Jana Remy | Teacher | Technologist | Traveler

Web Name: Jana Remy | Teacher | Technologist | Traveler

WebSite: http://www.janaremy.com





SIP Day 74, wearing a black blouse and black shorts; 76 degrees outside; writing from my home office desk.The new coworkers are helping me to shed stress during a time that has been hard for so many reasons, but primarily because of following the BlackLivesMatter protests. I am so proud to see so many showing up in solidarity, and yet so afraid for governmental retaliation for those who are peaceful and nonviolent.Should you want or need a bit of a distraction, I give you a few adorable images of my new coworkers: We installed a game camera near the back part of our property when we began noticing animal poop appearing there nearly every morning, and what we found was that we have multiple regular nightly visitors On days like today I wonder how I can be in meetings all day long and still, when I fnish the day, feel as though I made no progress on my long list of things-to-do. Today is my 49th birthday, which is a complicated day for me, for many reasons. While so many other things are static right now, new roots are growing every day. SIP Day 60, wearing a grey tank and black shorts; 75 degrees outside; writing from my home office desk I took today off of work and ended up working in A year ago I stopped dyeing my hair on the anniversary of my bone cancer diagnosis. The anniversary is always a tough time for me last year was even more difficult than usual, because my sister was fighting stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Tonite is the last class session for the environmental history course that I am teaching this semester. This ending feels more somber than usual

TAGS:Remy Jana Teacher 

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Teacher | Technologist | Traveler

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