Oklahoma Digital Prairie Your information hub for state records, archives, pictures, forms, and onl

Web Name: Oklahoma Digital Prairie Your information hub for state records, archives, pictures, forms, and onl

WebSite: http://digitalprairie.ok.gov





Access thousands of state government publications and documents that were available only through official Oklahoma state agency websites beginning in November 2006 and digitized publications back to 1978. This collection highlights the unique holdings of libraries, archives, and museums across the State of Oklahoma. It is a state digital project funded by IMLS (Institute of Museum and Library Services). This collection focuses on one of the most significant events of racial violence in American history and includes Oklahoma state government documents about the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921 and other social and legal issues in Tulsa in the early 1920s. Housed in the State Archives, this collection consists of biographies, finding aids, official photographs, and speeches of each Governor beginning with Charles N. Haskell (1907-1911) and continuing through the present administration. The Confederate Soldier’s Pension Bill (1915) provided pensions for disabled and indigentConfederate soldiers, sailors, and widows. This collection includes application files and correspondence related to over 7,500 Confederate veterans who lived in Oklahoma. The Confederate Pension Index Cards are the finding aid to the application and pension files inthe Confederate Pension Records collection. These cards typically include name, spouse, address, date of marriage, date of death, and military service. This collection features postcards from a special collection held by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries. Most of the cards in the collection were commercially produced and documentsignificant buildings and scenes throughout early Oklahoma. This collection features documents from the Oklahoma State Supreme Court Civil Case No.32756, Ada Lois Sipuel v. Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma, regarding the firstAfrican American woman admitted to the University of Oklahoma law school in 1948. This caselaid the foundation for the Brown v. Board of Education landmark decision in 1954. This collection features the Oklahoma Almanac – also called the Red Book, State Manual, orDirectory – from 1909 to 2018. The almanac is a major reference source on Oklahoma stategovernment, election results, county statistics, education, commerce, and wildlife. Oklahoma state agencies issue a variety of forms for use by Oklahoma citizens and businesses. State agencies are required to submit all forms in a searchable electronic version for inclusion in this collection. The collection includes special audits prepared by the Office of State Auditor and Inspector; audits of state agencies; and special audits for cities, school districts, and local government. The Oklahoma Register is an official publication of the State of Oklahoma. It is published semi-monthly. The rules of the State are codified and published in the Oklahoma Administrative Code by the Office of Administrative Rules (OAR). This collection documents the negotiations (1955-1978) between Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas,and Louisiana to create a compact to resolve and prevent disputes over waters of the Red RiverBasin and to assure that each state received adequate water from the basin. Legal Information for Oklahoma contains information on how the Oklahoma legal system is structured, how laws are created, places to go for Oklahoma legal information, links to free online resources. The Collection highlights the literary heritage of our state with a compilation of contemporary and historical author profiles. We strive to connect readers and researchers with author information. Oklahoma Department of Libraries utilizes Archive-It's web archiving service from the Internet Archive to harvest, build, and preserve collections of Oklahoma's online presence. You will find an archived history of state government websites. The following resources are available in schools and libraries across the state. If you do not have an account to login, please contact your local public library or school library for more information. EBSCO is a simple intuitive search that delivers millions of online resources, including articles, essays, primary source documents, health, business and legal information, current events, Consumer Reports, videos, magazines, and more — all with reliable content. Whether you want to learn home improvement strategies or get homework help, EBSCO's leading resources and databases help you succeed.We also encourage you to explore the EBSCO Explora resources with your students or even on your own. Look under "Preschool – 12th."For access, go to Research Discovery. ODL and Oklahoma Archives present a visual look at Oklahoma's past with Timeline of Oklahoma History and Oklahoma Governors Timeline.View events from our state's history from pre-statehood to the centennial. We have gathered images and resources for you to peruse and research further. You can scroll through all the governors of Oklahoma's past with links to primary resources online. Watch for additional timelines.View the Timeline of Oklahoma History and Oklahoma Governors Timeline.

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