Ethics Public Policy Center

Web Name: Ethics Public Policy Center






Until We Rest in Him Francis X. Maier I’ve been dreading this November for the past year. In half a century of voting, I’ve been worried or frustrated by our public life many times. But 2020 has a unique toxicity, as if the whole nation were heaving, rudderless, on an ocean of poisonous blame. By Francis X. Maier / First Things / Posted on November 5, 2020 What may be coming our way is an odd kind of “new colonialism,” with flyover country—that Dark Continent formerly known as places like Kansas, Alabama, and Tennessee—reduced in effective power to mission territory for our enlightened coastal elites. By Lance Morrow / City Journal / Posted on November 4, 2020 Our exhausting and not-yet-settled election of 2020 should remind us that America has rarely been “one nation, indivisible.” By Mona Charen / The Bulwark / Posted on November 4, 2020 The gender gap is now a chasm, and this difference is becoming one of the defining facts of political affiliation. By George Weigel / George Weigel’s weekly column The Catholic Difference / Posted on November 4, 2020 It is very, very hard to be the Catholic Church without being a vibrantly eucharistic Church. That’s true for everyone. The people of the Church should realize that it’s especially true for priests. By Peter Wehner / The New York Times / Posted on November 2, 2020 If Donald Trump loses his re-election bid, there will be a lot of ruin to sort through. But his most damaging and enduring legacy may well turn out to be the promiscuous use of conspiracy theories that have defined both the man and his presidency.Sign up to receive EPPC's free biweekly e-newsletter of selected publications, news, and events. The Ethics and Public Policy Center is a wonderful resource for creative and savvy policy proposals that are faithful to America’s founding principles. I regularly draw on the broad-ranging expertise of EPPC scholars. Paul Ryan Speaker of the House & Former GOP Vice Presidential Nominee©2018 Ethics and Public Policy Center | 1730 M Street NW Suite 910 Washington, DC 20036 | Phone: 1-202-682-1200 | Fax: 202-408-0632The views expressed by EPPC scholars in their work are their individual views only and are not to be imputed to EPPC as an institution.Comments on the website or technical programs? Email

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The Ethics and Public Policy Center is Washington, D.C.’s premier institute applying the Judeo-Christian moral tradition to critical issues of public policy

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