
Web Name: Bardsworth






End of a Long YearMike finishes up his second year at Bardsworth, and even learns a few things. New to Bardsworth?About the ComicWith the world gradually turning into a post-apocalyptic landscape of face masks and no toilet paper, many of us find ourselves trapped with nothing to do. Not me, of course I always have things to do, whether I want to do them or not. However, I have found myself with a modicum of free time for creative work and I wanted to contribute a little something to help keep people in good spirits.This is not a return of Bardsworth. I want to make that very clear right off the bat. As much as I would love to make a full return to my beloved world, I am still not in a place where I can comfortably do so. I m closer than I was two years ago, but still working on it. However, I wanted to at least wrap up the storyline that I left off on, and maybe get a few extra pages in if I can. I m shooting for once a week, with no set day in mind (currently trying for Mondays, since that s when I m having the first one go up). I will post on Twitter and Facebook when an update goes up.I know it s not much compared to what others are contributing, but if I can put a smile on your face for at least thirty seconds a day, then I feel like I ve done some good.PS I apologize for the lines of PHP at the tops of some of the pages. This occurred after the last WordPress update and I haven t been able to fix it as of yet. If any of you know how to, please let me know. Otherwise, I ll get to when I get to it.Just a little something to brighten up your days. So many people aren t listening to the simple, commonsense advice during these times. Maybe Francis can convince them. Click the picture below to download a desktop wallpaper. It is with a heavy heart that I make this announcement, but as of today, Bardsworth will no longer be updating. While I don t want to say that it s for good, I have no intentions of returning to it in the forseeable future. This was not a decision that was made lightly, but rather something that has been brewing for a long time now.Bardsworth was always intended to one day be my full-time job. Sure, it was absolutely a creative outlet for me and one that I enjoyed, but from the very beginning my dream was to make enough money from it so that I wouldn t have to work any other jobs. Nearly twelve years later that still hasn t happened, and I m working two part-time jobs while being a stay-at-home father for two children. I ve been stressed out trying to get updates out, as well trying to keep up with Patreon rewards that people are paying to get. And, unfortunately, I can t do it all. So something needed to get put to rest, and I made the very difficult decision that it needed to be Bardsworth.While Bardsworth will lay fallow for an indeterminate amount of time, I do want to assure everyone that I don t plan on abandoning it completely. I won t tease you and say that I ll continue the webomic because, frankly, I don t know if I will. I need to spend some time away from it. But I do want to continue writing the Bardsworth novels. I feel like the story can be better told in prose than in a webcomic.Now, I have been on the other side of this. I ve been reading webcomics for much longer than I ve been making them, and I always hated when a creator would stop updating in the middle of a story without any kind of closure. I owe you guys more than just a full stop, so I m giving you that closure. I put together an outline of major plot points from the point that I m leaving off of the comic all the way to the ending. Keep in mind two things before reading it, though.1.) Nothing is 100% canon. These are all things that I wanted to do, but in the course of writing the actual scenes, things might have ended up differently, or they might not have ended up in the story at all. I ve had quite a few deleted scenes and ideas never fully used in the past, and it probably would have continued happening.2.) Since I do intend on continuing to write Bardsworth as a series of novels, I have to warn you that if you plan on reading them, you will possibly encounter spoilers for future stories.Those points being made, if you want to download the PDF and read it, get it here.Lastly, I wanted to say thank you to each and every one of you. Some of you have been here from the beginning, some are new. Some of you have given me support in the form of money, some of you have given me support in the form of encouraging words. And I treasure each one of you. Bardsworth never would have made it this far without you. So thank you so, so much for everything.To the next great adventure! The plate might be empty for a moment, but who knows what kinds of cookies will be on it in the future. As many of you know, my family s home life is usually in a state of constant flux. With both myself and Katie being creative people, our job situations tend to change often, and then when outside forces enter into the equation, it s chaos. And it has been chaos since December when Katie lost a really good job. Since then we ve been surviving, but barely. In order to try to catch up and get ourselves out of a little bit of debt, I ve taken on a part time job in the evenings.So why am I telling you all of this? Because it will definitely affect Bardsworth. As of my return in September (the exact date of which is still to be determined), updates will no longer be on a set schedule. Currently, I ve been posting on Thursdays every week, but I can t promise that anymore. So the updates will, to be blunt, be done when they re done.But because of the miracle of social media, it should be easy to be alerted when the newest page is posted. If you aren t following me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, make sure you connect. I even post on Tumblr (but I don t think anyone really uses that anymore). If there is enough demand, I can even do an email list and send the page directly to you, but I m not going to set that up if only a few of you want that. So let me know.I am sorry about this. It sucks for me as much as it does for you (probably more so). But I m going to try my hardest to keep bringing you quality pages and to keep the story moving as quickly as I can.Patrons there will be a similar but separate message for you over at Patreon. I wanted to ask you guys a very important question, as it will help determine the direction that Bardsworth moves in the future.  It would help me greatly if you took the time to answer the poll, and if you d like to leave further clarification in the comments, please do.  So [poll id= 3 ]The Second Bardsworth CollectionPDF Download - $3.99


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