Archived ICESS Website

Web Name: Archived ICESS Website






and the Institute for Crustal Studies (ICS) have merged into a new UCSB Organized Research Unit (ORU), the Earth Research Institute (ERI). The Institute for Computational Earth System Science(ICESS), located on the University of California, Santa Barbara campus, provides an environment in which Earth and computer science are strongly coupled. Our focus is on research and graduate education in Earth sciences, with emphasis on processes governing the environmental optics of the Earth. Copyright(C) 2002, The Regents of the University of California. Unless otherwise noted, permission to use, copy, modify and distribute content from this site for educational, research, and non-profit purposes, without fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted provided this copyright notice and appropriate acknowledgment appear on all copies. Any other use of this material without permission is prohibited. The Regents of the University of California are not responsible for third-party material appearing on this site, nor for content on any external site to which this site may be linked. Please direct questions and comments to: accessibility reviewed 04/06/04. If any of this material is not accessible to you, pleasecontact our department at 805.893.4885 or contact webmaster@eri.ucsb.eduand we will provide alternatives.Page modified 03/01/2005

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