Unraveling the Mysteries of the Brain - MIT McGovern Institute

Web Name: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Brain - MIT McGovern Institute

WebSite: http://mcgovern.mit.edu





Press Ctrl + M shortcut to access the main navigation menu. Skip to content Our MissionOur mission is to understand the brain and to apply that knowledge to help people with brain disorders. To accomplish these goals, we study the brain at many levels – from molecular genetics to functional brain imaging - and we collaborate with academic, clinical, and industry partners around the world to challenge and probe the unknown. By exploring the origins of disease, our research also lays the foundation for improved treatments for those suffering from brain disorders. More about us Our Researchers Our faculty consists of leading researchers with cutting-edge expertise and complementary approaches to understanding the brain. See all Researchers Focus Areas Brain ImagingOpen Brain Imagingbrain mapping functional connectivity fMRI EEG MEG predictive imaging precision interventions contrast agents theory of mind the developing brain learningCellular Molecular NeuroscienceOpen Cellular Molecular Neuroscience​synapses vesicles electrophysiology protein complexes signaling small molecules disease-linked genes dendrites cell death brain disorders neurodevelopmentCognitive NeuroscienceOpen Cognitive Neuroscience​perception memory language social cognition attention empathy brain disorders aging cognitive flexibility developing brainComputational NeuroscienceOpen Computational Neuroscience​machine learning modeling artificial intelligence neural networks memory ​visual intelligence audition natural language processing learning theoryGenome EngineeringOpen Genome Engineering​CRISPR SHERLOCK REPAIR RNA editing DNA editing brain disorders diagnostics disease models therapeuticsNeurotechnologyOpen Neurotechnology​optogenetics expansion microscopy robotic technologies protein engineering nanoparticles probes apps sensors nanomagnetics drug deliverySystems NeuroscienceOpen Systems Neuroscience​neural circuits attention brain disorders executive function sensory processing behavior timing plasticity learning memory emotion habits Disorder Areas AddictionADHDALSAlzheimer’s DiseaseAnxietyAutism Spectrum DisorderBipolar DisorderDepressionDyslexiaHuntington’s DiseaseObsessive-Compulsive DisorderParkinson’s DiseaseSchizophreniaSee All Research See All Research

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The McGovern Institute for Brain Research is a community of MIT neuroscientists committed to meeting two of the greatest challenges of modern science: understanding how the brain works and discovering new ways to prevent or treat brain disorders.

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