Jew World Order

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Jew World Order
Jesus called them the Synagogue Of Satan Antichrist
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Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. – John 8.44

“I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.” Rev 3.9

“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Rev. 2.9

"But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come." Matthew 3:7

For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea, for you suffered the same things from your own compatriots as they did from the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out; they displease God and oppose everyone by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. Thus they have constantly been filling up the measure of their sins; but God’s wrath has overtaken them at last. - Thessalonians 2:14-16

GOD cursed the Satanic Jews out of Jerusalem for life. Jesus arrived and focused on Jerusalem because it was the most unholy, evil, place on earth... still is today.

The Nomadic Turks (ashkeNAZIS) have been behind all the Evil in the world since Cain's children... using their News Networks to create the News, and set the stage, to blame their opponents, for everything evil they do, across the globe.

Jewish Communist Dictum:- "Accuse the enemy of those crimes you are guilty of"


The Elite Jews create the illness, then sell the Cure. They create Chaos ">Islam and Christianity have become servants of the Jews. Acting as physical and spiritual cattle for the Jews to harvest in building their Global Satanic Kingdom.

If I converted to Buddhism, does that make me Chinese? If I converted to Hinduism, does that make me Indian? When Khazarians (Turks) converted to Judaism in 740 BC and stole the true Semite Israelite Aegean identity, did that make the counterfeit Jews Hebrew? Well, the Jew World Order seems to think so. They crucified Jesus Christ for exposing them.

The invention of the Muslim Terrorist by our Jewish Governments... to keep us in fear, and to justify raping the World, and slaughtering billions of innocent families in every country for power and control...for their 2 horned God Lucifer... which the Jews named him "Morning Star."

Every Religion Church and Mosque has been infiltrated by the Jews. How do you know? ... if your Church has not discussed the below phrases by Christ... then it has been compromised.

Cuisine Royale (Episode 5): Austria – Riegersburg Castle November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

Riegersburg Castle is one of the largest castles in Austria and in the ownership of Prince Emanuel von und zu Liechtenstein. The Lichtenstein dynasty belongs to one of the oldest aristocratic houses in Europe.

Dr. Prinz Emanuel von und zu Liechtenstein is part of the family that have settled in Austria. The only noble family that is not affected by the Law of Nobility Abolishment in Austria as it enjoys the nationality of its own Principality of Lichtenstein.

With a select party of a few friends, Prince Emanuel and his wife Princess Sonja are celebrating their 8th wedding anniversary in the ‘white hall’ of the castle, and arte also has an exclusive invitation. The carefully put together menu will be realised by starred-chef Hans-Peter Fink.

About Cuisine Royale: A culinary lifestyle show with a royal difference. In stately homes and royal palaces we will learn about the fine tradition and glamour of the most distinguished kitchens and dining tables around the world, from Southern Europe to Scandinavia and all the way to India.

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NASA Orders Rare Medical Delay in Launch of SpaceX Mission to Space Station November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.—NASA announced on Monday a rare, health-related delay in its SpaceX rocket launch of four astronauts to the International Space Station, the second postponement of the mission in a week, citing an unspecified medical issue with one of the crew.

NASA said the issue was “not a medical emergency and not related to COVID-19,” but the space agency declined to elaborate on the nature of the problem or say which astronaut was involved.

The launch, originally set for Sunday but then postponed until this Wednesday because of unsuitable weather conditions, has now been rescheduled for Saturday night, NASA said.

The last time NASA delayed a scheduled launch over a medical issue involving the crew was for a Space Shuttle Atlantis flight in 1990, when mission commander John Creighton fell ill. The countdown was halted for three days until he was cleared to fly, according to NASA.

That delay was followed by two additional weather-related postponements.

The SpaceX-built vehicle set to fly this weekend, consisting of a Crew Dragon capsule perched atop a two-stage Falcon 9 rocket, is now set for liftoff at 11:36 p.m. on Saturday from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

If all goes smoothly, the three U.S. astronauts and their European Space Agency (ESA) crewmate will arrive 22 hours later and dock with the space station 250 miles (400 km) above the Earth to begin a six-month science mission aboard the orbiting laboratory.

For the time being, the four crew members will remain under routine quarantine at the Cape as they continue launch preparations, NASA said.

Joining the mission’s three NASA astronauts—flight commander Raja Chari, 44, mission pilot Tom Marshburn, 61, and mission specialist Kayla Barron, 34—is German astronaut Matthias Maurer, 51, an ESA mission specialist.

Chari, a U.S. Air Force combat jet and test pilot, Barron, a U.S. Navy submarine officer and nuclear engineer, and Maurer, a materials science engineer, are all making their debut spaceflights aboard the Dragon vehicle, dubbed Endurance.

Marshburn, a physician and former NASA flight surgeon, is the most experienced astronaut of the crew, having logged two previous spaceflights and four spacewalks.

Saturday’s liftoff, if successful, would count as the fifth human spaceflight SpaceX has achieved to date, following its inaugural launch in September of a space tourism service that sent the first ever all-civilian crew into orbit.

The latest mission would mark the fourth crew NASA has flown to the space station with SpaceX in 17 months, building on a public-private partnership with the rocket company formed in 2002 by Musk, founder of electric maker Tesla Inc.

By Joe Skipper and Steve Gorman


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Relocation of Homeless in ‘Veterans Row’ Begins November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

LOS ANGELES—Sheriff’s deputies joined outreach crews and federalofficials onNov. 1in relocating homeless individuals in the ‘Veterans Row’, in hopes of clearing up this longtime homeless encampment near Brentwood.

Besides decrying the encampmentas an eyesore in the upscale neighborhoods for long, some Brentwoodresidents were also dismayed that many veterans were forced to live in ramshackle tents erected on the sidewalk, in the shadow of the WestLos Angeles Veterans Affairs campusnearby.

At least two homicides have occurred at the encampment, most recentlyin September, when a man was stabbed when he tried to intervenein a dispute between a man and his girlfriend, authorities reported.

U.S. Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough recently toured theencampment and vowed last monthto find temporary housing for about threedozen homeless veterans living there. He also indicated the VA wouldwork to provide housing for another 500 veterans in the Los Angeles area by theend of the year.

“The VA, they’re committed to offering services around the clock,” Sheriff Alex Villanueva told reporters at the site. “They’re trying to get thestaffing, which is a huge improvement…so that is a big help. So now,someone shows up here at 10 o’clock at night, odds are they’re going to be ableto find a place to lie down, and it’s not going to be on the sidewalk.”

At least one homelessperson of the encampment told KNX Newsradio that he waslooking forward to moving into sturdier structures with running water. The new facilities of secure tentsand tiny homes also provide meals.

A small section of the encampment had been dismantled by mid-morning Monday, with crews picking up trash accumulated on the sidewalk.

It was unclear exactly how many people were in the encampment, which has been in place for about two years, or how long it wouldtake to complete the relocation effort.

City News Service


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Facts Matter (Nov. 1): Study Finds Vaccinated People Just as Likely to Spread Delta Within Household November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

Facts Matter (Nov. 1): Study Finds Vaccinated People Just as Likely to Spread Delta Within Household

On Sunday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced that she has tested positive for COVID-19, despite the fact that she was fully vaccinated.

Now, this leads us to two large trends that are currently revealing themselves in society.

The first is that, according to a study that came out of the UK, vaccinated people can easily transmit the COVID-19 Delta variant within their households.

And second of all, according to new data from the CDC, there is a significant increase in the number of breakthrough infections, hospitalizations, as well as deaths among the fully vaccinated.

Lastly, just recently, the FDA officially authorized the use of the Pfizer vaccine for kids aged 5 to 11 years old.

However, according to an investigation by the National File, the independent scientists who made this recommendation have many potential conflicts of interest—such as the fact that some of these committee members have either worked for Pfizer, or have large Pfizer connections.


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Hong Kong to Tighten Quarantine Rules for Most Consular Staff November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

HONG KONG—Hong Kong is dropping a provision for most consular staff to serve quarantine at home, opting for hotel stays instead, as it doubles down on some of the world’s toughest coronavirus curbs, as the local pro-Beijing government hopes to sway mainland China to open the border with the city.

The Beijing-approved leaders of the former British colony are following Beijing’s lead in retaining draconian travel curbs, in contrast to a global trend of opening up and living with the coronavirus.

“We are doing this to ensure the risk is reduced to the minimum, because we can see that the cases in Hong Kong are imported cases,” Chief Secretary John Lee told reporters on Monday, adding that the new rules take effect on Nov. 12.

The government had identified two imported cases linked to consular staff, it said in a separate statement.

Until now, staff at consulates have only been required to quarantine at home, unlike most others arriving in Hong Kong, who have had to isolate themselves in a hotel for up to 21 days at their own cost.

The new rules cover all those below the rank of consul general, who will still be permitted home quarantine.

Crossborder truck drivers, flight and cargo vessel crews, and government officials will remain exempt.

Hong Kong officials faced criticism in August after it emerged that Australian actor Nicole Kidman had been allowed to skip quarantine for “the purpose of performing designated professional work.”

Authorities are betting that a tightening in quarantine and patient discharge rules in recent weeks could help sway Beijing to ease border curbs between the city and mainland China.

On the other hand, international business lobby groups have warned that Hong Kong may lose talent and investment, as well as competitive ground to rival finance hubs such as Singapore, unless it eases travel curbs.

Despite barely any recent local cases and an environment virtually free of COVID-19, Hong Kong’s mandatory quarantine term is 21 days for arrivals from most countries, with an extra 14 days in a designated facility for recovered people leaving hospital.

By Jessie Pang


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China-Based Developer Says Bond Default Triggers Earlier Repayment Deadlines, Pulls Dividend November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

Men work at the construction site of a highrise building in Beijing, China, on Oct. 18, 2021. (Thomas Peter/Reuters)

Chinese developer Modern Land (China) said on Monday a default on a bond repayment last week has pulled forward repayment dates for a further $321 million worth of notes, and the company withdrew an interim dividend to hold on to cash.

The development highlights the impact of China Evergrande Group, which narrowly averted a costly default, on the rest of the high-yield sector as liquidity dries up and sales slow.

Modern Land said last week it had not repaid principal and interest on its 12.85 percent senior notes with an outstanding principal of $250 million.

The non-payment triggered conditions under which other financing arrangements, including 9.8 percent green senior notes due 2023 worth $321 million, may become immediately payable. No bondholders have yet enforced any action, the company said.

However, the company said it has already got notices from an offshore creditor demanding early repayment of $23.6 million, and was in talks for a waiver to avoid the payment and further enforcement.

The developer also withdrew its recommendation for an interim dividend of HK4.81 cents per share declared in August due to “unexpected liquidity issues,” and was currently taking stock of other repayment obligations.

By Arundhati Dutta


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US Treasury Increases Q4 Borrowing Estimate November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

The U.S. Treasury said on Monday it plans to borrow $1.015 trillion in the fourth quarter, more than the August estimate of $703 billion, due to having a lower balance at the beginning of the quarter.

The fourth-quarter estimate assumes an end-Dec. cash balance of $650 billion.

The Treasury has been cutting issuance since February, when it slashed its borrowing projections for the first and second quarters as part of a plan to reduce its cash balance.

It had ramped up debt issuance in 2020 to pay for COVID-19 related spending.

The Treasury said it issued $103 billion in net debt in the third quarter, ending the three-month period with a cash balance of $215 billion.

It expects to borrow $476 billion in the Jan. to March quarter, assuming an end-of-March cash balance of $650 billion.


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Fullerton Residents Urge for Roads to Be Fixed November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

Fullerton, California, residents are calling on city officials to address road issues amid infrastructure concerns.

“The roads in the surrounding Brea, La Habra, Placentia, [and] Anaheim are so nice,” Teresa Denker, a Fullerton resident, wrote on social media. “Fullerton is like another country.”

Residents on a community Facebook page complained about the city’s lack of inattentiveness to the roads which they claim are damaging vehicles.

Denker further urged residents to bring the issue to the city council.

Fullerton, Calif., on Dec. 22, 2020. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times)

Chris Campell, another resident, added, “Any time you cross city limits out of Fullerton, you can tell by the roads. Brea roads are so kept up and Fullerton streets are 3rd world conditions.”

Bonnie Stead, a Fullerton resident, has inquired about the city fixing potholes and cracks on her street. While Stead anticipated an optimistic result, the city employee that came out to the residential area tagged a couple of potholes but did not fix them, she said.

“He said the city has no money to fix the street correctly,” Stead wrote. “If you drive over Rosecrans in Fullerton, the street is bad.”

Other residents slightly joked regarding the city roads stating it was a key consideration prior to moving to the city.

Fullerton, Calif., on Dec. 22, 2020. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times)

“When we considered moving to Fullerton, we took this into account,” E.J. Heck wrote. “The roads are not hurting property value. Just the shocks and struts on my wife’s care that I have to replace every year.”

While some residents voiced concerns over the city’s lack of action to fix the roads, others commented on the efforts from the city to fix the rocky roads.

“If the city is not taking care of the road issues, why is Euclid, Brookhurst, Commonwealth, and other areas in the city getting fixed,” Debra Shimaoka wrote. “I see road construction everywhere.”

The Fullerton City Council is set to meet on Nov. 2. Residents with concerns regarding the city’s infrastructure were encouraged by other residents to attend and voice their concerns.

A spokesperson for the City of Fullerton was not immediately available for comment.

Fullerton, Calif., on Dec. 10, 2020. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times)

Vanessa Serna


Vanessa Serna is a California-based daily news reporter for The Epoch Times.

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Australia’s Economy at Risk as Nations Shift to Zero Emissions November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

Australia’s export-driven economy could bear the brunt of a global net-zero-by-2050 movement as trading partners take steps to adopt more stringent carbon abatement measures.

Australia declared a goal to reach net zero by 2050 last week, with world leaders meeting this week at the 26th United Nations climate change summit, COP26.

Analysis by the advisory firm EY estimates that Australia’s export industry—representing over 20 percent of the economy—could be at risk, especially as 85 percent of exported goods are producers of high emissions.

This includes Australia’s economic backbone, mining, along with livestock products which contribute to high methane emissions and wheat production through its generation of nitrous oxide.

Sheep graze in front of wind turbines in Lake George on the outskirts of Canberra, Australia, on Sep. 1, 2020. (Photo by David Gray/Getty Images)

The report estimated that 64 percent of the risk on the nation’s export-based GDP would come from international policy changes alone, as around 82 percent of Australia’s goods were destined for countries with net zero emissions targets.

“The direction of travel towards global decarbonisation is clear, and this will impact Australia’s export base, whether we like it or not,” said modelling co-author and EY Oceania chief economist Jo Masters.

This is understood to manifest in several ways, such as exports of coal and oil—making up nearly 15 percent of Australia’s exports by dollar value in 2020—which are expected to diminish if nations adhere to net zero commitments.

Another facet includes carbon tax-based systems, such as the European Union’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism which currently only targets aluminium, cement, electricity, fertiliser, and steel imports but which is set to expand.

EY’s modelling is based on the assumption that Australia’s technology remains the same, which the federal government is seeking to overcome through its technology investment roadmap that will explore new and emerging low-emissions technologies, such as hydrogen.

A cubic-meter tank containing liquid hydrogen at Kobe Port Island plant in Kobe, Japan on Oct. 26, 2020. The special shipping terminal has been built in order to import liquid hydrogen from Australia. (Etienne Balmer/AFP via Getty Images)

The modelling also assumes the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) net zero scenario, which requires that the world work in unison to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

But the climate action of Australia’s biggest trade partner—China—has come under scrutiny, suggesting that not all nations may hold to their stated commitments.

In particular, China remains the world’s biggest emitter, producing more carbon dioxide in 16 days than Australia does in one year, and commissioning 38.4 gigawatts (GW) of new coal plants last year alone—over three times the amount commissioned internationally.

Most recently, sweeping blackouts and an ensuing energy crisis across China has forced the communist regime to re-accept Australian coal—which had previously been unofficially banned as part of a trade spat after Australia called for an inquiry into the origin of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.

Combined with growing coal demand from India, which has conveyed it will continue utilising coal power to supply the nation’s energy needs, Australia’s export industry could remain unimpeded.

Chinese street vendors and customers gather at a local market outside a state owned coal fired power plant in Anhui Province, China on June 14, 2017. (Kevin Frayer/Getty Images)

However, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg had previously suggested a lack of emissions reduction efforts could undermine investments flowing into Australia.

“Markets are moving as governments, regulators, central banks, and investors are preparing for a lower emissions future,” Frydenberg said in an address to the Australian Industry Group. “Increasingly, institutional investors are themselves committing to the net zero goal, like BlackRock, Fidelity and Vanguard, three of the biggest fund managers in the world.”

Frydenberg outlined that Australia’s economy had relied on overseas capital to stimulate growth, with current investment stock worth around $4 trillion (US$2.9 trillion).

“Australia has a lot at stake,” Frydenberg said. “We cannot run the risk that markets falsely assume we are not transitioning in line with the rest of the world.”

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The EY report also pointed out the benefit brought on by new, emissions-free industries.

“The investment in developing and implementing new technologies, commercializing research and development and maximizing Australia’s advantages in clean and new energy sources could be a significant economic windfall, boosting our GDP,” the report stated.

But Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie had previously pointed to a misunderstanding in claims that the “green” projects would generate tens of thousands of jobs, particularly in the renewable energy sector.

“The reality is though that once they have been constructed, there isn’t long-term, ongoing careers in those renewable energy generation spaces at the moment,” she told the ABC.

Daniel Khmelev


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Irvine to Crack Down on Catalytic Converter Thefts With New Law November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

The City of Irvine is doubling down on rising catalytic converter thefts with a new law that will make it easier for police officers to arrest those with cut catalytic converters without valid documentation.

The ordinance will make it illegal to “possess any catalytic converter that is not attached to a vehicle unless the possessor has valid documentation or other proof to verify they are in lawful possession of the catalytic converter.”

Catalytic converters are a part of a vehicle’s exhaust system that converts toxic exhaust fumes into cleaner emissions and help the overall performance of a vehicle. They contain precious metals inside of them—some worth more than gold—and can be sawed off of a car in under one minute, making them convenient for thieves to steal.

Thefts of converters have increased nationally in recent years, with 26,000 being stolen in the U.S. from January to May 2021, and 8,000 statewide during the same time period, according to IPD.

For Orange County, there have been about 2,000 stolen in 2021 year to date, according to IPD.

In Irvine alone, there have been 405 converter thefts from January to October 2021, compared to just 61 stolen during the same period in 2020, and 28 in 2019.

The Irvine Police Department (IPD) urged council to pass such an ordiance during the Oct. 26 city council meeting, where Irvine Police Sgt. Michael Bryant said that nearly all catalytic converter thefts cases go unsolved due to current laws making it difficult to arrest those in possession as a result of a lack of serial numbers on the converter.

“Currently, if someone is in possession of stolen catalytic converters, the police are prevented from seizing this evidence or holding individuals accountable due to challenges facing law enforcement. This hampers future investigation efforts and deterrence of these crimes,” Bryant said.

Bryant said one of the challenges is that the converters have an unpredictable crime pattern, being stolen city-wide day and night, as well as how efficient they are to steal, which reduces the number of witnesses and law enforcement catching thieves in the act.

“There have been multiple instances in which Irvine police officers have contacted individuals in possession of freshly cut catalytic converters that were clearly just stolen, however, the officers could not identify the victim they came from,” he said.

“Because current law requires officers to identify a victim in order to take enforcement action, the officers had no choice but to release the individuals without consequence and they were unable to seize the stolen catalytic converters from them.”

While thieves can sell the converters for up to $1,200, the average cost for a victim to replace their converter is $3,500.

“It’s really troubling to see these thefts occurring,” Irvine Vice Mayor Tammy Kim said during the meeting. “I have to admit, I did not know what a catalytic converter was, and now it seems I’m hearing this a lot. I’m seeing it on social media. There’s been a lot of people who’ve had their catalytic converters stolen, and so it’s very concerning.”

If the ordinance is passed, IPD will have the discretion to arrest, cite, or release with a recommendation for charges to be filed later for those caught with cut converters.

Those in violation could be prosecuted as a misdemeanor or infraction, with up to $500 penalties and county prison for up to one year, with every converter found being a separate violation.

The ordinance was passed unanimously by the council, which will go into effect 30 days after a second reading during the Nov. 9 council meeting.

Drew Van Voorhis


Drew Van Voorhis is a California-based daily news reporter for The Epoch Times. He has been a journalist for four years, during which time he has broken several viral national news stories and has been interviewed for his work on both radio and internet shows.

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Here Are 8 Less Offensive Alternatives To The Braves Tomahawk Chop November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

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Despite the Cherokee Nation Officially Endorsing The “Tomahawk Chop” of the Atlanta Braves,white intellectuals have ruled it offensive, and rightfully so. We at The Babylon Bee are calling for the end of the gesture so it can be replaced with one of theseless-offensive alternatives:

1) The Non-Ethnic Miniature Axe Swing: Totally a different thing.

2) The Drunken Irishman: This is not offensive because the Irish race isn’t a race because Irish people have white skin.

3) The Let’s-Go-Brandon: Hey, there’s nothing offensive about cheering on some player named Brandon, is there?

4) The Smoke-A-Peace-Pipe: The peace pipe is a symbol of peace, representative of how Native Americans were 100% peaceful throughout history in contrast with colonizers who were 0% peaceful.

5) The Raise-Hand-At-45º-Angle: We’re not sure what this symbolizes, but we assume it’s a sign of peace and non-offense.

6) The Crap-Your-Pants: This fun, family-friendly gesture is really taking off, thanks to a lot of publicity from our own Commander-in-Chief.

7) The Cherokee Scalp: Fine if you do it to a white person.

8) The Yawn: This gesture is perfectly acceptable, you’re watching baseball, after all.

NOT SATIRE: While MLB tries to play woke games instead of baseball, The Patriot Post speaks the message of Liberty to all people.

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Father Informs Daughter Of New Tax On Unrealized Halloween Candy Gains November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

FORT WAYNE, IN—According to sources, local dad Greg Farson taught his children a valuable lesson about taxation today after his kids woke up the day after Halloween to find all their Reeses cups and Snickers bars had been taken.

Listen Willow, said Farson to his sobbing daughter. I know I already took a bunch of your candy last night, but too many kids are trying to escape paying their fair share because no one is taxing their unrealized gains. I went ahead and taxed youfor the candy you will collect next year as well!

Farson then went on to explain that the candy tax was the only way to prevent global warming and that ifshe didnt agreeshe was a racist.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has endorsed the tax, and is calling for children of wealthy Americans to have their unrealized candy gains taxed at 80% for 28,000 years to pay for Bidens Build Back Better plan.

Liberal Parent Trying To Figure Out How To Cheer For His Son Brandon

Subscribe to The Babylon Bee on YouTube


Peyrnoie’s Disease and Its Ties To Porn Addiction November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

I recently learned about Peyrnoie’s Disease and how doctors just can’t seem to find the cause for it. Here is what Peyrnoi’s disease is a defined as:

Peyronie’s (pay-roe-NEEZ) disease is a noncancerous condition resulting from fibrous scar tissue that develops on the penis and causes curved, painful erections. Penises vary in shape and size, and having a curved erection isn’t necessarily a cause for concern. But Peyronie’s disease causes a significant bend or pain in some men.

This can prevent you from having sex or might make it difficult to get or maintain an erection (erectile dysfunction). For many men, Peyronie’s disease also causes stress and anxiety. Penile shortening is another common concern.

Peyronie’s disease rarely goes away on its own. In most men with Peyronie’s disease, the condition will remain as is or worsen. Early treatment soon after developing the condition may keep it from getting worse or even improve symptoms. Even if you’ve had the condition for some time, treatment may help improve bothersome symptoms, such as pain, curvature and penile shortening. (Source)

It is so prevalent that they’re now making commercials about it:

Of course women are blamed for this issue, with many doctors claiming the trauma to men’s penises is from hitting a woman’s pelvic bone or from sports injuries. It is physically impossible for a man’s penis to hit a woman’s pelvic bone and bend, but that doesn’t hold back any of these logical doctors from claiming it’s women’s fault. However, I think all of those “causes” are just a pathetic attempt at deflecting us from the giant porn sick elephant in the room.

I am putting forth the hypothesis that the reason this is afflicting men is due to their porn addiction and the trauma they are putting their penises through from rough and repeated masturbation. Seeing as most of the men in the United States are circumcised, this is even more likely to happen as the most sensitive part of their penis has been cut, and the sensory receptors dulled. This often leads men to have to engage in rough sex or masturbation to even feel anything. How utterly tragic.

Since this leads to scar tissue and a curving of the penis, this is going to have implications in their sex lives. Every woman’s vagina is different and curves a different way, but if the man’s penis is curving against the woman’s vagina, this is going to lead to painful and non-pleasurable sex for the woman. This isn’t to say that naturally curved penises are bad or not able to please a woman, but I have heard horror stories from women who have been with men with Peyrnoie’s disease and they explained it was the most painful experience ever. Men and women do not need another barrier in the way of being together in a healthy union.

I constantly hear about “roasties” and how women with multiple sexual partners have “loose vaginas”, even though vaginas are designed to birth babies, and apparently sex with same partner magically preserves vaginal integrity, but logic isn’t the strong suit of the “manosphere”. However, I never hear about the men that are literally bending, traumatizing, and creating scar tissue on their penises from masturbating constantly. Porn addiction is no joke. The cravings are said to be even stronger than meth.

This is not normal

There is no cure for Peyrnoie’s disease. I believe they recommend surgery and a skin graft. This is a life changing and permanent disease, yet all the doctors won’t speak about the obvious truth that this is being induced by pornography addiction and excessive masturbation. Does this mean I think masturbation is “evil”? No, I don’t. However, porn addiction is. It is literally re-wiring the brain for perversion and psychopathy. We constantly hear about “cold” women who don’t want to have sex with their husbands or boyfriends, but they never ask why that woman doesn’t want to. Are her emotional needs being fulfilled? Is her partner porn sick?

We have a serious problem going on here and no one is talking about it. Not even the meninists who claim to care about men. Why would they stay silent about men traumatizing their own penises because of their crippling porn addiction? Men who view porn are reported to be terrible in bed, can’t maintain an erection, are too rough, and are attracted to BDSM because they are incapable of pleasing a woman so have to get a reaction from them another way. Why would any woman want that? And why do women put up with porn addiction as if it’s just “normal”? It’s not. No woman should ever put up with porn addiction. Ladies, keep your standards high and don’t listen to these post wall bitter old guys saying you’re going to end up being a cat lady. I’m sure most women would rather be cat ladies than be with a porn sick, ED-riddled, sorry excuse for a man with a bent penis.

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Not About Trump: Terry McAuliffe Shifts Communication Strategy Days Before Election November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

Virginia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe shifted his communication strategy away from Donald Trump the weekend beforeTuesday’selection.

McAuliffe said in Virginia Beach on Saturday his campaign is “not about Trump,” despite constantly attempting to bring Donald Trump into the statewide election for months.

McAuliffe also doubled down Sunday on CNN, saying the election was no longer about Trump. “I’d love to have him come in,”McAuliffe said of Trump. “But you know… this is not about Trump.”

The change in direction comes asMcAuliffe has accused Republican candidate GlennYoungkin of being a“Trump wannabe.”

“I would love to hear my opponent say what they did…is unacceptable. How hard is that for a candidate for governor to say?”McAuliffe said in relation to January 6 incident.

The media, too, have perpetuated McAuliffe’s talking point. For example, CNN wrote Saturday that Trump will be responsible forMcAuliffe’s victory if he wins.

“Donald Trumpmay not physically be in Virginia for the commonwealth’s critical off-year elections. But toGlenn Youngkin’s most ardent supporters, the way their candidate has kept Trump at a distance will all be worth it if he wins on Tuesday,” CNN reported.

McAuliffe’s campaign strategy of linkingYoungkin to Trump was also on display when President Biden stumped for the Democrat last week, naming Trump 24 times.

“Terry’s opponent has made all of his private pledges of loyalty to Donald Trump. But what is really interesting to me is he won’t stand next to Donald Trump now that the campaign is on,” Biden claimed. “He is willing to pledge his loyalty to Trump in private, why not in public? What is he trying to hide? Is there a problem with Trump being here? Is he embarrassed?”

ButMcAuliffe’s campaign against Trump instead of focusing on state issues has likely cost the Democrat polling numbers. Last week,McAuliffe lost his average polling lead onYoungkin. Another Fox News poll marked the Democrat eight points behind his challenger.

Moreover, Republicans seem to have enthusiasmon their side. Among those who reside in rural Virginia, Youngkin holds a large lead, 61 percent to 33 percent. Youngkin’s numbers in rural Virginia aregreaterthanDonald Trump’s numbers in 2020.

Youngkin has been running a campaign primarily on education and parents’ ability to direct their children’s education.“We must empower parents, and address their concerns about school safety, the school curriculum and the decline in standards and results in Virginia schools,”Youngkinwrotein a Fox News op-ed Monday.

Youngkin has also bashed Attorney General Merrick Garland for allowing an FBI probe into parents that was predicated on a faulty memo from National School Board Association (NSBA) which labeled parents “domestic terrorists.”

“Instead of investigating parents, the Department of Justice should be investigating those who were involved in the coverup,”Youngkin said.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter@WendellHusebø


Election Overview: Virginia State House Up for Grabs After Two Years of Democrat Control November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

With Virginia’s statewide election coming to a close Tuesday and the ever-tightening governor’s race between former Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) and Republican businessman Glenn Youngkin being considered a national bellwether coming into the 2022 midterms, control of the Commonwealth’s House of Delegates also remains a ripe opportunity for Republicans to thwart the Old Dominion’s leftward shift after two years of complete Democrat control of government.

Only a few months ago, a Democrat sweep appeared inevitable for the three statewide races, with the well-connected McAuliffe polling double digits ahead of the unknown Youngkin. It also appeared likely the Democrats would maintain their House majority, which currently sits at 55-45. Democrats wrested complete control of Richmond in 2019, when they flipped multiple Republican seats to turn a razor-thin 51-49 GOP majority.

Now, with President Joe Biden’s unpopularity growing in the state and public education becoming a dark horse issue for Democrats, control of the lower chamber is considered anyone’s game.

While House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn insists that her “majority is safe,” but concedes that the governor’s race is “closer than anybody would like,” House GOP caucus spokesman Garren Shipley said,“What we’re about to see is a referendum on, ‘Is Virginia as far left as the Democrats acted?’” according to the Associated Press (AP).

Indeed, in a piece from Fredericksburg-based Free Lance-Star, the editorial team believes the “pendulum is swinging back to the center,” pointing out a couple key areas that might shift both the governor’s mansion and the lower chamber to Republican control:

Biden’s plummeting poll numbers, along with manifest incompetency demonstrated by his administration in the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, is a drag on Democrats running local and statewide races. That’s part of the reason why McAuliffe’s tone-deaf comment sparked an intense backlash among Virginia voters that could cost him the election. [Emphasis added].

When politicians appease their political bases by listening more to activists than ordinary citizens, they often misread the public mood and make ill-advised statements that can backfire spectacularly. And after a year of having to deal with virtual schooling, parents in Virginia were in no mood to be told they didn’t have a say in their children’s education. [Emphasis added].

Even former Virginia Gov. Douglas Wilder (D), the country’s first black governor since Reconstruction and first ever elected black governor of any U.S. state, said of Virginians that they are“independent-thinking people. … And you see what the polls are showing as it relates to independents: Youngkin is leading with independents as they crossover,” according to the Washington Examiner.

With down ballot implications, Wilder also addressed a major issue the McAuliffe campaign could face by taking a significant portion of Virginia’s black vote for granted, particularly in must-have areas like Virginia Beach and Hampton Roads, saying when asked about why black voters might be reluctant to support McAuliffe,“The better question would be: ‘What reasons do they have to turn out?’”

Wilder has not endorsed a candidate for governor this cycle, and the Hampton Roads Black Caucus endorsed Youngkin this year after supporting McAuliffe in 2013 when he won the governor’s mansion.

Political activity across the Commonwealth also indicates the fight for control of the House is at a fevered pitch.

The Washington Post reported Wednesday of an “army” of Republican poll watchers involved in locations across the state, including in deep blue Fairfax and Loudoun counties.

According to the Post,Fairfax County General Registrar Scott Konopasek reasoned that the high Republican involvement is due to a “narrative” surrounding election integrity, or lack thereof, that has amounted to a “sense among some staff members that the observers don’t trust them.”

But Fairfax County Republican Committee chairman Steve Knotts told the Post he did not believe voter fraud was an issue in Virginia, but that the heavy involvement is a “‘hands-on’ way for those with questions to get them answered.” Knotts confirmed to the Post 500 to 600 persons signed up to be poll watchers and said that those numbers point to broader enthusiasm for Youngkin.

This cycle’s races have also seen massive campaign expenditures.“I have never seen in the decades I’ve been watching Virginia politics so many House of Delegates candidates who has raised over a million dollars for an $18,000 per year job,” CBS 6 political analyst Dr. Bob Holsworth said. “It is just stunning to see the amount of money, which again tells us how the parties view the stakes in this race.”

Indeed, according to the Virginia Public Access Project (VPAP), Democrats have outraised Republicans by more than double overall, and nine of the top ten individual fundraisers are Democrats. In fact, only one of the top 18 fundraisers — all of whom have over $1 million — is a Republican.

Despite the massive amount of money raised by Democrats, all but one of the top nine are ranked by VPAP as “competitive” races, and many are rated as “toss-ups” by state legislature prognosticator CNalysis. The only fundraiser not competing in a contested race is the speaker, Filler-Corn.

CNalysis recently moved the lower chamber’s projected balance of power from “tilt democratic” to “toss-up,” considering five House districts held by Democrat incumbents to be on a razor’s edge. VPAPconsiders 23 races to be “compeititive,” and Ballotpedia has picked 25 “battleground” districts.


House District 10: Gooditis v. Clemente

The District 10 race between incumbent Democrat Del. Wendy Gooditis and Republican challenger Nick Clemente will shape up to be one of the most expensive of the cycle. Gooditis is the top fundraiser in the state, sitting at over $2.8 million, while Clemente is the only Republican to raise more than $1 million, with just over $1.5 million.

In 2019, Gooditis’s margin of victory was 4.7 points, while in 2020, Biden won the district by 16.2 points. Now, however, VPAP has rated this race “competitive” and shows Clemente with a 0.5 point advantage over Gooditis.

District 10 includes the political hotbed county of Loudoun, which has in the past been solidly Republican but has seen a leftward shift in recent elections. Loudoun is the site of intense debate over public schooling in Virginia and the U.S., with Critical Race Theory and transgender policies as the driving force behind public fervor — issues that Youngkin has made a mainstay during his campaign, launching a “Parents Matter in Education” message to rebuke McAuliffe’s debate night assertion that parents should not be telling schools what they should teach.

According to the Washington Post, Gooditis “is scrambling to generate enthusiasm and defend herself from attack ads on her voting record.” The publication went on to say that common ground with Republicans she cultivated to win two terms in the district has “totally eroded,” under, according to Gooditis, “false right-wing messaging.”

“The elections can’t be a referendum [on Democratic leadership] if people don’t know or don’t acknowledge the facts,” Gooditis said. “You can’t have a referendum on misinformation.”

Loudoun has also had a massive influx of Republican poll watchers. Loudoun County General Registrar Judy Brown said, “This year, we have had poll watchers every day, all day long, watching the process of what’s going on,” according to the Post.

Brown confirmed also that Republican observers often outnumber Democrats “2 to 1 at each location.”

“They observe the voter check-in and the ballot drop boxes,” the Post continued. “They have asked to observe election officers opening voting equipment. They watch as election officers report the vote tallies at the end of the night and ensure slates are blank when the polls open in the morning.”

Youngkin plans to finish up his campaign in Loudoun, likely as a nod to the education issues that many believe boosted him ahead of McAuliffe in recent weeks.

House District 12: Hurst v. Ballard

The District 12 race between incumbent Democrat Del. Chris Hurst and Republican challenger Jason Ballard is one of only two districts that is both rural and held by a Democrat. Hurst, seeking his third term, is the only Democrat representing a district in Southwest.

Hurst, a former television journalist, has far outraised Ballard, an attorney, Army veteran, and member of the Pearisburg town council. According to VPAP, Hurst has raised over $1.5 million, while Ballard has raised just over $770,000.

In 2019, Hurst’s margin of victory was 7.2 points, while in 2020, Biden won by 5.6 points. Despite being outraised, and dealing with a Democrat “built-in constituency” of about 30,000 from Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VPAP gives Ballard a 1.9 point advantage.

House District 28: Cole v. Durant

The District 28 race between incumbent Democrat Del. Joshua G. Cole and Republican challenger Tara Durant is another Northern Virginia district teetering on the edge of flipping red. This seat was once held by longtime Republican Speaker of the House Bill Howell but was flipped blue in 2019 by Cole — after having lost his 2017 bid for the seat by fewer than 100 votes.

Cole, a bisexual Baptist minister, has far outraised Durant, a Catholic elementary school teacher, with just over $1.74 million. Durant has raised just over $944,000.

Cole’s margin of victory in 2019 was four points, while Biden won the district by 10.5 points — the district had been held by a Republican for 38 years beforehand. Despite this, VPAP gives Durant a 7.4 point favor going into Election Day.

But Cole — who apparently has stayed away from mentioning Biden — is worried about Democrat enthusiasm in his district that includes Fredericksburg, saying at an event, “I know this has been one of the longest two years of your life.”

According to the Free Lance-Star, Fredericksburg-based University of Mary Washington political science professor Stephen Farnsworth said the 28th District is “one of the most competitive races in Virginia and one of a handful that could determine whether Republicans can overturn the Democrats’ 55-45 majority.”

House District 66: Sponsler v. Cherry

The District 66 race is one to be watched closely. It is the bluest seat held by a Republican, and former Speaker Del. Kirk Cox, who ran in Virginia’s gubernatorial convention against would-be candidate Youngkin, is not seeking reelection after holding the seat for over 30 years.

Republican candidate Mike Cherry, like Cox, is an educator who is facing off against Democrat former National Park Service ranger Katie Sponsler.

According to VPM, Democrats in the 66th should be seeing advantages from a recent redistricting that ” introduced a swath of Democratic voters.”

Data from VPAP corroborates this expectation, as told by VPM, “District 66 had the greatest political swing of all redrawn districts, moving 32 points to the left. That shift showed in the 2019 general election results, when Cox won by only five points, his closest margin ever.”

Sponsler has outpaced Cherry in fundraising, with over $925,000. Cherry has raised just over $731,000. In 2019, Cox reclaimed his seat with a margin of victory of 4.7 points, while Biden won the district in 2020 by 10.3 points. Despite this, VPAP still gives Cherry a 2.3 point advantage over Sponsler.

While Cherry is focusing his campaign on parents’ role in education, there appears to be a Democrat enthusiasm gap in the 66th as well.

According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Sponsler said of the lack of enthusiasm, “Is there the same energy as when Trump was in office and we had this crisis management mindset by people directly harmed by some of his policies? No, there is not that kind of feeling.”

Sponsler then denied that there was a lack of enthusiasm, saying, “It’s not a lack of enthusiasm. It’s, ‘OK, we can breathe a little bit.’ That’s good. I’ve been to war, and being on high alert all the time is not healthy.”

Democrats see this district as one of their biggest pickup opportunities.

House District 73: Willett v. Kastelberg

District 73 between incumbent Democrat Del. Rodney Willett and Republican challenger Mary Kastelberg is a rematch from 2019, where Willett won the Henrico suburb of Richmond by about 1,300 votes, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Willett has far outraised Kastelberg with over $1.7 million, while Kastelberg has raised just over $815,000.

In 2019, Willett’s margin of victory was 4.5 points, and Biden won the district by 20.5 points in 2020. Despite this, VPAP only gives Willett a 0.2 point advantage over Kastelberg and listsit as the most competitive race based on recent voting patterns.

Kastelberg, however, says that the Republican excitement and engagement levels this year, as compared to 2019, are “so much higher,” according to CBS 6.

House District 75: Tyler v. Wachsmann

District 75 is another rural seat held by a Democrat, incumbent Del. Roslyn Tyler, who is being challenged by Republican Otto Wachsmann. Tyler has held the Southside district since 2006 and is in a rematch with Wachsmann, who lost in 2019 by only 506 votes.

In another instance of the Democrat far outpacing Republican fundraising numbers, Tyler has raised over $1.5 million, while Wachsmann has almost $740,000.

In 2019, Tyler’s margin of victory was only 1.1 points, while Biden won the district by 7.3 points in 2020. VPAP gives the 15-year incumbent only a 0.8 point advantage, but CNalysis rates this race at “Tilt R.”

House District 83: Guy v. Anderson

As aforementioned, Hampton Roads is a major grab in Virginia politics, and District 83 is exemplary of potential Democrat erosion in the area.

Democrat incumbent Del. Nancy Guy, who won her seat in the massive 2019 sweep, won by fewer than 30 votes. Legal activist Tim Anderson is challenging her as the Republican.

Guy has had the third most lucrative fundraising effort of any House candidate in 2021, trouncing Anderson’s effort at over $2 million. Anderson has just over $727,000.

Guy’s 2019 margin of victory in 2019 was only 0.2 points, and Biden won the district by 15.1 points in 2020. While VPAP gives her a 0.6 point advantage this time, CNalysis rates this race as a “toss-up,” and the Hampton Roads Black Caucus’s endorsement of Youngkin could play a major role down ballot.

Trends Heading Into Election Day:

Despite the fact that Virginia has been trending blue for the past several election cycles, culminating in a massive sweep of the Virginia House of Delegates in 2019 and a ten-point victory for Biden in 2020, many factors indicate the House is once again up for grabs.

Democrats have a massive fundraising advantage over Republicans, as well as the benefit of incumbency going into Tuesday. However, money does not appear to be as determinative as it has been in the past. With Biden’s approval rating in the Commonwealth plummeting and contentious education issues serving as the undercurrent for Republican enthusiasm, the control of the House may shift hands.


Steve Bannon, John Fredericks Are Ready to Cry Foul in Virginia November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

All eyes are on Virginia ahead of Tuesday, the final day of voting in the state’s gubernatorial election between Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin and former Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe. Among those viewing the state as a proxy for national politics is former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, “the insurrectionist in chief,” who on Monday dusted off his2020 playbook with right-wing radio host John Fredericks, suggesting that “the only way Democrats can win is to steal elections.”

Fredericks, who hosts the right-wing Virginia talk show “The John Fredericks Radio Show,” has been traveling the state as part of a bus tour in support of Youngkin, a former business executive who has courted extremists in his bid for governor. Among those supporting his candidacy are the hard-right state Sen. Amanda Chase, former President Donald Trump, and Bannon, all of whom peddled the Big Lie that the election was stolen. In mid-October, Bannon hosted an event organized by Fredericks in support of Youngkin at which Trump made an appearance and attendees pledged allegiance to a flag organizers said had flown over the Capitolinsurrection on Jan. 6.

Speaking to Bannon from Lynchburg, Virginia, Monday morning, Fredericks shared his analysis of the race, predicting that McAuliffe will go into the race on Tuesday with as many as 350,000 more mail-in votes than Youngkin. The key for Youngkin, he said, was Trump voters. Otherwise, Democrats—with the help of voting rights lawyer Marc Elias—will try to steal the election, Fredericks alleged.

“Look, the only way that Youngkin and the Republicans win is by getting Trump voters out now,” Fredericks said. “And they need a huge game day vote. I mean, you saw they got outmaneuvered with the lawyers, the Fairfax ballots that, you know, coming—and being mailed out without the last four digits of Social Security numbers. J. Christian Adams filed a suit Friday, the judge dismisses it. Guess what, Steve? [It] didn’t have standing. These cases are never heard on the merits. So that gets dismissed. Now the McAuliffe campaign [is] desperate. They hire Marc Elias, his firm. He’s there, he’s now claiming that there’s 300,000 mail-out ballots that haven’t been mailed out, are just stuck in a post office. He wants to extend taking votes in for three weeks or something.”

The lawsuit filed by Marc Elias’ firm against USPS states that “more than 300,000 Virginians [are] likely to attempt to cast their votes by mail” and that “Thousands of absentee ballots”—not the 300,000 Fredericks claimed—“currently sit in at postal facilities throughout the Commonwealth, unprocessed for weeks on end.” The lawsuit does not call forextending voting.

“This is outrageous,” Fredericks continued. “I mean, this is basically, ‘We’re going to extend the mail-in vote until we have enough for McAuliffe to win.’ What does that sound like?”

“Sounds like 2020,” Bannon replied.

“They’re doing the same thing,” Fredericks agreed. “Just like they did in Philadelphia, Milwaukee. So, look, what is your message to deplorables today? Somebody is like well, ‘I don’t like this. I don’t like that they might steal my vote, Youngkin this, Youngkin that.’”

“Don’t whine about them stealing your vote; secure your vote by going and voting tomorrow,” Bannon replied. “Go and vote tomorrow, you may have to volunteer at the last second to be a poll watcher. Look, here is the thing that the Youngkin campaign and the RNC and the GOP in the state have done smartly. They put resources in to make sure this thing is going to be a fair election … votes of American citizens are going to count. But you can tell the Democrats are in complete freak-out mode.”

But if Democrats do win, Bannon says it’s only because they cheated.

“You know what Mark Elias is: Mark Elias’ business is stealing elections,” Bannon continued. “The only way Democrats can win is to steal elections. OK? They have to, they have to have all these funny votes. It’s incumbent for us tomorrow to show up. If we show up en masse, we will win this thing.”

Prior to the Jan. 6 insurrection, Bannon—whom the House committee investigating Jan. 6 recently voted to hold in criminal contempt for refusing to comply with a subpoena— even bragged about “his behind-the-scenes efforts to undermine the results of the 2020 presidential election,” as Media Matters reported.


Wife Buys Containers To Hold Other Containers November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

WABASH, IN—Trisha Alverson reportedly returned home from one of the city’s container stores with a fresh supply of containers to hold containers she already owns. She reminded her befuddled husband to not worry because all 38 containers of varying sizes had been on sale.

“The Containers-For-Containers Store had a blowout sale to make room for their new holiday lineup of containers,” said Trisha to her husband in response to his question about the container-filled containers currently plugging up every room in the house. “These new containers are extra stackable with SlimLid Technology to save up to 17% morespace.”

She then asked her husband to make room for the new containers by donating a sofa and coffee table to the Goodwill store and selling the family dog.

At publishingtime, the exhausted Mr. Alverson had crawled through the gauntlet of containers into the garage so he could spend time fixing up one of his seven broken motorcycles.

Liberal Parent Trying To Figure Out How To Cheer For His Son Brandon

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‘Oldest’ British Skull Revealed to be Decapitated Woman from Norman Conquest November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

Lost for years, the “oldest British skull” ever to be found was finally traced and shockingly exposed as a fraud! Radiocarbon dating of Greta, the skull unearthed by workers at what were then the Branston Gravel Pits near Burton in England in 1943, has found that far from being 10,000 years old, she probably dates to the time of the Norman Conquest of England in 1066!

David Atkins kneeling in front of what he long believed was the oldest British skull. (David Adkins / DerbyShireLive)

Greta: Oldest British Skull Theory Falls Apart

Fondly dubbed Greta by experts at the time of her find, she was declared to be 10,000 years old and was named the “ Eve of England” by the press after her discovery in 1943. She was displayed at the Burton upon Trent Museum, until the museum closed and then lay forgotten in a cupboard for 40 years.

David Adkins, an archaeology enthusiast from Burton, traced the ancient skull to the Stoke’s Potteries Museum in 2019. Moreover, Adkins claimed his research pointed to the head being 4000 years older than previously believed!

Newspaper records talked of the discovery of a mammoth tooth found later at the same location where Greta’s remains were discovered. “The mammoth became extinct in Britain over 14,000 years ago. If the tooth was one of the grave goods in Gretas grave, she could be over 14,000 years old, pushing her back in time to the Paleolithic or Early Stone Age ,” said Adkins to the Sun. These claims made Greta the oldest British skull and among the world’s most ancient female skeletal remains.

Another theory that Adkins had was that the unusual injury on Greta’s cranium, which was all that was found of her skeleton, pointed to her having been murdered 10,000 years ago, before being decapitated and her head put on a spike. Her injuries, he told the Derby Telegraph , showed striking similarities to those of decapitated skulls found in Lake Motala region of Sweden, which were subsequently placed on wooden stakes. Looking at all the evidence, we have the inescapable probability that Greta was beheaded in Burton some 10,000 years ago and her head was placed at the edge of the water for ceremonial reasons lost in time.”

The haunting empty eye sockets of Greta’s skull are silent, but carbon dating has proven her to be a medieval woman who was likely decapitated. (David Adkins / StaffordshireLive)

Oldest British Skull: Exposed as a Mammoth Hoax!

Atkin’s theories were largely accepted until radiocarbon dating added a startling twist to the tale. Greta died between 1041 and 1163, experts from Durham and Oxford Universities and the Francis Crick Institute in London have found. What’s more, the injuries to her skull could possibly have been caused during the 11th-century Norman Conquest of England by the Duke of Normandy, later known as William the Conqueror. So, far from being prehistoric, Greta is clearly medieval.

But the discovery hasn’t disheartened Adkins who is now excited that he may have exposed a great historical fraud. “It was a bit like being hit in the face with a snowball – only to find it was a snowball full of diamonds. It was surprising to find the carbon dating did not show Greta was Mesolithic or even prehistoric – but that she was much more recent and dated from around the time of the Conquest,” he told the Sunday Mercury .

What now needs investigation is whether scientists at the time of Greta’s original find mistakenly dated her to the Mesolithic Era or if she was a deliberate hoax similar to the Piltdown Man.

The Piltdown Man refers to the bone fragments found in 1912 by Charles Dawson, which he claimed were 500,000 years old and provided the missing link between apes and humans. The bones were subsequently discovered to be fakes, actually a mix of orangutan and human bones.

Adkins is now working on the hypothesis that Greta is not a case of genuine misdating but a calculated hoax, and in fact some of the people involved in perpetrating it could be the same as those in the Piltdown Man.

When she was first found, Greta was sent to famous anthropologist Sir Arthur Keith for examination, and it was he who declared her to be 10,000 years old. Arthur Keith was also the man who lent the Piltdown Man credibility; without his support, the hoax would never have succeeded. The discovery that the Piltdown Man was a fake, meant a huge loss of face for Sir Arthur. But the jury remained out on whether he was party to the fraud. Renowned anthropologist Frank Spencer alleged in a paper that he was, but the allegation was never proved. Adkins also believes in Arthur Keith’s culpability.

In fact, similar means have been employed in both Greta’s and the Piltdown Man’s case to fake their antiquity. The skulls of both were stained with chemicals to make them look much more ancient than they really were. “Either Greta was stained deliberately before Sir Arthur received the skull or it was stained after he received it,” Adkins told the Sunday Mercury . “If the latter is true, then it supports the belief that he was also involved with the case of Piltdown Man.”

Even odder is the fact that Sir Arthur’s notes and papers on both the discoveries have mysteriously disappeared. This, Adkins believes, adds up to him being firmly behind both frauds.

As for Greta, even if she isn’t the “Eve of England,” she is certainly one of Britain’s most sensational female remains, hogging the headlines from the time of her discovery in 1943 for one reason or another.

Top image: Greta’s skull was for the longest time viewed as the oldest British skull until it was carbon dated and proven to be a medieval skull. Source: David Adkins / DerbyShireLive

By Sahir Pandey


Joe Biden Promises U.N Climate Summit: I Will Remake American Economy to Lead World to Net-Zero November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

President Joe Biden promised the United Nations COPS26 Climate Summit on Monday he would remake the American economy, abandoning carbon based fossil fuels and focusing on renewable energy.

The president spoke to the summit after struggling to stay awake for the opening remarks from world leaders about the importance of addressing the issue of global warming.

Biden said he was planing “a marathon” for the United States economy that would “transform the largest economy in the world into a thriving, innovative, equitable, and just clean energy engine of net zero for a net-zero world.”

The president previously expressed his disappointment that the leaders of Russia and China did not attend the summit to join the world in reducing carbon emissions in their economies.

But during his speech, Biden outlined his goal to make the United States into a “net-zero emissions economy” by 2050, promising “bold action” to lead the world on climate change:

That’s why today I’m releasing the US long-term strategy, which presents a vision of achieving the United States goal of net-zero emissions economy-wide by no later than 2050 and reinforces an absolutely critical nature of taking bold action with — in the decisive decade.

Biden alluded to former President Donald Trump walking away from climate commitments in the past and said his administration was “working overtime” to demonstrate action on the climate crisis.

Biden used his speech to outline his “Build Back Better” agenda as evidence he was serious about climate change, even though it remains stalled in Congress. He argued his proposals would help the climate by offering more taxpayer subsides for electric vehicles and by electrifying school buses. He also promoted the idea of building more electric charging stations, windmills, and solar powered infrastructure that would improve the production and use of green energy.

He said his agenda would help Americans to save energy by installing solar panels on their homes and making their homes more energy efficient.

Biden stressed the importance of the moment, calling for all nations to join the United States in transforming their economies away from fossil fuels.

“This is the challenge of our collective lifetimes, the existential threat, threat to human existence as we know it and every day we delay, the cost of inaction increases,” he warned.


Right Wing Round-Up: 187 Minutes of Inaction November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

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NFL = Slavery Kaepernick Still Cashing Checks from Nike, Which Is Accused of Using Slave Labor in China November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

Even as he likens the National Football League to modern-day slavery, former NFL player Colin Kaepernick continues cashing massive checks from Nike, which was named among a group of brands benefitting from China’s slave labor program.

Kaepernick’s new bio-doc, Colin in Black White, recently dropped on Netflix, and in one episode, Kaepernick claimed that being an NFL player is something akin to modern-day slavery. During a scene, Kaepernick decries that the players are “poked, prodded, and examined” for defects ahead of an NFL Draft. And in another, the show portrays players standing on an auction block as white people bid on them.

Kaepernick adds that this process is how “they” establish a “power dynamic” over the black players.

The controversial, former second-string quarterback more famous for protesting against our nation than for playing football didn’t mention in his bio-doc that white NFL players go through the same process to be drafted into the league.

Yet, there is something bigger that Kaepernick did not feel disposed to mention to his fans in his bio-doc. He has a bit of a slavery problem of his own. Kapernick has for years been a multimillion-dollar partner with Nike, one of the world’s biggest sportswear makers. And it just so happens that during the entire time that Nike has capitalized on Kaepernick’s popularity in some circles, the company has been embroiled in accusations that it uses Chinese slave labor to produce its products.

Last year, for instance, a report published by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) revealed that up to 83 internationally known brands – including Nike – have active ties to factories where the Communist Party has shipped Uyghur Muslims to be “re-educated” as slave labor.

In August, Nike CEO John Donahoe admitted during an interview that his company hasn’t been “more vocal” about China’s human rights abuses because Nike makes billions of dollars doing business — both by manufacturing and selling products — to the Chinese.

Donahoe compounded the situation in June by saying that Nike is “a brand that is of China and for China.”

The Nike chief made his comments during a phone conference with Wall Street analysts about Nike’s fourth-quarter earnings report.

With all these controversies surrounding Nike’s controversial connections to China despite the communist nation’s ties to slave labor, Kaepernick has never once aimed his purported interests in human rights at his billion-dollar partners.

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Xi Jinping Scolds World on Climate Change While China Keeps Polluting November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

Chinese dictator Xi Jinping chose to address the COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow, Scotland, by video link instead of attending in person.

Xi demanded “concrete action” on climate change from the rest of the world, while China hauls record-breaking volumes of coal out of the Earth and pours it into the record-breaking number of carbon-generating coal-fired power plants it built over the past few years.

China’s state-run Xinhua news agency summarized Xi’s remarks without dwelling on how sharply his rhetoric differed from China’s actions:

Climate change and energy issues are today’s prominent global challenges, which concern the common interests of the international community and the future of the Earth, Xi said.

The willingness and motivation of the international community to work together to cope with challenges continued to rise, and the key is to take concrete actions, he said.

He called on the world to adopt comprehensive and balanced policies, and balance environmental protection and economic development, as well as addressing climate change and safeguarding people’s livelihood. Major economies should strengthen cooperation in this area, he added.

Xi bragged that China, which remains the world’s worst polluter, made great strides toward reducing its carbon emissions over the past 15 years and promised to make greater commitments in the future. He claimed the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic set China’s plans for carbon neutrality back, even though Beijing laid the groundwork for its delirious coal-plant binge long before the pandemic erupted.

Xi argued the “developed” world should make more sacrifices to fight climate change, giving time for “developing” nations (as China likes to describe itself) to fully develop their industrial capacity.

These arguments mirror the “historical emissions” argument some climate activists have been preparing to excuse China’s titanic carbon footprint – essentially holding the Western world responsible for generating carbon emissions back when it dominated heavy industry in the 19th and 20th centuries, so developing nations should be allowed to emit more carbon today while they catch up.

Nevertheless, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) on Friday noted climate advocates are “disappointed” with the plans China submitted before COP26.

The climate change movement hoped to do away with coal power entirely, but when China’s industrial provinces experienced an energy shortage, Beijing did not hesitate to order “all-out” coal production, from both Chinese and foreign suppliers.

According to the WSJ, China’s “carbon road map” was rewritten in October and made significantly less ambitious. Among other downgrades, the Chinese road map does not even promise to stop building coal plants – it merely pledges to adhere to “international energy efficiency standards” when constructing them.

“With regard to the disappointment, the disappointment relates to the fact that … not only Russia but China basically didn’t show up in terms of any commitments to deal with climate change. And there’s a reason why people should be disappointed in that. I found it disappointing myself,” U.S. President Joe Biden said at the conclusion of the G20 summit in Rome on Sunday, conveying a great deal of disappointment indeed.

The BBC noted last week that Xi claims China’s carbon emissions will peak before 2030 and decline to “carbon neutrality” by 2060, but his government has not explained “exactly how these goals will be achieved.” China is currently emitting about twice as much carbon as the United States, or about as much as the rest of the top-five carbon-producing nations combined.

The BBC quoted activists who said China’s plans were “insufficient” even back when it was promising to stop building coal plants, and now it has over 60 of them under construction across the country.


Youngkin: We Expect to Do Really Well Tomorrow November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

Republican Virginia gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin is optimistic about Tuesday’s prospects in his match-up against former Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-VA) on Tuesday.

Youngkin told FNC’s Martha MacCallum on Monday’s “The Story” there were indicators to back up his prediction.

“I felt like the early voting was very much representative of our strength,” he said. “In fact, turnout for my opponent was really light and soft. And we had strong turnout. And so, we expect to do very well with the early voting. And the momentum that we’re seeing on the campaign trail is just — it’s just huge, I got to be honest. Everywhere we go, the crowds are giant. And we have had this 10-day bus door, where we have been all over the commonwealth. And we have been standing room only, people falling out the doors. And it’s so exciting to watch Virginians come together because it’s no longer Republicans against Democrats. This is Virginians coming together for a platform that they can believe in, with low taxes, and safe schools, and safe neighborhoods, and education that works for our children and, oh, by the way, a job market that’s really growing.”

“Historically, early voting has been 75 to 80% Democrat,” Youngkin continued. “And so for us to be so strong in the early voting just reflects the fact that there’s not any enthusiasm on my opponent’s side. And we have had a lot of enthusiasm, and then we expect to do really well tomorrow. Virginians are coming together. And this is why we see so much momentum going into tomorrow, but, also, the early voting is going to be, I think, surprisingly good for us.”

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor


Supreme Court Hears Arguments in Texas Pro-Life Law Case November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

The Supreme Court heard oral arguments on Monday regarding Texas’s recently enacted pro-life legislation banning abortions after six weeks of gestation or once a heartbeat has been detected.

Two cases, Whole Woman’s Health v. Jackson and United States v. Texas, were converged into one three-hour hearing. In the first case, the Supreme Court was asked to weigh in on the Texas Heartbeat Act’s private enforcement mechanism. In the second case, the justices were asked to consider whetherPresident Joe Biden’s Department of Justice has the right to sue Texas in order to block the law.

The legislation, also known as S.B. 8, was signed by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) in May and went into effect on September 1. Since women do not often detect pregnancy prior to the sixth week, the law effectively bans abortions in the state.The law is different from other pro-life legislation tried in the past, in that the general public — instead of the government — can enforce it. Any private citizen may file a civil lawsuit against an abortion provider or any other individual who “aids or abets” a “criminal abortion.” Abortionists and those who “aid or abet” an abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected must pay damages of at least $10,000 for each abortion performed or assisted.

On October 15, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit voted 2-1 to temporarily reinstate the law while appeals are ongoing, reversing a lower court’s ruling that had blocked enforcement of the pro-life law. The federal appeals court ruled that the Texas Heartbeat Act can remain in effect while litigation continues over whether the law is constitutional.

In a surprising order on October 22, the Court granted review – called a writ of certiorari – sought by several abortion clinics, including Whole Women’s Health and various Planned Parenthoods. Although the Supreme Court granted certiorari before judgment several times during the Trump administration, typically multiple years pass without the justices short-circuiting the normal process of appellate review.

Even when the Court does “grant cert” before the relevant appeals court has rendered its judgment, it usually still goes through a normal process of filing briefs and preparing for oral argument, which typically takes more than three months. Here, by contrast, the justices had just granted cert on October 22, ordered all the briefs to be filed within days, and scheduled oral arguments scheduled for the following week – just ten days from granting review to hearing the case.

Hearing HighlightsWhole Woman’s Health v. Jackson

A large part of Monday’s argument centered around whether the law should be subjected to federal pre-enforcement review — more pointedly, whether the Texas Heartbeat Act aligns with a previous ruling in the hallmark 1908 case called Ex Parte Young, which allows pre-enforcement lawsuits against state officials when the state is at odds with the U.S. Constitution of federal law.

Justice Elena Kagan asked Mark Hearron,who argued on behalf of Texas clinics challenging the law, what they would like the Supreme Court’s decision to be. She also acknowledged the complexity of the case, noting thatthe“procedural morass we’ve gotten ourselves into with this extremely unusual law.”

Hearron replied, saying the clinics would ultimately like to see the Court order an injunction keeping Texas courts from docketing lawsuits brought under the Texas Heartbeat Act and an injunction keeping state officials from enforcing the law. He further argued that S.B. 8 paves a way for states to discount other laws they do not like using the private enforcement mechanism, even if those laws are protected by the Constitution.

“It will provide a roadmap for other states to abrogate other rights that have been recognized by this court,” he said.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor emphasized the “chilling effect” of the law, and both Justice Samuel Alito and Chief Justice John Roberts question whether the state’s court process can provide relief to Texas clinics.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett, whose private pro-life stance is well-documented, seemed to say that state court could not provide Texas clinics the chance to fully defend the constitutionally protected right to abortion, asthat right was declaredby previous Supreme Court rulings,not by the explicittextof the U.S. Constitution.

“The full constitutional defense cannot be asserted in the defensive posture, am I right?” Barrett said, in a line of questioning more favorable to the clinics.

Kavanaugh questioned whether lawsuits against state judges are allowed under Ex Parte Young, saying that factor has “been a real sticking point” for him.

The justices further broached whether judges could be considered enforcers of the law — Texas argued that judges are not enforcers because the enforcement of the law was designed to be left in the hands of private individuals, though clinics do not agree. Kavanaugh citedShelleyv.Kraemerin 1948, in which the judges were labeled “enforcers of the law,” however Justice Alito did not agree with the characterization.

Texas Solicitor General Judd Stone argued in defense of S.B. 8, saying that while clinics are seeking an injunction against “the law itself,” injunctions can actually only be issued against specific officials to keep them from enforcing the law.

Chief Justice Roberts seemed to echo Justice Sotomayor’s fears of the “chilling effect” by asking Stone a hypothetical question raising the bounty from $10,000 to $1 million.

“Do you think in that case, the chill on the conduct at issue here would sufficient to allow federal court review prior to the state court process?” Roberts asked.

Stone said the change in price did not make a difference, arguing that the case does not challenge sovereign immunity. He also noted that there are currently14 pre-enforcement review challenges pending in a multi-district litigation in Travis County state court. Roberts pushed back, questioning whether the bounty, no matter what cost, could disincentivize people from challenginga law’sconstitutionality in the hopes of eventually taking the case to federal court.

“It’s not a question of the federal courts being more open. It’s a question of anybody having the capacity or ability to go to the federal court because nobody is going to risk violating the statute because they’ll be subject to suit for a million dollars,” Roberts said. That — that takes a lot of fortitude to undertake the prohibited conduct in that case.”

Kagan, who is typically more liberal-leaning, asserted that the entire point of the Heartbeat Act’s design was to “find the chink in the armor of Ex Parte Young.”

“…After, oh these many years, some geniuses came up with a way to evade the commands … that states are not to nullify federal constitutional rights,” Kagan said with sarcasm, apparently scoffing at the idea that the Supreme Court could be cleverly blocked from intervening.

“To say, ‘Oh we’ve never seen this before, so we can’t do anything about it’ — I just don’t understand the argument,” she continued.

Justice Sotomayor asked whether the Texas law allowed private individuals to act as the Texas Attorney General, thereby enforcing the law as an extension of state power and undermining the original private enforcement mechanism of the law. Stone disagreed and held to the state’s assertion that Texas officials have no involvement in the enforcement of the law.

“The attorney general simply doesn’t have any control of the procession of S.B. 8 lawsuits in any way,” Stone said.

United v. Texas

In the second half of the hearing, the justices first heard fromElizabeth Prelogar, who represented the United States in her first argument as the newly confirmed solicitor general.

Justice Clarence Thomas, who celebrated his 30th anniversary as a Supreme Court justice on Monday, pressed Prelogar on what interest the United States has in intervening to block Texas’ law and asked if she had any examples of the United States previously acting in a similar manner. Prelogar said she could not think of any equivalent examples because of the unique nature of Texas’s law.

When Justice Kagan asked how the court should craft relief, Prelogar said the United State stands by the district court’s initial decision to issue an injunction against Texas — which the Fifth Circuit subsequently lifted. Prelogar asserted that state judges would be bound by an injunction against Texas.

“It’s unprecedented … to enjoin a state judge from even hearing a case. When has that been done? … A judge is a neutral arbiter,”Alito rebutted.

Justices Alito, Gorsuch, and Roberts all raised concerns about Prelogar’s arguments regarding the “chilling effect,” saying many laws chill constitutional rights and questioned what makes Texas’s law so different that the Biden administration would intervene.

Chief Justice Roberts refuted the idea that it is “traditional” for federal courts to issue an injunction keeping state court clerks and judges from filing lawsuits after Prelogar attempted to normalize the action as a means of blocking unconstitutional laws.

“I recognize that this is a novel case. That’s because it’s a novel law,” Prelogar replied.

Stone returned to argue for Texas in the second case. He started out by saying that Congress would have to authorize the federal government to intervene, rather than the federal government acting of its own accord. He further argued that it is an“extraordinary expansion of federal power that the government is asking for here.”

Stone also argued that Texas has not nullified any laws after Justice Kagan said accepting Texas’s position would be “inviting states, all 50 of them, to try to nullify the law this court has laid down.”

Jonathan Mitchell, who represents individuals bringing lawsuits under S.B. 8 and who played a primary role in developing the law, spoke after Stone and argued that federalcourtscannot keep private citizens from filing lawsuits.
“The state has passed a law giving them the option to sue, and then washed its hands of the matter,” he said.

The cases areWhole Woman’s Health v. Jackson,No. 21-463 and United States v. Texas, No. 21-588 in the Supreme Court of the United States.


Right Wing Bonus Tracks: National Chastisement November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

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Barclays CEO Jes Staley Steps Down Over Links To Jeffrey Epstein November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

LONDON (AP) — The chief executive of British bank Barclays stepped down Monday following a report by United Kingdom regulators into his past links with the late financier and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

Jes Staley has previously said he “deeply regrets” his relationship with Epstein, who killed himself at a federal jail in New York in August 2019 while awaiting a sex trafficking trial. There is no suggestion that the 64-year-old Staley knew anything about Epstein’s alleged crimes.


Staley said he will contest regulators’ preliminary conclusions, which were shared with him and the bank Friday. The report by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority examined the way Staley characterized his relationship with Epstein to Barclays when he was Epstein’s private banker in his previous job at U.S. investment bank J.P. Morgan.

Details of the report have not been released, and both regulators have refused to comment.

Barclays said in a statement Monday that the bank and Staley agreed he would resign in light of regulators’ preliminary findings and Staley’s decision to fight them.

The bank noted that the investigation “makes no findings” that Staley saw or knew about any of Epstein’s alleged crimes, which it said was “the central question” behind its decision to back its chief executive after Epstein was arrested in 2019. It wouldn’t comment further.


Staley said his last contact with Epstein was in fall 2015, when he and his wife sailed to Epstein’s private island for lunch. That trip occurred shortly before he joined Barclays. He said he had no contact with Epstein once he joined the bank in December 2015.

C.S. Venkatakrishnan, head of global markets for the bank, will take over as chief executive. Barclays said succession planning has been in place for some time, and he had been identified as the preferred candidate more than a year ago.

Shares in Barclays fell 2% following the announcement, as Staley had been widely credited with doing a good job at the bank.

Barclays credited him for running the company with “commitment and skill,” helping transform operations and improve its results. It added that the regulatory process still has to run its course and that “it is not appropriate” for the bank to comment further on the preliminary conclusions.


Analysts said that Barclays had to act because of the potential damage to its reputation.

“Barclays is right to pull the plug now,” said Neil Wilson, chief market analyst at “It probably could have done it earlier.”

The bank said Staley will get a 2.5 million pound ($3.5 million) payout and receive other benefits for a year. He also may be eligible to receive repatriation costs to the U.S. and could receive more cash.



Greta Thunberg Rips Leaders for Whatever the F**k They Are Doing in There at Climate Summit November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

Greta Thunberg criticized world leaders for not acting on so-called “climate change” in a tirade to fellow COP26 protesters on Monday.

The Daily Mail reported:

Government representatives have gathered in Glasgow to discuss green issues this week, with Prime MinisterBoris Johnson using his opening address to compare the situation to James Bond trying to diffuse a ‘doomsday device’.US President Joe Biden, Germany’s Angela Merkel and President Emmanuel Macron of France are among those gathering at the event in an attempt to foster international cooperation on climate change.

While speaking at a protest in Festival Park on the first day of the summit, Thunberg said heads of government were not doing everything they could to save the planet.

“No more blah blah blah, no more whatever the f*** they are doing inside there,” she said.

“Inside Cop, there are just politicians and people in power pretending to take our future seriously, pretending to take the present seriously. Change is not going to come from inside there, that is not leadership – this is leadership…We say no more blah blah blah, no more exploitation of people and the planet,” the young woman added.

She arrived in Glasgow Sunday traveling by train, and is scheduled to participate in two large protests in the city later during the week.

According to the UN Climate Change Conference UK 2021 website, the COP26 summit will “bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.”

Meanwhile, heir to the British throne, Prince Charles, called for a “vast military-style campaign” to fight climate change during his opening at the COP26 summit on Monday.

Prince Charles urged governments of the world to take a “war-like footing” to solve the so-called “climate crisis.”

“While the Prince called on the people of the world to change their behaviour, this standard did not apparently apply to his own behaviour, as he, alongside many world leaders and diplomats, travelled to the summit in a private jet,” Breitbart News reported.


Queen Elizabeth Delivers Powerful Address Nearly 2 Weeks After Health Scare November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

Queen Elizabeth spoke fondly of her late husband, Prince Philip, and his concern for the environment while delivering a virtual address for a reception at the United Nations climate conference, COP26, on Monday evening.

The pre-recorded speech marked the queen’s first address since her hospitalization two weeks ago.


“The impact of the environment on human progress was a subject close to the heart of my dear late husband,” she said, referencing a comment the Duke of Edinburgh made about climate change in 1969.

“It is a source of great pride to me that the leading role my husband played in encouraging people to protect our fragile planet, lives on through the work of our eldest son Charles and his eldest son William,” the sovereign added. “I could not be more proud of them.”

“Indeed, I have drawn great comfort and inspiration from the relentless enthusiasm of people of all ages ― especially the young ― in calling for everyone to play their part,” she said.

The queen added, “None of us underestimates the challenges ahead: but history has shown that when nations come together in common cause, there is always room for hope. Working side by side, we have the ability to solve the most insurmountable problems and to triumph over the greatest of adversities.”


“I, for one, hope that this conference will be one of those rare occasions where everyone will have the chance to rise above the politics of the moment, and achieve true statesmanship.”

The queen was originally due to deliver her remarks in person, but her appearance was canceled after a health scare two weeks ago that left her hospitalized for “preliminary investigations.”

“Her Majesty is disappointed not to attend the reception but will deliver an address to the assembled delegates via a recorded video message,” Buckingham Palace said in a statement announcing the queen’s decision not to travel.

The palace later said the 95-year-old would continue to rest and only do virtual appearances over the next two weeks before hopefully attending her first public engagement on Nov. 14 at the National Service of Remembrance.

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Sayyed Safieddine: Lebanese Crisis Rooted In MBS’ Fear of Yemen’s Marib Liberation November 2nd, 2021 Wake Up Fools

Nov 1, 2021

By Staff, Agencies

The Head of Hezbollah’s Executive Council, His Eminence Sayyed Hashem Safieddine said the diplomatic crisis between Lebanon and Saudi Arabia is rooted in Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman [MBS]’s “fear” of the liberation of the Yemeni strategic city of Marib as Beirut supports Yemenis fighting the Saudi war.

Sayyed Safieddine noted in a statement that it is not “reasonable” to think that the diplomatic crisis is related to remarks made by the Lebanese information minister “it is rather greater than that.”

“What is happening in Saudi Arabia is a major thing, as the Saudis and the Gulf [countries] in general, who have followed the path of forming relations with ‘Israel’, cannot bear a voice from Lebanon and others who will criticize them in the future over the Saudi-‘Israeli’ relations, which will be made public in the coming days,” he added.

The senior Hezbollah official further underlined that the Saudi Crown Prince lives in a state of “dilemma and anxiety” and will have to face an excessive situation after the fall of Marib, emphasizing that MBS is fearful of losing all his illusions.

Sayyed Safieddine warned that all those who work to interrupt the Lebanese government, undermine the country’s stability, and mount US and Saudi sanctions to destroy Lebanon, highlighting Hezbollah’s sacrifices “in order not to lead our country to internal clashes, and for this, we [have striven to] resolve the economic and internal problems of the Lebanese people.”

His Eminence emphasized that those who are pushing to fabricate security, diplomatic and political crises in Lebanon are the ones that are working to sabotage the country.

He said that the future of Lebanon is not in the hands of the Saudis “but in the hands of God and thanks to those who sacrificed for the dignity of the country.”

Saudi Arabia will not tolerate any criticism in the future, especially after its relations with the ‘Israeli’ regime will be public in the coming days, the Hezbollah official added.

The Saudi-Lebanon row began after current Lebanese Information Minister George Kordahi said during a television program that was recorded before Kordahi became minister, but was aired last Monday, that the 2015-present Saudi Arabia-led war on Yemen was an act of aggression by Riyadh and the United Arab Emirates [UAE], the kingdom’s most significant ally in the military campaign.

Kordahi called the war “absurd,” saying it had to stop because he was opposed to wars between Arabs. The minister also said the Yemeni army forces and their allied fighters from the Popular Committees were “defending themselves … against an external aggression.”

The Saudi kingdom subsequently recalled its ambassador from Beirut and expelled the Lebanese envoy from the Saudi capital.

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