Sarah Scribbles

Web Name: Sarah Scribbles






If you want to get writing opportunities, interesting stuff and free writing resources, sign up below. You ll also get a FREE copy of my Journalling for the Busy/Lazy/Creative for your trouble. Don t worry, I m far too busy with a toddler to send stuff out more than once a month. By clicking submit, you agree to share your email address with the site owner and Mailchimp to receive marketing, updates, and other emails from the site owner. Use the unsubscribe link in those emails to opt out at any time. Whoops! There was an error and we couldn t process your subscription. Please reload the page and try again. I would love to say that I can write this blog with the assured knowledge that I have completely cracked the balance between these two things and that I am Continue reading Balancing Creativity and Productivity Like most people I know, I’m in a state of pre-panic. Just because the awful reality of lockdown and a Trump presidency have happened before, it doesn’t make them seem Continue reading How I m Coping With Calamity I came across this book thanks to being a member of the brilliant Women Writer’s Network. In a state of gloom thanks to the clocks going back (toddlers can’t tell Continue reading Escape To Italy With Valeria Vescina s That Summer in Puglia I’m tired. In a very different way than I usually am. Instead of creating words, marketing myself, pitching and polishing, I am doing one thing. Parenting. I am perfectly aware Continue reading We Need to Care More About Carers

TAGS:Sarah Scribbles 

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Hi there! I'm a writer and creative freelancer. This site will give you practical advice on living a creative life, insight into my writing journey and reviews and interviews of great books and authors. You can find out more about me here, check out my published stuff here and find out about my community project…

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