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dear trump-please dont lead the way of the dodo- whether market is driven by product, service or culture, win-win trading between peoples and places is only way to sustain next geerations- sadly the uk invented 450 years of win-lose trading called mercatile empire- thats why all english speaking people should now fan Belt Road Imagineering (1 2 3) whether the trading routes start up around china and ts 25 near neghibors or another part of the globe- end the girls poverty-trapped era of empire trade now before mother nature decides humans should go way of dodo. Do you know the story of 90 million alumni club of jobs-creating girls started in world's poorest nation?

Girls Sustainability ABC – Asia, BRAC @ Bangladesh, China

1970: Man has just landed on the moon but back on planet earth imagine hundreds of square miles where communities of people have next to nothing. They have been flattened by a cyclone that killed half a million people and a war of independence. Their new nation is the poorest but one of the ten most populous in the world. During the region’s history of colonization, electricity grids never reached these people – they were not part of what the empire wanted from the trade it designed.

In such communities, what adults as well as children can directly train each other in is life critical. Education networks of this sort are anchored in practical skills much of which are far removed from sitting all day in a classroom. In the 2010s when a job creating genius like Jack Ma says that over half of youth will be unemployable if they are just confounded to classroom education, we suggest that the world is extremely fortunate that there remains one 100 million person alumni network with community-based learning origins: BRAC@Bangladesh

This leaflet celebrates an exploration of the value multipliers of community-based education empowered by the fairer sex. Due to colonial and other consequences BRAC @ Bangladesh is mother earth’s deepest (global-for-local) hub for innovating solutions to many pf the most pressing challenges of the 17 sustainability goals that the United Nations has prioritized as collaboratively urgent by 2030.. If you are a parent we invite you to promote joyful awareness of this collective experience as a critical success factor for the half of the world aged under 30 if they are to be the sustainability goals generation.

This publication is part of a 50 year media retrospective of friends and family of The Economist’s Norman Macrae who was inspired in 1968 by the imminent moon landing to launch fiercely optimistic debates on technology’s coming “Entrepreneurial Revolution” around mother earth.- a movement that became dad’s life work until his parting in 2010. chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk

1 Introduction to Human Development’s Two Greatest Miracles Since 1970

2 What is meant by the valuation systemization of women lift up half the sky

Translations of this shared vision across China and 100 million alumni of BRAC

3 The world trading Coastal Belts of China, South Asia and Continental Asean : Eurasia Beyond

4 Curious differences between BRAC’s Sir Fazle Abed and Grameen’s Nobel Dr Yunus

UK/Commonwealth and American Mindset of English-speaking constitutionsEducation and fundingTen years deeper and collaboratively more independentValue chains : Systemic infrastructures versus concept innovation

5 Why valuing women’s livelihoods is critical to the two thirds of the world’s two thirds of the people living in eastern hemisphere – Testimonies from BRAC’s 100 million alumni

6 More from the sustainability cluetrain of BRAC partners life shaping market freedoms of Learning Nations of Girls, and Boys – intergenerational opportunities to leapfrog from quarter of century or pre-digital (pre-ellectric) to post-digital human development

7 References and worldwide friends of the Entrepreneurial Revolution Charter of Norman Macrae CBE, Order of Rising Sun with Gold Bars

xCelebrating first 10 years of Valuing Global Youth

Help us catalogue markets and purposes that youth value most chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk

EducationEnergyFood..deeperOpen TechHealthnewer...2bisNutrition including GrameenFood.combankingMediaWater

Foundation Norman Macrae- The Economist's Pro-youth economist and since 1972Entrepreneurial Revolution'sfounder of open education Washington DC 1 301 881 1655

Members View All Latest Activity KaneEcwit is now a member of welcome to Ma-Youth Economics, SCOtrade.net, Obamauni twitterMay 13 Welcome Them! chris macrae replied to chris macrae's discussion trip 10 to china2019 april 11 to 18 -main posts in this thread"porsche say that belt raid railway to china saves them over 20 days distribution time compared with shipping - valuablke to their customers many of whow order customised cars aiib zheng quan we iprive country's connectivity- we finace nkit only…"Apr 17, 2019chris macrae replied to chris macrae's discussion trip 10 to china2019 april 11 to 18 -main posts in this thread"12 free gtdrae zones in china now exist largely stimulated by belt road"Apr 16, 2019chris macrae replied to chris macrae's discussion trip 10 to china2019 april 11 to 18 -main posts in this thread"Teamwork with Africa sees benefits worldwide, Xi stresses2019/04/10Promoting China’s study of history in new era2019/04/06Yellow Book of World Socialism (2018–2019) released in Beijing2019/03/11Forum explores China’s…"Apr 16, 2019chris macrae posted a discussioncopyTeamwork with Africa sees benefits worldwide, Xi stresses2019/04/10Promoting China’s study of history in…See MoreApr 16, 2019 0 Comments 0 Likes chris macrae replied to chris macrae's discussion trip 10 to china2019 april 11 to 18 -main posts in this thread"have a look at digotalstates.org"Apr 15, 2019chris macrae replied to chris macrae's discussion trip 10 to china2019 april 11 to 18 -main posts in this thread"have a look at digitalstates.org"Apr 15, 2019chris macrae replied to chris macrae's discussion trip 10 to china2019 april 11 to 18 -main posts in this thread"have a look at digitalstates.org"Apr 15, 2019chris macrae replied to chris macrae's discussion trip 10 to china2019 april 11 to 18 -main posts in this thread"Jpan needs to settle with s kporea lomce and for all - then JKC can take on corporations that did nit fully settle bho[al, roundup, ruiing equador with oil spills ...america needs to stiop playing a double standard - why onm earth should its…"Apr 15, 2019chris macrae replied to chris macrae's discussion trip 10 to china2019 april 11 to 18 -main posts in this thread"CCG summit- some speakers to follow in particular 4 hosts - overall host Wang HUiyaoCui MIngmo presidet CAFIECNicholas Rosellini UN coordinatoir in ChinaGao Anming deputy president china foreign language…"Apr 15, 2019chris macrae replied to chris macrae's discussion trip 10 to china2019 april 11 to 18 -main posts in this thread"china now links 600 coastal ;ports around teh wprld- piraeus greece is an example of a major upgrade that is putting greece on the map"Apr 15, 2019chris macrae replied to chris macrae's discussion trip 10 to china2019 april 11 to 18 -main posts in this thread"belt raod - 6 mkain overland corridors https://www.sc.com/en/feature/one-masterplan-six-corridors/:China-PakistanNew Eurasia Land BridgeChina-Mongolia-RussiaChina-Indochina PeninsulaBangladesh-China-India-MyanmarChina-Central Asia-West…"Apr 15, 2019chris macrae replied to chris macrae's discussion trip 10 to china2019 april 11 to 18 -main posts in this thread"greenwood busienss park - in moscow featuring 300 comapines including 170 from china"Apr 15, 2019chris macrae replied to chris macrae's discussion trip 10 to china2019 april 11 to 18 -main posts in this thread"alumni cg summi9tccg andy mok -henry huaiwo wangun china"Apr 14, 2019chris macrae replied to chris macrae's discussion trip 10 to china2019 april 11 to 18 -main posts in this thread"chevron main driever of 800 oil lakes in amazon-ecuador  every time it rains polution washes donw streams polutuion area bigger than rhdoe isalan - in ecostsrem food chains - china americas 14 april 2019- vilage netwprks joint law case for…"Apr 14, 2019chris macrae replied to chris macrae's discussion trip 10 to china2019 april 11 to 18 -main posts in this thread"premier li and 16 ceec countries provide benchmark for future of WTO  - may yet save europe from every boder crois bruissels has caused by faulining to live up to eu founders goals- refer to eg broefings of romano prodi orn erors eu top…"Apr 12, 2019 RSS MYeconomics thanks maYun - Ma, Y(outh-Girls), UN(ctad)-ITU servant leaders like AG XJ

help nominate whose knowhow 20 year olds most need to connect if there is ever to be a sustainability generation chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk - most active networks in 2021 - ecop26.com economistdiary.com worldrecordjobs.com youthmarkets.com

thanks to girl empowerment Bangladesh particularly sir fazle abed and Dr Yunus daughter Monica at SingforHope, hubs that linkin Tsinghua girls engineers, Moringacoding girls for schools- and why not valuetrue YOU(th) mapping www

chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk , Diaspora networks of #TheEconomist Norman Macrae with cooperation thanks to twitter lists of ObamaUni media, Washington DCwith special thanks to folks at Tuskegee, MKL day January 2019 co-edsEconomistRefugee.com, WomenUni.com, HubsworldEconomistDiary.com


Test some of our evidence from our hubs in glasgow and dc- empires destroy youth livelihoods- so at SCOtrade..net we ask you to join Scots Chinese Open TRADE net-coders women lets juts do it now , lets end poverty-making empires all around the world - we thank all fans of the 17 Sdgs for seeing 2030 as the exponential deadline for 4000 times moore technology than 1946 - girls and parents the world over need the loveq to celebrate AIDemocracy.com instead of Orwellian Big Brothers endgameIn 1758, Scotland had 50 years experinene of being colonised by London. Adam Smith wrote up his dream futures:

markts would have such communal transparency and entreprenjeurial freedom that buyers and sellers ejected cheats

when people chose to linkin to making a place 10 to 100 times larger than the UK home -example america of 1750-1775 then Britain would search how to open trade with such entrepreneurial peoples and places

LOndon rejected adam smith's hi-trust economic models; USA declared independence anyyway in 1776. Brits put even more effort in to empiring around the south asia coastal belt. By 1860 they reached china. Britain made the chiense emperor a propposition he had to refuse. Take opium as a currency for china's silks and spices. The Chinese (a fifth of the world_ closed themselves to world trade for 110 years. In the 1960s about 10% of chinese mothers and children starved to death. Bravely a fifth of the wprld opened up trade again. Fortunately by 1976 the Diaspora Chiense had become 3rd strongest finacial network in the wporld and they knew how to map superport trading (taiwan hong kong singapore). East Asia's coastal belt was freed for trade ion 1980s; telecome were invested in continental scale in 1990s ; the worlds fastest continent wide trains in the 2000s. But what about the worldwide web. The chinese believed the web can be about wortdwide youth livelihood education not fake news and costly advertising. Miraculously a nation with zero non state corporations in 1975 celebrate 5 million youth start ups in 2017 and invited world leaders to the first belt rfoad mapping exercise in 2017 beijing. Here EconomistDiary.com searches for next digital real and youth cooperation dates. Help us discover thee and what action learning networks are launched in line with youth livelihoods geared to being the sustainability generation. Examples

Belt Road 2 Beijing April 2019 -help turn leaders scripts into learning modules at BRI.schoolfor girl engineers who Belt Road Imagine - ref 2000 Moon races on earth with YOjko Ono and friends

Japan Olympi9cs summer 2020 to incluide gilrls expos of Jack Ma's fiorst year full time as an educator africa 1994 (he had spent 20 years prior to 1994 as his generations most joyful english language teacher -possible only knngcharles.info knows how to celebrate edutrade purposes of the queens english- see 1974 tokyo meeting of akio sorita and prince charles while Mr Morita was installing a sony television for charles at the british embassy in tokyo)


we like to see 21 yera old gradiate open girls coding schools across contnents - see eg chiense american audrey chengs schools in key and pakistan

we expect the DigitalCooperation report of the UN led by Jack ma and melinda Gates march 2019 will provide some clues

10 yers of research of BRAC in Bangaldesh has shown how 70 milion of the wprld poorest womne vilagers sustained a nation rould gorls livelihood education designeing last mile health nutrition and other word of mouth cooperation networks 1972 to 1996, and then texting mobile and solar volage networking. Bangladesh diapora has always been 10 to 100 times poorer than the chiense but 3 times bow bangaldesh village women livelihood education have helped with solutions china needed to: oral rehydration networking in the 1970s, firts mobile vilage networks from 1996, digitalworld;s most exciting partership in banking for billion poorset see how 2018 celebrate the digita cooperation iof blash.com between the three greatest education-for gilrs hubs- alumni of sir fazle abed, melinga gates, and jack ma.- with a little bit of help from open coding support from young tech wuizards kenya, mit and dubai.

OLD PARTS HERSTORY (negun at time of moonlanding around the economivc revolutionary hypothesis of 4000 times more tech in 2030 than 1946's end of empire and old industrial revolution economics)

we need your help in re-editing -if you wish to help us edit this communal space please contact chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk - all errors are mine alone , all ideas celebrating gorls and boys livelihoods come from exchanging view of 13 Belt Road Imagime maps across hem;pisphers and these sorts of twitter lists at our account obamauni (established during 5 years of research with muhammad yunus of what hundereds of students in historocally black universities wanted to do to help end inner city and rural heartland poverty and end jobless education

brac2.ppt..Girls-centred economics thanks Ma Yun BRAC. BRICollaboration needs in 2018:

Draft Theresa May or Prince Charels speech for girls-centred learing economy's greatest summit - Un ite Nations Sept 2018 - see right hand column

Archives: MyEconomics.ning.com - 20 Economist co-blogs -reviewing Entrepreneurial Revolution'sfirst 50 year of lessons including1977 surveyChina

1972's Next 40 Years;1976'sComing Entrepreneurial Revolution; 12 weekleaders debate1982'sWe're All Intrapreneurial NowWhatwill human race produce in 20th C Q4? - Jan 1975(1984 book on net generation 3 billion job creation)...1991 Survey looking forward toThe End of Politicians1975 Asian Pacific Century 1975-2075first of 4 hemisphere remembrance parties-The Economist Boardroom Videos women4empowerment

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Added by chris macrae 1 Comment 0 Likes

africas healthiest news ever?

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Added by chris macrae 2 Comments 0 Likes

Are You Ready to Take It On? End Poverty by 2030

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Meet Taddy Blecher WRJC series 1.1

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Why I love The Maharishi Institute WRJC 1.2

Added by chris macrae 0 Comments 0 Likes

Youth are our future yet were throwing them away

Added by chris macrae 0 Comments 0 Likes

20 year learning cuve CIDA City Campus, WRJC 1.3

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Add Videos View All Forum trip 10 to china2019 april 11 to 18 -main posts in this thread

Started by chris macrae. Last reply by chris macrae Apr 17, 2019. 18 Replies 0 Likes

trip 9 2018 nov - further research tsinghua/haidan- announcement china launching ai 3rd grade gorsl schools - follow year of studies at brookings by one of china's most passioate reseaachers of girls…Continue


Started by chris macrae Apr 16, 2019. 0 Replies 0 Likes


notes to add tp world record jobs when back from china trip

Started by chris macrae Apr 11, 2019. 0 Replies 0 Likes

Probably besos needs to lead top 10 wrj to climate inc media 11 aprilOver 4K Amazon Employees Call On Bezos For Swift Action Over Climate ChangeTeam Inc42Team Inc42Inc42 Staff11 Apr'19 3 min…Continue

e euro notes

Started by chris macrae Jan 28, 2019. 0 Replies 0 Likes

BEYOND COINDESK...THE NEW YORK TIMES: Nearly 10 percent of the total energy output of Georgia – that’s the country, not the U.S. state – goes toward crypto mining. Spearheaded by miner manufacturer…Continue

Add a Discussion View All Blog Posts EconomistDiary.com- can you help sister city prep for worlds most valuable summits

Posted by chris macrae on April 3, 2018 at 9:30am 0 Comments 0 Likes

For us a summit is only as valuabe as what action learning networks youth are freed to join in which wouldnt have happened without the summit - we co-blog what summits may be up to that task atEconomist Diary.com

We particularly neeed student netwroks in these sister citeis where summit are known to be scheduled

rsvp isabella@unacknowledgedgiant.com

education : Nw York (UN Sept 2018)…

Continue WRJC World Record Job Creators - Games and Sino-English Publishing Partners

Posted by chris macrae on April 3, 2018 at 9:00am 0 Comments 0 Likes

Most WRJC (1 2) are selected as living persons as our goal is to guide young people to be alumni of jobs creators. But there are some dynamics of the future that history is spinning - take for example our journey through most of 2 millennia up to 1946 on…

Continue EURASIA where most of world lives, and trades?

Posted by chris macrae on April 3, 2018 at 6:30am 0 Comments 0 Likes

Like all sustainability challenges, Eurasia's story is quite simple but incrediby rich in detail

Like all sustainability challenges, Eurasia's story is quite simple but incredibly rich in bottom-up detail

Over two third of the world lives on the Eurasian continent

Less than a sixth live on its West End - Europe

More than half live in Asia - two nations each account for one sixth of the world's population - China at far eastern coastal belt of…

Continue asking yazmi noah samra about 7 wonders plan for open learning development millennials

Posted by chris macrae on July 14, 2015 at 9:45am 0 Comments 0 Likes

is this summary in line with your plan --search for 7 social action movements ageeing with

Pro-youth (livelihoods) education is core to development/inter-generation economics and sustainability goals

and if so what can we do so amy can continue her extraordinary way through reforming every hurdle chinese education has thrown at her and millions of peer…

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About chris macrae created this Ning Network. Create a Ning Network! » 50 most exciting project networks for productive youth

april 2018: To do see 10 commandmentsof sustainability princesses and princes and wish sir fazle abedhappy 82nd birthday

Draft of speech for Theresa May or Prince Chares at Girls- Centril Learning Economus Summit UN Sept 2018

On behalf of the UK and girls everywhere our nation wishes to apologies for our rile the waves policy 1500-1946, and to afform that Belt Road Imagieneering the wolrd over is the way for girls to lead the sustainability generation everywhere.

To this end we wish the English langiage can help mediate the union of girls economies of China, Japab, Both Koreas, India Bangladesh Pakistan, Asean,, Commonwealth South, Gulf facing nations, suez facing nations, med sea facing nations, Uk, Canada

We will have to leave the union of rest of Americas, rest of North Europe, North Asia to those who already power over these huge lands but we hope that belt road Imagineering will take hold around the arctic circle and latin tainforest in time for mother earth climate to be integrated into win-win trading routes.

Once you start to do belt road Imagineering at these dates 1500 1776 1860 1946 1955 1968 1988 2016 you will see the lost opportunities the English language could have mediated

From 2016 we wish to celebrate

the gorls tech triangle of Jinpng Ma Sir Fazle Aded (eg ewtp maolympics damo belt road)

the spiritual triangle of Jiping Pope Francis Guterres

we are sure that one of the easiest reolutions will be between japan china andf both Koreas

we invite India to help make the sesolution of china, south asia and asean as well as china south asia gulf-suez-med sea facing nations – we note that while the latter relied on religious birthplaces in the med, nations east of India relied most on varipus translation of india spirots damo tao Confucian zen which now need to be reafformed around girls hold up half the sky

If you looked at the world before 1500, the great overland trading route such as marco polos started around the med sea biry places of the golden rule religions and kept as much as it could to latitude 30-31 ; since it took 7 years trek from end to end it was sustained by a relay of win-win nation borders all across west asia north Pakistan north India through chengdu to hangzhou and shanghai. Of the varius brances of catholicisism , the francican way was the perfect intyermediarsy; all nations facing tme med sea had win-win opportunities to trade harmoniously; at the yanglte river end te chiense east coastal belt was a natural win-win space.

Sadly when new world atlases open up around 1500 with discovery Africa could be sailed around to replace the 7 year trel to china as well as the existence of the americas of the west, Britain rules the waves policy took over the world. Our colnisation east destroyed the win-win integrity of more and more of the silk road nations especially the raj’s subcontinatnt now called Pakistan-india-nagladesh and continental asean down to Singapore

In 1776 we meissed adma smiths opportunity of agreeing with America win-win free trade instead if its oclonisation – result america’s declaration of independence but also the withdrawal of that whole contient to developing its won world until eursais asked for its help in both world wars.

In 1860 the economits’ james Wilson was suthorised by Victoria after his successful repeal of the corn laws the main inequality spinning leguislation across the Irelands wales socitan and England, to start undoing the ast indiea raj empire. Unfortunatly james died 9 months into starting up this project in Colkata. Ironically the east indies last mischief was to insuste china accepted opium in excnage for its really useful spices, silks and porcelain. China withdrew dhing a great wall which the mainland idnt come out of to oral rehtdration was massively scaled out of bangaldesh and up to china as was rice science in the 1970s- the start of the 2 great girls hold up half the sky miracles of the last half centiry

Miraculously the third quarter of the 20th centiry went win-win trade rght arund japan, s kpre and the Chinese disapora. Peaceful sea trades made japan 2nd and chian disapora 3rd most wealthy finaciers after usa. It was thenatiral for the chiense diaspora to invest in the same japeanese inspired gift (quality engineering superports bullet rials electronics) in Chinese mainland. In other words china continued girls empowered communities space race on erath while America and Russia continued space race way abpve mother earth. This entrepreneurial revolutions big story of 1000 times more connectivity tech 2016 versus 1946 wasn’t grounded in what we call north western helisphers while it was back in the east calls the central kindom (half the orld wholive on 10% of land within 3000 miles of Beijing)

All this and much more is aparnet in the Entrepereneurial Revolution archieves of The Economist which were published between 1968 and 1991 though eminated from considering Japan back in 1962 and with Prince Charles reunification of Japan and Wales with Akio Morta at the Tokyo Olympics 1964. This is where we in the UK second jack ma that every Olympics from kore 2018 (Tokyo2020, Beijing 2022, paris 2024, la 2028) on can question what new celebration fof grls life up half the sky and sustain much more than that across community-grounded economies belt road mapped on mother earth. It is good if the eithics of the united Olympics nations reaisn in the hands of ban ki-moon, and the health of girls centric economies can be mediated by such Franciscans as sir fazle abed jim kim paul farmer pope francis Antonio guterres (argentina g20 2018 tokyo g20 2019 ) – girls infrasructire invetemnt banking kore 2017 mumbai and joburg 2018, -- more at Economist Diary.com

Nonation loses from gils-centriec economies of belt road iagineering. However as some nations per capita valuation of girls catch up with the american average, nations like America need to rework inequality within their boders – ie understand rails an superports as they can maximize every community thriving across us mainland. This was actually what facebook voters demanded in the 2016 elecetion according to this 60 minutes. Its all a matter of no-wall execution. Can mr trump and mr n korea turn out to be the greatest girl-centric economic lerners ever- why not denuceraise America as fast as denuclearinsing n korea and trust the rest of girl empowered eursia to denuclearize all its zones as we race to reunify with nature something the arctic circle countries can offer a collaboration lead on in way that north cehntric euro union never could

To fast track membership -please apply chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk if you enjoy game of world record job creation - play at http://unacknowledgedgiant.com and http://microeducationsummit.com

online library of norman macrae--

I am developing the foundation of my father Norman Macrae 1923-2010- whose 40 years of journalism at The Economist supported entrepreneurial revolutionaries (1976 survey, intrapreneurs 1982, net generation andend povertyentrpreneurs 1984 ...).

I wish to catalogue 50 most exciting projects of net generation 2010s (with maps of how open their collaboration networks and portal entry points are)

My father believed Bangladesh was an interesting a worldwide trade partner of youthful productivity in 2010s, as Japan that he championed in the 1960s. So I would like to make sure the exciting projects list fully represents Bangladesh's mobile economics experiments


chris macrae

washington dc 1 301 881 1655

Norman Macrae Ning

Norman Macrae NetGen Future 1984
Norman Macrae Family video

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