Educational healthcare. Colon cleanse, colonics, fasting and juicing combined!

Web Name: Educational healthcare. Colon cleanse, colonics, fasting and juicing combined!






It's really really tough to cure let alone heal, rejuvenate and sustainably prevent if you are guessing most of the time. When you're guessing there is no finish line in sight. What you need more of are skills and skillfulness in health instead of more stupid products, constantly exercising, dumb diets and endless costly pills. This HPS GUIDED deep body care health program not just fixes health but moreso your health will very soon be operating from a whole new elevated and accelerated level. Most everything you're doing today for your health, we're probably not doing. Most everything we're doing for our health, you probably aren't doing and haven't ever done before. PROGRAM DETAILS Whether predicting viral death rates, political elections, GDP growth, budgets, tax revenues or market direction, the experts and their analytics have been consistently poor in mapping out the near future. They've been especially wrong with our everyday health. So many of us are just virtue signalling in health. Most of us in all honesty have no idea what we're doing for our health and wellness outside of the fact that all the other people we know are doing the same things so it must be correct, right? Truth is for most of us when we are alone on our own without help in the beginning middle and end, without education, without personalized guidance, without a step by step program to work from and work with, without constant and unlimited continuous professional feedback at our fingertips we inevitably find ourselves simply out of our depth in health. Today I'm going to show you that you've been instructed and inundated in fake health. It's part of the fake news phenomena. I feel sad for you that you are and have been in a rough and tough spot with your health. Sad because honestly it doesn't have to be like that. Sad because if you continue with whatever you are doing there is high probability nothing substantial will change both physically and financially. The bills will keep piling up forever. You're caught in their mousetrap. By the time you finish with this website you'll better understand why there is so much cancer, heart disease and chronic illness everywhere. Greetings! My name is Jos-hua. I'm the founder of HPS GUIDED . For 35 years I personally practice on my own body everything I want to see you do in this guided health program. Safe, natural and holistic. Fix your health.Get it done right. Right away. I'd like to help you every step of the way. Let me rattle you and your health. Let me push your buttons and rub you the wrong way. It's what no one has ever done for you in your healthcare. They're too polite, too condensending and too greedy to rattle your health. That's what has held your health back all these years. And of course you're going to pay me what some would call a "small" fortune to do all this and lead you to rewarding superior health. HPS GUIDED The experience is the cure! For ages 24 to 65. HPS GUIDED level 4 I am now healthy beyond anything I ever thought possible and I have an acute awareness of and control over the human vessel. And even now, still with every HPS level, the knowledge of my body's processes and the tangible physical sensation of wellbeing is growing.That, plus I am actually getting younger. I feel better than I did ten years ago when I thought I was in my best years, and soon now I will also look better.The knowledge you will gain through this program and the support forum is priceless.    Raise the bar in your health! No more feeling off-key.No more playing catch-up. Knock it out of the park. Cure heal rejuvenate and prevent. Pull it all together again. Including your weight! You don't need more workouts, more dieting, more shots and pills or more bs in health. You have enough of that already.Yoga, running, eating vegan, eating organic, taking supplements and vitamins, doctor visits and tests, etc., etc. are all nice but none of that independently or combined together could do or would do what HPS GUIDED deep body care does. WHY: Why are our HPS clients reporting what they are reporting? They accomplish superior health (superior health being healing rejuvenation and prevention simultaneously) because our deep body care approach addresses the whole you rather than just treating any one specific symptom or any one specific area or organ in the human body. If you treat just an observable symptom, even if successful you've still left the barn door open for the rest of your system to continue to deteriorate e.g. the yet other unobservable symptoms in other parts of the body continue to prolong. Deep body care closes all the doors. In the longer run this is the most efficient and cost effective approach to health. The swiftest too. Most everything you're doing today for your health, we're probably not doing. Most everything we're doing for our health, you probably aren't doing and haven't ever done before.Places available online are very limited and exclusive. I haven't found a better risk/ reward proposition for health than this program. Learn more /Order here /Inquiries here / PROGRAM DETAILS"...less headaches, deep wonderful sleep, less stress, tons more energy, younger looking (I was recently in Argentina visiting friends I hadn't seen in 2 years- (I started this program 18 months ago) and they all insisted that I had had a face lift- they couldn't believe how young I looked!)....Emotionally and spiritually I have gained so much peace, more patience and tolerance, flexiblity, less fear, learing to live w/out expectations, just an enhanced way of living life and all that one encounters in a lifetime. Let me just say that I am grateful for Jos-hua, for HPS GUIDED, for all the wonderful people who are part of this support group."Body mind spirit and soul care is an ecosystem in health that is far superior to whatever you right now are a participant of because it is based on YOUR OWN consciousness, your own needs and environment, your own lifestyle and your own skills and skillfulness rather than more technologies, more dubious products, information, stupid workouts and pills.Breakthrough skin test detects early signs of Parkinson’s disease with amazing accuracyDIY. DO IT YOURSELF. YOU RECALIBRATING YOUR HEALTH BY ADDRESSING THE WHOLE YOU! YOUR BODY, YOUR MIND, YOUR SPIRIT AND YOUR SOUL. THE EXPERIENCE IS THE CURE. -I sleep more soundly than I have in 10 years (and have vivid dreams - which is new) -I have not experienced any joint pain -my energy is returning and the mental fogginess is fading -my yoga practice has improved exponentially. I can now easily do asanas that I could not manage without help before -My complexion is smoother and brighter, like a light has been turned on in my face." HPS GUIDED level 3 I always needed to visit a doctor for some antibiotics to get rid of whatever was ailing me (I have to add that part of my low resistance to sickness has been due to having had my spleen removed.) And, if I missed getting 8 hours of sleep, I ran the risk of getting run down and sick. A short 17 months later I weigh 60 lbs less and, more importantly, I feel completely in charge of my health. In 17 months I have not been sick but once (i worked really hard at it too ). I now get by fine with 6 hours of sleep and can go for periods on 5 hours. My overall energy has improved significantly and I have a respect for my body that I never had before."Dorothea, graphic designer, age 51, Canada, HPS GUIDED level 1 Oh, and did I mention that my bowel movements are more frequent now than they were last year, when I thought everything was fine? Only a month later and I'm having an unheard of 2 bowel movements every day!!!!! Groundbreaking blood test can detect cancer years before symptoms appear WHY HPS GUIDED ? Because TOGETHER we'll be going places for your health. To the same places I go with mine for my immunity and health, weight management and well-being. Because together with this program in your hands you might just avoid being struck down with cancer.It is this TOGETHERNESS which you've never tasted before in healthcare. NEVER EVER. Richard, Teacher, age 34, USA, HPS GUIDED level 4 I will never be able to put more than a dent in the debt of gratitude I feel toward Jos-hua, his teachers, my own dear friends in the HPS-Online family past and present...without the caring and support from each and every one of you over the years, my life today would be very different. Your personal stories and wisdom, your own trials and triumphs, all this has been an integral part of my own development... try to find that in a bottle of pills! The establishment, the medical, fitness, dieting and beauty establishments will tell you that HPS is nonsense but Roundup is good for you. They'll tell you iodine is bad for you but fluoride is good. Etc., etc., etc.. I've heard medical doctors saying one bowel movement a week is fine. It's insane. Ventilators are good for you but zinc is bad. Superficial Botox is good they say. Tendonitis is normal they say. Sleepless nights are too. Taking control of your health is bad for you but expensive annual health insurance and expensive meds are good. Lockdown is good, human touch is bad. Imagine that, human touch on the verge of being outlawed. My reply - It's insanity. that you Mr Ferguson There is an emphasis here on our 'inner" value with less attention paid to our material and physical world.

TAGS:Colon cleanse Educational bowelcleansing coloncleanse fasting juicing deepbodyca

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Dispose of health problems, don't just treat them. That's what wellness and well being means in health.

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