Hockey, Tennis, Basketball, Baseball. Whatever is your game, whoever is your team this is the place to moan, groan, celebrate or argue.Mental Health Articles Resources including - Friends of Anxiety Central Printable Worksheets For Anxiety, Bipolar Disorders, Sleep Disorders Health AnxietyPosts you should read but may have missed. Important, inspiring, informative or unmissable posts from our Community Forums.Member Blogs - Want to keep a record of your anxiety journey? Have somwhere to keep notes, share success or just vent? Why not write your own blog? + Read other member blogs, leave comments etc Armpit bigger than other. By V8437 Posted 2 hours ago My HA is spiralling this week, I'm just looking hopefully for some reassurance, please don't mention any scare stories etc I cant deal with it!. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so I knowni need to be checked. I'm worried about my armpit. There's no actual lump, my armpit where you shave seems to stick out more than my other armpit it just feels to me like my muscle is bigger or in a different place in that arm to my other, the thing is I'm about 90% sure its always been like this purely because I remember thinking how easy that one is to shave but because I'm a complete fruit loop everything is getting out of proportion. I'm hoping other people have the same as me just to calm me down a bit? I had an ultrasound on that exact area and breast two years ago and I also had a manual exam by my GP exactly 1 year ago too. Thank you. I haven’t posted here in quite a while! A few years ago you all were so helpful when I was going through a really tough time. I ended up going on Zoloft and that really helped me so I kinda fell off the board so as not to focus on anything negative. But I have since weaned off my Zoloft about 3 months ago and here I am again. Struggling and trying to do this without immediately going back on meds. Wanting to do this naturally and wanting to find the root cause.  Anyway, in my frantic-ness to try to find something to feel better, I bought “The Mood Cure” by Julia Ross. It’s a great book and I definitely think it has some great potential treatments for those of us with anxiety. When reading her book, I realized I’m very low in serotonin (or so it seems) and she recommends a few different amino acids or supplements for boosting serotonin. I tried 5-HTP briefly but didn’t have the right dosage she recommended in the book and for some reason I’ve heard mixed reviews about 5-htp. So I went with the second option of taking l-tryptophan, which also coverts to serotonin. So yesterday I took about 2000 mg of l-tryptophan and today I took 3000. And honestly it did help my mood and anxiety some, HOWEVER, last night and then again today I noticed some tingling in my hands. And also I’m getting the occasional PVC tonight. And of course- googling- I notice that some of these symptoms can be from a rare serious side effect. This was mostly prevalent in 1989 after a tainted batch of l-tryptophan came from Japan. I believe about 37 people died. Afterwards, they banned l-tryptophan but it later came back in the market when they relaxed some of the standards  and oversight for natural supplements. But it’s still a possibility. From what I’ve read, it seems like most people who got the condition were taking the supplement for months at high doses and developed some pretty severe symptoms. Way more than my little tingling. But of course now I’m worried a bit even though I don’t plan on taking it anymore. That said, it sucks because I feel like it might have been working for me, especially after another week or two. So I suppose I could try 5-htp or St Johns Wort at some point. If anyone has experience with these please let me know! Anyway, if anyone read that and wants to reassure me that I’m not having a serious rare side effect and that I’ll be fine and that I WILL find a supplement that works for me that would be amazing

TAGS:Support central Anxiety 

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