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What is Schizotypal Personality Disorder ? When a person has schizotypal personality disorder, they have difficulties in establishing, building, and maintaining relationships with others. It is a condition that can impair your ability to relate with people. The extreme discomfort created by the disorder makes a person to have less capacity for relationships. The disorder [ ] What Does It Mean When Your Ear Itches ? (0) It’s common to hear people complaint of having itchy ears. Having an itchy sensation in ears can be pretty discomforting. The ears tend to be highly sensitive and are prone to infections that can result in the urge to scratch. Sometimes, itching can indicate a serious problem that could damage earn canal. If you are [ ] Popped Blood Vessel (0) An individual may have popped blood vessels when there is damage to skin that causes the underneath blood veins to rupture. Different things may cause popped blood vessels, for example accidents and falls that result in bruising. At other times, ruptured blood vessels may occur from genetic and aging. Popped blood vessels will mostly heal [ ] Peeling Tongue (0) When your tongue is peeling you will obviously be scared and want to know what may be happening. A peeling tongue is probably not painful, however, it may make talking and eating to feel awkward. It is common to have tongue peeling after you have eaten very salty foods, sour candy, and vinegar chips. In [ ] Zoom Whitening – All you wanted to know (0) Zoom whitening is a type of bleaching procedure that is used all across the globe for lightening discoloration of teeth dentin and enamel. Discoloration of teeth can occur due to intake of cola, tea, coffee, and/or wine as well as due to smoking. The teeth can also darken and stain due to the normal process [ ]

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