
Web Name: comics






keywords:comics, buy comics, s anthology, Latvian comics, Baltic Comics, Art comics, mini kus, minikus, kuš! mono, kush! mono, Roman Muradov, alternative comics, art comics, experimental comics, š!, kuš!, mini kuš!, mini kus, kus, kushkomikss, kush, baltic comics
description:international comics anthology kuš! from latvia
kuš! Titles

All the available ku! titles in chronological order.

š! #43 Queer Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

! #43 'Queer Power', to be released 25 November 2021

Cover: Dottie Gordon (Canada) Contributors: Atis Jākobsons (Latvia), Barrack Rima (Lebanon), Dottie Gordon (Canada), Erik Nebel (USA), Georgy Elaev (Russia), Ivo Puiupo (Portugal/Brazil), Jana Ribkina (Latvia), Joana Estrela (Portugal), Joris Bas Backer (The Netherlands), Jules Ins Mamone (Argentina), Laura Ķeniņ (Canada), Mētra Saberova (Latvia), Momo Gordon (Germany/USA), Nanqibai Zheng (China), Nuka Horvat (Slovenia), Sabine Moore (Latvia), Sean Christensen (USA), Timur Aloev (Russia/Czechia), Vivanna Maria Stanislavska (Latvia)

Format:A6, 164 pages, full-color, perfect bound, high quality and environmentally friendly Munken paper.

Support: KultūrELPA, Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia

Get it: Order it from our webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

š! #42 Scientific Facts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

! #42 'Scientific Facts', released 27 August 2021

Cover: Agate Lielpētere (Latvia) Contributors: Agate Lielpētere (Latvia) Anna Prokofyeva (Russia), Anna Vaivare (Latvia), Christopher Sperandio (USA), Colleen Anderhub (Germany), Cornevu (Brazil), Daphn Geisler (France), Delphine Pauluzzo (France), Ernests Kļaviņ / Andrejs Kļaviņ (Latvia), Gareth Brookes (UK), Jodie Wilders (Belgium), Juan Quintero (Colombia), Julia Trachsel (Switzerland), Knig L. Q. (Switzerland), Kyle Canyon (USA), Maarten Klein (The Netherlands), Mārtiņ Zutis (Latvia), Matei Monoranu (Romania), Namsai Khaobor (Thailand), Omar Cheikh (Italy), Sarah Firth (Australia), Sean Christensen (USA), Stacy Gougoulis (Australia), Tom Staněk / Zikmund Bartonček (Czech Republic), Zane Zlemea (Latvia)

Format:A6, 196 pages, full-color, perfect bound, high quality and environmentally friendly Munken paper.

Support:Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation

Get it: Order it from our webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

Indiepocalypse x kuš! 1 2 3 4 5

Indiepocalypse x ku!, Indie Game Zine, August 2021

This is a special collaboration with Indiepocalypse, a hybrid indie game zine. This bonus issue features 4 (eventually 5!) new indie games created in a collaboration between game developers (provided by Indiepocalypse) and comic artists (provided by ku!). Comics on a whole new level!

Cover: Marco Quadri Games: Nikita Lavretski x thecatamites, Lote Vilma xAsh K Amber Hope, Gvidas Pakarklis x Nathalie Lawhead, SamplermanxKultisti, and to come soon: Zane ZlemeaxLinker

Format: 884 MB, Games - WIN/MAC/Linux

Published by: Indiepocalypse

Get it: Find more info and download your copy here

mini kuš! #102 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #102 '10 Sim Lane' by Essi Nieminen, released 29 July 2021

Life on 10 Sim Lane is simple and chill. No need to stress about anything. Until the day when the fridge is empty, and one must leave the comfort of the home

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Support: The author would like to thank the Arts Promotion Centre
Finland (Taike) for their Covid-19 support grant. This work is published with the financial assistance of FILI Finnish Literature Exchange

Reviews: Thirteen Minutes, Optical Sloth

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price). Or pre-order it as a package deal together with #99-101 here.

mini kuš! #101 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #101 'Survival Mode' by Dileydi Florez, released 29 July 2021

Iceland was settled by Norwegian Vikings in the 9th Century AD and it is said to have been named by Hrafna-Flki Vilgerarson. But before Flki, the country was known as Snland (Snowland) and Gararshlmur (Garar's Isle). It is said that Iceland was untouched by humans when Garar Svavarsson arrived. After humans started making use of the land, the rich and plentiful ecosystem of Iceland disappeared. It is now up to the present generations to achieve the revitalization of this lost paradise.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: Thirteen Minutes, Optical Sloth

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #100 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #100 'Long Live the Witches' by Valentine Gallardo, released 29 July 2021

It's 1348, somewhere in Europe. Elsie and Grandmother live in the woods and make plant remedies for the villagers. But a storm is brewing... the plague doctor has arrived, as well as a mysterious visitor. Who will save the day?

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Review: Thirteen Minutes, Optical Sloth

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #99 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #99 'Flowers Intertwined' by Ema Gaspar, released 29 July 2021

Flowers Intertwined is a story of a girl that keeps having to water a vase over and over again in order to appease her shadow self.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Support: Funded by the Direo-Geral do Livro, dos Arquivos e das Bibliotecas (DGLAB) / Portugal

Review: Thirteen Minutes, Optical Sloth

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

š! #41 Dogs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

! #41 'Dogs', March 2021

Cover: Nando von Arb (Switzerland) Contributors: Anna Malicka (Latvia), Catalina Bu (Chile), Dariya Gonzo (Russia), Emelie stergren (Sweden), Gvidas Pakarklis (Lithuania), Ieva Gvazdaitytė (Lithuania), Inkee Wang (China), James Collier (Canada), Knig L. Q. (Switzerland), Lai Tat Tat Wing (Hong Kong), Liāna Mihailova (Latvia), Līga Spunde (Latvia), Liisi Grnberg (Estonia), Marco Quadri (Italy), Mārtiņ Zutis (Latvia), Nando von Arb (Switzerland), Noemi Vola (Italy), Nuka Horvat (Slovenia), Rebeka Lukous (Latvia), Sean Christensen (USA), Teddy Goldenberg (Israel)

Format:A6, 164 pages, full-color, perfect bound, high quality and environmentally friendly Munken paper.

Get it: Order it from our webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #98 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #98 'World Ceramic Fair' by Jooyoung Kim, March 2021

Welcome to World Ceramic Fair. Many artists are meeting and greeting their fans. But in one spooky booth, a narrow-eyed artist with an empty stomach is waiting for a visitor with the right taste. Lets wish her luck!

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Review: Four Color Apocalypse, Broken Frontier, Optical Sloth, Thirteen Minutes

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price). Or order it as a package deal together with #95-98 here.

mini kuš! #97 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #97 'BLINK' by Martn Lpez Lam, March 2021

One day you pop up from the ground and the next you're thrown over the world. BLINK is a loop world full of lazy and libertine monsters.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Review: Four Color Apocalypse, Broken Frontier, Optical Sloth, Thirteen Minutes

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #96 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #96 'Bridge' by Matt Madden, March 2021

Three characters sense that their lives are connected across generations. All three become obsessed with the idea of something they call the Bridge. But what is its purpose? Where does it lead to? Does it really exist? This story originated as a 24-hour comic with the added constraint that 10 years pass from page to page.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color cover, inside black and white, English

Reviews: Broken Frontier, Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth, Thirteen Minutes

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #95 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #95 'Before the Pandemic There Was a Touch Football Tourney' by David Collier, March 2021

"An artist can die with his boots on." -Eduardo Paolozzi

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: Broken Frontier, Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth, Thirteen Minutes

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

š! #40 The Very End 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

! #40 'The Very End', December 2020

Cover:Valentine Gallardo (France) Contributors:Agate Lielpētere (Latvia), Alessandra Marin (Italy), Amber Gyselings (Belgium), Ana Ma (Portugal), Andr Lemos (Portugal), Antoine Beauvois (France), Daniel Lima (Angola), Daphn Geisler (France), Emelie stergren (Sweden), Ingrīda Pičukāne (Latvia), Ivn McGill (Spain), James Turek (USA), Keiler Roberts (USA), Knig L. Q. (Switzerland), Lauri Mkimurto (Finland), Leandro Waibe (Argentina), Lote Vilma Vītiņa (Latvia), Michael Fikaris (Australia), Nico Troti (France), Oskars Pavlovskis (Latvia) Pauls Rietums (Latvia), Sanita Skvarnavica (Latvia), Scott Travis (USA), Tanya Hrabovska (Ukraine), Valentin Orange (France), Valentine Gallardo (France), Vivianna Maria Stanislavska (Latvia)

Format:A6, 180 pages, full-color, perfect bound, high quality and environmentally friendly Munken paper.

Support:Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation

Get it: Order it from our webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #94 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #94 'Man Made Lake' by Aidan Koch, October 2020

A story of psychoanalysis, being, and becoming-with. What happens and how do we cope in a world that separates us from our non-human kin?

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: Four Color Apocalypse, The Great God Pan Is Dead, Optical Sloth, Thirteen Minutes

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price). Order it as a package deal together with #91-92 here.

mini kuš! #93 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #93 'Pirate Parrot' by Lukas Weidinger, October 2020

The pirate stands for desire. The parrot stands for opportunity. The fish stands for hope. What do you stand for?

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: Four Color Apocalypse, The Great God Pan Is Dead, Thirteen Minutes, Optical Sloth

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #92 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #92 'Finnegans Wake' by Nicolas Mahler / James Joyce, October 2020

Finnegans Wake is the weirdest book by the Irish author James Joyce and known as the most unreadable one. Nicolas Mahler is using some of the more comprehensible phrases in the book and makes it accessible for everyone. (Perorhaps!)

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Four Color Apocalypse, Bare Comic Book Art, The Great God Pan Is Dead, Optical Sloth, Thirteen Minutes

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #91 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #91 'Sufficient Lucidity' by Tommi Parrish, October 2020

It's easy for you to say this place isn't beautiful.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: Four Color Apocalypse, Solrad, The Great God Pan Is Dead, Optical Sloth

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

š! #39 The End 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

! #39 'The End', September 2020

Cover:Heikki Rnkk (Finland) Contributors: Ctia Serro (Portugal), Christopher Sperandio (USA), Francisco Sousa Lobo (Mozambique), Hans Nissen (Finland) Heikki Rnkk (Finland), Iris Yan (Brazil), Jana Ribkina (Latvia), Janne Marie Dauer (Germany), Joana Mosi (Portugal), Julius Wagner (Germany), Justė Venclovaitė (Lithuania), Katharina Kulenkampff (Germany), Keren Katz (Israel), Knig L. Q. (Switzerland), Marco Quadri (Italy), Nicole Zaridze (Canada), Nikita Lavretski (Belarus), Pablo Boffelli (Argentina), Peony Gent (UK), Rikke Villadsen (Denmark), Volha Kavaliova (Belarus).

Format:A6, 164 pages, full-color, perfect bound, high quality and environmentally friendly Munken paper.

Reviews: Bild Bubbla, Thirteen Minutes

Get it: Order it from our webshop (worldwide shipping included in price). Due to the pandemic unfortunately not very soon available in many shops.

mini kuš! #90 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #90 'Banal Complications' by Marc Bell, May 2020

Chop Salad experiences several sets of mundane setbacks and inconvenient run-of-the-mill circumstances in his preparation for living in a foreign land for six months. They follow him there and back to his homeland.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth, Thirteen Minutes

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price). Order it as a package deal together with #87-89 here.

mini kuš! #89 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #89 'Eglė and the Snake' by Joana Estrela, May 2020

Eglė went swimming and came back to find a snake in her clothes. A short story inspired by a Lithuanian folk tale that takes you through an uneasy encounter.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Support: Funded by the Direo-Geral do Livro, dos Arquivos e das Bibliotecas/Portugal.

Reviews: Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth, Thirteen Minutes

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #88 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #88 'Crime at Babel' by Mārtiņ Zutis, May 2020

A visual riddle or rather a sudoku in a comic form? It's up to you, the reader, to decide. Follow closely the hints presented in this story to find out who filched the book from the library and killed the detective.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Support:Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation

Reviews: Four Color Apocalypse, Matheus Calci, Optical Sloth, Thirteen Minutes

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #87 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #87 'Violent Delights' by Hetamo, May 2020

Shakespeare's romantic tragedy Romeo and Juliet prompts this exploration of the intimate as the Other. Pictures draw us to behold and snuggle into them, only to wield their subsemiotic powers counter to interpretation. Performing this extimit in the art realm can help us grasp the many cultural-ecological disasters of our time.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Support: Funded by the Direo-Geral do Livro, dos Arquivos e das Bibliotecas/Portugal.

Reviews: Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth, Thirteen Minutes

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

š! #38 Imperfect Shapes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

! #38 'Imperfect Shapes', April 2020

Cover: Rebeka Lukous (Latvia) Contributors: Amy Lockhart (Canada), Bettina Henni (France), Indrė Svirplytė (Lithuania), Jan Soeken (Germany), Joakim Drescher (Denmark), Jooyoung Kim (South Korea), Jos Quintanar (Spain), Julina Chomov (Slovakia), Kerija Arne (Latvia), Knig L. Q. (Switzerland), Lasse Wandschneider (Germany), Līva Kandevica (Latvia), Lote Vilma Vītiņa (Latvia), Lucie Lučansk (Czech Republic), Nhozagri (China), Pixin (Singapore), Rebeka Lukous (Latvia), Roope Eronen (Finland), Xue Tsung-Hsien (Taiwan), Zane Zlemea (Latvia).

Format:A6, 164 pages, full-color, perfect bound, high quality and environmentally friendly Munken paper.

Support:Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation

Awards: Nominated for the Ignatz Awards 2020 in the category 'Outstanding Series'

Get it: Order it from our webshop (worldwide shipping included in price). Available in selected shops in Riga and around the world.

mini kuš! #86 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #86 '(extra) Ordinary' by Roberts Rūrāns, January 2020

A story about a girl overcoming boredom.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Support:Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation

Review: It's Nice That, Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price). Order it as a package deal together with #83-85 here.

mini kuš! #85 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #85 'Hero' by Harukichi, January 2020

DJ Cat Gosshie has excellent taste in music, always knowing the right song to play for any given situation. What a hero!

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth, Thirteen Minutes

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #84 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #84 'The Book Fight' by Chihoi, January 2020

This mini-comic that catches your sight, tells a tale of a fierce book fight.
The comic book punches with all its might, when reading you must hold it tight.
Chihois The Book Fight, a good read for day and night, youre gonna buy it right?

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, Pantone, English

Reviews: Chili Com Carne, Four Color Apocalypse, Thirteen Minutes

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #83 1 2 3 4

mini ku! #83 'Chapter Two' by Keren Katz, January 2020

A story about an all-consuming obsession for a meaningful encounter which displaces our stories and repositions us as voyeurs, following the void spaces we attempt to inhabit. It is also an ode to the authors favourite game, Secret Santa.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth, Thirteen Minutes

Awards: Ignatz nomination as "Outstanding Minicomic" at SPX 2020

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

š! #37 Down Down Under 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

! #37 'Down Down Under', December 2019

Special issue featuring alternative comics from Australia.

Cover:HTMLflowers Contributors: Ashley Ronning, Bailey Sharp, Ben Constantine, Ben Hutchings, Ben Juers, David Blumenstein, Eleri Mai Harris, Emma Jensen, Evie Cahir, Haein Kim, HTMLflowers, Kangaroo L. Q., Lee Lai, Leigh Rigozzi, Marc Pearson, Michael Fikaris, Michael Hawkins, Nicky Minus, Rachel Ang, Safdar Ahmed, Sam Wallman, Simon Hanselmann, Tim Danko, Tommi Parrish Guest Editor:Michael Fikaris

Format:A6, 164 pages, full-color, perfect bound, high quality and environmentally friendly Munken paper.

Support: This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.

Reviews: The Comics Journal, Broken Frontier, AJ McGuire

Awards: Nominated for the Eisner Awards 2020 as 'Best Anthology', nominated for the Ignatz Awards 2020 in the category 'Outstanding Series'

Get it: Order it from our webshop (worldwide shipping included in price). Available in selected shops in Riga and around the world.

š! #36 Plant Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

! #36 'Plant Power', September 2019

Cover:Lote Vilma Vītiņa (Latvia) Contributors: Amandine Meyer (France), Anna Sailamaa (Finland), Daria Tessler (Finland), Disa Wallander (Sweden), Ingrīda Pičukāne (Latvia), Jean de Wet (South Africa), Knig L. Q. (Switzerland), Līva Kandevica (Latvia), Lote Vilma Vītiņa (Latvia), Marlene Krause (Germany), Molly Fairhurst (United Kingdom), Pauls Rietums (Latvia), Patrick Kyle (Canada), Peony Gent (United Kingdom), Roman Muradov (Russia), Simon H (Austria), Tor Brandt (Denmark), Valentine Gallardo (France), Vivianna Maria Stanislavska (Latvia), Ward Zwart (Belgium)

Format:A6, 180 pages, full-color, perfect bound, high quality and environmentally friendly Munken paper.

Support:Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation

Reviews: Broken Frontier, Four Color Apocalypse

Awards: Nominated for Eisner Awards 2020 as 'Best Anthology', nominated for the Ignatz Awards 2020 in the category 'Outstanding Series'

Get it: Order it from our webshop (worldwide shipping included in price). Available in selected shops in Riga and around the world.

mini kuš! #82 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #82 'Elemental Stars' by Kevin Hooyman, September 2019

What are the forces that move us? What is there to guide us? Neighbours unite and find a path when they follow a dream together.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Review: Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price). Order it as a package deal together with #79-81 here.

mini kuš! #81 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #81 'Neverending Race' by Liāna Mihailova, September 2019

If a contender is split in half you get two - a tired one and a thriving one. Pulling each other in opposite directions, the two forces share a never-ending journey to fulfil their aspirations.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Support:Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation

Reviews: Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #80 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #80 'Open Molar' by Lilli Carr, September 2019

A list of instructions for this afternoon. Learn to create a drop-shape for slow relief. This solution is only intended for gapped interiors. Do not skip the first step.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #79 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! #79 'I Couldnt Stop' by Powerpaola, September 2019

A series of strange events on a full moon in Buenos Aires. After that night, everything changed.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, one color, English

Reviews: Four Color Apocalypse, High-Low, Optical Sloth

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

š! #35 Bonkers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

! #35 'Bonkers', July 2019

Cover:Erlend Peder Kvam (Norway) Contributors: Agate Lielpētere (Latvia), Anna Mlck (Latvia), Beatrix Urkowitz (USA), Dāvis Ozols (Latvia), milie Gleason (Mexico), Erlend Peder Kvam (Norway), Ernests Kļaviņ Andrejs Kļaviņ (Latvia), Fabio Zimbres (Brazil), Jason Herr (USA), Jul Gordon (Germany), Kameeellah (Russia), Karlīna Marta Zvirbule (Latvia), Knig L. Q. (Switzerland), Marko Metamm (Estonia), Mārtiņ Zutis (Latvia), Olaf Ladousse (Spain), Samplerman (France), Theo Ellsworth (USA), Zane Zlemea (Latvia).

Format:A6, 164 pages, full-color, Pantone color cover, perfect bound, high quality and environmentally friendly Munken paper.

Support:Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation

Reviews:The Beat, Four Color Apocalypse

Awards: Nominated for Eisner Awards 2020 as 'Best Anthology', nominated for the Ignatz Awards 2020 in the category 'Outstanding Series'

Get it: Order it from our webshop (worldwide shipping included in price). Available in selected shops in Riga and around the world.

mini kuš! #78 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #78'House to House' by Hironori Kikuchi, April 2019

Kind strangers undertake a difficult journey to help a fantasy novelist bring his book to a sickly reader.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, no text

Reviews:Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth, The Beat

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #77 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #77'Oops' byRebeka Lukous, April 2019

What happens if you are bored, live alone, have six arms and a magical imagination?

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, no text

Support:Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation

Reviews:Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth, The Beat, Libraire DQ staff pick

Get it:Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #76 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #76 'Maunder' by Paula Puiupo, April 2019

Is it possible for us to travel between dimensions? Maybe not with our bodies, but within our mental states. A dismembered family makes its youngest reveal the mystery.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Support: Funded by the Direo-Geral do Livro, dos Arquivos e das Bibliotecas/Portugal.

Reviews:Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth, The Beat

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #75 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #75 'Junior' by Alice Socal, April 2019

Pregnancy brings wonderful changes to the body. Dont many men dream of experiencing it themselves? One night, the unexpected happens!

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews:Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth, The Beat

Get it: Order it fromour webshop(worldwide shipping included in price).

š! #34 Redrawing Stories from the Past II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

! #34 'Redrawing Stories from the Past II', February 2019

Comics anthology about emigration during the Second World War.

Cover: Alice Socal (Italy) Contributors:Lina Itagaki (Lithuania),Emilie Josso (France),Julia Kluge (Germany), Alice Socal (Italy) and a postscript by Ole Frahm (Germany)

Project Organization: MitOst e.V. Project Partner: Goethe-Institut Neapel, Goethe-Institut Rom

Project Website:

Format:A6, 248 pages, full-color, perfect bound, printed on environmentally friendly paper.

Reviews: Neues Deutschland,, Broken Frontier, FAZ

Awards: Nominated for Eisner Awards 2020 as 'Best Anthology'

Get it: Order it from our webshop (worldwide shipping included in price). Available in selected shops in Riga andaround the world.

š! #33 Misery 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

! #33 'Misery', November 2018

Cover:Tara Booth (USA) Contributors: Adriana Marineo (Italy), Alice Fiorelli Andrea De Franco (Italy), Christopher Sperandio (USA), Cole Johnson (USA), Ema Gaspar (Portugal), Emma Roulette (USA), Franz Impler (Germany), Ganmu (China), Ilaria Boscia (Italy), Ilze Ance Kazaka (Latvia), Karlīna Marta Zvirbule (Latvia), Knig L. Q. (Switzerland), Lea Loos (Germany), Lote Vilma Vītiņa (Latvia), Mārtiņ Zutis (Latvia), Oskars Pavlovskis (Latvia), Syhmen (Russia), Tara Booth (USA), Tor Brandt (Denmark), Toyoya Li (China), Triana Muoz (Spain), Wolfgang Matzl (Austria) and Yan Cong (China).

Format:A6, 164 pages, full-color, perfect bound, high quality and environmentally friendly Munken paper.

Support:Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation

Get it: Order it from our webshop (worldwide shipping included in price). Available in selected shops in Riga and around the world.

mini kuš! #74 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #74 'UNIQLO Superman' by Yan Cong, November 2018

There are two stories in this mini! The first is about a madman stealing from Uniqlo, the second is a love story between a frog and his wife.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color cover, black/white inside, English

Guest editor: R. Orion Martin (Paradise Systems)

Reviews: Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth, The Comics Journal

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #73 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #73 'Special K' by Inkee Wang, November 2018

When the biggest star of WarLife Battlegrounds is caught cheating, his fans lose hope. Peace spreads throughout the game.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Guest editor: R. Orion Martin (Paradise Systems)

Reviews: Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth, The Comics Journal

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #72 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #72 'Beyond a Cure' by Fenta, November 2018

An exploration of the darker states of psychology. No one can escape the inner conflicts they are bound to confront.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Guest editor: R. Orion Martin (Paradise Systems)

Reviews: Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth, The Comics Journal

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #71 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #71 'Doghair' by Ganmu, November 2018

The man in this story is extremely focused on his dog, though he doesnt feel the same affection for other creatures. Hes more willing to step up for his dog than for his wife.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Guest editor: R. Orion Martin (Paradise Systems)

Reviews: Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth, The Comics Journal

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

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! #32 'Japan', August 2018

Special issue featuring alternative comics from Japan, read from right to left.

Cover:Imiri Sakabashira Contributors: Hironori Kikuchi, Imiri Sakabashira, Jiro Ishikawa, Jun Oson, Kanako Furugori, Katsuo Kawai, Keisei Kanamachi, mississippi, Nerunodaisuki, Nishioka Bro-sis, Nutoguran, Rokudai Tanaka, Takako Ooki, Tana Hiuchi, Tatari Takayama, Tokushige Kawakatsu, Tsuchika Nishimura, Wakana Yamazaki, Yoshie, Yuichi Yokoyama, Yuko Tateyama (all from Japan) and Knig L. Q. (not from Japan).

Format:A6, 164 pages, full-color, perfect bound, high quality and environmentally friendly Munken paper.

Download: Katsuo Kawai's cut out comic 'Salome' can be downloaded here for free!

Reviews: CTRL COMICS, Earl Grey

Get it: Order it from our webshop (worldwide shipping included in price). Available in selected shops in Riga and around the world.

mini kuš! #70 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #70 'Worms, Clouds, Everything' by Lote Vilma Vītiņa, August 2018

A passionate hermit has sent you a letter from somewhere in the middle
of nowhere. There it is full of trees, rain, grass and, of course, mushrooms.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Support:Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation

Reviews: The Comics Journal, Four Color Apocalypse, High Low, Optical Sloth, Dagbladet Politiken, Libraire DQ staff pick I, II

Awards: Selected Title "100 Outstanding Picturebooks" at Frankfurt Book Fair 2019

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #69 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #69 'Maud' by Marlene Krause, August 2018

Maud Wagner (ne Stevens, 1877) was one of the very first female tattooists
in the world. Her fascinating life full of love, art and challenging the limits
of what a woman was allowed to do back then is now made into a colourful
graphic narration by comic artist and tattooist Marlene Krause.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: The Comics Journal,Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth, High Low, Dagbladet Politiken

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #68 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #68 'Weekend' by Erlend Peder Kvam, August 2018

Its the weekend! The time of the week dedicated to relaxation and family
life. Our hard-working friend Silvan is immensely excited as he gets a visit
from his favourite twins.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: The Comics Journal, Sequential State, Optical Sloth, Four Color Apocalypse, High Low, Dagbladet Politiken

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #67 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #67 'Day Tour' by Mariana Pita, August 2018

Doing stuff is hard, especially outside your house. Take one step at a time,
get dressed, step out, catch the subway, have a coffee... If you didnt make it
in the end, its okay, because you tried.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Support: Funded by the Direo-Geral do Livro, dos Arquivos e das Bibliotecas/Portugal.

Reviews: The Comics Journal,Optical Sloth, Four Color Apocalypse, High Low, Bandas Desenhadas, Dagbladet Politiken

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #65 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #65 'Master Song' by Francisco Sousa Lobo, February 2018

M is for Emily, and Emily is a London nanny who never recovered from reading Fifty Shades of Grey. Shes antisemitic, but looks after Jewish children. M is only half crazy. This is her song.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Support: Funded by the Direo-Geral do Livro, dos Arquivos e das Bibliotecas/Portugal.

Reviews: Four Color Apocalypse, High Low, LERBD, Optical Sloth, Sequential State

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #64 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #64 'Collection' by Pedro Franz, February 2018

In 1975, Mexican artist Ulises Carrin founded Other Books and So, a bookshop-gallery in Amsterdam that received, distributed, sold and exhibited artists publications and ephemera in many different formats. This collection is inspired by the bookshop.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: Four Color Apocalypse, High Low, Optical Sloth, Sequential State

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #63 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #63 'Nausea' by Abraham Daz, February 2018

Mexico City is a rat's nest where weird new ways of coexistence between misery, inequality, corruption, gentrification, violence and hopelessness mutate every day to a pointless vacuum without escape... Youll catch diarrhea. Don't visit it.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: It's Nice That, The Seattle Review of Books, High Low, Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth, Sequential State

Awards: Notable Comic in 'Best American Comics 2019'

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

Fenix / Zane Zlemeša 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fenix by Zane Zlemea
ku! mono #4, November 2017

Fenix City is named for the magical phoenix bird. Folk tales tell us that the city was built on the spot where the first phoenix appeared. Fenix has now flourished into one of the hottest gambling and art scenes in the region. The book tells the story about a man whose big gambling win allows him to fulfil his lifelong dream - to open his own art museum.

Zane Zlemea draws, paints, makes comics and illustration between Riga, Leipzig and Fenix.

Format: A5 (14.8 cm x 21 cm / 6" x 8"), 68 pages, full-color, perfect bound
Printed in Latvia on FSC certified paper

Support:Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation

Reviews: Comics Alternative, Four Color Apocalypse

Get it: Order it from our webshop (price includes worldwide shipping).

mini kuš! #61 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #61 'Jonah 2017' by Tomasz Niewiadomski, October 2017

A story about an alchemical journey through time and space, loosely drawing from the Biblical story of Jonah.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: High-Low,Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #59 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #59 'Share The Love' by Paula Bulling / Nina Hoffmann, October 2017

Its summer in Berlin. Philip and Simone could be lovers. But there is so much to talk about.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: High-Low, Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #58 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #58 'Night Door' by Patrick Kyle, August 2017

Who goes through the night door? A mysterious passageway into a cavernous well - the night door presents itself to only the few. Will you be fortunate enough to enter?

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: It's Nice That, High-Low, Optical Sloth, Just Indie Comics, The Comics Journal

Get it: Almost sold out! Order last copies fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #57 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #57 'Eviction' by Evangelos Androutsopoulos, August 2017

We hear stories all the time. But are they true? This story of a story of an empty lot by the sea might be. But who really knows?

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Support: Published with the financial assistance ofFILI Finnish Literature Exchange.

Reviews: The Comics Journal, High-Low, Optical Sloth, Just Indie Comics, Comics Alternative

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #56 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #56 'A Friend' by Andrs Magn, August 2017

A short story about friendship between a man and his dog that takes place in a park, inside a house and everywhere in-between.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: Art in America, The Comics Journal, High-Low, Optical Sloth, Sequential State, Just Indie Comics, Comics Alternative

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

š! #29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

! #29 'Celebration', July 2017

10 year anniversary issue!

Cover:Mārtiņ Zutis Contributors: Anete Melece, Anna Vaivare, Dace Sietiņa, Dāvis Ozols, Elīna Brasliņa, Ernests and Andrejs Kļaviņ, Ingrīda Pičukāne, Kaspars Groevs, Knig L. Q. (Switzerland), Laura Ķeniņ, Līva Kandevica, Lote Vilma Vītiņa, Maija Kureva, Mārtiņ Zutis, Oskars Pavlovskis, Rasa Pavilona, Rebeka Lukous, Reinis Pētersons, Rūta Briede, Zane Zlemea (all from Latvia except L. Q.).

Format:A6, 164 pages, full-color, perfect bound, high quality and environmentally friendly Munken paper.

Support:Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation

Reviews: Deutschlandfunk, Broken Frontier, CYA, Uma Bedeteca Annima, Comics Alternative, Earl Grey

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price). Available in selected shops in Riga andaround the world.

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! #28 'Scandal!', April 2017

Cover:Samplerman(France)Contributors:Ana Galva(Spain),Conxita Herrero(Spain),Dace Sietiņa(Latvia),Emmi Valve(Finland),Ichasu(Japan),Ingrīda Pičukāne(Latvia),Jannis Esselbrgge(Germany),Knig L. Q.(Switzerland),Līva Kandevica(Latvia),Līva Piterāne(Latvia),Lukas Weidinger(Austria),Mārtiņ Zutis(Latvia),Samplerman(France),Tara Booth(USA),Tsukue Akimoto(Japan),Ville Kallio(Finland),Wakana Yamazaki(Japan),Yoshie(Japan),Zane Zlemea(Latvia).

Format:A6, 164 pages, full-color, perfect bound, high quality and environmentally friendly Munken paper.

Support:Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation

Reviews: Lo Spazio Bianco, Comics Alternative

Get it: Order it from our webshop (worldwide shipping included in price). Available in selected shops in Riga and around the world.

mini kuš! #54 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #54 'Bad Ball' by Samplerman, April 2017, second edition: May 2019

What if an old discarded comic book was suddenly bitten by a radioactive, genetically modified spider? Would the cover drawing, or those inside the book,start behaving strangely? Would the dialogue slowly grow s(tu)pider and s(tu)pider? Would the paper start to melt?Would the story devolve to the point of meaninglessness? None of these questions will be answered in this minicomic.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: High-Low, Four Color Apocalypse, Optical Sloth, Duluth Comics, Comics Alternative

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #53 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #53 'Yellow' by Līva Kandevica, April 2017

What would you do if you knew that this reality that you experience does not even exist? This is a yellowish nightmare where the protagonist is trapped in hisown imagination. It seems like a never-ending suffering, but maybe its not even happening?

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: High-Low, Optical Sloth, Comics Alternative

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #52 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #52 'Acquisition' by Ctia Serro, April 2017

Starting with the anodyne question What does the duck say?Acquisition stages a proof test conducted by an absent master and a semi-present assistant to a candidate in the best tradition of clownish pixelated Kabbalah.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Support: Funded by the Direo-Geral do Livro, dos Arquivos e das Bibliotecas/Portugal.

Reviews: High-Low, Yellow Fast Crumble, Optical Sloth, Uma Bedeteca Annima

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #51 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #51 'Mirror Stage' by Jaakko Pallasvuo, April 2017

In Jaakko Pallasvuo's Mirror Stage we're taken on a journey of self-reflection, introspection and dank memes.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Support: Published with the financial assistance ofFILI Finnish Literature Exchange.

Reviews: High-Low, Optical Sloth, Lo Spazio Bianco, Libraire DQ staff pick

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

š! #27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

! #27 'BFF', February 2017

Cover:Hironori Kikuchi (Japan) Contributors:BloodBros (New Zealand), deadtheduck (India), Derrengueta (Spain),milie Gleason (Mexico),Erlend Peder Kvam (Norway), Gareth Brookes (UK), Gonalo Duarte (Portugal),Hironori Kikuchi (Japan), Knig L. Q. (Switzerland), Krystal DiFronzo (USA), Līva Piterāne (Latvia), Louise Aleksiejew (France), Lucas Souza Teixeira (Brazil), Lukas Weidinger (Austria), Marie Weber (France), Melek Zertal (Algeria), Shawn Eisenach (USA), Shee Phon (China), Till Lukat (Germany), Tor Brandt (Denmark).

Format:A6, 164 pages, full-color, perfect bound, high quality and environmentally friendly Munken paper.

Support:Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation

Reviews: Broken Frontier, Comics Alternative

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price). Available in selected shops in Riga andaround the world.

mini kuš! #50 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #50 'Spectacular Vermacular' by Mathilde Van Gheluwe, January 2017

During the latest very late late talk show, the famous Hollywood star Vlad the Cat remembers the glorious old days, a bittersweet tale of an overwhelming Hollywood career.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: High-Low, Optical Sloth, Orbital Comics, Comics Alternative

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #49 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #49 'Call of Cthulhu' by Martin Lacko/ H. P. Lovecraft, January 2017

Hilarious adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's 'The Call of Cthulhu' drawn in MS Paint! A must-read for all fans of the green monster and his spawn...

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: High-Low, Optical Sloth, Comics Alternative

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #48 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #48 'Nul' by Olive Booger, January 2017

Nul is the story of a young man who will do literally anything and go anywhere for his crush. The lovestruck protagonists ensuing endeavour quickly turns into a hellish nightmare...

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: High-Low, Optical Sloth, Sequential State, The Comics Beat, Comics Alternative

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #47 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #47 'Sutrama' by Daniel Lima, January 2017

Sutrama is a narrative about Robertes predilection for paradox and semantic opacity, playing incessantly with irony. This scenic dialogue becomes a polished surface for the green analyst, in which the prime meaning to be discerned is the analyst's own reflection. As certain as death, our hero is a masturbator clown

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Support: Funded by the Direo-Geral do Livro, dos Arquivos e das Bibliotecas/Portugal.

Reviews: High-Low, Bandas Desenhadas

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #43 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #43 'Meat Locker' by Michael DeForge, September 2016, second edition: June 2017

Short strips about gyms, trainers and meatheads.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: High-Low, Nudes Reading Minicomics, Lo Spazio Bianco, Optical Sloth, Orbital Comics

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #39 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #39 'Unwell', Tara Booth, March 2016, third edition: May 2019

Tara Booth's Unwell tells the story of a young woman and her dog as they struggle to make it through daily life.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews:Comics Journal,The Comics Beat, High-Low,Thirteen Minutes, Optical Sloth, The DIY Eye, Just Indie Comics

Award: Notable Comic in 'Best American Comics 2017'

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #27 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #27 'Mathematical Solutions for a Global Crisis', Jesse Jacobs, November 2014,fourth edition: June 2017

Within the pages of Mathematical Solutions for a Global Crisis, Jesse Jacobs has solved all the world's largest problems. The answer is much smaller than you think.

Format:A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: Der Tagesspiegel, High-Low, Festival Season, Fine Fine Books, Rob Kirby, Optical Sloth, du9

Award: Notable Comic in 'Best American Comics 2016'

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #24 1 2 3 4 5 6

mini ku! #24 'Swimming Pool', Anna Vaivare, June 2014, third edition: May 2019

Anna Vaivares protagonist works at the Swimming Pool. She enjoys observing people while keeping herself almost invisible doing her work. When you least expect it she herself plunges into the water and unveils her special secret.

Format: A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English

Reviews: The Comics Journal, It's Nice That, Lyderhorn, ComicsCola, Fine Fine Books, Comics Bulletin, John Seven, Optical Sloth, Sequential State

Get it: Order it from our webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #13 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! # 13'Our Library', Amanda Baeza, January 2013, second revised edition: June 2017

Based on a true story, Amanda Baezas comics 'Our Library' tells the colorful tale of how a previously abandoned house can become a threat to law and order. This Library isn't a closed book!

Winner of the mini ku! competition!

Format: A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English with Latvian subtitles

Reviews: Poopsheet, Edie Fake, BD no Sto, Ler BD, Ateo Poeta, chili com carne

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

mini kuš! #11 1 2 3 4 5

mini ku! # 11'All You Need Is Love', Emmi Valve, January 2013

Emmi Valves autobiographical comics 'All You Need Is Love' is a story about friendship and how we should appreciate the love we already have in our lives, instead of just dreaming of a romance or thinking we are alone (when we really are not).

Format: A6, 28 pages, saddle stitch binding, full-color, English with Latvian subtitles

Support: Published with the financial assistance of FILI Finnish Literature Exchange.

Reviews: Rob Clough, Poopsheet, Thirteen Minutes

Get it: Order it fromour webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

kuš! #7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

ku! #7, Do Re Mi Fa So La Si Ku !, July 2010

ku! dedicated to music with comics from people who make music.

Cover: Lo Quivreux (F) Artists: Bulats Ratkevičs (LV), diceindustries (D), Dunja Janković (HR), Edda Dead' Strobl (A), Fermn Sols (ES), Frost (LV), Genevive Castre (CA), HAZ (ES), Helmut Kaplan (A), Ingrīda Pičukane (LV), John Porcellino (USA), Kaspars Groevs (LV), Knig L. Q. (CH), krimi (D), Lo Quivreux (F), Maija Kureva (LV), Mārtiņ Zutis (LV), Matthew Thurber (USA), Miriam Katin (USA), Olive Booger (F), Pakito Bolino (F), Paul Paetzel (D), Roope Eronen (FI), Sabīne Moore (LV), Tomasz Niewiadomski (PL)

Support: This issue was made possible thanks to the generous support of the Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation (VKKF)

Format: A5, 100 pages, perfect bound, full-color, English

Reviews: Copacetic Comics, Milkmouse, goodreads, Michi Girl, MO rokraksts

Get it: Order it from our webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

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! #5, After Snowfall, December 2009

Cover: Kaspars Groevs (Latvia) Artists: Aisha Franz (Germany), Anna Sailamaa (Finland), Ernests Kļaviņ (Latvia), Hironori Kikuchi (Japan), Ignacio Serrano (Spain), Ines Christine Geier (Germany), Johan Klungel (The Netherlands), Kolbeinn Karlsson (Sweden/Iceland), Knig L. Q. (Switzerland), Maija Līduma (Latvia), Mārtiņ Zutis (Latvia), Oļa Vasiljeva (Latvia), Olegti (Russia), Reinis Pētersons (Latvia), Rūta Briede (Latvia), TeER (Germany) and Yoshi (Lithuania).

Support: Latvian Culture Capital Foundation VKKF.

Format: A6, 84 pages, perfect bound, full-color, English

Reviews: Avoid the Future, Optical Sloth

Get it: Order it from our webshop (worldwide shipping included in price). Available in selected shops in Riga and around the world.

KU foldout kuš! 1 2 3 4 5 6

KU #1, Dark Ages, May 2009

5 International artists lead you through a colourful journey through time. While Marcus Nyblom (Sweden) shows his view of a rather primitive stone age, Oskars Pavlovskis (Latvia) depicted the macabre Antique Age, Lai Tat Tat Wing (Hong Kong) shows a fascinating picture of a very torturous Middle Age, Patric Sandri (Switzerland) drew up a dark picture of the industrial age and Brecht Vandenbroucke (Belgium) beams us into a very colourful but harsh future.

Format: Foldout poster, B2, 500mm x 707mm, folded, full color, English

Get it: Order it from our webshop (worldwide shipping included in price).

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