International Wing Chun Organization

Web Name: International Wing Chun Organization






International Wing Chun compet... IWCO team at "Ip Man Cup 2012" Video № 2Foshan,... Dear IWCO Students, First of all, let me thank all my students for your efforts in making IWCO a successful organisation and bringing it to where we are today. At the end of 2018, which marks the beginning of the third decade of the founding of IWCO, I’d like to share with you the directions I hope the organization can take over the next decade. · Uphold the righteous spirit as martial artists to help the weak. · Import our lineage of Wing Chun back to China. . · Spread our school to Asian countries.. · Organise world conferences of IWCO.. · Promote Chinese traditional culture.. Please join me in turning these aspirations into actual plans and actions. Without you, these are only slogans.. The organisation feels proud to have students like you who have dedicated themselves to excelling in the skills of Wing Chun and contributing to the development of Chinese martial arts. . I offer my best wishes and happiness to you and your families as we all move forward toward a successful year.. Yours sincerely, Donald Mak Chairman December 31 2018 Read more Happy New Year! Dear IWCO Students,First of all, let me thank all my students for your efforts in making IWCO a successful organisation and bringing it to where we are today. At the end of 2018, which marks the beginning of the third decade of the founding of IWCO, I’d like to share with you the directions I hope the organization can take over the next decade. · Uphold the righteous spirit as martial artists tohelp the weak. · Import our lineage of Wing Chun back to China. . · Spread our school to Asian countries.. · Organise world conferences of IWCO.. · Promote Chinese traditional culture.. Please join me in turning these aspirations into actual plans and actions. Without you, these are only slogans.. The organisation feels proud to have students like you who have dedicated themselves to excelling in the skills of Wing Chun and contributing to the development of Chinese martial arts.. I offer my best wishes and happiness to you and your families as we all move forward toward a successful year.. Yours sincerely,Donald MakChairman January 1 2017 Read more Saratov ( Russia) Seminar On 11 - 12 July 2015 Alexey Isakov, Instructor of International Wing Chun Organization - IWCO, conducted seminar for students of IWCO - Saratov school dedicated to exams for levels 1, 2, 3 of the International Wing Chun Organization program and held the masterclass for level 4 of Cham Kiu. Congratulations to the students who successfully passed the exams! Headquarters & Hong Kong School location Address : Flat 812, 8th Floor, Yuen Fat Industrial Building, 25 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong (within 5 minutes walking distance from Exit A of Kowloon Bay MTR Station). Directions of walking from from MTR: Turn right at Exit A and pass through the shopping mall (Telford Plaza), then via the flyover to Telford House. After riding down the escalator at Telford House, walk straight. May 26 2015 Read more IWCO Headquarters & HK School – Relocation Opening Ceremony Owing to the health issue of my beloved SiFu, GM Chow Tze Chuen, he was not able to host the opening ceremony. It is my great honor to invite my Si-hing, Leung Ping Sang to be our host guest. In addition, it is very honorable to have GM Ip Chun and the producer of Ip Man movies series, Checkley Sin to be the host guest and give their speeches as well. We sincerely thanks for all the guests to make the events stunning. In addition, my deepest gratitude has to be given to my students, especially my first disciple, Sarfield Ng for their efforts and time to make the opening ceremony successful. May 25 2015 Read more IWCO seminars for January – April, 2015 IWCO planning the following seminars for January – April, 2015: (More seminars will be added soon) -29 Jan. - Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia - 31 Jan. - 1 Feb. : Cluj Napoca, Romania - 31 Jan. - 1 Feb.: Novosibirsk, Russia - 7 - 8 February: Terni, Italy - 7 - 8 February: Bryansk, Russia - - 7 - 8 February: Ukhta, Komi Republic, Russia - 14-15 February: All-Russian seminar ( Wing Chun form and Chi Sao ) - 21-22 February: Astana, Kazakhstan - 21-22 February: Ekaterinburg, Russia - 28 - 29 March: Vienna, Austria -17 - 18 April: Esfahan, Iran - 26-28 April: World Wing Chun Cup (St.Petersburg) January 5 2015 Read more SiFu Donald Mak New Year Message to IWCO Students Dear IWCO Students, Looking back at 2014, it was a steady year for IWCO’s development despite the global political and economical unrest. Each of our schools has its own internal growth. International and national competitions, seminars and grading examinations were continuously held in different regions and schools to promote Wing Chun and increase the standard of our students. The biggest competition is of course the 2nd European Wing Chun Cup in May 2014 in St Petersburg, Russia. We shall continue to organize the 3rd European Wing Chun Cup in 2015. Our school participated the 2nd Ip Man Cup World Wing Chun Competition held in Foshan in November and got excellent results. 13 medals (6 gold, 3 silver and 4 bronze) had been won and our team is the top 3 in terms of number of gold medals won. 2014 is the year full of challenges. Although we may financially loss something, we still have our good health and beloved family. We should be thankful to what we presently have. Challenges will never stop. More emphasis should be placed on making use of Wing Chun to help our mental development. Fighting ability is the by-product and minimum that we can get from Wing Chun. It can give you much more than a fighting system and thus learning its spiritual aspect is our way to go in future. Next year is the Year of Goat. It represents benevolence and love. We should keep our kind heart to perfect ourselves. Lastly, I would like to thank you for your earnest support to the school and wish you a happy and very prosperous year 2015, good health, good Wing Chun and all your wishes come true. Yours sincerely, Donald Mak Chairman We are pleased to announce that IWCO has opened its first official school in China operated by our Head Principal, Grandmaster Donald Mak in October 2014. It is located in Xuzhou of Jiangsu Province. IWCO summer camp "Baltica 2013" IWCO summer camp "Baltica 2013" was held from 19 to 28 August 2013 in Kaliningrad (Russia) We are very grateful to the IWCO Instructor Bondarev Michael for organizing this event. IWCO - Lithuania seminar Seminar for IWCO - Lithuania was held in September 04-05, 2013 The seminar was conducted by Sifu Anatoly Beloshchin. For seminar and Wing Chun Master Classes:E. Mail: September 6 2013 Read more IWCO students meeting in Stockholm (Sweden). IWCO-Sweden and IWCO-Russia students meeting was held August 24-25, 2013 in Stockholm (Sweden). The meeting included: Chi Sao between students, IWCO master class and excursions. IWCO thanks to Instructor IWCO-St.Petersburg Osman Dinaev and Instructor IWCO-Sweden Robert Kenneryd for their help in organizing this meeting. World Wing Chun Cup 2015. Results. World Wing Chun Cup 2015 was held within IX Martial Arts Olympics "East-West" April 24-26, 2015 at St Petersburg, Russia. Organizers and co-organizers of the competition: Russian Wing Chun Federation, World Wing Chun Union, International Wing Chun Organization (IWCO), European Wing Chun Federation, International Martial Arts Confederation. April 28 2015 Read more World Wing Chun Competitions "Ip Man Cup" World Wing Chun Competition "2nd Loucun Ip Man Cup" held in Foshan, China 7 - 9 Nov 2014 IWCO (International Wing Chun Organization) had achieved remarkable result in the past few days. We had won 13 medal: 6 gold, 3 silver and 4 bronze. It is held a record of applications of clubs for competitions “World Wing Chun Cup 2015”. “World Wing Chun Cup 2015” will take place in the frames of the VIII Martial Arts Olympic “East – West”. The competitions will be held by International Wing Chun Organization, World Wing Chun Union, European Wing Chun Federation, Russian Wing Chun Federation, with support of the and the International Martial Arts Confederation ( IMAC ). The date of holding of the competitions: 24.04.2015 – 26.04.2015. The venue for the competitions: St. Petersburg, “Saint-Petersburg Sports and Concert Complex” The beginning of the competitions: 24.04.15, at 9 a.m. October 30 2014 Read more European Wing Chun Cup 2014 European Wing Chun Cup 2014 was held within VIII Martial Arts Olympics "East-West" from 9 - 11 May 2014 at St Petersburg, Russia. Organizers and co-organizers of the competition: Russian Wing Chun Federation, International Wing Chun Organization (IWCO), European Wing Chun Federation, World Wing Chun Union, International Martial Arts Confederation. Moscow Wing Chun Cup 2013 Competition "Moscow Wing Chun Cup 2013" held in Moscow on September 07-08, 2013 The organizers of the event were: - Russian Wing Chun Federation - International Wing Chun Organization With the support of: World Wing Chun Union and European Wing Chun Federation (EWCF) "European Wing Chun Cup 2013" took place at the 7th Martial Arts Olympics “East – West” April 11–14 2013 in St. Petersburg, RussiaOver 200 athletes from 10 countries competed within 3 days on three platforms The organizers of the "European Wing Chun Cup 2013": European Wing Chun Federation, World Wing Chun Union, International Wing Chun Organization, Russian Wing Chun Federation and the International Confederation of Martial Arts. The International Wing Chun Organization to congratulate all winners and participants. "The First Hong Kong International Wing Chun Cup" was held in Hong Kong at 27-28 October 2012 Wing Chun, Sanda, Thai boxing and kick boxing teams was attended at competitions IWCO students from Hong Kong, Russia, Italy and USA participated in competitions and win 13 medals: 1 gold, 3 silver and 9 bronze. IWCO students took part in the men's, women's and children's disciplines also. Congratulations to all the participants and IWCO students, who came to Hong Kong to support our team. Special thanks to the group of children who received two medals. VTAA competition in Hong Kong Ving Tsun Athletic Assotiation (VTAA) * was held in Hong Kong at 28 October 2012 4 IWCO students from Russia and Italy participated in competitions and win 2 gold medals: - Gennadiy Oreshkin ( IWCO - Russia ) - gold medal - Fabiano Capotosti ( IWCO - Italy ) - gold medal IWCO congratulate our students on victory IWCO European seminar Wing Chun seminars by President of IWCO Grande Master Donald Mak was held in Vienna ( Austria ) in the 03-04 August 2012The topics of seminar: Chi Sao and Siu Nim Tau. IWCO students from Austria, Italy, Russia, Sweden, Belgium, Slovenia, Poland, Germany and Romanias took part in the seminar Video from seminar will be uploaded later New IWCO-Israel school “International Wing Chun Organization - Israel” is recruiting students into the new groups in Tel-Aviv, Haifa, Nesher, Kiryat Bialik and Migdal Haemek for studying Chinese applied contact duel Wing Chun, direction of Ip Man. Ukraine Wing Chun Cup 2012 "Ukraine Wing Chun Cup 2012” were held in Zaporozhye ( Ukraine ) June 18. "Ukraine Wing Chun Cup 2012" was organized by the International Wing Chun Organization ( IWCO ) and Ukraine Wing Chun FederationIWCO-Ukraine schools from cities: Zaporozhye, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava, Zhytomyr, White Church, Simferopol took part in competitions."Ukraine Wing Chun Cup 2012" included competitions in three disciplines:- Taolu, 套路 - Chi Sao, 黐手 - Free Fight, 對抗 Russian Wing Chun Cup 2012 " Russian Wing Chun Cup 2012” were held in St. Petersburg 28.04-01.05.2012. " Russian Wing Chun Cup 2012" was organized by the Russian Wing Chun Federation and International Wing Chun Organization ( IWCO ) with the support of the World Wing Chun Union and Russian Wushu FederationDozens of wing chun schools from different cities of Russia took part in the competitions. May 19 2012 Read more International Wing Chun Organization Seminars and Events International Wing Chun Organization Seminars and Events March - July 2012:List of seminars and events will be supplemented: International Wing Chun competition "Ip Man Cup 2012" Has completed an international competition "Ip Man Cup 2012". ( China, Foshan )15 IWCO students participated in these competitionsCongratulations to the participants and winners of the competition with high results obtained at competitions in the categories Freefight, Chi Sao and Taolu (Technique): - 7 gold medals - 5 silver - 1 bronze Grand Master Chow Tze Chuen congratulated prize-winners yesterday. Special thanks for the IWCO students who came to China to support the competitors. Your browser is outdated and the site may not work correctly, try to update it.

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