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Please consider making a donation of $1,$5,$100 or whatever you can to protect and sustain Fullonlinebooks. Salads And Dressings - Strawberry And Spinach Salad With Lemon Dressing 10 oz. fresh spinach, rinsed, drained, stemmed and coarsely chopped 1 lb. fresh strawberries, hulled and halved or sliced Lemon Dressing (makes about 3/4 cup): 1/4 cup sugar juice of 1 large lemon (3 scant Tbl.) 1 egg yolk 6 Tbl. vegetable oil Place spinach in a bowl and top with strawberries. Chill.Place sugar in medium mixing bowl. Add lemon juice and whisk until most of sugar is completely dissolved. Add yolk and whisk until sugar is completely dissolved. Add oil 1 Tbl. at a time, whisking constantly... Learning Kitchen - Post by : ksayre - Author : Unknown - Read : 2043 Salads And Dressings - Rice - Wild Rice Salad Salad:1 cup wild rice 1/2 cup chopped celery 1/4 cup chopped green onion 1/4 cup chopped parsley 1/2 cup chopped green pepper 1/2 cup sweetened dried cranberries ( I used Craisins) Dressing: 1/2 cup cranberry juice 1 tsp basil 1/2 cup white vinegar 5 tbsp olive oil sugar and salt to taste Cook wild rice in 4 cups water until almost done, about 45 minutes. Drain well; cool. Add remaining salad ingredients. Combine dressing ingredients, add to salad and mix together. Serves 10-12.... Learning Kitchen - Post by : jcebay - Author : Unknown - Read : 2107 Vegetables - Potato Salad - Asparagus And New Potato Salad The dressing here makes more than you need for the salad, but any left over makes a nice dip for artichokes or vegetables, or you can drizzle it onto tomatoes or tomorrow night's salad. Salad: 1-1/4 pounds red-skinned new potatoes, small ones if possible Salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 celery stalk, thinly sliced 1 tablespoon chopped chives 1 pound asparagus, trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces Dressing: 3 tablespoons red wine, white wine, or sherry vinegar 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1... Learning Kitchen - Post by : redrider - Author : Unknown - Read : 1362 Vegetables - Spinach - Lamb And Spinach Curry 2 lbs boneless lamb, cubed 2 lbs spinach, washed, drained and stems removed, chopped 2 medium onions, chopped 5 tablespoons yogurt 8 tablespoons olive oil 1/4 teaspoon peppercorns 2 bay leaves 6 cardamom pods 6 whole cloves 6 cloves garlic, chopped 1 inch fresh ginger, chopped 1 teaspoon coriander 2 teaspoons cumin 1/2 teaspoon cayenne 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon garam masala Heat oil. Add peppercorns, bay leaves, and cardamom. Stir for 2 seconds. Add cloves. Add onion, garlic, and ginger. Cook... Learning Kitchen - Post by : bradlygee - Author : Unknown - Read : 870 Discourses On The First Decade Of Titus Livius - BOOK I - Chapter LVIII BOOK I - CHAPTER LVIIICHAPTER LVIII - That a People is wiser and more constant than a PrinceThat "nothing is more fickle and inconstant than the multitude" is affirmed not by Titus Livius only, but by all other historians, in whose chronicles of human actions we often find the multitude condemning some citizen to death, and afterwards lamenting him and grieving greatly for his loss, as the Romans grieved and lamented for Manlius Capitolinus, whom they had themselves condemned to die. In relating... Nonfictions - Post by : getwebhosting - Author : Niccolo Machiavelli - Read : 1191 The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz - Chapter 21. The Lion Becomes the King of Beasts Chapter 21. The Lion Becomes the King of BeastsAfter climbing down from the china wall the travelers found themselves in a disagreeable country, full of bogs and marshes and covered with tall, rank grass. It was difficult to walk without falling into muddy holes, for the grass was so thick that it hid them from sight. However, by carefully picking their way, they got safely along until they reached solid ground. But here the country seemed wilder than ever, and after a long and tiresome walk through... Long Stories - Post by : John_Ahern - Author : L. Frank Baum - Read : 3412 The Life And Adventures Of Santa Claus - MANHOOD - 2. How Claus Made the First Toy MANHOOD - 2. How Claus Made the First ToyTruly our Claus had wisdom, for his good fortune but strengthened his resolve to befriend the little ones of his own race. He knew his plan was approved by the immortals, else they would not have favored him so greatly.So he began at once to make acquaintance with mankind. He walked through the Valley to the plain beyond, and crossed the plain in many directions to reach the abodes of men. These stood singly or in groups of dwellings called villages, and in... Long Stories - Post by : wholesaleguy - Author : L. Frank Baum - Read : 2025 The Forsyte Saga - Novel 2. In Chancery - PART III - Chapter II. IN THE WEB Novel 2. In Chancery - PART III - CHAPTER II. IN THE WEBSoames returned to England the following day, and on the third morning received a visit from Mr. Polteed, who wore a flower and carried a brown billycock hat. Soames motioned him to a seat."The news from the war is not so bad, is it?" said Mr. Polteed. "I hope I see you well, sir.""Thanks! quite."Mr. Polteed leaned forward, smiled, opened his hand, looked into it, and said softly:"I think we've done your business for you at last.""What?" ejaculated... Long Stories - Post by : zeus661 - Author : John Galsworthy - Read : 1905 The Newcomes - Chapter LXXIV. In which Clive begins the World We are ending our history, and yet poor Clive is but beginning the world. He has to earn the bread which he eats henceforth; and, as I saw his labours, his trials, and his disappointments, I could not but compare his calling with my own.The drawbacks and penalties attendant upon our profession are taken into full account, as we well know, by literary men, and their friends. Our poverty, hardships, and disappointments are set forth with great emphasis, and often with too great truth by those who speak... Long Stories - Post by : pronet - Author : William Makepeace Thackeray - Read : 1106 The Golden Road - Chapter 6. Great-Aunt Eliza's Visit CHAPTER VI. GREAT-AUNT ELIZA'S VISITIt was a diamond winter day in February--clear, cold, hard, brilliant. The sharp blue sky shone, the white fields and hills glittered, the fringe of icicles around the eaves of Uncle Alec's house sparkled. Keen was the frost and crisp the snow over our world; and we young fry of the King households were all agog to enjoy life--for was it not Saturday, and were we not left all alone to keep house? Aunt Janet and Aunt Olivia had had their last big "kill" of market... Long Stories - Post by : bohlken - Author : Lucy Maud Montgomery - Read : 589 The Fixed Period - Volume 1 - Chapter 2. Gabriel Crasweller VOLUME I CHAPTER II. GABRIEL CRASWELLERI will now begin my tale. It is above thirty years since I commenced my agitation in Britannula. We were a small people, and had not then been blessed by separation; but we were, I think, peculiarly intelligent. We were the very cream, as it were, that had been skimmed from the milk-pail of the people of a wider colony, themselves gifted with more than ordinary intelligence. We were the _elite of the selected population of New Zealand. I think I may say that... Long Stories - Post by : clelestem - Author : Anthony Trollope - Read : 679 Timothy Crump's Ward: A Story Of American Life - Chapter 9. A Journey CHAPTER IX. A JOURNEY"OH, mother," exclaimed Ida, bounding into the room, fresh from school. She stopped short, in some confusion, on seeing a stranger. "Is this my own dear child, over whose infancy I watched so tenderly?" exclaimed the nurse, rising, her harsh features wreathed into a smile. "It is Ida," said Mrs. Crump. Ida looked from one to the other in silent bewilderment. "Ida," said Mrs. Crump, in a little embarrassment, "this is Mrs. Hardwick, who took care of you when you were an infant."... Long Stories - Post by : eburnes2 - Author : Horatio Alger - Read : 3041 The Bobbsey Twins At The County Fair - Chapter 4. A Missing Coat CHAPTER IV. A MISSING COATMr. Bobbsey came hurrying over to the ice cream pavilion, with Bert almost running beside him to keep up with his father. "What's all this, Mother?" asked Mr. Bobbsey, who, with his coat off and his sleeves rolled up, was working hard to help the ladies at the Sunday school picnic. "What's all this about a merry-go-round coming here?" "I don't know that it is coming here," answered Mrs. Bobbsey, with a smile. "But some sort of affair is thundering along the road. You can... Long Stories - Post by : Jerret_L_Turner - Author : Laura Lee Hope - Read : 2388 The Cruise Of The Dazzler - Part 1 - Chapter 5. Home Again PART I CHAPTER V. HOME AGAINFollowing Brick Simpson's directions, they came into Union Street, and without further mishap gained the Hill. From the brow they looked down into the Pit, whence arose that steady, indefinable hum which comes from crowded human places. "I 'll never go down there again, not as long as I live," Fred said with a great deal of savagery in his voice. "I wonder what became of the fireman." "We 're lucky to get back with whole skins," Joe cheered them philosophically. "I guess... Long Stories - Post by : newfound - Author : Jack London - Read : 2310 Six Little Bunkers At Grandma Bell's - Chapter 24. The Old Coat CHAPTER XXIV. THE OLD COAT"Bang!" That was the soap-box cart hitting against a tree. "Tunk! Tunk!" Those were the soft sounds Russ and Laddie made as they were spilled out on the grass near the lumberman's cabin. "Bow-wow!" That was Zip barking at the cat. "Hiss-siss!" That was the cat making queer noises at Zip. "Wow-ow-ow-Yelp!" That was Zip howling because the cat scratched his nose. For that's just what the cat did. Zip rushed at her so fast that he banged the cart against a tree, and turned... Long Stories - Post by : driverx - Author : Laura Lee Hope - Read : 2867 Tom Swift And His Motor-cycle - Chapter 13. Caught In A Storm CHAPTER XIII. CAUGHT IN A STORMThe more Tom tried to reason out the cause of the men's actions, the more he dwelt upon his encounter with the tramp, and the harder he endeavored to seek a solution of the queer puzzle, the more complicated it seemed. He rode on until he saw in a valley below him the buildings of the town of Centreford, and, with a view of them, a new idea came into his mind. "I'll go get a good dinner," he decided, "and perhaps that will help me to think more clearly. That's what... Long Stories - Post by : compasscindy - Author : Victor Appleton - Read : 2428 The Outdoor Girls On Pine Island - Chapter 12. "Where There Is Smoke----" CHAPTER XII. "WHERE THERE IS SMOKE----"The Outdoor Girls must have a fire. That they had decided at the supper table. What was the use of having a big fire-place if they never used it? Betty's theory was, that it was wicked to let anything go to waste. All this being true, it stood to reason that a fire they must have. "I wonder if the boys wouldn't come in and help us build it," Grace suggested, seized with a brilliant idea. "There are already some logs in the fire-place, but I feel that I would... Long Stories - Post by : joebiff - Author : Laura Lee Hope - Read : 2692 The Outdoor Girls In A Motor Car - Chapter 8. In The Mud CHAPTER VIII. IN THE MUDMr. Lagg looked hopefully from one to the other of the Outdoor Girls. Clearly he was very much in earnest over his strange offer, and he saw nothing out of the ordinary in it. But it must be admitted that it is not every day four girls are asked to take a motor tour and solve the mystery of a ghost-haunted house. Betty and her chums evidently realized that. Betty finally spoke. "Well," she said, slowly, "we would like to do you a favor, Mr. Lagg, and we wouldn't want you to... Long Stories - Post by : PPBRONXNYC - Author : Laura Lee Hope - Read : 1185 The Outdoor Girls In Florida: Wintering In The Sunny South - Chapter 16. Suspicious Characters CHAPTER XVI. SUSPICIOUS CHARACTERS"What shall we do?" whispered Grace, glancing at Betty, who stood at the wheel, seemingly as calm and unperturbed as though she had the _Gem out for a little run on Rainbow Lake. "Oh, what shall we do?" "Do?" echoed Mollie. "Wait until there's something to be done, of course." "But those men--they are heading right for us, and we don't know them!" "And we didn't know Mr. Belton when he came to our rescue," replied Mollie. "So that doesn't count." "But neither of... Long Stories - Post by : kdwashere - Author : Laura Lee Hope - Read : 2530 One Woman's Life - Part Three. Aspirations - Chapter 2. A Funeral And A Surprise PART THREE. ASPIRATIONS CHAPTER II. A FUNERAL AND A SURPRISEWhen Horatio telephoned the news, Milly hurried over to the West Side, and was taken to her grandmother's room. The little old lady seemed extraordinarily lifelike in her death--perhaps because there had been so little outward animation to her life. Her thin, veined hands were folded neatly over her decent black dress, as she had sat so many hours, perfectly still. The neat bands of white hair curved around the well-shaped ears, and the... Long Stories - Post by : Paperboy - Author : Robert Herrick - Read : 2151

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