Epicurus and Epicurean Philosophy

Web Name: Epicurus and Epicurean Philosophy

WebSite: http://epicurus.net





Epicurus Epicurean PhilosophyHome/Ancient Texts | Beliefs | Relationships | History | Resources | Epicurean Philosophy ListWelcome . . .Epicurus (341 270 B.C.) founded one of the major philosophies of ancient Greece, helping to lay the intellectual foundations for modern science and for secular individualism. Many aspects of his thought are still highly relevant some twenty-three centuries after they were first taught in his school in Athens, called the Garden. Epicurus's philosophy combines a physics based on an atomistic materialism with a rational hedonistic ethics that emphasizes moderation of desires and cultivation of friendships. His world-view is an optimistic one that stresses that philosophy can liberate one from fears of death and the supernatural, and can teach us how to find happiness in almost any situation. His practical insights into human psychology, as well as his science-friendly world-view, gives Epicureanism great contemporary signficance as well as a venerable role in the intellectual development of Western Civilization.The Epicurus Epicurean Philosophy web site is a modern on-line version of the Garden, introducing Epicureanism to both the serious student of philosophy and to anyone seeking useful and inspiring ideas, and helping to bring together those who are interested in it. Follow the links below to learn more about Epicurus and his philosophy!Ancient Epicurean Texts . . . Epicurus (341 270 B.C.) Principal Doctrines | Vatican Sayings | Letter to Menoeceus | Letter to Herodotus | Letter to Pythocles | Letter to Idomeneus | Last Will Diogenes Laertius (early 200s A.D., biographer of Epicurus) Lives of Eminent Philosophers, book X Lucretius (99 55 B.C., Epicurean poet) De Rerum Natura (On the Nature of Things) Cicero (106 43 B.C., critic who recorded Epicurean monologues) De Finibus (On Ends, selection) | De Natura Deorum (On the Nature of the Gods, selection) Horace (65 8 B.C., poet) Ode Carpe Diem | Ode Otium | Letter to Tibullus Lucian (120 190 A.D., satirist) Alexander the Oracle-Monger | Zeus Rants Cornelius Nepos (100 25 B.C., biographer) De Latinis Historicis Atticus Plutarch (early 100s A.D., Platonist critic) Adversus Colotem (Against Colotes, selection) Lactantius (early 300s A.D., Christian critic) The Divine Institutes (selection) | On the Anger of God (selection)Finding Epicureans . . .Epicurus and MetrodorusIf you are interested in discussing Epicureanism and related subjects, epicurus.net is proud to offer you the Epicurean Philosophy List (EPL), a private, ad-free e-mail list devoted specifically to Epicureanism.These and other Epicurean listscan also be used to learn about Epicurean social and educationalactivities, including recent proposals for the formation of aninternational Epicurean organization. This web site and the Epicureanweb sites listed on the on-line resources page also occasionally mention these activities.A Parting Thought . . . Let no one be slow to seek wisdom when heis young nor weary in the search of it when he has grown old. For noage is too early or too late for the health of the soul. And to saythat the season for studying philosophy has not yet come, or that it ispast and gone, is like saying that the season for happiness is not yetor that it is now no more. Therefore, both old and young alike ought toseek wisdom, the former in order that, as age comes over him, he may beyoung in good things because of the grace of what has been, and thelatter in order that, while he is young, he may at the same time beold, because he has no fear of the things which are to come. So we mustexercise ourselves in the things which bring happiness, since, if thatbe present, we have everything, and, if that be absent, all our actionsare directed towards attaining it. Epicurus, Letter to MenoeceusThe Epicurus Epicurean Philosophy web site, hosted by Vincent Cook, has been on-line since December 4th, 1996.

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Presenting the philosophy of Epicurus, including classical Epicurean texts, history, and information about books, web pages, and e-mail lists devoted to Epicureanism.

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