Wilson Perumal Company | Global Management Consulting

Web Name: Wilson Perumal Company | Global Management Consulting

WebSite: http://www.wilsonperumal.com





We help companies thrive in today’s Age of ComplexityLearn about our expertiseCOVID-19 INSIGHTS In complex times, companies need fresh perspectiveWilson Perumal Company was founded on the insight that companies are struggling with the level of complexity in today’s world and need to rethink traditional approaches to strategy and execution.We can help you transform your businessWe bring a distinct point of view, deep experience, and unique methodologies to help you tackle complex, systemic issues. Whether you want to lower costs, accelerate growth, or reduce risk, we can help you seize previously untapped opportunities.Learn About Our Expertise Complexity TOOLSWP C launches the 2020 Global Markets Complexity Index, developed in association with The Wall Street JournalThe Global Markets Complexity Index (GMCI) is a framework for decision-makers on geographic footprint strategy and a resource for multinationals as they navigate expansion and contraction. Explore the market, operational, and regulatory complexity across 100 countries and 8 GMCI complexity groups in this year's report. Read The Wall Street Journal Frontier Markets Editor Dan Keeler's coverage of GMCI here.Download the 2020 GMCI Report PUBLICATIONSWP C Research for MIT Sloan — The Unaddressed Gap in Cybersecurity: Human ResourcesWithout addressing this issue of human performance, a vicious technology-led cycle leads to increased cybersecurity incidents. Read WP C's latest cybersecurity research published by MIT Sloan exploring the High-Reliability Cyber-Operation.Read the ArticleThree critical levers for navigating through the crisisRight now, the business world is holding its breath. It’s not clear when we will shift from crisis to recovery, but we do know that businesses will be changed by this experience. We highlight three critical levers for navigating through this crisis: boost liquidity through operational levers, identify profit-generators, and take "no regrets" actions that will pay off now and post-crisis.Read MoreEmerge stronger and leaner in the post-pandemic worldMost companies have implemented immediate cost reductions in response to the crisis. Many are now starting to adapt to a potentially protracted reduction in demand by looking deeper at structural and organizational costs. WP C accelerates capturing cost reductions by leveraging 3 complementary lenses to identify next-level cost reduction opportunities.Read MoreSix smart moves to boost liquidityIn the face of COVID-19, companies are moving fast to preserve cash and maximize the return on spending. For many companies, raw materials and finished goods inventories are the largest consumers of cash—working capital that can be locked up for weeks or months before it yields a return. It is key to look beyond the supply chain and also consider go-to-market approach and product offerings.Read More CYBERSECURITYProtect your company from COVID-19 cyberthreats targeting remote-work vulnerabilitiesIt is critical at this juncture to take two sets of actions—upgrade your security protocols for the new work-from-home dynamics and assess your organizational readiness to defend against cyberthreats along three lines of defense. Measuring your company’s alignment with the behaviors of High Reliability Cybersecurity Operations (HRCO) will allow you to identify vulnerabilities due to human performance and develop new lines of defense.Read MoreWilson Perumal Company ranked No. 1 small strategy consulting firm to work forALM’s Consulting Magazine has announced that WP C is the No. 1 small strategy consulting firm on its annual Best Firms to Work For list. The firm is ranked No. 2 among small firms across all service lines. This marks WP C’s third year earning a spot on the Top Firms to Work For list. Among small consulting firms across all service lines, WP C ranked first in Work/Life Balance and Compensation Benefits, ranked second in Firm Culture and Career Development, and ranked third in Client Engagement.Read more here.Growth in the Age of ComplexitySMIn our latest book, learn how to navigate the Sirens of Growth®and build true scale in today’s new era of competition.Download Chapter 1WP C wins largest contract to date, continuing legacy of service to U.S. ArmyWilson Perumal Company has been awarded a competitive contract from the U.S. Army Materiel Command (AMC) and the Joint Munitions Command (JMC) for a year-long series of initiatives to help transform the Army’s Organic Industrial Base (OIB) and enhance its support of Army materiel readiness.WP C’s previous projects supporting Army Depots helped JMC achieved a 20% reduction in budgeted manpower requirements while maintaining the same throughput and reduced annual operating expenses by over $35 million across five production facilities. Read more here. “Wilson Perumal Company's approach treats complexity as the enemy. Declaring war is the most direct route to an efficient, profitable enterprise. We declared war on the complexity in our portfolio, resulting in streamlined customer offerings and a more nimble business.” “This was a quick and painless way to understand our true product profitability, and it challenges how we think about our business. I am extremely pleased with the results.” “WP C’s insights into our portfolio, cost structure and growth drivers have changed the way we think about our business. The brand management playbooks they developed for the business will be critical to how we make decisions going forward.” “I have been more than pleased with what you have been able to accomplish in this time. Beyond my expectations...Spectacular!” “Fantastic piece of work! You’ve really shed a lot of light on our business. Inmarsat will benefit enormously from your contribution and we will be using your structured thinking to guide us through the decision-making to come.” “If you take all six times [past projects] where we looked at this, over the past ten years, and rolled them all up together, and multiplied by ten, it would still not be as good as this work.” “Army personnel credit the collaboration between Joint Munitions Command, CAAA's higher headquarters, and consulting firm Wilson Perumal Company for identifying areas to improve the munitions distribution process.”

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Wilson Perumal & Company was founded on the insight that companies are struggling with the level of complexity in today's world.

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