Imam Al-Khoei Foundation, New York

Web Name: Imam Al-Khoei Foundation, New York






Hare the reward of the Ziarah of Imam Hussein A.S. by donating.Your donations will be used to provide a variety of services to the pilgrims of Imam Hussein A.S. on the occasion of Arbaeen in Karbala. Services include provision of transportation, food,the mask, blankets and medical supplies among other things.You may also choose to sponsor a pilgrim for the Ziarah of Arbaeen.May Allah SWT accept your deed from you.DonateProgram SafarThe Crescent of the Month of Safar, 1442 A.H.Saturday, September 19, 2020 is the 1st day of Safar 1442.This determination is based on the fact that therewere reported sightings of the crescent by the naked eye after the sunset on Friday Sep 18, from many locations. UN Special Representative for Iraq meets with the Grand Ayatollah SistaniThe Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s deep regret over painful incident in Beirut: “We call on world’s benefactors to show solidarity and help Lebanese people”Seeks its beloved community’s aid to help the victims in Lebanon.On Tuesday. August 4,2020, at least 100 people have died, 4,000 others were injured, and 300,000 people were displaced by two massive explosions. This stradegy has caused widespread devastation and irreparable harm.Your support is neededMake a Donation by: Clicking the link: Via Check Payable to: Al-Khoei Benevolent Foundation89-89 Van Wyck Express WayJamaica, NY 11435DonateDonateBEIRUT EXPLOSIONS VICTIMS RELIEF FUNDIn the Name of Allah, the Compassionate the Merciful The office of His Eminence Sayyid Ali al-Sistani (may he live long)Question:Many believers ask what they should do regarding the commemoration of the martyrdom of the master of the martyrs Imam Al-Hussein (may Allah’s prayers be upon him) and his family and supporters (peace be upon them), knowing that the authorities insist on avoiding large gatherings especially in closed spaces due to the spreading of the Coronavirus.New York, July 19, 2020 – An online meeting was organized on Saturday, July 11, 2020 to discuss the future plans of the Shia Islamic centers located around the northeastern seaboard and what these centers are contemplating with respect to the upcoming months of Muharram and Safar.Salaatul Jama'a (Congregational Prayers) and Social DistancingThe Grand Ayatollah Sistani, Shia Supreme Religious authority, has provided an important answer to a question about sighting of the new moon crescent with instrument.The full text of the question and answer is as follows:The Grand Ayatollah Sistani, Shia Supreme Religious authority, has provided an important answer to a question about sighting of the new moon crescent with instrument.The full text of the question and answer is as follows:Question:In the name of God, The Most Compassionate, The Most MercifulMany ‏jurisprudents have issued a Fatwa stating that “observing the moon crescent with the armed eye is not valid for the observer or for others.” Now, for some, the question arises that since the application of the word “observing” mentioned in narrative texts which includes observing with both the naked and armed eye, and the impossibility of observing with the armed eye in the age of the infallibles, does not taint it, what is the nature of this Fatwa, and why we should not trust the observing of the moon crescent with new tools unlike many Sharia issues in which new tools are considered in their diagnosis?The Supreme Religious Authority Office calls on Iraqis to be more careful and cautious and stresses the need to adhere to preventive measuresThe Supreme Religious Authority Office calls on Iraqis to be more careful and cautious and stresses the need to adhere to preventive measuresThis came during a statement issued this Saturday morning (13 / Shawwal / 1441 AH) corresponding to (6 June 2020). The statement is as follows:Dear Iraqis,In the name of God, The most Compassionate, The most MercifulIn these difficult days, when the number of Corona patients in various parts of Iraq, especially Baghdad, is increasing at an unprecedented rate, we once again invite you to be more careful and we emphasize to take the necessary precautionary measures suggested by the concerned authorities, such as avoiding gathering with others, keeping social distance, using masks and washing and disinfecting your hands. DetalisThis came during a statement issued this Saturday morning (13 / Shawwal / 1441 AH) corresponding to (6 June 2020). The statement is as follows:Dear Iraqis,In the name of God, The most Compassionate, The most MercifulIn these difficult days, when the number of Corona patients in various parts of Iraq, especially Baghdad, is increasing at an unprecedented rate, we once again invite you to be more careful and we emphasize to take the necessary precautionary measures suggested by the concerned authorities, such as avoiding gathering with others, keeping social distance, using masks and washing and disinfecting your hands. DetalisQuestionIn the name of God, The Most Compassionate, The Most MercifulThe office of the Grand Ayatollah SistaniOfficials of our country (an Arab country) have made the offering of congregational prayers in Mosques and the like conditional on observing a distance of two meters between each person in a row, and also a line between two rows of worshipers must be placed empty in front and behind. Is the congregational prayer with the above-mentioned description concluded in the Fatwa of the Grand Ayatollah Sistani?Answer:Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa BarakatuhuThere is nothing wrong with a distance of 120 centimeter between the place of each worshipper and other worshippers in the same line, and also between the place of prostration of a person and the place of prostration of the other person who stands in front of him/her, but if the distance is, for example, two meters, the validity to follow is the place of the problemLEGACY THE lATE GRAND AYATOLLAHGRAND AYATOLLAH AL-KHOEIGrand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Husaini SistaniASK A FIQH QUESTIONTo the office of the Grand Religious Authority his Eminence Al-Sayed Al-Sistani (may Allah prolong his life),A.1 If it is not possible to wash the body due to fear of infection, then a dry ritual purification (tayammum) can performed instead even if the believer is wearing gloves.If the authorities do not allow the tayammum to be performed, then the deceased Muslim can be buried without ghusl or tayammum.A.2 In this case, embalming is no longer required and there is no alternative.A.3 The body must be shrouded using the three garments, even if it is on top of the bag. But if it is not possible to shroud the body with all three garments then it is enough to shroud it using the ones available, such as the Azar, which covers the entire body.A.4 It is not permissible to cremate the body of a deceased Muslim. His relatives and other family members must prevent that and insist on burying the body according to what is required in the true Sharia.A.5 It is permissible, but it is necessary if possible, to place the body on its right side and to turn his face towards the qiblah, as it would be if it was buried without a coffin.A.6 It is not permissible to refuse the burial of the body in public cemeteries, and the authorities in charge should facilitate this matter.Imam Al-Khoei Islamic Center of New York is immensely grateful to the medical staff and hospitalImam Al-Khoei Islamic Center of New York is immensely grateful to the medical staff and hospital personnel in our city for their tireless efforts and for enduring through the dangerous circumstances of COVID 19. We were blessed today to show them a small token of our appreciation by bringing lunch to the staff at Jamaica Hospital. May Allah SWT give all those at the front lines the strength and perseverance necessary to overcome this calamity. We pray for the speedy recovery of the ailing and for the safety and health of everyone.CoronavirusView the different advices and recommendations issued by various scholars around the world.Latest NewsProphet Muhammed (PBUH) said: "The parable of the believers in their affection, mercy and compassion for each other is that of a body when any limb aches the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever.”DonateDuring the crisis of COVID-19, Imam Al-Khoei Benevolent Foundation in New York is ready to provide relief through our volunteers to those who are struggling and affected by this virus.Contact for helpRecommendations of His Eminence Al-Sayyid Ali Al-Husseini Al-SistaniThe Supreme Religious Authority called on traders who have foodstuffs to offer them for sale and not raise their prices, as well as to ensure that prices are subsidized, given what the country is going through at the present time which is witnessing a curfew, to limit the spread of the Corona virus pandemic in most Iraqi cities.This came in the response of His Eminence, the supreme religious authority, Sayed Ali al-Husseini al-Sistani, to a question received by his eminence's office.DonateThe Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s office issued the Shia Grand Marja’s opinion in response to a question about the efforts of the medical staff who are working to deal with patients with corona disease.Treating patients and caring for them and doing their affairs is a sufficient obligation for doctors, nurses, etc., but the relevant authorities must provide all the essentials supplies to protect them from the dangers of the disease and no failure will be accepted.There is no doubt that the actions of those loved ones, despite all the challenges, is a great measure and is an effort that we cannot determine a price for it, even the importance of their work may be the same as the efforts of the heroic warrior forces at the borders who defend the country and its people.Surely Allah (SWT) honors their efforts, and not only will grant them rewards in the Hereafter, but we hope to all who sacrificed their lives in this way, may be granted the reward and status the same as the martyrs’ on the Day of Resurrection. We appreciate them for their precious human action, and we ask God Almighty to protect them and protect them from any evil; as God is a Hearer.DetalisHeadquartered in Jamaica, N.Y., Imam Al-Khoei Benevolent Foundation is an international, religious, charitable institution established in 1989. The center conducts various religious programs in different languages, including Arabic, Urdu, Persian and English. It has a well-stocked reference and lending library, a conference room, a prayer hall and a funeral bath facility.YOUR DONATION MAKES A DIFFERENCEThank you for your generosity! Your donation will help children, adults, and families rise above adversity and thrive. No matter the amount, your donation makes a difference. The Grand Ayatollah Sistani expressed his deep regret over the painful incident in Beirut and called on world’s benefactors to show solidarity and help Lebanese people. The Grand Ayatollah Sistani issued a statement following the horrific explosion in the Lebanese capital More 06 Aug New York, July 19, 2020 – An online meeting was organized on Saturday, July 11, 2020 to discuss the future plans of the Shia Islamic centers located around the northeastern seaboard and what these centers are contemplating with respect to the upcoming months of Muharram and Safar. New York, July 19, 2020 – An online meeting was organized on Saturday, July 11, More 04 Aug Foundation ProjectsAl-Iman SchoolAl-Sadiq Al-Zahraa SchoolsAl-Houda SchoolJamiatu Al-Kawthar Ask a Fiqh QuestionQuestions submitted here will be answered by H.E. Sheikh Fadhel Al-Sahlani, the North American Representative of the Grand Marja’ Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Al-Hussaini Al-Sistani. Questions submitted here will be answered by H.E. Sheikh Fadhel Al-Sahlani, the North American Representative of the Grand Marja’ Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Al-Hussaini Al-Sistani (May Allah SWT give him long life).Following is a list of questions as answered by Sheikh Fadhel Al-Sahlani, the North American Representative of Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Al-Hussaini Al-Sistani (May Allah give him long life)Headquartered in Jamaica, N.Y., Imam Al-Khoei Benevolent Foundation is an international, religious, charitable institution established in 1989. The center conducts various religious programs in different languages, including Arabic, Urdu, Persian and English. It has a well-stocked reference and lending library, a conference room, a prayer hall and a funeral bath facility.NEW YORK OFFICE (HQ)    89-89 Van Wyck Express Way       Jamaica, NY 11435    1.718.297-6520    1.718.658.5530

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Headquartered in Jamaica, N.Y., Imam Al-Khoei Benevolent Foundation is an international, religious, charitable institution established in 1989. The center conducts various religious programs in different languages, including Arabic, Urdu, Persian and English.

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