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women, beauty, perfect

July 19, 2022

How Do Celebrities Prevent Stretch Marks


One dreaded skin condition of most women (though it also affects men) all over the world is stretch marks. Although this type of skin problem doesnt affect your health, it can surely affect an individuals confidence and outlook in life. As we all know it, feeling good about yourself will radiate both on your outside look and inner persona. Most, if not all, depend on the best stretch mark creams on the market to help them revive their once flawless skin and regain their confidence back. But is it really possible to prevent or remove unsightly stretch marks and look like a celebrity? The answer is definitely “YES,” provided you give immediate action to your problem and is using or doing something to prevent them.

When you are suffering from stretch marks, it will be natural that you will want to remove them and then look for ways to do it effectively. Although there are various means in removing stretch marks such as laser & dermabrasion; using stretch mark creams celebrities use work is still the most preferred way and its cheaper, easily accessible and when used over time, produce the same result like those of pricey cosmetic treatments.

But there are more problem celebrities with stretch mark cream clients are facing. How to be sure if they are indeed using the best stretch mark creams on the market. This is a common confusion since there are so many brands of stretch creams available in the market at present and almost all of them are claiming to be No. 1. To feel at ease, pick and use stretch mark creams containing only natural ingredients. This is highly recommended for it will not create any danger as the ingredients are made out of mild elements, which mean its safe to use even for sensitive skin. Be cautious about other stretch mark creams for they might include harmful or prohibited components which can bring about more damage to your skin instead of cure.

Make it a point to purchase your stretch mark cream solely from trustworthy companies, stores or dealers. Get your cue from stretch mark cream reviews, user feedbacks and recommendations. You can even check those stretch mark creams Tyra Banks mentioned on her show when she made a review on these products. Moreover, be sure that the stretch mark cream company grants a money back guarantee so you can return the product if it doesnt meet your needs. If available, get a hold of the stretch mark cream free trial to be fully sure if it suits your skin or will be worth of your money.

Stretch marks can indeed affect a persons self esteem and make them feel less beautiful physically. You have to be certain that you are using the best stretch mark creams on the market and one that is perfectly right for your skin condition. Doing so will assure you of a much successful and faster treatment of those upsetting stretch marks.

Author: admin01Category: Artist & CelebritiesJuly 19, 2022

How To Wear Stylish Pumps


Pumps are known as one of the women’s popular shoe style. Although way back from the history, pump shoes are worn originally by men because of its low heel, close back, seamless front and easy to wear footwear. But today, its practicability, versatility, and style come with animal prints that look very stylish. For that, if you’re one of the girls who want to show off a wild pumps, learn these rules:
Rule # 1
Know The Occasions. The occasion or the event of which you are going to attend is the most basic information you have to note before wearing an outfit. It is for the reason that it will help you determine your mood and style in pairing your clothes. By knowing what kind of occasion you are going into it will help you show your glamor even in a simple look. Like for instance, you are being invited into a friend’s party of which some of the guests are your boss. In this case, you can still show off your style by wearing stylish pumps like the leopard print pumps. Pump shoes go well in any occasion especially like the one mentioned.
Rule # 2
Express Your Mood. If you are happy, excited, alive and wild then express it through your pumps. Usually, pumps with colored prints set a perfect mood. Prints like the leopard print pumps express the wild attitude inside you while maintaining the controlled personality.
Rule # 3
The designs of your stylish pumps must have to pair well with your size and body type in order to guide you with appropriate designs. For example, thinner print stripes of a point pump looks better for a bigger body type while bigger print stripes of seamless pumps will be better for thinner ones.
Rule # 4
Next are the simple, plain and consistent colored tops. Pairing tops with the pair of shoes is usually the crucial point in choosing your outfit. Since, you want to show off your new stylish pumps it is suggested that you have to give emphasis solely on the pumps. You can do this by wearing simple, plain and consistent colored tops.
Rule # 5
Pair with Leggings or Skinny Jeans. Since pumps are versatile, it can go well with any tops. But if you are wearing printed pumps like leopard print pumps, then a black leggings or skinny jeans will emphasize your shoes.
Rule # 6
No extra accessories. You don’t have to add any printed accessories on your outfit such fur scarfs with prints. It will just overdo your look. Remember this, whenever you want to wear pumps with a printed styles, let it carry the look and don’t add anything that will compete to its design.

Author: admin01Category: Women & LifestyleJuly 18, 2022

Ipl Acne Therapy Treatment


IPL uses a more sophisticated type of technology that involves a xenon flash lamp and optical prisms. This method targets the damaged cells that lie deeper within the skin and avoids irritation of the surrounding tissues. A technician begins by placing cold gel on the affected area and then positions the lamp above the surface of your skin. This lamp will send light pulses to the skin. The IPL process usually lasts 15-20 minutes and depending on the level of achievement you’re looking for, can require one or multiple sessions. There are some side effects, as with all treatments, that you should be made aware of. IPL sessions can cause light bruising, mild blistering, pink skin and even hair loss.
How does IPL work for acne?

There are three forms of IPL therapy for acne – LHE Therapy, Blue-Light Therapy and IPL with medication. The choice will depend on what results you’re looking for and what your dermatologist suggests as the most effective for your individual acne spots.

LHE therapy uses both heat and light as the source to treat acne. The FDA has actually approved one IPL treatment that involves green light waves and heat. This form of IPL is meant to treat mild to moderate acne and more than likely, over a period of time. The whole process has been known to reduce the size of oil glands and kill the dirt bacteria in pores that create acne.

Blue-Light therapy is similar to LHE minus the UV radiation. It only makes sense that less UV radiation equals less damage on your skin. This form of IPL will have the same effect on killing the dirt bacteria but with less side effects than the LHE therapy. According to Robin McClain, who is a registered nurse practitioner from the University of South Florida, has reported that this form of light therapy is best used for acne vulgaris. As with all other treatments, blue-light therapy does have side effects such as dry skin and/or temporary pigmentation change. A process of eight sessions over a 4 week time period should be allowed for visible results.

Lastly, we have IPL therapy with a mixture of medication. (Again, we stress that you should consult with your dermatologist in order to make an educated decision on IPL.) The medication that is involved in this process is activated by way of pulsed light. A few hours prior to the process ALA (the medication) is applied to your skin and a numbing agent will also be used to reduce pain and/or a stinging sensation during the process. The numbing agent is typically applied an hour and a half prior to the treatment. The actual treatment is concluded in 20-30 minutes. Side effects are possible and involve slight bruising and pink skin. The recovery time usually lasts no longer than one day.

Author: admin01Category: Healthy & TherapyJuly 18, 2022

Arbe – The Artist


Arbe, the artist who has achieved world-wide success, comes from Soviet Armenia. Arbe, also known as Ara Berberyan, is the son of a well-known and highly regarded artist and professor of Art and Design. Arbe’s father recognized his son’s potential and talent when Ara was still young. When Arbe was twelve, his art work was first exposed to the world in -The World by Children’s Eyes- exhibition. The exposition was opened in the U.S.S.R and then traveled to Canada, United States, France, and Italy. Arbe went on to complete a Master of Art degree at the University of Art and Designing in Yerevan, Armenia. During his studies in the nation’s capital, Arbe was especially drawn to the works of Klimt, Picasso, and Dali for inspiration. Although material on these artists was limited in the Soviet era, Arbe managed to find the appropriate works. After graduation, in 1981, numerous government-commissioned projects at national theaters, hotels, and the Yerevan Airport were completed by Arbe. The artist focused on the development of his career. It was not easy to be an artist in the Soviet Union. However, through his determination, Arbe succeeded in obtaining various projects through the Architectural Office, -Gostproect-. During this time, facades for public buildings, officer, and other spaces were designed by Arbe. The artist used elaborate gold designs and ornate marble patterns in his work on the facades, no doubt drawing his inspiration from the renowned Gustav Klimt. Various private commissions for exclusive clients and government officials followed. These private pieces included murals, classical portraits, and numerous landscapes.

Oil on canvas work is typical to Arbe’s art. Paintings that incorporate metallic textures in abstract backgrounds can also be recognized as those completed by Arbe. The artist likes to use gold and silver hand worked leafs to give his creations a three dimensional and attention grabbing aspect. His pieces are an exquisite mixture of modern and classic, completed in earth-tone palettes with vivid, sparely added colors such as red, blue, and purple. The artist also likes to use Armenian history, legends, biblical themes as inspiration for his work. Arbe’s art work is characterized by a feeling of peace and exudes a soothing glow. International art auctions and various online art auctions are great sources for purchasing this amazing artist’s work.

Written by Billy

Author: admin01Category: Artist & CelebritiesJuly 17, 2022

A Look At Celebrities Wearing Jewelry Now Seen At Fashion Stores Online


As far back as anyone can remember famous celebrities have been wearing jewelry made by world-renowned jewelry designers. Through many years and many styles, these celebrities and jewelry designers have held a close bond, which has led to timeless pieces that can be now seen at fashion stores online . Who better display these beautiful pieces than gorgeous celebrities that have already captured the peoples attention?

Elizabeth Taylor will forever be remembered for her glamorous and stunning look. I cannot remember any time that I have seen Elizabeth without her valuable pieces to adorn her. This was a lady with a fashion style that sets her apart from all the others. From gorgeous pearls accentuating her face to beautiful diamonds adorning her neck, she knew how to make a fashion statement!

Ava Gardner was a woman of glamour that did not go unnoticed. Whether she opted to wear her best diamond earrings or her favorite Trifari necklace, she always looked amazing. There are many of us who could pick up a few things from Avas style!

Joan Crawford and Joan Collins are two Joans that simply cannot be outdone. One must wonder how these two women so effortlessly be that refined and beautiful at all times. Like Cleopatra, it seems to be bred deep within their souls.

When it comes to stunning, valuable jewels, let us not forget about royalty. Although they are not exactly celebrities as we perceive, they are still important figures that are in the public eye. How about the gorgeous jewels of the Duchess of Windsor or Umbero II of Italy? There was also Princess Mary of Great Britain who was seldom seen without her precious trinkets to adorn her.

In modern times, what about that beautiful engagement ring that Camilla Parker Bowls was seen wearing? It is an outstanding piece of jewelry on a woman that quite commonly presents herself in a very traditionally refined style. No glamour there except for that drop-dead gorgeous ring!

Whether we are talking about Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, Kate Winslet, Kate Hudson, or Katie Holmes, celebrities give us the opportunity to see jewelry designs in their best element. They instantly help develop a desire for a certain jewelry piece or look.

Weve got plenty we can learn from the styles of celebrities which we can all see at fashion stores online . And once these designer jewelry pieces take off, it isnt long before someone will be making similar pieces that us common folk can afford. So, keep watching the stars for amazing jewelry to make your own glamorous fashion statement!

Author: admin01Category: Artist & CelebritiesJuly 17, 2022

Analysis Of Swinger Lifestyle And Its Sexual Practices


Every social practice that goes beyond the norms of the society faces problems. Swinging is such a social practice. It is a sexually liberated lifestyle where people swing after consent. There’s no cheating or betrayal involved. Couples enjoy the swinging lifestyle after striking a balance between swinging and their personal relationships.

It is said that every coin has two faces – one negative and the other is positive. Similarly, swinging lifestyle has some merits as well as demerits. A successful swinger is the one who can rule out his/her shortcomings and take most out of the lifestyle. The experience can be gratifying is you take the practice sportingly and avoid the restrictions posed by the society.

The swinging lifestyle has several opportunities and facilities. You can socialize with like-minded individuals. They’ll understand your desires and support your viewpoint. You can become friends and satisfy each other sexual libido. The swingers don’t attach any strings. They practice the lifestyle as an adventurous activity rather than an opportunity to find love.

The lifestyle gives you an open environment to experiment with your sexual orientation. You can learn about your sexual preferences. Some swingers experiment with different sexual activities. Some love couple swapping while some enjoy group sex. You might also come across people who get to face the homosexual side of their personality.

However, some inexperienced swingers face issues like jealousy and possessiveness. Sometimes, the feeling of sexual relationship between your spouse and swinger mate creep up feelings that lead to emotional distress. Over-extended arguments or conflicts lead to breaking of relations. Moreover, alienation from everyday social activities is a common threat among people in the swinging lifestyle.

Once, an individual rules out these shortcomings, he/she can enjoy the lifestyle to the hilt. Hence, the overall experience acts as refreshing change to meet the sexual demands of an individual and socialize with like-minded individuals.

Author: admin01Category: Women & LifestyleJuly 17, 2022

Maharishi Ayurveda Skin Care Tips


You should know that less is more when it comes to your skin care. Be sure to allow your skin to breathe as much as you possibly can. There are many cosmetics and beauty products out there which increase sensitivity, dry out your skin, and trigger allergic reactions. Think of how you would care for a baby’s soft and sensitive skin; you wouldn’t put products with toxic chemicals on it, so why would you do that to your own skin? You can truly achieve glowing and healthy skin by skipping the synthetic products in favor of going back to nature, and Maharishi Ayurveda can help you do just that.

The following recipes for your skin care regime are from Maharishi Ayurveda, and are a great way to begin revitalizing your skin.

Dry Skin Cleansing Scrub

Mix 1/4 teaspoon almond powder, 1/4 teaspoon lavendar flower powder, 2 tablespoons yogurt, 1/4 teaspoon orange peel powder, and 2 teaspoons of quick-cooking oats. Once these ingredients are all combined well, use your clean fingertips to apply this mixture to your face. Be sure to be gentle when applying it to your face, as you would when applying anything else. Let the scrub set in a bit, and then rub it off gently. The scrub should come off your skin in flakes. If you have any sticky patches, just apply warm water and it should do the trick. Rinse any residue off of your face, and then gently pat it with a soft cloth or towel. Next, put on a nourishing moisturizer. The almond powder and instant oatmeal in this scrub make it an amazing exfoliator. The oats also help to protect against sun damage and also provide vitamins B and E. The orange peel has a softening effect on your skin.

If your skin is sensitive at all, use whole raw milk in place of the yogurt, and rose petal in place of the orange peel.

Oily Skin Exfoliating Scrub

Mix together 1/4 teaspoon almond powder, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon orange-peel powder, and 1 teaspoon toasted wheat bran. Apply it to your face in gentle, circular, and even movements. Wheat bran is great with cleaning out your pores, and the lemon juice has vitamin C, which helps with the scrubbing activity.

Dry Skin Moisturizer

Mix together 1/2 teaspoon lime or lemon juice, 3 drops lavender oil, 1/2 teaspoon coconut oil or cocoa butter, and 1 teaspoon olive oil. Apply this lightly to your face twice daily. This mixture may be stored in the fridge for up to a week.

Oily Skin Moisturizer

Mix together 1 teaspoon marshmallow powder, 1/4 teaspoon rose petals, 1 teaspoon white sandalwood powder, 1 teaspoon barley powder, and 1 teaspoon Organic Rose Water.

Author: admin01Category: Beauty & CosmeticJuly 15, 2022

The Highest Paid Hip Hop Artist 2011


But this time around Jay-Z has to fall back and settle for the second high ranking seat because P Diddy is the new boss with the money. Forbes revealed their list of the highest-earning hip hop artists, and the “Empire State of Mind” rapper is second tJay-Z, who also boasts a varied portfolio in addition to his Roc Nation record label, was a close #2 with $450 million.o fellow music mogul Diddy. Adding up Diddy’s stakes in Bad Boy Records, Sean John Clothing, and deals with Ciroc vodka, Diddy claimed the top spot with $475 million. The rest of the top five was rounded by by Dr. Dre (a distant third with $125 million), 50 Cent ($100 million), and Cash Money CEO Birdman ($100 million). If it’s any consolation, Jay-Z did top Forbes’ list for Top Earning Celebrity Couples, thanks to his partnership with the equally successful Beyonce. Big ups Diddy guess all those TV shows and the hustle has paid up. Who be balling BIG now??

Rap music is a genre of hip-hop culture which developed in the South Bronx during the 1970s. Rapping includes important elements like DJing, sampling and beat boxing. Rap music is a unique vocal style that combines spoken word with lyrics and rhyme and is accompanied by instrumental music. Since the 1970s the demand for rap music has grown rapidly and numerous rap artists have gained worldwide recognition.

Born in 1972, Diddy was raised in the suburbs of the Bronx, where he spent his adolescence amid the rising hip-hop scene. He interned with Uptown Records in the 1990s and became the vice president of the record label. He went on to form Bad Boy Records in 1994 and became the producer for various rappers, including The Notorious B.I.G. and Mary J Blige. In 1997 Diddy released his first album, “No Way Out;” he also launched a new clothing line under the label Sean John in 1998, earning him the Best Men’s Wear designer title by the Council of Fashion Designers of America.

Although the two are no longer together, Diddy’s ex-girlfriend, Kim Porter, gives birth to his second child, Christian. (Diddy has a son Justin, 4, with fashion stylist Misa Hylton-Brim.) Fatherhood is “one of the greatest joys of my life. It has taught me about life and about how to love more.

Author: admin01Category: Artist & CelebritiesJuly 14, 2022

Dental Care In India – A Boost For Medical Tourism


India is considered to be the ideal destination for dentalpractises and dental surgery. Owing to the presence of state of the art facilities, hi tech dental equipments and excellent dentists in India, people have been flocking in from all corners of the globe. Dental Care in India is considered to be far more affordable than those in many countries.

Dental hospitals in India, mainly located in some of the metropolitan cities of the country provide dental treatments that are on par with the international standards. Some of the popular hospitals are located in Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi and Hyderabad. Mumbai is known worldwide for the dental services provided with quality standards and is believed to have seen the best dental surgeons perform successful dental surgery in India. Dentist in Andheri West and dentists in Malad are very much in demand for a lot of patients from foreign countries. This has been one of the most important reasons that led to the development of medical tourism in India. Dentistry in India is a field that is too vast to be described. India is a country that offers quality dental surgery and affordable dental treatments to those who are in need. The usage of specially designed equipments that are latest in the dental field and the highly qualified dentists is the reason why people put their complete trust on such professionals.

The dental surgery and treatment centres in India have the best infrastructure. Dental surgeries such as dental restoration surgeries cost a fortune in other countries. Indian dental hospitals are appreciated for the innumerable success surgeries undertaken in this field. Apart from the surgical procedures, the additional clinical care required for all patients is given prime importance in India. The excellent hospitality of the hospital staff and extra ordinary assistance provided by the medical tourism department in India gives more assistance to international patients.

India is proud to have the best group of experienced doctors who have specialization in various streams in the medical field. The astonishing rise in medical expenses for health care has proved to play a crucial role in the change of decisions with regard to place of treatment. International patients are making use of opportunity to visit India for medical treatment especially those concerning oral health. India has the privilege of being ranked as one of the top countries offering standard medical treatments to patients. With considerable amount of contribution from dental hospitals in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and other major cities, medical tourism in India is set to reach great heights.

Author: admin01Category: Healthy & TherapyJuly 14, 2022

Cambodian Documentary Wins Cannes Prize for Innovative Cinema


CANNES – A documentary using small clay figurines to tell the story of how Cambodian filmmaker Rithy Panh’s family perished under the Khmer Rouge regime won the top prize in the second most important competition at the Cannes film festival on Saturday.

L’Image Manquante (The Missing Picture) was among the 18 films that premiered in the Un Certain Regard category that was set up to encourage emerging and innovative filmmakers and run alongside the main competition at the world’s top film festival.

Panh, 49, a prolific filmmaker whose films concentrate on the brutality in Cambodia when an estimated 1.7 million people were killed during the 1975-79 Khmer Rouge regime, said the prize was important for his country.

For a country that has emerged from its difficulties and years of war, it is important to say we are still alive,” Panh told Reuters after receiving his award at a red carpet ceremony in the French Riviera resort.

The jury led by Danish director Thomas Vinterberg, whose film Jagten (The Hunt) won Mads Mikkelsen the best actor award at Cannes last year, described the documentary as one of the most powerful films I have seen in many years”.

The runner-up was Omar by Palestinian director Hany Abu-Assad, a political thriller involving Palestinians living under Israeli occupation in which a young baker, Omar, is tortured by Israel’s secret police to betray his friends.

Omar, which was shot in the West Bank and Israeli-Arab town of Nazareth last year, received a standing ovation at its premiere as the first film fully funded by the Palestinian cinema industry.

It is the only festival that I think still cares about different films,” said Abu-Assad, known for the 2005 award-winning film Paradise Now, as he received his award.

Another director in Un Certain Regard to get a standing ovation was Iran’s Mohammad Rasoulof who was jailed in 2010 for anti-regime propaganda but came to Cannes this year with Manuscripts Don’t Burn, shot in secret in his home country.

The non-professional actors of La Jaula de Oro (The Golden Cage), a film about three young Guatemalans trying to cross the Mexico-U.S. border from director Diego Quemada-Diez won an award for best cast.

Author: admin01Category: Movie & CinemaxJuly 13, 2022

GP Locum – Trained and Qualified Freelance Medical Practitioners


Are you a medical professional and wish to work in a hospital, clinic or as a private practitioner? Well it’s absolutely convenient when you choose to offer your services as gp locum. Better known as General Practitioner these locums work in the place of another medical professional till the time the expert is on leave or there is shortage of staff. These locums are also highly trained, educated and have the knowledge and skills related to the profession with just the exception that they work as freelancers. These locums are also governed by regulatory bodies and are accountable for their tasks to them. These locums can work as both full and part timers and would never let you feel the shortage of staff. These professionals fill the gap in the service delivery capacity so that the patient never needs to wait for the right care.

These locum tenens are easily available and take the place of a regular doctor thereby saving your medical facility from big losses. They ensure that proper care and treatment is provided to the patients and is well aware of their responsibilities. Highly dedicated and committed these tenens even provide an opportunity for the individual to decide which stream would be most suitable and whether the knowledge and skills of the tenens is adequate for the profile or not. If you run a hospital or any medical center and are not able to find suitable health professionals then you can easily hire a locum to fill in the empty position on a temporary basis. Locuming even offers the freelancer to try their hands in different work environments and medical fields. There are also several medical recruitment agencies which makes these locums available according to the requirement and specialization needs.

gp locums might not feel interesting for many medical experts but there are numerous benefits of being a medical freelancer general practitioner as one gets to choose the institution where one wants to work rather than working and staying in the same institution for years together. You even get to understand the work culture of various hospitals and private centers and can easily get to learn different medical techniques by working with various experienced and trained doctors.

For more information on gp locum, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the gp locums!

Author: admin01Category: Healthy & TherapyJuly 12, 2022

Florida Medical Spas Regulators Look Beyond the Surface


There is no such thing as a -medical spa- in Florida. True! They are not uniquely licensed. In fact, they are usually not licensed at all because (1) they are owned and operated by licensed healthcare professionals, and/or (2) they do not file claims for reimbursement with health insurers. And they are not a regulated entity.

What then is a -medical spa-? It’s simply a place where people receive traditional spa services (e.g. facials), plus many other medical procedures, typically focused on cosmetic services (e.g. hair removal, Botox). It’s -medical- because of the nature of the services provided. It’s -medical- because (ideally) physician supervision is woven into the business model.

The trickiest part of medical spas for owners/operators is ensuring just two things: (1) that the professionals providing the services are doing so in a manner that doesn’t violate their licenses, and (2) those professionals have proper physician supervision. Each licensed person who typically works in a med spa is bound by statutes and regulations that govern what they can do and the degree (if any) of physician supervision required. The -scope of practice- regs applicable to PAs are different that those which apply to NPs or MAs for instance. The level of physician supervision is dictated not only by the license of the supervised professional, but also what the professional is doing. Rest assured, however, that the belief that such -formal- things do not apply because the patients pay in cash is not only untrue, but also a recipe for being shut down and prosecuted.

Other big challenges for med spas tend to be-

?Fee splitting arising in connection with how the professionals are paid (especially when they are paid on a percentage of collections basis)

?The Florida Patient Self Referral Act, which in part may limit to 50% the amount of physician ownership if the physician is in a position to refer to the med spa.

Regulatory scrutiny can be expected to increase in coming years, especially as the media shines light on client injuries (typically burns from laser services) and the scope of services expands to include things like hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which traditionally involves telemedicine related issues. Med spa owners would do well to take seriously the many intricate (and disconnected) regs applicable to the licensed professionals who work in med spas and the physicians who supervise them.

Visit us online for more articles and information regarding healthcare regulatory and legal topics!

Author: admin01Category: Healthy & TherapyJuly 12, 2022

Laughter Therapy and Weight Loss


Are you facing any issues due to those extra calories in your body? Laughter therapy is a unique method that helps you lose a considerable amount of weight. According to laughter experts, if you give yourself a hearty laugh, you are able to keep away those extra pounds. This technique is known to deliver positive results and one should practice laughter yoga on a regular basis. Humor decreases considerable levels of stress in your life, and makes you feel in control while dealing with difficult issues.

How Does Laughter Therapy Work?

Laughter therapy not only uplifts your mood, but also helps the immune system to fight with various critical diseases. It increases the production of T-cells which further protect the body from getting sick. Laughter therapy makes you stronger physically, mentally as well as psychologically.

Laughter Therapy and Weight Loss

According to scientific researches, 15 minutes of laughter every day can burn up to 30-40 calories. The more force you put while laughing, the more calories you are able to lose. Laughter has immense ability to decrease the norepinephrin and cortisol levels that contribute to weight gain. It is one of the best aerobic exercises that can unwind the entire body, thereby decreasing the stress levels of hormones, which also cause weight gain.

If you wish to lose certain pounds, laughter therapy is one of the most natural solutions for you. Its results may not be instantaneous but if you follow the therapy regularly, you can find significant results in your body. Besides basic regular exercises for reducing calories, you can include laughter therapy as a powerful exercise of shedding extra weight. When you bring humor as a regular exercise, the goal that you set to lose weight will be easier and more enjoyable. Laughing for around 10 to 15 minutes each day can uplift your spirits to see life from an optimistic perspective. A tremendous slimming effect can be achieved if your mood is elevated during the laughter therapy.

Therefore, laugh for your own well-being. Even when you are not attending a laughter session, you can find ways to laugh with your friends, family members and so on. Laughter not only helps you lose good amount of calories but also gives you confidence to deal with life in a more positive way.

Author: admin01Category: Healthy & TherapyJuly 12, 2022

Lifestyle & Surf Wear Animal Clothing


Quite a few brands come to mind when one thinks of lifestyle and surf wear Animal Clothing, Quicksilver and Billabong Clothing. These brands cater to women, men, girls and boys and even toddlers! With both summer and winter ranges available, there is something to wear to suit all your needs throughout the year.
All three brands started off with surfers chasing a dream or doing something different to improve their surfing. Quicksilver was formed in the late 60s early 70s by two Australian surfers in UK who devised an innovative surfing trunk. Billabong was established in 1973 in Australia by a surfer who designed durable and well-priced board shorts. These two brands are now leaders in surf wear across the world.

Animal History –

Animal started in UK in 1987, when two surfers who were always frustrated with losing their watches during surfing devised a durable watch strap, which they sold to fellow surfers. Following this success, Animal was born and upgraded to making watches that would be able to endure all sorts of extreme sports such as snowboarding, skateboarding, windsurfing and mountain biking. With its popularity, Animal clawed its way into the fashion world relatively quickly and is now well known for its clothing and accessories range.
Animal Clothing is one of the worlds favoured lifestyle brands with excellent prices, amazing quality, fantastic colours and signature designs. With its sports and lifestyle clothing and accessories, Animal appeals to sports fans such as surfers, snowboarders, skateboarders and every day shoppers as well.

Animal Clothing –

Animal Clothing is suitable for harsh conditions such as snow and surf. You name it – from snow jackets, pants, gloves, knit sweaters and scarves to help you combat the cold, to bikinis, swim wear and board shorts for the water – Animal has it all.
Animal is very popular with non-sporting clothes as well, and is an essential part of everyones wardrobe. Animal Clothing supplies T-shirts, shirts, jeans, hoodies, beanies and shorts for men. Other accessories such as belts, backpacks, gloves, eyewear, flip flops, headwear, luggage and wallets are also available. Women can enjoy a wide range of Animal clothing too shorts, vest tops, skirts, dresses, jackets, knitwear and so on. Animal accessories for women include flowery luggage, boots, eyewear, flip flops, belts, bags and purses. There are many items of choice for young boys, girls and toddlers with Animal clothing. Get brightly coloured boots, T-shirts, hoodies and accessories for the kids.

Author: admin01Category: Women & LifestyleJuly 12, 2022

Sports Art Basketball Paintings By Sports Artist Adam Port


Sports paintings allow fans and athletes to save a moment in time and remember it forever. Sports art collectors, myself included, usually immediately think of a framed photograph to hang on our wall, which usually include an autograph by the player as well. As a matter of fact, a picture was the only kind of sports artwork that Id even known about, aside from memorabilia such as a bat, baseball, hockey stick or jersey. This was before I saw the sports paintings by sports artist Adam Port.

In 2006, Port was featured on The Best Damn Sports Show Period on Fox Sports. He presented former Detroit Piston basketball player, and then co-host of the show, John Salley, with one of his famous basketball paintings. The artwork spoke for itself, as did Salleys reaction, which is typically the same for everyone – staring in amazement as they realize that its a painting, not a picture.

Salley isnt the only athlete to have this reaction. Port has created football paintings for Ray Lewis of the Baltimore Ravens, Justin Tuck of the New York Giants, Carmelo Anthony of the New York Knicks (although he was on the Denver Nuggets at the time of the painting), Rod Gilbert of the New York Rangers, Michael Jordan and John Stocktons Basketball Hall of Fame induction class, and most recently, a recreation of the Charles M. Conlon pictures, which were turned into baseball paintings. The Conlon paintings once again had Port featured on Fox Sports, This Week in Baseball.

After seeing Ports sports art, I now consider paintings of sports just as much as an option as a picture, stick, puck, bat, ball or jersey. As a matter of fact, Ports sports paintings are like nothing Ive ever seen before. They are so realistic that you might never be able to tell that its a painting until youre told, or youre standing face to face with it.

If youre a sports fan, sports art collector or an athlete you must see Adams artwork. Maybe you have no interest in sports at all, but youre an artist, or maybe youre not even an artist, you still should take a look at his sports paintings.

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