Pagoda SL Group

Web Name: Pagoda SL Group






This site and this Group were established as a source of information relating to the Mercedes W113 cars and to help maintain, restore, exhibit, and promote the ownership and admiration of these cars among the international community of W113 enthusiasts. Find out more The group started in 2000 as a Yahoo Group, to collect and gather information about the 230, 250 and 280 SL. In December 2002 the Group became a non-profit international community with its own website. The community has since grown and is now a thriving, incorporated non-profit organisation. Join us and find out about us. Join us! Technical Manual A very useful collection of articles which help you with maintenance, ownership and knowledge of your car Membership Information about free Associate membership or become a Full Member Any questions? Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible! We collaborate on a Technical Manual for the Pagoda SL Group, the International Club for Mercedes Benz 230 SL / 250 SL / 280 SL Roadsters of the W113 series. The information that is collected here derives from a number of sources, but mainly the old Yahoo W113 Group and the Pagoda SL Group Forums. Associate Members have access to most of the content. Full Members have access to premium content such as the Linkage Tour, an essential resource for tuning the engine of the car. Link: Technical Manual We organise a number of events, all around the world. These range from informal get-to-gethers, to the technical Pagoda University, and social events in the US, Europe or Australia. Visit our events section to find out what is going on in your area. Link: Events Everyone, whether you own a car or not, can become an Associate member of our group by Registering at our Forums. As an Associate member you can take part in our active Forum community and access most of the information on this site. However, running a site like this costs real money. The software we use is all free, public domain software. The effort involved in setting it up and maintaining it is done free of charge. No volunteers or directors are paid, but hosting costs money. Hence we have created a Full Membership, which costs a nominal annual fee to join. As a Full Member you receive additional benefits over and above an Associate membership, such as the Pagoda World magazine, the Pagoda Notes newsletter, and full access to the Technical Manual. Additionally you have the satisfaction of knowing that you pay towards keeping this community live Link: Membership Four times per year we publish Pagoda Notes, with owner stories, technical information, excerpts from the forum and the website, and descriptions of events. As soon as you become a Full Member, you can download the entire archive of Pagoda Notes issues, which have been published since 2007! Link: Pagoda Notes But best of all, you can contribute. Join us on the forum, sign in, introduce yourself and become a valued member of our vibrant, friendly, helpful community. Advertising and spam free, no commercial pressure, and many of our members log in daily to connect with friends and acquaintances. The friendliest community on the net! Link: Join in Once or twice every year, Full Members receive our full-colour, high quality publication Pagoda World. Click on the link below to download a preview from a recent issue of Pagoda World. Link: Pagoda World

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The international group of Mercedes-Benz W113 SL owners

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