Its Not Just Me — Political Insights and Observations

Web Name: Its Not Just Me — Political Insights and Observations






It's Not Just MePolitical Insights and ObservationsHomeAbout Sanction Of The Victim I Love to Watch Porn While Getting Paid as a Public Servant October 12, 2014 Leave a Comment It has long been the contention of many people that government employees, especially at the federal level, are immune from repercussions for conduct that would be immediate grounds for dismissal in the private work force.  It has become virtually impossible to fire government employees no matter what they do.  Is it any wonder that people [ ]John McCain: U.S. Must Arm Hong Kong ProtestorsOctober 2, 2014 Leave a Comment WASHINGTON In an interview on the Fox News Channel Senator John McCain said the United States should immediately provide weapons to Hong Kong protestors. McCain told Fox’s Sean Hannity it is imperative that the U.S. act decisively to preserve world peace.  If we don t arm these protestors we could have Chinese troops running all [ ]Ferguson PD Offers Training for Secret Service OfficersOctober 2, 2014 Leave a Comment St. Louis, MO Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson told reporters today that the Ferguson Police Department stands ready to train White House Secret Service Officers.  Jackson s offer comes in the aftermath of the embarrassing failure of the Secret Service to prevent a fence jumper from sprinting into the White House. Chief Jackson boasted that [ ]Is There Any Country That John McCain Does NOT Want to Bomb?June 19, 2014 Leave a Comment Most Americans are starting to realize that we are making enemies worldwide and actually fomenting terroism by bombing every country that has the audacity not to do our bidding.  Yet aging warrior Senator John McCain, a cold war relic of times gone by, thinks the United States can resolve global conflicts by sending in fleets [ ]Watch Where You Walk in India 600 Million People Without Toilets Defecate Wherever They PleaseJune 14, 2014 Leave a Comment Bloomberg has been running a series of sensational exposes on the rampant spread of TB and numerous other infectious diseases in India due to an abhorrent lack of basic sanitation. Last month the news organization highlighted the high level of pollution in the Ganges, a river considered holy by Indians and frequently used by pilgrims [ ]What Does Dave Brat Think About Preferential Immigration Treatment for Sexual Deviants?June 13, 2014 Leave a Comment Dave Brat s rout of the soon to be former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is ample evidence that there are many decent hardworking Americans who are completely fed up with government policies that not only don t make sense but offend basic concepts of morality and virtue. The establishment Republican party seems to have lost touch [ ]Robert Petzel, Veterans Administration, One of the Most Disgusting Men in GovernmentMay 16, 2014 Leave a Comment The scandal at the Veterans Administration which let American war veterans die while waiting for medical services is another example of the gross negligence and indifference of government bureaucrats who seem to forget who they work for. After weeks of inaction, a top official at the VA resigned without apology, without contrition, and without punishment.  [ ]Jewish Owner of L.A. Clippers Doesn t Like Blacks Yawn, Let s Move OnApril 29, 2014 Leave a Comment It would a wonderful Jimmy Stuart world if humans could evolve from bigotry, racism, politics, warmongering, and class hatred which have spawned innumerable wars since the dawn of humanity. Maybe in a few more million years, but in the here and now it s blatantly obvious that many people don t like other people who are different [ ]How to Identify Counterfeit Currency It s Harder Than You ThinkApril 2, 2014 Leave a Comment If someone slipped you a counterfeit bill, would you be able to identify it?  Although the government constantly adds new security features to United States currency, counterfeiting continues to increase.  The Secret Service, which is responsible for safeguarding the nation s currency and payments system, has admitted that counterfeiting remains a threat to the nation s economy [ ]Twitter Threatened by Oceans of MessagesFebruary 11, 2014 Leave a Comment Is Twitter really worth $20 billion dollars?  The stock price got crushed last week when the company announced that growth in the number of tweets continued the downward spiral that has been in place since 2009.  It s not likely that investors will tolerate slow organic growth for a company with zero profits and a price [ ]Next Page

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