thinkJar, the blog!

Web Name: thinkJar, the blog!






I have been accused many times of being "semantically driven" to differentiate myself (that means I am too focused on proper definitions and how to use terms well -- see my position on hybrid clouds and social CRM from back in the day... oh, and journeys). I don't do it for that, naturally.  I do it Continue reading "Engagement Defined In OneSlide" if you are a fan of Gartner, and who among us is not - right?, you know about the hype cycle. image above, copyright Gartner, Inc. funny, well - i think it is, was that when i used to present as a G analyst i used to call it the marriage cycle... you meet someone Continue reading "We Finally Reached Peak of Inflated Expectations forAI" Invest the 5-10 minutes to read it, totally worth it. Quotage... “The secret to persuasion, influence, and motivation is a formula deeply grounded in storytelling.” and also... "People Don't Buy Your Product, They Buy Your Story" this is one of those cases where paying attention brought two very different articles to contrast.  and am not sure which way to go with this - stay tuned. first, I read this article from Futurism on the end of the era of Deep Learning.  Quoting from it: Artificial intelligence developers may soon find themselves Continue reading "Deep Learning Is It ReallyOver?" I feel I am truly gifted.... or blessed.... or something. I have good clients that like what I say and write, and they hire me to explore topics that are emerging in the enterprise.  One of these awesome clients is Transversal, and they wanted to see what I could do in relation to using Artificial Continue reading "KM with AI??? Inconceivable??? Nah, EasyPeasy " and, the final part of the four-part series on surveys lessons learned and best me for updates, these are 10 years old and likely need some touch up and personalization but still read true for the most part.Surveys Done Right – Part 4 – EFM Best PracticesOk, final part of this series.We so far have covered point-of-service surveys, customer-satisfaction surveys, and best-practices for surveys.  On to the best way to implement enterprise feedback management in your organization.  This is a set of best practices I use with all my clients to get them to understand what is the best way to adopt an Enterprise Feedback Management initiative.  Since I was told the previous posts were too long – on to the rest of this!Most organizations embark on feedback management programs with no clear objective or purpose, except to simply collect information from the client. This results in long, rambling surveys, improperly worded questions and poor response rates. More importantly, it results in an annoyed customer who must put up with an ill-prepared organization as well as valuable feedback being discarded because…View original post 854 more words part 3, four part series on doing surveys right, reblogging before it disappears, 10 years laterif this needs updating, ping me. glad to chat.Surveys Done Right – Part 3 – Survey Best PracticesOK, on to part 3 – best practice for surveys.I have been working on and off on this topic for a while, updating it and making sure it was still valid.  This is the knowledge I have gained over the years of doing surveys.  Enjoy, and do let me know what you think of it.Know What You Want. It is essential to know before crafting the survey what information you need to get out of it. Most surveys look for customer satisfaction, others are trying to determine how to improve the delivery of service. Yet others may be trying to determine the effectiveness of a certain service or program. The most important thing to know is that each of these goals should be unique and single – one survey per goal, with documentation before you release it.View original post 869 more words part 2, saving content before it goes away forever.surveys, four parts blog experience from 10 years agoSurveys Done Right – Part 2 – Customer SatisfactionI have been dreading writing this entry since I came up with the idea for the series (have you read part 1 yet?).  It is not that I don’t know what to say, or that I don’t want to do it.  It is simply that my fear of providing “sample” survey that will later become “real surveys” for all people without customization or personalization really, really takes hold in this arena.  I mean, who has not had to write a customer satisfaction survey in the past?  It is probably the most used, misunderstood, and poorly implemented of all surveys out there.If we go by the surveys that I have seen, customer satisfaction surveys should only have one question since that is what most people care about anyways: “overall, how satisfied are you with us?”.  It seems that if the customer…View original post 983 more words Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Join 36 other followers Email Address:

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