Computer vision lab Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, School of Engineering, UC Merced

Web Name: Computer vision lab Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, School of Engineering, UC Merced






Welcome to Computer Vision Lab
News-2020/3/2: One paper about geolocalization has been accepted at WACV2020! [link]News! Our ICIP2019 paper Estimating the Spatial Resolution of Overhead Imagery Using Convolutional Neural Networks is one of the the top 10% best papers and best student paper nomination.Congratulations! Yi Zhu has successfuly defend his PhD dissertation and joined Amazon AI as a research scientist in June.News: One paper has been accepted at CVPR 2019 (ORAL)! [link]News: Three papers have been accepted at ACCV 2018!News: One paper has been accepted at ACM SIGSPATIAL 2018 (ORAL)! [pdf]News: One paper has been accepted at CVPR 2018! [pdf]NewsOur work on generating ground level views from satellite imagery is covered by MIT technology review, Internet of Business, GIS Lounge, DeepTech. We also had an interview with This Week in Machine Learning AI and the Youtube link can be found here.News: Two papers have been accepted at ICIP 2018News: Professor Newsam was invited to give a keynote Geographic knowledge discovery using ground-level images and videos on 1st Workshop on GeoAI on ACM SIGSPATIAL 2017. [slides]
Recent Papers

[1]Yi Zhu, Karan Sapra, Fitsum A. Reda, Kevin J. Shih, Shawn Newsam, Andrew Tao, Bryan Catanzaro, Improving Semantic Segmentation via Video Propagation and Label Relaxation, The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2019 [ORAL] [pdf]

[2]Yi Zhu, Xueqing Deng and Shawn Newsam, Fine-grained Land Use classification at the city scale using ground-level images, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2019 [pdf]

[3]Yi Zhu, Zhenzhong Lan, Shawn Newsam and Alexander G Hauptmann, Hidden Two-Stream Convolutional Networks for Action Recognition, Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) 2018 [pdf]

[4]Yi Zhu and Shawn Newsam, Random Temporal Skipping for Multirate Video Analysis, Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) 2018 [pdf]

[5]Yi Zhu, Jia Xue and Shawn Newsam, Gated Transfer Network for Transfer Learning, Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) 2018 [pdf]

[6]Xueqing Deng, Yi Zhu and Shawn Newsam, What Is It Like Down There? Generating Dense Ground-Level Views and Image Features From Overhead Imagery Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks, ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS) 2018 [ORAL] [pdf]

[7]Yi Zhu, Yang Long, Yu Guan, Shawn Newsam and Ling Shao, Towards Universal Representation for Unseen Action Recognition, The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2018 [pdf]

[8] Yi Zhu and Shawn Newsam, Large-Scale Human Activity Mapping using Geo-Tagged Videos, ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS) 2017 [pdf]

[9] Xueqing Deng and Shawn Newsam, Quantitative Comparison of Open-Source Data for Fine-Grain Mapping of Land Use, ACM SIGSPATIAL workshop on Urban GIS 2017 [pdf]

[10] Weixun Zhou, Shawn Newsam, Congmin Li and Zhenfeng Shao, Learning Low Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Retrieval, Remote Sensing, 2017 [pdf]

[11] Yi Zhu, Zhenzhong Lan, Shawn Newsam, Alexander G. Hauptmann, Hidden Two-Stream Convolutional Networks for Action Recognition, arXiv 2017, [pdf]

Selected PapersAction RecognitionDeep Local Video Feature for Action RecognitionZhenzhong Lan, Yi Zhu, Alexander G. Hauptmann and Shawn NewsamIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR): Workshop on Open Domain Action Recognition (ODAR), 2017 [pdf]Efficient Action Detection in Untrimmed Videos via Multi-Task LearningYi Zhu and Shawn NewsamIEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2017 [pdf]
Optical FlowGuided Optical Flow LearningYi Zhu, Zhenzhong Lan, Shawn Newsam and Alexander G. HauptmannIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR): Workshop on Workshop on Brave New Motion Representations (BNMR), 2017 [pdf]DenseNet for Dense FlowYi Zhu and Shawn Newsam IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2017 [pdf]
Land Use Classification Using Ground-Level ImageLand use classification using convolutional neural networks applied to ground-level imagesYi Zhu and Shawn Newsam ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS), 2015 (Best poster award.)[pdf]Exploring geotagged images for land-use classificationDaniel Leung and Shawn Newsam ACM International Conference on Multimedia: Workshop on Geotagging and Its Applications in Multimedia, 2012 [pdf]
Crowdsourcing What-Is-WhereProximate Sensing: Inferring What-Is-Where From Georeferenced Photo CollectionDaniel Leung and Shawn Newsam IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2010 (oral presentation) [pdf]
Geographic Image RetrievalGeographic image retrieval using local invariant features Yi Yang and Shawn Newsam IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2013 [pdf]
High-Resolution Overhead Imagery ClassificationBag-of-visual-words and spatial extensions for land-use classificatio Yi Yang and Shawn Newsam ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS), 2010 [pdf]
Recent News

[Sept. 2018] Welcome  Ruiqian Zhang from Wuhan University, China to visit our lab!

[Aug. 2018] Welcome  our new PhD student Haolin Liang  join our lab!

[Aug. 2018] Welcome  MS students Mehul Divecha, Shrishail Baligar, Yuxin Tian, BS student Edward Barton join our lab!

[Dec. 2017] Welcome Professor Dengfeng Chai from Zhejiang University, China to visit our lab!

[Oct. 2017] Quantitative Comparison of Open-Source Data for Fine-Grain Mapping of Land Use authored by PhD student Xueqing Deng and Professor Newsam has been accepted by ACM SIGSPATIAL workshop Urban GIS 2017.

[Sept. 2017] Large-Scale Mapping of Human Activity using Geo-Tagged Videos authored by PhD students Yi Zhu and Professor Newsam has been accepted by ACM SIGSPATIAl 2017.

[Sept. 2017] Welcome Dr. Shao, Zhenfeng from Wuhan University, China to visit our lab.

[May 2017] Densenet for Optical Flow authored by PhD student Yi Zhu and Professor Newsam has been accepted by IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2017.

[Sept. 2016] Welcome Zhou, Weixun from Wuhan University, China to visit our lab.

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TAGS:Electrical Engineering lab Computer vision and UC Merced 

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