Department of Sociology | Georgetown University

Web Name: Department of Sociology | Georgetown University






The Department of Sociology at Georgetown University is a community of scholars committed to developing students’ capacities to understand the social and cultural forces that shape the human experience. Students are encouraged to critically analyze complex social and cultural realities. We strive to foster a lifelong engagement with questions of social justice. We promote ways of imagining and re-imagining the common good and encourage the use of knowledge and skills to realize a more just society. We teach students the various skills needed to conduct theoretically sound, methodologically rigorous and multifaceted analyses of human social phenomena at both the local and global levels. We offer students opportunities to develop and apply those skills through research and experiential learning activities in Washington, D.C. and beyond. We are committed—through our scholarship, teaching and service—to fostering imaginations that envision a more just society and which recognize the individual’s contribution to the social production and reproduction of just and unjust practices and institutions.

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