African Safari Holiday Specialists | Safari Consultants

Web Name: African Safari Holiday Specialists | Safari Consultants






Taking your children on safari is an exceptional family holiday experience, but where do you start? Africa is an incredible option for honeymooners seeking a balance of adventure, romance and relaxation. Considering how wild Africa is, safaris can offer amazing luxury and sophistication. From walking safaris to camping out under the stars, Africa offers a multitude of incredible adventures. Where to see Africa s creatures, from the iconic big five through to some of the rarer species. Whether researching your 1st or 51st safari, have a look at this range of exciting African adventures. It is very important that travellers to Africa understand what it means to visit at different times of year. If you know where to look there are ways to enjoy fantastic safari experiences at good value prices . NO. 1 FOR SAFARI IN THE SUNDAY TIMES TRAVEL MAGAZINE“Why it’s top: The firm’s knowledge – of hundreds of camps in 12 countries – is extraordinary, gained through thousands of hours spent exploring the continent. Ask directors Michele and Rob where to see wild dogs, for example, and not only will they tell you the prime spots, but they’ll name the very best guides for the species”.THE SUNDAY TIMES TRAVEL MAGAZINE TOP 10 TOUR OPERATORS, OCTOBER 2019 Hi Michele, another really wonderful trip and great contrast to the Pangolin one. Much more classic sightings, but the quality of the sighting was amazing! John and Sophia from London travelled to Kenya September 2018 Hello Rob, we would not hesitate to recommend you to anyone booking a trip to Africa. The next time we go, you will be the first company we go to John and Valerie from Worcestershire travelled to Zimbabwe October 2018 Dear Rob, the trip exceeded my expectations. Accommodation and food generally of a higher standard. I purposely did not do much research before going, so much of the trip was a wonderful surprise. Certainly has stimulated thoughts of visiting Africa again. Susan from Worcestershire travelled to Namibia October 2019 Call us now, we are waiting to help you and can offer friendly, expert advice tailored to your personal interests and requirements.Whatever stage you are at, please do get in touch by calling us on +44 (0) 1787 888590 or emailing us via our Contact Us page.

TAGS:Safari African Holiday 

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Plan your African safari holiday with Safari Consultants. Friendly and professional service with unrivalled knowledge.

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