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Drastically Improve Your Chess
Most In-depth Study ( Must Have )
It covers the strategies and themes of the openings, along with deeply annotated games move by move showing strategies for both the white and black pieces.
It does not overwhelm the reader with tons and tons of variations but explains each concept in sentences with adequate analysis to back it up.
This book was written 10-15 years ago, but the strategies and concepts are still applicable today for these openings.
Paperback: 256 pagesPublisher: Dover Publications (May 21, 1999)Language: EnglishThx to the original uploader from long ago.

D/LRead More

Byron Jacobs - Trends In Caro-Kann Advance Monday, November 03, 2014 Blogurway

White NoiseByron Jacobs - Trends In Caro-Kann AdvanceByron JacobsTrends in Caro-Kann Advance"Trends features one hundred important recent games. An invaluable learning tool for the beginner, club or tournament player and a complete reference file for the expert."

Though not up-to-date, the Trends Series books serve as good foundation for building a repertoire.

Paperback: 41 pages
Publisher: Trends Publications
Language: English

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Monday, November 14, 2011Download First steps in Defence - Andrew Martin ( Full DVD ) | Chessbase Fritz TrainerMonday, November 14, 2011 Blogurway

This new series First Steps is aimed at chess players below 2000 ELO points.. The idea of the series is to provide a basic grounding in a variety of subjects, which will assist general all-round improvement. In First Steps in Defence, Andrew Martin treats the viewer to a selection of classic games and lays out a foundation course in the art of defending. Key thinking points reinforce the analysis and the games. The author shows that defence can be fun, and he gives a lot of precious tips. Tricks which help in defence such as perpetual check or the exchanging of pieces play a decisive role, and examples which involve somewhat passive but solid positions are presented. The DVD is designed to be as easy to understand as possible. Video running time: 3 hours 16 min. need to register at the above community to see the links)
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Sunday, November 13, 2011Download Tactics - from Basics to Brilliance Vol. 2 - Valeri Lilov (Full DVD) | Chessbase Fritz TrainerSunday, November 13, 2011 Blogurway

White Noise
Tactics! Once again, this is what you need to become a really good player fast! In this second volume of his DVD series on tactics, FM Valeri Lilov focuses entirely on combinations. Here you can find everything you need to know about identifying and executing sound combinations in your very own games! You do not need to create combinations any more, as they will start showing up on the board by themselves once you learn how to sense the critical moments in sharp positions by using this DVD. Its that easy! In this volume, you will find lectures on combinations with bishops and knights, rooks and the queen, as well as typical combinations based on the interaction of pieces. FM Valeri Lilov has taken the time to carefully select the most instructive examples to illustrate each of these types of combination. This will provide you with a great opportunity to learn from the masters and to discover the secrets of their thinking. Enjoy the magical world of chess combinations! Video running time: 4 hours 18 min. need to register at the above community to see the links)
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Visit our new home @Chess India Network. Join our Community forum @Chess India Community. Visit our network siteChess India Channelto watch numerous quality chess training videos.
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Download Chess Expertise Step by Step Vol. 3: Rook Handling - Efstratios Grivas (Full DVD) | Chessbase Fritz TrainerSunday, November 13, 2011 Blogurway

Rook handling and generally speaking endings constitute one of the most fascinating elements in chess. Rich in both tactical and strategic possibilities, they offer us the opportunity to marvel at its endless creative potential and unique ideas. Of all chess endings (pawn, queen, rook, bishop and knight), rook endings are the ones encountered most frequently. Like all aspects of chess technique, rook endings (and in in general the correct handling of rooks) encompass a significant amount of theoretical and repeated motifs, which we have to be aware of - just like our openings. In this way we will be able to make correct decisions at important junctures of the game, decisions that will either promise us victory or allow us to secure the draw. This DVD, called Rook Handling, tries to cover important parts of this field and help you to assimilate knowledge and to understand in depth the proper handling of rooks in certain cases. We shall examine how to keep our rook active, how to trap a rook, how not to lose a drawn rook ending, how to handle technical rook endings, how to successfully transfer our rook, how to enhance cooperation between rook knight and finally how to defend against a knight 3 pawns. To be honest, this is just a small amount of the huge quantity of material that one has to learn about rooks, but in any case it is a good start! Video running time: 4 hours need to register at the above community to see the links)
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Download The Art of the Exchange Sacrifice - Ari Ziegler (Full DVD) | Chessbase Fritz TrainerSunday, November 13, 2011 Blogurway

People in Greenland can differentiate between 36 kinds of snow; the Swedish International Master Ari Ziegler will teach you to differentiate between 20 kinds of exchange sacrifice. His systematic approach to exchange sacrifices will rapidly enhance your understanding of one of the most exciting and difficult aspects of chess. Your widened horizon will help you to be able to follow the games of top GMs better and also to see more options in your own positions, which in turn will improve your chess results.

With this DVD you will:

Seriously enhance your understanding of exchange sacrifices.You will very quickly recognise the value of an exchange sacrifice in any kind of position.Your games will be richer and you will see more opportunities and because of that you will improve your overall results.You will reach a better understanding of the games of world class players.Video running time: 6 hours 40 min.
People in Greenland can differentiate between 36 kinds of snow; the Swedish International Master Ari Ziegler will teach you to differentiate between 20 kinds of exchange sacrifice. His systematic approach to exchange sacrifices will rapidly enhance your understanding of one of the most exciting and difficult aspects of chess. Your widened horizon will help you to be able to follow the games of top GMs better and also to see more options in your own positions, which in turn will improve your chess results.

With this DVD you will:

Seriously enhance your understanding of exchange sacrifices.You will very quickly recognise the value of an exchange sacrifice in any kind of position.Your games will be richer and you will see more opportunities and because of that you will improve your overall results.You will reach a better understanding of the games of world class players.Video running time: 6 hours 40 min. need to register at the above community to see the links)
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Visit our new home @Chess India Network. Join our Community forum @Chess India Community. Visit our network siteChess India Channelto watch numerous quality chess training videos.
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Thursday, September 29, 2011Download Convekta Chess Openings Encyclopedia 2011 (Full DVD)Thursday, September 29, 2011 Blogurway

This excellent program for learning chess openings includes theoretical material on every opening, a user-friendly and detailed classification of variations, a quick search option and an option for analyzing games and positions.
There are two ways of studying an opening: by looking through encyclopedic tables for chosen openings or variations and by moving along a Chess Tree displaying expert evaluations of a current position.
Openings material is based upon

500 000 of expert evaluations, which
were verified and corrected by Rybka8 000 annotations to key moves40 million of evaluations by Rybka engineDatabase of 4,350,000 games as of April 1, 2011. A Rybka 2.3 program is integrated into the Encyclopedia with a possibility of simple connection to Rybka 4 or other UCI and Winboard engines. A powerful system of search according to player name, position, positional element, motif and material correlation is supported.
A test of opening mode will allow you to test your knowledge and your skill of playing in your chosen opening against the program and to obtain recommendations automatically.
Language versions: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian
System requirements: PC, 128 MB RAM, 2.5GB of free disk space, Windows 7/XP/Vista/2000.

Extensive Opening Databases
Openings Encyclopedia 2011 has all the data needed to support your opening studies right at your fingertips:

A game database with 4.35 million games.Over 8,000 text annotations from GM KalininOver 500,000 expert evaluations of key opening positions.Over 40 million opening positions analyzed by Rybka. Opening Tables Opening tables are a powerful tool, which complements the move tree and present the theory in a familiar format. As the opening tables are dynamically generated, you can create a table for any position. You can add your own moves, variations and annotations to opening tables.
Opening Classifiers: Overview of Openings and Variations

Classifiers allow you to view the variations covered by Openings Encyclopedia 2011 through a Windows Explorer style interface. If you want to study a particular variation, just double click on its folder in the classifier.
Tree Display Openings Encyclopedia 2011 also uses position databases, which has several advantages over traditional game databases. A tree representation gives you an overview of the current positions, which moves have been played or analyzed in the position and performance statistics. The tree catches all transpositions. need to register at the above community to see the links)
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Download World Champions and World Championships - Shirov! (Shirov-Kramnik 1998) | Chess on DVDThursday, September 29, 2011 Blogurway

International superstar Alexei Shirov provides his first-hand account of his 1998 clash in Cazorla, Spain with Vladimir Kramnik - in a match held to decide who would become the Official Challenger to WCC World Champion Garry Kasparov in a World Championship Match.

In this dvd volume, Shirov discusses the psychological aspects of match play at the highest level, reveals his preparation, and analyzes all nine games from the match in detail. need to register at the above community to see the links)
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Download My best games in the Sicilian Najdorf - Alexei Shirov (Full DVD) | Chessbase Fritz TrainerThursday, September 29, 2011 Blogurway

Alexei Shirov can look back on an extraordinary chess career. Young Alexei became U-16 World Champion in 1988, and second in the World Junior Championship in 1990. He received his GM title in 1992, at the age of 20. Since then, Shirov has belonged to the absolute top players in the world. In 1998 he defeated Vladimir Kramnik in a ten-game qualification match that was staged to select a challenger for World Champion Garry Kasparov. Unfortunately, that title match never took place. In 2000 Shirov reached the final of the FIDE world championship, losing to Vishy Anand.

Now the genius from Riga presents and explains his best games in a series of training DVDs in the Chess Media System. Shirovs uncompromising style of play is also reflected in his manner of commenting his own games. He is perfectly objective, and in fact sometimes ruthlessly critical of himself. Even when he is dealing with highly acclaimed games, his judgement is unbiased no glossing over critical positions where he did not find the optimal continuation. Chess fans are treated not just to a portrait of this extraordinary player, but they can also learn a lot about the development of particular opening lines at top level in the course of time.

On this 3rd DVD by Shirov, you will find his most brilliant games in the Sicilian Najdorf. Shirovs duel with van Wely in the Najdorf Keres Attack is for sure one of the highlights on this DVD, just as the presentation of one of his best games against Kasparov. More than 3 hours entertainment and enlightenment, all packed in one. need to register at the above community to see the links)
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Visit our new home @Chess India Network. Join our Community forum @Chess India Community. Visit our network siteChess India Channelto watch numerous quality chess training videos.
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Attack The King - A Complete Chess Portal 2010

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