Heritage Poultry Conservancy

Web Name: Heritage Poultry Conservancy

WebSite: http://heritagepoultry.org





We are dedicated to the preservation and support of all threatened breeds and strains of domestic poultry through encouragement of education, stewardship, and good breeding practices. These breeds were once very common, but as factory farms and hybrid genetics become more prevalent, these breeds have begun to vanish quickly. These breeds represent an irreplaceable piece of earth’s biodiversity and offer an incredible variety that may be needed for future farms - robust health, mothering instincts, foraging, and the ability to thrive in a changing climate. Raising poultry is a meaningful way to get kids active in nature and connect with the outdoors. We raise money every year for kids in 4-H to show heritage poultry in state and national shows. We give awards to encourage these poultry to be raised and conserved for the future. Chicken Chat is a forum for poultry enthusiasts to flock together to share, discuss, debate and enjoy all things fowl.Note from allenSlate Red DorkingDo you love rare and unusual chicken breeds? Slate Red Dorkings are an old and rare color pattern we are endeavoring to conserve at Moss Mountain Farm. The mole breed of chicken where the term ‘slate’ is used as a descriptor. Dorkings are one of the most important foundational breeds dating back many millennia. We keep four other varieties of Dorkings.Plan to come to our Heritage Poultry gathering this spring, Saturday March 28th. POULTRYVILLEHeritage Geese at Moss Mountain FarmHeritage Poultry Conservancy Blog

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