Map of Ukraine. Pictures of Ukraine

Web Name: Map of Ukraine. Pictures of Ukraine






Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. It borders Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania. Population of Ukraine is about 47 millions inhabitants. Capital is Kiev. South of the country, the Crimean peninsula is a large resort, attracting during summer a lot of tourists with a worm sea, historical monuments and crimean mountains. Most important sea resorts are situated in Crimea on a Black Sea coast. Some of less important are situated on Azov Sea coast. There are also resorts in Carpathian mountains.Everything on this site represents Ukraine before February 2014. Since that time no updates.

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Pictures of Ukraine and Crimea. Great collection of maps of Ukraine. Outdoor activities in Ukraine and Crimea. Travel information and the weather forecast for Ukraine. Kiev, Odessa, Yalta, Lviv, Sevastopol, Donetsk...

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