Bringing Hope to Life for Christians in the UK Premier

Web Name: Bringing Hope to Life for Christians in the UK Premier






description:Premier - Bringing hope for Christians in the UK and around the World. Bringing faith to the heart of every day life.
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Your daily voice of hope!

When you need encouragement and inspiration, Premier is here to help bring faith to the heart of daily life. And when faith fuels your life, you’ll live with confidence and hope, shining for Christ in your community.

Premier's StoryOur Mission

Since the death of my husband, I’m on my own, but through Premier I find a lot of strength, comfort and hope to carry on.


Premier gives me faith to withstand the pressures of normal life today. We need something to remind us of the spirit of God and Christian radio does just that.


Premier is the last voice I hear before switching off the light. It’s very comforting. You can’t put a price on having that friendly voice when you need it.


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Support from friends like you keeps your Premier broadcasting hope on the air and online. Through your gift today you can be a voice of hope that extends the gospel across the UK and around the world

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1,300,000 Listeners Tuning in Weekly

Every week, nearly three million people across the UK tune into Premier Christian Radio, Premier Praise or Premier Gospel for inspiring Christian content!

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220,000 Magazines Circulated

Over 220,000 copies of Premier Christianity and Woman Alive magazine have been sent out in the past year – sharing a Christian voice of hope in the UK and beyond!

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From encouraging devotionals to thought-provoking pieces on Christianity and culture, faith-enriching resources are delivered monthly to almost 250,000 inboxes worldwide.

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Through your gift you keep a strong Christian voice reaching people across the UK by helping them put their faith at the heart of daily life and bring Christ to their communities.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13

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Premier, a lasting legacy of faith, hope and love since 1995 – be part of the story for future generations.

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A massive sense of peace

”My name is Claire DiPlacito, and I am a GP in Epsom, Surrey. Im actually a new Christian having found God in October 2020. After searching for God for about 20 years. Since October since I opened up my heart to

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Feel encouraged

”Hi, my name is Juliet. Im a Premier Gospel listener. Ive been listening for many, many years. And I just wanted to share how fantastic and supportive Premier Gospel has been to me, especially during

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Premier - Bringing hope for Christians in the UK and around the World. Bringing faith to the heart of every day life.

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