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Creadores Paradisiacos022 Los Hijos de Dios Trinidizados023 Los Mensajeros Solitarios024 Las Personalidades Mas Elevadas del Espiritu Infinito025 Las Huestes de Mensajeros del Espacio026 Los Espíritus Ministrantes : del Universo Central027 El Ministerio de los Supernafines Primarios028 Los Espíritus Ministrantes : de los Superuniversos029 Los Directores del Poder Universal030 Las Personalidades del Gran Universo031 El Cuerpo de la Finalidad032 La Evolución de los Universos Locales033 La Administración del Universo Local034 El Espíritu Materno del Universo Local035 Los Hijos de Dios de los Universos Locales036 LOS PORTADORES DE VIDA037 Las Personalidades del Universo Local038 Los Espíritus Ministrantes : del Universo Local039 Las Huestes Seráficas040 Los Hijos de Dios Ascendentes041 Los Aspectos Físicos del Universo Local042 LA ENERGÍA — LA MENTE Y LA MATERIA043 Las Constelaciones044 Los Artesanos Celestiales045 La Administración del Sistema Local046 La Sede Central del Sistema Local047 Los Siete Mundos de Estancia048 La Vida Morontial049 Los Mundos Habitados050 Los Príncipes Planetarios051 Los Adanes Planetarios052 Las Épocas Planetarias de los Mortales053 La Rebelión de Lucifer054 LOS PROBLEMAS DE LA REBELIÓN DE LUCIFER055 Las Esferas de Luz y Vida056 Unidad Universal057 El Origen de Urantia058 El Establecimiento de la Vida en Urantia059 La Era de la Vida Marina en Urantia060 Urantia Durante la : Era Primitiva de la Vida Terrestre061 La Era de los Mamiferos en Urantia062 Las Razas Protohumanas del Hombre Primitivo063 LA PRIMERA FAMILIA HUMANA064 Las Razas Evolucionarias de Color065 La Supervisión de la Evolución066 El Príncipe Planetario de Urantia067 La Rebelión Planetaria068 Los Albores de la Civilización069 Las Instituciones Humanas Primitivas070 La Evolución del Gobierno Humano071 El Desarrollo del Estado072 El Gobierno de un Planeta Vecino073 El Jardín del Edén074 Adán y Eva075 La Falta de Adán y Eva076 El Segundo Jardín077 Los Seres Intermedios078 La Raza Violeta : Después de los Días de Adán079 La Expansión Andita en el Oriente080 La Expansión Andita en el Occidente081 El Desarrollo de la Civilización Moderna082 La Evolución del Matrimonio083 La Institución del Matrimonio084 Matrimonio y Vida Familiar085 Los Orígenes de la Adoración086 La Evolución Primitiva de la Religión087 Los Cultos a los Fantasmas088 Los Fetiches, los Amuletos y la Magia089 El Pecado, el Sacrificio y la Expiación090 El Shamanismo — Los Curanderos y los Sacerdotes091 La Evolución de la Oración092 La Evolución Ulterior de la Religión093 Maquiventa Melquisedek094 Las Enseñanzas de : Melquisedek en el Oriente095 Las Enseñanzas de : Melquisedek en el Levante096 Yahvé — El Dios de los Hebreos097 Evolución del Concepto : de Dios Entre los Hebreos098 Las Enseñanzas de : Melquisedek en el Occidente099 LOS PROBLEMAS SOCIALES DE LA RELIGIÓN100 LOS PROBLEMAS SOCIALES DE LA RELIGIÓN101 La Verdadera Naturaleza de la Religión102 Los Cimientos de la Fe Religiosa103 La Realidad de la Experiencia Religiosa104 El Crecimiento del Concepto de la Trinidad105 La Deidad y la Realidad106 Los Niveles de la Realidad en el Universo107 EL ORIGEN Y : LA NATURALEZA DE LOS AJUSTADORES DEL PENSAMIENTO108 La Misión y : el Ministerio de los Ajustadores del Pensamiento109 La Relación de : los Ajustadores con las Criaturas del Universo110 La Relación de : los Ajustadores con los Seres Mortales111 El Ajustador y el Alma112 La Sobrevivencia de la Personalidad113 Los Guardianes Seráficos del Destino114 El Gobierno Planetario Seráfico115 El Ser Supremo116 El Supremo Todopoderoso117 Dios el Supremo118 El Supremo y el Ultimo — El Tiempo y el Espacio119 Los Autootorgamientos de Cristo Micael120 El Autootorgamiento de Micael en Urantia121 Los Tiempos del Autootorgamiento de Micael122 El Nacimiento y la Infancia de Jesús123 La Infancia de Jesús124 La Niñez Posterior de Jesús125 Jesús en Jerusalén126 Los Dos Años Cruciales127 Los Años de la Adolescencia128 Los Primeros Años de la Vida Adulta de Jesús129 La Vida Adulta de Jesús130 En el Camino a Roma131 Las Religiones del Mundo132 La Estadía en Roma133 El Regreso de Roma134 Los Años de Transición135 Juan el Bautista136 El Bautismo y los Cuarenta Días137 El Tiempo de Espera en Galilea138 La Capacitación de los Mensajeros del Reino139 Los Doce Apóstoles140 La Ordenación de los Doce141 El Comienzo de la Obra Pública142 La Pascua en Jerusalén143 De Paso por Samaria144 En Gilboa y en la Decápolis145 Cuatro Días Memorables en Capernaum146 La Primera Gira de Predicación en Galilea147 El Interludio en Jerusalén148 La Capacitación de los Evangelistas en Betsaida149 La Segunda Gira de Predicación150 La Tercera Gira de Predicación151 La Estadía y la Enseñanza Junto al Mar152 Los Acontecimientos que : Condujerona la Crisis de Capernaum153 La Crisis en Capernaum154 Los Últimos Días en Capernaum155 La Huida por la Galilea del Norte156 La Estadía en Tiro y Sidón157 En Cesarea de Filipo158 El Monte de la Transfiguración159 La Gira por la Decápolis160 Rodán de Alejandría161 Las Conversaciones Ulteriores con Rodán162 En la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos163 La Ordenación de los Setenta en Magadán164 En la Fiesta de la Consagración del Templo165 Comienza la Misión de Perea166 La Última Visita al Norte de Perea167 La Visita a Filadelfia168 La Resurrección de Lázaro169 La Última Enseñanza en Pella170 El Reino del Cielo171 Camino a Jerusalén172 La Entrada a Jerusalén173 El Lunes en Jerusalén174 Martes por la Mañana en el Templo175 El Último Discurso en el Templo176 El Anochecer del Martes en el Monte de los Olivos177 El Miércoles, Día de Descanso178 El Último Día en el Campamento179 La Última Cena180 El Discurso de Despedida181 Las Advertencias y Admoniciones Finales182 En Getsemaní183 La Traición y el Arresto de Jesús184 Ante el Tribunal del Sanedrín185 El Juicio Ante Pilato186 Poco Antes de la Crucifixión187 La Crucifixión188 El Período en la Tumba189 La Resurrección190 Las Apariciones Morontiales de Jesús191 Las Apariciones a : los Apóstoles y a Otros Líderes192 Las Apariciones en Galilea193 Las Apariciones Finales y la Ascensión194 El Advenimiento del Espíritu de la Verdad195 Después de Pentecostés196 La Fe de JesúsDónde ConseguirloRecursos Multi-LenguajeEl Libro En AudioTraduccionesGrupos De EstudioGrupos de EstudioCalendario de eventosContacto Por PaísRedes SocialesEnlacesInvestigaciónEstudios En EspañolObras SecundariasExpresión ArtísticaExperiencias Y EnseñanzasUrantia Book FellowshipAcerca de NosotrosDirectiva y Consejo GeneralHistoriaGaleríaBoletinesContáctanosDonecionesOportunidades De ServicioAyuda Para ServirTiendaCompra el LibroObras SecundariasEnglishContact UsDonateEspañol Log in
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Paradisiacos022 Los Hijos de Dios Trinidizados023 Los Mensajeros Solitarios024 Las Personalidades Mas Elevadas del Espiritu Infinito025 Las Huestes de Mensajeros del Espacio026 Los Espíritus Ministrantes : del Universo Central027 El Ministerio de los Supernafines Primarios028 Los Espíritus Ministrantes : de los Superuniversos029 Los Directores del Poder Universal030 Las Personalidades del Gran Universo031 El Cuerpo de la Finalidad032 La Evolución de los Universos Locales033 La Administración del Universo Local034 El Espíritu Materno del Universo Local035 Los Hijos de Dios de los Universos Locales036 LOS PORTADORES DE VIDA037 Las Personalidades del Universo Local038 Los Espíritus Ministrantes : del Universo Local039 Las Huestes Seráficas040 Los Hijos de Dios Ascendentes041 Los Aspectos Físicos del Universo Local042 LA ENERGÍA — LA MENTE Y LA MATERIA043 Las Constelaciones044 Los Artesanos Celestiales045 La Administración del Sistema Local046 La Sede Central del Sistema Local047 Los Siete Mundos de Estancia048 La Vida Morontial049 Los Mundos Habitados050 Los Príncipes Planetarios051 Los Adanes Planetarios052 Las Épocas Planetarias de los Mortales053 La Rebelión de Lucifer054 LOS PROBLEMAS DE LA REBELIÓN DE LUCIFER055 Las Esferas de Luz y Vida056 Unidad Universal057 El Origen de Urantia058 El Establecimiento de la Vida en Urantia059 La Era de la Vida Marina en Urantia060 Urantia Durante la : Era Primitiva de la Vida Terrestre061 La Era de los Mamiferos en Urantia062 Las Razas Protohumanas del Hombre Primitivo063 LA PRIMERA FAMILIA HUMANA064 Las Razas Evolucionarias de Color065 La Supervisión de la Evolución066 El Príncipe Planetario de Urantia067 La Rebelión Planetaria068 Los Albores de la Civilización069 Las Instituciones Humanas Primitivas070 La Evolución del Gobierno Humano071 El Desarrollo del Estado072 El Gobierno de un Planeta Vecino073 El Jardín del Edén074 Adán y Eva075 La Falta de Adán y Eva076 El Segundo Jardín077 Los Seres Intermedios078 La Raza Violeta : Después de los Días de Adán079 La Expansión Andita en el Oriente080 La Expansión Andita en el Occidente081 El Desarrollo de la Civilización Moderna082 La Evolución del Matrimonio083 La Institución del Matrimonio084 Matrimonio y Vida Familiar085 Los Orígenes de la Adoración086 La Evolución Primitiva de la Religión087 Los Cultos a los Fantasmas088 Los Fetiches, los Amuletos y la Magia089 El Pecado, el Sacrificio y la Expiación090 El Shamanismo — Los Curanderos y los Sacerdotes091 La Evolución de la Oración092 La Evolución Ulterior de la Religión093 Maquiventa Melquisedek094 Las Enseñanzas de : Melquisedek en el Oriente095 Las Enseñanzas de : Melquisedek en el Levante096 Yahvé — El Dios de los Hebreos097 Evolución del Concepto : de Dios Entre los Hebreos098 Las Enseñanzas de : Melquisedek en el Occidente099 LOS PROBLEMAS SOCIALES DE LA RELIGIÓN100 LOS PROBLEMAS SOCIALES DE LA RELIGIÓN101 La Verdadera Naturaleza de la Religión102 Los Cimientos de la Fe Religiosa103 La Realidad de la Experiencia Religiosa104 El Crecimiento del Concepto de la Trinidad105 La Deidad y la Realidad106 Los Niveles de la Realidad en el Universo107 EL ORIGEN Y : LA NATURALEZA DE LOS AJUSTADORES DEL PENSAMIENTO108 La Misión y : el Ministerio de los Ajustadores del Pensamiento109 La Relación de : los Ajustadores con las Criaturas del Universo110 La Relación de : los Ajustadores con los Seres Mortales111 El Ajustador y el Alma112 La Sobrevivencia de la Personalidad113 Los Guardianes Seráficos del Destino114 El Gobierno Planetario Seráfico115 El Ser Supremo116 El Supremo Todopoderoso117 Dios el Supremo118 El Supremo y el Ultimo — El Tiempo y el Espacio119 Los Autootorgamientos de Cristo Micael120 El Autootorgamiento de Micael en Urantia121 Los Tiempos del Autootorgamiento de Micael122 El Nacimiento y la Infancia de Jesús123 La Infancia de Jesús124 La Niñez Posterior de Jesús125 Jesús en Jerusalén126 Los Dos Años Cruciales127 Los Años de la Adolescencia128 Los Primeros Años de la Vida Adulta de Jesús129 La Vida Adulta de Jesús130 En el Camino a Roma131 Las Religiones del Mundo132 La Estadía en Roma133 El Regreso de Roma134 Los Años de Transición135 Juan el Bautista136 El Bautismo y los Cuarenta Días137 El Tiempo de Espera en Galilea138 La Capacitación de los Mensajeros del Reino139 Los Doce Apóstoles140 La Ordenación de los Doce141 El Comienzo de la Obra Pública142 La Pascua en Jerusalén143 De Paso por Samaria144 En Gilboa y en la Decápolis145 Cuatro Días Memorables en Capernaum146 La Primera Gira de Predicación en Galilea147 El Interludio en Jerusalén148 La Capacitación de los Evangelistas en Betsaida149 La Segunda Gira de Predicación150 La Tercera Gira de Predicación151 La Estadía y la Enseñanza Junto al Mar152 Los Acontecimientos que : Condujerona la Crisis de Capernaum153 La Crisis en Capernaum154 Los Últimos Días en Capernaum155 La Huida por la Galilea del Norte156 La Estadía en Tiro y Sidón157 En Cesarea de Filipo158 El Monte de la Transfiguración159 La Gira por la Decápolis160 Rodán de Alejandría161 Las Conversaciones Ulteriores con Rodán162 En la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos163 La Ordenación de los Setenta en Magadán164 En la Fiesta de la Consagración del Templo165 Comienza la Misión de Perea166 La Última Visita al Norte de Perea167 La Visita a Filadelfia168 La Resurrección de Lázaro169 La Última Enseñanza en Pella170 El Reino del Cielo171 Camino a Jerusalén172 La Entrada a Jerusalén173 El Lunes en Jerusalén174 Martes por la Mañana en el Templo175 El Último Discurso en el Templo176 El Anochecer del Martes en el Monte de los Olivos177 El Miércoles, Día de Descanso178 El Último Día en el Campamento179 La Última Cena180 El Discurso de Despedida181 Las Advertencias y Admoniciones Finales182 En Getsemaní183 La Traición y el Arresto de Jesús184 Ante el Tribunal del Sanedrín185 El Juicio Ante Pilato186 Poco Antes de la Crucifixión187 La Crucifixión188 El Período en la Tumba189 La Resurrección190 Las Apariciones Morontiales de Jesús191 Las Apariciones a : los Apóstoles y a Otros Líderes192 Las Apariciones en Galilea193 Las Apariciones Finales y la Ascensión194 El Advenimiento del Espíritu de la Verdad195 Después de Pentecostés196 La Fe de JesúsDónde ConseguirloRecursos Multi-LenguajeEl Libro En AudioTraduccionesGrupos De EstudioGrupos de EstudioCalendario de eventosContacto Por PaísRedes SocialesEnlacesInvestigaciónEstudios En EspañolObras SecundariasExpresión ArtísticaExperiencias Y EnseñanzasUrantia Book FellowshipAcerca de NosotrosDirectiva y Consejo GeneralHistoriaGaleríaBoletinesContáctanosDonecionesOportunidades De ServicioAyuda Para ServirTiendaCompra el LibroObras SecundariasEnglish

The Urantia Book integrates science and philosophy with religion, including a unique perspective on deity and Jesus. It depicts the history of our universe, our planet, and our civilization.

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What we see in the sky at night?

Governments on other planets?

The first human beings and where they came from?

Our own spiritual growth?

The importance of the experience of raising children?

What happens after we die?

What truth is and why it is so hard to find these days?

What good and evil are, really?

What a soul is and whether I have one?

What we can do on this planet to eliminate wars?

What is the Urantia Book?

The Urantia Book is a 2,097 page text containing beautiful spiritual teachings, including what seems to many of us to be a unique perspective on deity. It integrates science and philosophy with religion. The book depicts the history of our universe, our planet, and civilization and it contains an in-depth account of the life and teachings of Jesus. A few of us have called it a hyperdimensional tool that makes you think things you didn’t know you needed to think and that you can’t unthink—or a quick reference guide to the spiritual universe. (The complete reference manual to the spiritual universe might be billions of pages.)

What does Urantia mean?

(yoo ran' cha): The name by which our world (planet) is known in the universes.

Who wrote The Urantia Book?

There are many authors. At the end of each of the 196 individual papers each author identifies themself as one of various orders of beings, ranging from the same level as us, as human beings, to those of divine origin.

The papers were transmitted in the early part of the twentieth century through a man living in the Chicago area, although the process itself is not fully understood. The person who took charge of recording and organizing the material being received, Dr. William Sadler, assembled a group of individuals from all walks of life who discussed and provided feedback about the information that was being received; this process helped to shape the material into what we now have as The Urantia Book, first published in 1955. You can read more about the origin here.

The book is so large. How do I start reading?

In the book the suggestion is to read from beginning to end. The authors state: “The human mind would ordinarily crave to approach the cosmic philosophy portrayed in these revelations by proceeding from the simple and the finite to the complex and the infinite, from human origins to divine destinies. But that path does not lead to spiritual wisdom. Such a procedure is the easiest path to a certain form of genetic knowledge, but at best it can only reveal man’s origin; it reveals little or nothing about his [or her] divine destiny.”

That said, many people just peruse the table of contents and decide what section to read based on their interests. Here is an issue of The Urantia Book Fellowship’s magazine, the Mighty Messenger, created for people who are unfamiliar with The Urantia Book.

Many people have also found it helpful to join a study group as they deepen their understanding through interaction with others. There is an introduction course offered via Zoom that is sometimes available. You can find out more about that class here. Also, there is aFacebook group that has a large following where questions can be followed. There are many videos that you can watch that present topical themes of The Urantia Book here.

Can you summarize The Urantia Book’s main message in a paragraph or two?

The Urantia Book is a 2,097 page text containing beautiful spiritual teachings, including a unique perspective on deity.

It integrates science and philosophy with religion, in a way that has never been done.

The book depicts the history of our universe, our planet and civilization and it contains the most profound, in-depth account of the life and teachings of Jesus–far beyond what has ever been written.

The Urantia Book illuminates how lasting world peace can best be realized.

Is The Urantia Book considered a New Age work?

In Wikipedia, the New Age is defined as spiritual or religious beliefs that grew in Western society during the early 1970s. Over the years there has been an emergence of various forms of practices identified with New Age beliefs related to channeling, mystics, avatars, and such. Many of these practices contain an esoteric approach to spirituality, and some become cult-like, often with various rituals, practices and doctrines to be adhered to. If “New Age” were to be defined this way then The Urantia Book would not thus be categorized. The Urantia Book was published in 1955, before the modern New Age movement began. Also, the book stresses that we do not have to be mystics with esoteric knowledge in order to live a spiritually meaningful life. The Urantia Book maintains, as in the New Testament, that “God is no respecter of persons” and that an average human being can attain high levels of spiritual understanding, and that this spiritual wisdom will shine forth in their daily life.

The Urantia Book does refer to the times we live in, and are about to enter into, as a “new age,” but this is in a context that relates directly to the book’s teachings on the times that are close at hand.

Is there a church or organization behind The Urantia Book?

Readers of The Urantia Book come from all religious backgrounds and are united in their belief that The Urantia Book is what it claims to be – the latest revelation of God to man.

Some readers do come together in groups to read and study the book with others. Some larger organizations such as The Urantia Book Fellowship and Urantia Foundation have formed in order to organize activities among readers such as translations and to help make the book more widely available. The Urantia Book Fellowship is also involved in bringing together groups of people to learn and to get to know each other.

What does The Urantia Book say about reincarnation?

The Urantia Book does not support the concept of reincarnation, but explains how this belief originated during an early period of human history.

Is The Urantia Book a Christian doctrine or a rewriting of the Bible?

The Urantia Book enlarges upon the mission and teachings of Jesus, as given in the New Testament, but diverges from tenets of Christianity like sacrifice and atonement. The view of Jesus given in The Urantia Book is very unique and explained. Jesus is considered a Paradise Creator Son and is the creator and leader of our local universe.

The Bible says there can be no other gospel. How canThe Urantia Bookbe valid?

Sincere seekers after truth will find no contradiction between the central message of the Bible and that found inThe Urantia Book.

What distinguishes a reader ofThe Urantia Book?

People who have discovered and cherishThe Urantia Book’smessage come from all backgrounds, economic classes, nationalities and ethnicities. Some prefer to read it on their own, while others have formed deep relationships with fellow readers that have lasted for many years. There is no single way to define someone who readsThe Urantia Book, although many of those who have taken its message to heart have made a conscious effort to transform their lives in response to the teachings found in its pages.

Are there any rituals, doctrines, or practices?

The Urantia Bookdescribes true religion as a personal experience. The expression of that experience finds as many varieties as there are people to express it. Although our personal practices in worship and personal communion will likely evolve over time as we grow, there isn’t any set form for how readers must experience or express their personal religion.

Many readers experience a heartfelt desire to live by the sublime teachings found withinThe Urantia Book’spages that help us understand our place in the universe. This understanding enables us to experience more love, joy, kindness, goodness; to endeavor toward more self mastery. ,

In addition, many readers utilize meditation, worship, music, art and prayer, as many faiths do, to experience the expansion of the spirit within. You can see a website devoted to Urantia Artisanshere.

What does The Urantia Book say about life after death?

The authors of the book give a detailed and thrilling account of our progressive journey as we travel through higher levels of existence, a journey that causes us to grow spiritually and intellectually as we pursue our own inner perfection. There is in fact a passage in the Bible in which Jesus says, “My Father has many mansions,” something depicted in The Urantia Book as referring to the “mansion worlds,” spheres of learning that individuals traverse after the life in the flesh has been completed here on Earth. The book does talk about reunions with our loved ones in the life to come and tells us that we will meet many diverse beings who, just like us, are ascending towards perfection. What’s more, we will meet many fascinating divine beings who will assist us in our progressive journey.

All evolutionary beings of time and space who are in accord with God’s plan for their continuing development are being prepared to grow in spirit and mind and to mature in personality through the experience of each realm of creation. The created universe, the book tells us, was actually set up as a vast training ground for ascending will creatures to perfect themselves as they travel ever inward toward God, eventually culminating in service opportunities throughout the Grand Universe. Our Creator does not limit his creatures to just one experience in space and time; just as loving parents want their children to develop to their full potential, so we are given every opportunity to develop ourselves into cosmic citizens, attain perfection within our own realm and embark on the sublime adventure open to all who place faith in God our Father.

What is unique about the book's teachings?

There are several sections that could be considered unique, either as entirely new concepts or as innovative approaches to existing knowledge. Probably the most unique or new concept is on an aspect of deity called “God the Supreme.” This is an aspect of God which is actually evolving as all experiential beings, such as ourselves, are evolving towards perfection. Every action, thought, and decision that has spiritual value actually contributes to the evolving of God the Supreme. What is significant about this is that it will take the entire family of humankind, on this world and others, to bring the full completion of God the Supreme to fruition. With this realization we can find great meaning in our actions in this life and we are encouraged to do our part in serving others and empowering them spiritually.

Another new concept described in The Urantia Book is that of the thought adjuster, a spirit fragment of God that indwells the mind. Although most religions speak of the inner presence of God, The Urantia Book goes into great detail about this part of God that is bestowed on human beings. The thought adjuster is what allows God to maintain close contact and provide spiritual guidance to human beings.

Also included are advanced teachings on the nature of deity, the Trinity, and a previously unrevealed view of the physical structure of the universe in which we live.

The Urantia Book also talks about reality on the cosmic level of progression. There is information in The Urantia Book that has not been previously revealed, such as God’s attributes and personality and our Creator’s potential ascension plan for human beings. We are helped to understand the purpose of our existence and why our understanding can be so limited, a perspective that often contributes to our notion that life seems unfair. This can free up one’s thinking and elevate the individual to a superconscious level where there may begin the recognition of the light of truth, and of beauty and goodness. A challenging and rewarding reading experience is available for adventure-seekers who can discover an enlarged way of living and loving.

Does The Urantia Book comment on the conditions of the world we live in?

Absolutely! There is timely information on the problems of our, largely, materialistic society and ways that solutions can be approached. The book’s authors examine the reasons for the fragmentation that exists in our religious institutions and delineate the steps necessary to achieve world unity.

What does The Urantia Book say about the presence of evil in the world?

The Urantia Book describes two key setbacks in our planetary history, leadership defaults that explain much of the disorder that we see in the world today. These two events are referred to in the book as the “Lucifer rebellion” as well as the “default” of this world’s “Material Son and Daughter,” Adam and Eve (though not described in the book as the world’s first two human beings). According to The Urantia Book, despite these two damaging planetary events, individual human beings still enjoy all the avenues available to a normally developing planet for spiritual advancement.

Is The Urantia Book considered an "inspired" work?

The authors refer to their writings as a revelation, that is, information that was not known previously by human beings. In the process of compiling the information in the book the revelators say that as many human concepts as possible were used to present the information, that revelatory information was supplied only when no human concept existed for what they wished to convey. While some other religions claim exclusive ownership to truth, the revelators explain that the information contained in The Urantia Book will one day need to be revised to correspond with the higher level of comprehension of future generations. This makes evident that revelation is an ongoing process that must occur anew when humanity progresses to higher levels of comprehension.

Is The Urantia Book similar to the Course in Miracles?

Yes and no. The Course in Miracles also claims to be transmitted through superhuman sources. However, people with knowledge of both bodies of information feel that the Course focuses on individual healing, personal transformation, and the individual experience of spirituality, and that while The Urantia Book has much to offer in these areas, it also contains a universal group perspective and gives us a broad picture of the universe of which we are a part.

Is this a cult?

If you define the word “cult” as a group with a charismatic leader, specific rituals and practices, and a doctrine to be adhered to or else risk being excommunicated, then, no, this is not a cult.

What does The Urantia Book say about the existence of so many religions?

The book says that religions emerged out of the need for the individual to socialize and share their personal spiritual experience with others. The Urantia Book emphasizes that individuals interpret religion based on their own unique personality and inner experience of God. The Urantia Book asserts that most religions contain important truth that can significantly contribute to other religions. The book goes on to say that only when religions transfer their spiritual sovereignty to God will peace prevail among all religions.

Will I have to change my religion to embrace the teachings of The Urantia Book?

Nowhere in The Urantia Book does it require individuals to abandon their chosen faiths. If anything the information in the book will cause a greater understanding and appreciation of true religion. Many readers continue to participate in their respective faiths during their study of The Urantia Book.

Does The Urantia Book claim to contain all truth and be the last source of truth for all time

In this consideration it’s important to distinguish between truth that is eternal with God and the truth that we as evolving humans are beginning to grasp in this life. In The Urantia Book the authors state that they are revealing the highest level of spiritual truth that is available to us based on our current level of receptivity. Since this receptivity capacity evolves over time the spiritual truth made available must also keep step with this evolution. Therefore, the authors of The Urantia Book do not claim that this is the highest level of truth we will ever be given, that revelation from various sources will continue to be made in the future. In that respect The Urantia Book differs from religions that claim their knowledge is final and complete.

How many people read The Urantia Book currently?

Hard to say. There have been approximately 1,000,000 books printed. There are also numerous translations that have been printed. Many of these translations can be downloaded from here or read online here.


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