Fr. Zs Blog | Formerly entitled: What Does The Prayer Really Say? Clear, straight commentary on Ca

Web Name: Fr. Zs Blog | Formerly entitled: What Does The Prayer Really Say? Clear, straight commentary on Ca






From a priest anonymized BRICK BY BRICK:I just wanted to share some building, inspired partially by your encouragement and partially by my students. We began to offer 2 times a week Low Mass. We have also begun to offer a missa cantata monthly. We are still training servers and cantors, with the hope of expanding.I have never felt more priestly or masculine than when I have offered the extraordinary form Mass. I have become much more confident in my sacred duties. I love offering Mass in this form! There is a growing group of students who prefer it.I freely share this with you, but do ask politely, that my name, diocese, and state be kept anonymous. I do fear my presbyterate and what would come from this being public. Please pray for us here, for more openness to what God desires of our Sacred Worship.I think in these days it is good for us who are slowly turning to the Lord share these great movements, especially what God is doing through the youth of Holy Church.There are several great points in this.First, note that the young people are in part responsible for getting this going.  Tradition is, indeed, for the young.Next, note that the priest was open.Also, see the effect that learning the Traditional Latin Mass has had, especially regarding priestly or masculine .   There IS a contrast with the Novus Ordo.  There really is.  And with the incessant war on men and boys, also in the Church, this is an important aspect of why the TLM is critical for the renewal of our Catholic identity.Then, note his  fear  of the other priests.   That s real, friends.  And, in that regard, see my note, above and figure it out.Finally, note the tenor of these days .   Yes, in these days we need MORE than what we have been doing.  What we have been doing HASN T WORKED.  It s time to start thinking outside the box by thinking inside the box again.Fr. Z kudos to this young priest and those students.¡Hagan lío!Please share this post! Daily, I live-stream a Traditional Latin Mass at NOON Central Daylight Time (= GMT/UTC -5 and ROME 1900h).  (Check out Sts. Simon Jude, ApostlesPrayers added: For friendsAfter Mass: Prayer in time of pandemicINTENTION: For benefactorsWill you please tell others about these Masses?  Will you please subscribe to my channel? HERE Use the notification Bell!It is also really nice to see how regular viewers now greet each other in the live chat and pray for each other s intentions!NB: You can usually find an English translation of the Mass formulary HERE.  Scroll down. Use the 1960 setting.We can say the Angelus together since the bells are usually ringing when the live stream starts.I will say a Spiritual Communion prayer at the very beginning for those of you who cannot make a Eucharistic Communion.  I will also recite in Latin the traditional  Statement of Intention ( a hint to priests).After Mass and the Leonine Prayers, I will recite a prayer in Latin In time of pandemic followed by a blessing with a fragment of the CrossFor texts of Prayers before Mass for each day of the week, in versions for laypeople and for priests: HERE Daily, I live-stream a Traditional Latin Mass at NOON Central Daylight Time (= GMT/UTC -5 and ROME 1900h).  (Check out Votive Mass of Holy AngelsPrayers added: For the sickAfter Mass: Exorcism against Satan and Fallen AngelsWill you please tell others about these Masses?  Will you please subscribe to my channel? HERE Use the notification Bell!It is also really nice to see how regular viewers now greet each other in the live chat and pray for each other s intentions!NB: You can usually find an English translation of the Mass formulary HERE.  Scroll down. Use the 1960 setting.We can say the Angelus together since the bells are usually ringing when the live stream starts.I will say a Spiritual Communion prayer at the very beginning for those of you who cannot make a Eucharistic Communion.  I will also recite in Latin the traditional  Statement of Intention ( a hint to priests).After Mass and the Leonine Prayers, I will recite a prayer in Latin In time of pandemic followed by a blessing with a fragment of the CrossFor texts of Prayers before Mass for each day of the week, in versions for laypeople and for priests: HERE Today is Navy Day, which is not to be confused with observance of the Birthday of the Navy on 13 October.As it turns out, Navy Day derives in part from the birthday of the once Assistant Secretary of the Navy in 1922, who happened to be Theodore Roosevelt (who promoted the expansion of the Navy). Also in 1775 on this day the first ships were purchased by the Continental Congress which were the core of a new Navy.Alas, the last official military observance of Navy Day was in 1949.But we don t care.Happy Navy Day!On a more somber note, one of the readers here asked for prayers for the family of a friend, the USN pilot who died in a training crash recently in Alabama, LT Ross, also married to a Navy officer.  R.I.P.Please share this post! From a reader QUAERITUR:I have recently begun to attend the Low Mass. Is there a rule that forbids the celebrant from using a small microphone so that his voice can be heard by the congregation? I know Latin and would like to hear it! Thank you.Good question.First, let me point out that there are times when Father isn t talking to you.  There are times when he is speaking so intimately that not even nearby servants can hear.  There are times when only the servers should hear.  There are times when everyone should hear.In that later case, there is nothing wrong with using a microphone.However, the use of the microphone itself creates its own set of difficult dynamics.  I refer you, for example to the observations of Marshall McLuhan about the long-term effect the microphone had on sacred worship.   For example, when people could hear everything, much was de-mystified .  Rather de-mystery-ized.Also, when it came to preaching, the fact that a preacher with a mic has to use only a fraction of his energy to get his voice to the last pew reduced both his appearance of conviction and.. indeed his conviction.   Oratory is far far more than a written text.  It is also delivery.   And there is a relationship between speaker and text.Microphones are not bad .  They have their uses.   They are tech.  So is the design of a church, the curvature of the apse, the vaults of the ceiling.  These create the church s acoustics.At a Low Mass, I would rather have a priest raise his voice for the readings in Latin and for the orations, those parts which everyone should hear.   However, depending on the priest s Latin well.  Results could vary.FATHERS!  LEARN LATIN!  LEARN THE TLM!   Don t be WUSSES!  You CAN do it!There is nothing, by they way, about sacred liturgical worship which should be easy or effortless.  Sure, easy and effortless from the point of view of familiarity and then execution.  However, lots of effort goes into making something effortless.  When I worked as a musician, back in the day, my playing was effortless in sense, only because of countless hours of practice.  When I read Latin today it is effortless only because of years under my belt.  When I celebrate a Missa Cantata is it not hard because I ve done a lot of them.  Once, it was harder.  That doesn t mean it isn t work.  It can be strenuous and effortless in different ways.But, Fathers, you won t know the joy, unless you start.   You would never have known the exhilaration of riding a bycycle for the first time, or realizing you really could swim, until soloed down that sidewalk or got thrown off the end of that dock.GROW UP and LEARN IT!These times and the spiritual needs of the people beg for something more than what we have been doing.By the way, one of the reasons why sacred worship should be sung is precisely to help it be heard!That said, you might know that there are prayers for vesting in sacred vestments for Mass.   Here is a prayer tongue in cheek for vesting with the clip-on mic wireless mic.Concede, Domine, virtutem labiis meis et prudentiam ad Tuam proclamandam veritatem, ut per indigni servi Tui vocem, vox Tui tonitrui in rota contremat terram.Perhaps you readers who have Latin can render this into accurate and yet smooth English providing also the verses alluded to in the prayer.Please share this post! From a reader QUAERITUR:If Biden is rabidly pro-abortion (he is), and if Trump is not completely pro-life (he supports abortion in cases of rape, incest, health of mother), and if both candidates support homosexual “marriage” (they do), then even if one votes for “the lesser of two evils”, does it stand to reason that one is still voting for evil?Let me preface this with what Pius XII said, back when Communists were threatening to take over in post-WWII Italy.  When important issues press, Catholics have an obligation to vote.Pius said this to priests in 1946:The exercise of the right to vote is an act of grave moral responsibility, at least with respect to the electing of those who are called to give to a country its constitution and its laws, and in particular those that affect the sanctification of holy days of obligation, marriage, the family, schools and the just and equitable regulation of many social questions. It is the Church’s duty to explain to the faithful the moral duties that flow from this electoral right.He said this to priests in 1948, and I write this on the October Feast of Christ the King, which stressed the social Kingship of Christ:The Catholic Church does not tell Catholics to avoid all involvement in politics simply because there is injustice, greed, ambition, just to mention some of the evils involved. The Church teaches us that all our involvement in politics ought to be motivated, inspired, and directed by the Church’s social teachings, and in particular by the Social Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Voting, as well as involvement in political campaigns, must have as its ultimate motive these higher, supernatural principles, that the law of God, the Ten Commandments, and the rights of the one true Church be acknowledged publicly in society.These are critical times and this election is the most important of our lifetime.   Our common responsibility toward each other for the common good points to a strong obligation to vote if at all possible.And yet some will say, voting for the lesser of two evil candidates is still a vote for evil, lesser though it may be.The Church s teaching and moral distinctions help us with this problem.There are times when we must act but, in acting, means that we have to tolerate evils which we do not will.   It is permissible to tolerate the lesser of two evils for the common good.  It is permissible to vote or campaign for a candidate whose party platform contains evils with which we do not agree.  However, this toleration depends upon a hierarchy of issues, certain things having preeminence over others.  For example, if a candidate is solidly pro-life and against abortion, and the other is solidly pro-abortion, the choice is obvious, because of the preeminence of the right to life.     At the same time, if one candidate is in the main against abortion but would permit it in cases of incest, etc. etc., and the other candidate is for abortion up to the moment of birth, the choice is obvious, because one can tolerate the lesser of two evils.Many people vote only about their own prosperity and personal good.  However, we have to think about the common good.  Hence, candidates who would promote things that tear at the very fabric of society, such as homosexual marriage must be excluded.   However, in the case that one candidate is solidly in favor of same-sex unions and the other merely accepts settled law (such as Obergefell), the choice is obvious.   Of course their position on the right to be born is even more important than this issue.  There is a hierarchy of values.Say a candidate is better than another on some really important issue, such as the right to be born, but he is not great when it comes to other issues, provided that he is better than the other candidate, it is permissible to vote for him even through his pro-life position is not perfect.Do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good.As a voter you have a set of principles for choosing how to vote as elected legislators do.  Think about it this way.  Legislators have to vote on laws.  Some laws are flawed, forbidding some things, but still permitting others that are evil.  However, passing that law is a step in the right direction.  St. Thomas Aquinas taught that we can act to limit possible evil.  In that case, the object of the will is a possible good, not an impossible good (STh I-II q. 13, a5). St. John Paul II taught in Evangelium vitae that it is legitimate for a legislator to vote for a more restrictive law regarding abortion if the alternative is a less restrictive law. This does not in fact represent an illicit cooperation with an unjust law, but rather a legitimate and proper attempt to limit its evil aspects, in order to prevent worse legislation from being adopted (EV 73)It is not an absolute moral obligation to vote, especially if there is no perfect candidate.  However, in times of serious crisis, I think the obligation is even stronger than in times of relative stability and peace.St. Augustine teaches correctly that only in heaven will there be vera iustitia true justice.  He teaches that government is a necessary evil because of the fall of mankind in Original Sin.  Government is a kind of necessary evil.   Most of our social structures are a result of sin.   The fact that they are are inflictions, in a sense, does not dispense us from participation in society.  We must be involved precisely as Catholics striving to live as if we already are citizens of the City of God.   It is our work here to bring Christ to all the corners we are able to influence.  Voting is a way to do that, even though the whole thing is sub-optimal in light of what awaits us in heaven.We cannot simply opt out.BTW.. on the issue of homosexual civil unions, I think Pres. Trump s position is that now we have settled law.  On the other hand, look at the rabid resistance to Trump on the part of the homosexualists.   They don t like him, which is significant.Please share this post! From a reader QUAERITUR:Einkorn is a variety of wild wheat that has a different gluten structure than modern wheat. Some people with gluten sensitivities can tolerate it better.Would it still be valid material for the holy eucharist?Here is the wiki entry for Einkorn, not to be confused with Einhorn, which is a unikorn.Einkorn is a species of wheat, either wild or domesticated, of which each spikelet has one grain only.  This is a really ancient variety of wheat, at least 10000 years old.    Einkorn is of the genus triticum.The Church teaches that by divine institution hence, it cannot be changed that the matter for the Eucharist is to be bread from wheat triticum and wine from grapes.If Einkorn is a wheat, then bread made from einkorn flour is wheat bread.  Therefore it is valid matter for the Eucharist.If you stop to think about this most of the wheat we have today are, by and large, modern strains that have been bread no bred.   This wheat might be more like that which was in use in Christ s own time than some of the wheat we have since developed.Please share this post! Wednesday 28 October will be my birthday.  Because my benefactors are great gifts to me, I will say Mass for the intention of my benefactors I keep track of you on Wednesday at Noon CDT (Deo volente). It will be the Feast of Sts. Simon and Jude.  I happen to have a 1st class relic of St. Simon the Apostle!While I remember benefactors at every Mass, living and deceased at the respective Memento in the Roman Canon, I regularly say Mass for the intention of my benefactors.  It is my duty, honor and pleasure to do so.Some of you subscribe to give a monthly donation via PayPal or Continue to Give.  Some of send occasional donations through those means or sometimes via snail mail to me P.O. Box (address on the sidebar do a CTR_F for Struck to find it fast.   Others send items from my wish list.It is all greatly appreciated. When something comes in, it s a real moral boost.   Today I received some Black Rifle Coffee and an amazon gift card (alas, there was no gift slip in the envelop with the card, so I don t know who sent it but God does!).There are some lean days, however, for the monthly subscription option.  Today is one of them.Also, could I please remind you to use my affiliate link to enter Amazon when shopping online?  Links for these USA and the UK are on the sidebar.I cannot see what you purchase, but I get a small percentage of each purchase.  This is a major issue for me.  So, thanks in advance.I m also singing for my supper by posting #ASonnetADay.So, please consider subscribing to send a monthly donation. That way I have steady income I can plan on, and you wind up regularly on my list of benefactors for whom I pray and for whom I periodically say Holy Mass. I even added Sonnet Lover option. Daily, I live-stream a Traditional Latin Mass at NOON Central Daylight Time (= GMT/UTC -5 and ROME 1900h).  (Check out Monday in 21st Week after PentecostPrayers added: In distressAfter Mass: Prayer in time of pandemicWill you please tell others about these Masses?  Will you please subscribe to my channel? HERE Use the notification Bell!It is also really nice to see how regular viewers now greet each other in the live chat and pray for each other s intentions!NB: You can usually find an English translation of the Mass formulary HERE.  Scroll down. Use the 1960 setting.We can say the Angelus together since the bells are usually ringing when the live stream starts.I will say a Spiritual Communion prayer at the very beginning for those of you who cannot make a Eucharistic Communion.  I will also recite in Latin the traditional  Statement of Intention ( a hint to priests).After Mass and the Leonine Prayers, I will recite a prayer in Latin In time of pandemic followed by a blessing with a fragment of the CrossFor texts of Prayers before Mass for each day of the week, in versions for laypeople and for priests: HERE I am watch the Senate debate on the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.   I watch recordings at high speed when possible.Right now I was just infuriated by a serious LIE by omission uttered by the serpentine Sen Feinstein.There are different ways to lie.  This is one of them: omission, exclusionary detailing.Watch this.In regard to Barrett s position about Roe v. Wade, pro-abortion Feinstein slyly LIED about Barrett s position.Feinstein said that Barrett would not call Roe v Wade a super precedent .  A super precedent is a precedent that is so important that no one challenges it.Examples of a super precedent is Marbury v Madison or Mapp v Ohio or  Brown v. Board.   No one challenges the exercise of judicial review, or that the 4th Amendment is incorporated against states through the 14th Amendment, or that the 14th Amendment prohibits states from segregating school on the basis of race).  Those are super precedents.Constant challenges to a law demonstrate that the law is not a super precedent.  Stare decisis still might hold, however.  Laws can be important precedents without being super precedents.There are constant challenges to Roe v Wade: hence, Roe is not super precedent.But listen to what sidewinding Feinstein does.   She says (at 1:05 below) that Barrett would not say that Roe v Wade is a super precedent.  Then lying Feinstein shifts the terms (at 1:25) and moves into the category settled law (re: Griswold) and important precedent (Casey and ROE), hoping you don t catch the slight of hand. Feinstein is too smart not to know what she did.    She lied by misrepresentation, exclusionary detailing.Barrett did NOT say that Griswold, Casey and Roe were NOT precedents.  She didn t say that they were important precedents.  Barrett understands that cases might come before her on the Court that deal with these precedents, and so she is bound not to discuss them.  The problem is they are constantly being challenged, which slippery Feinstein herself acknowledged.  Barrett rightly said that Roe is not a super precedent.Ooooo this is Jesuitical.   She is as bad as some clergy who screw language into pretzels to deceive without seeming to deceive.Except that the clergy, for example, those who by omission, who teach only part of the Church s teachings about certain moral issues, are worse, because by their false teaching they can lead souls to HELL instead of merely be left on the Court of Appeals rather than the SCOTUS.Please share this post! Was there a GOOD point made in the sermon you heard at the Mass for your Sunday, either live or on the internet? Let us know what it was. Also, are you churches opening up? What was attendance like?For my part I was asked by a reader about a poll.   Good idea.Anyone can vote, but only registered and approved readers can post comments.   I would very much appreciate your accounts of what your Sunday preacher said about Francis approbation of civil union for homosexuals.Choose your best answer. At Sunday Mass (25 Oct 2020 - in PERSON or via "tech") the priest/deacon, about Francis' comments on same-sex civil unions... spoke/mentioned not at all (NO) (46%, 649 Votes) spoke/mentioned not at all (TLM) (20%, 285 Votes) spoke/mentioned unfavorably (TLM) (13%, 180 Votes) spoke/mentioned unfavorably (NO) (10%, 145 Votes) ZERO - Couldn't go to church because of COVID-1984 or other. (5%, 67 Votes) spoke/mentioned favorably (NO) (2%, 33 Votes) spoke/mentioned not at all (Eastern) (2%, 28 Votes) spoke/mentioned unfavorably (Eastern) (1%, 9 Votes) spoke/mentioned favorably (TLM) (0%, 7 Votes) spoke/mentioned favorably (Eastern) (0%, 5 Votes)Total Voters: 1,407 From a reader QUAERITUR:I don t like either Trump or Biden. I wish we had better candidates. I don t even want to vote, but I see that this is an important election. So many things depend on it. What does the Church say about this? Do I have to vote or can I opt out?Here s what the Catechism of the Catholic Church says:2240 Submission to authority and co-responsibility for the common good make it morally obligatory to pay taxes, to exercise the right to vote, and to defend one s country .First, it puzzles me as to why people would vote for a candidate because he is likeable .     With a nod to the Bard, one may smile and smile and be a villain.  At least I am sure it may be so in Washington.   I hear this sometimes, especially from women.  They don t like how Trump talks or tweets, etc.  They don t like his style.  They are put off by his manner.  I consider that to be shallow.  I get it, but it is hardly the basis of a thoughtful choice in voting.I ll tell you what I don t like: Catholics who say they are Catholic and then promote or excuse abortion, or relegate abortion to one among a list of other things.  Personally, I cannot vote for some who promotes the intrinsic grave evil of abortion.  I don t think that any Catholic having a well-formed conscience can vote for a candidate who promotes abortion.  It is a lie that other issues are as important as abortion.  Abortion is the pre-eminent life issue.Voting for a pro-abortion candidate, because he is pro-abortion is, I think, cooperation in evil.  It is not such close cooperation that you incur an excommunication, but it is still wrong.Some might wonder, What if ALL the candidates are pro-abortion ?   Depending on the gravity of the election, you then can chose the best among the candidates despite the abortion stance.I think that if you opt out of what you understand to be an important election, you have violated your moral obligation to participate in the common good by exercising your right to vote.And there is more to this election than the presidential race.  There are Senate races and local races and issues.  Remember that all politics are local.  You live in a community and you have the ability to contribute to the common good.We have to look at the issues and candidates which are at question and ponder them through the lens of our Catholic Faith.  Then we should vote using a well-formed conscience, a conscience formed in light of the Church s Magisterium and a solid grasp of the natural law.Please share this post! Daily, I live-stream a Traditional Latin Mass at NOON Central Daylight Time (= GMT/UTC -5 and ROME 1900h).  (Check out Christ The King SundayPrayers Added: After Mass: Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred HeartWill you please tell others about these Masses?  Will you please subscribe to my channel? HERE Use the notification Bell!It is also really nice to see how regular viewers now greet each other in the live chat and pray for each other s intentions!NB: You can usually find an English translation of the Mass formulary HERE.  Scroll down. Use the 1960 setting.We can say the Angelus together since the bells are usually ringing when the live stream starts.I will say a Spiritual Communion prayer at the very beginning for those of you who cannot make a Eucharistic Communion.  I will also recite in Latin the traditional  Statement of Intention ( a hint to priests).After Mass and the Leonine Prayers, I will recite a prayer in Latin In time of pandemic followed by a blessing with a fragment of the CrossFor texts of Prayers before Mass for each day of the week, in versions for laypeople and for priests: HEREAbout this blog “This blog is like a fusion of the Baroque ‘salon’ with its well-tuned harpsichord around which polite society gathered for entertainment and edification and, on the other hand, a Wild West “saloon” with its out-of-tune piano and swinging doors, where everyone has a gun and something to say. Nevertheless, we try to point our discussions back to what it is to be Catholic in this increasingly difficult age, to love God, and how to get to heaven.” – Fr. ZCoat of Arms by D BurkartCLICK and say your daily offerings!A Daily Prayer for PriestsDo you want to show some appreciation?Fr. Z's WishlistDo you have a faithful Catholic website that needs competent and reliable tech support?Fr. Z s VOICEMAILNota bene: I do not answer these numbers or this Skype address. You won't get me "live". I check for messages regularly. WDTPRS 020 8133 4535651-447-6265YOUR RECENT COMMENTSJonPatrick on YOUR URGENT PRAYER REQUESTSPlease pray for my son who has a difficult job situation right now and also that he and his wife...JonPatrick on A tribute to my mother on my birthdayI also had to paste the URL to another tab to see the picture. Happy Birthday Father! It must be...Josephus Muris Saliensis on A tribute to my mother on my birthdayDear Fr Z, there is something wrong with the HTML, the photo is not posting. Nevertheless, I copied and pasted...IaninEngland on A tribute to my mother on my birthdayHappy birthday to you both! God bless you both. Thank you for what you do / have done (both of...Fr. Kelly on A tribute to my mother on my birthdayHappy birthday to the Zuhldorfs! Father and Father's mother Mariana2 on A tribute to my mother on my birthday"Just" was followed by a lot of | 3#, but it didn't post. Mariana2 on A tribute to my mother on my birthdayHappy to pray for your dear mother, Father. Unfortunately, I can't see the pic. Just . Fallibilissimo on A tribute to my mother on my birthdayNothing more beautiful and heart warming than the love that exists between mother and child. God Bless you both! Padre Pio Devotee on A tribute to my mother on my birthdayHappy Birthday! Many, many prayers for you and your mom and your whole family! Thank you Fr. Z for a...Clinton R. on A tribute to my mother on my birthdayMay God bless you, Father and your mom as well. Gregg the Obscure on A tribute to my mother on my birthdayglad to pray for your Mama - especially given that she is still drawing breath. i must say you favor...Patra on A tribute to my mother on my birthdaySuch a sweet tribute! Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, Fr. Z. and to your mom as well! I'll keep...UncleBlobb on A tribute to my mother on my birthdayHappy birthday, Father Z.!!! And to your Mom! GregB on Happy #NavyDay !One person who had a major influence on the Navy was Georgia Congressman Carl Vinson. He pushed through spending bills...Fr. John Zuhlsdorf on #ASonnetADay 75. So are you to my thoughts as food to life Thank you. I've been into Shakespeare and the Sonnets since was was SEVEN years old. They are old friends. I...NOCatholic on ASK FATHER: Can einkorn flour be used for the Eucharist? It is lower in gluten."What about Quadrotriticale?" According to Wikipedia, triticale is a wheat and rye hybrid. That would presumably apply to the fictional...VARoman on ASK FATHER: Is a vote for “the lesser of two evils” still a vote for evil ?I am a life-long republican and a trad Catholic. I have already cast my vote for Joe Biden. Donald Trump...Spinmamma on #ASonnetADay 75. So are you to my thoughts as food to life You read the sonnets so beautifully---making the language lovely and full of meaning at the same time. It is not...Gaetano on BRICK BY BRICK: A young priest writes, I have never felt more priestly or masculine than when I have offered the Extraordinary Form Mass. I’m constantly amazed that priests seminarians live in fear because they wish to celebrate one of the two valid...Gregg the Obscure on YOUR URGENT PRAYER REQUESTSoh Kateri. that fire has been terrible. i live in Denver (100 miles away?) and a few nights ago i...Books which you must have. Don t rely on popes, bishops and priests.“Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops.”- Fulton SheenTherefore, ACTIVATE YOUR CONFIRMATION and get to work!Send Snail Mail to Fr. ZFr John ZuhlsdorfTridentine Mass Society of Madison733 Struck St.PO BOX 44603Madison, WI 53744-4603For email HERE“The modern habit of doing ceremonial things unceremoniously is no proof of humility; rather it proves the offender's inability to forget himself in the rite, and his readiness to spoil for every one else the proper pleasure of ritual.”- C.S. LewisThis blog has to earn its keep!PLEASE subscribe if it is useful.That way I have steady income I can plan on, and you wind up regularly on my list of benefactors for whom I pray and for whom I periodically say Holy Mass.For a one time donation...I set up a CONTINUE TO GIVE account, which functions rather like PayPal.  Some of you use it. Here is a QCode you can use with your smart phones.  Try it!Also, to receive a link to donate via Continue To Give using your smart phone SEND MESSAGE: 4827563 TO: 715-803-4772 (USA)Some donations also come through CHASE.  That works well.  I don't think they take any percentage as fees.As for Latin "But if, in any layman who is indeed imbued with literature, ignorance of the Latin language, which we can truly call the 'catholic' language, indicates a certain sluggishness in his love toward the Church, how much more fitting it is that each and every cleric should be adequately practiced and skilled in that language!" - Pius XI"Let us realize that this remark of Cicero (Brutus  37, 140) can be in a certain way referred to [young lay people]: 'It is not so much a matter of distinction to know Latin as it is disgraceful not to know it.'"  - St. John Paul II Recent Posts Let us pray Grant unto thy Church, we beseechThee, O merciful God, that She, being gathered together by the Holy Ghost, may be in no wise troubled by attack from her foes.O God, who by sin art offended and by penance pacified, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy people making supplication unto Thee,and turn away the scourges of Thine anger which we deserve for our sins.Almighty and Everlasting God, inwhose Hand are the power and thegovernment of every realm: look down uponand help the Christian people that the heathennations who trust in the fierceness of their own might may be crushed by the power ofthine Arm. Through our Lord Jesus Christ,Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Theein the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, worldwithout end. R. Amen.Yes, Fr. Z is taking ads Because it matters what children read Be a Zed-Head ! I carry one of these super-strong rosaries in my spare mag pouch! The Swiss Guards have them too! The Swiss Guard have these rosaries! For the story click HERE and HERE (esp. 18:00)CHALLENGE COINS!My "challenge coin" for my 25th anniversary of ordination in 2016.Want one?  I do exchanges with military and LEOs, etc. and you can make a donation.PLEASE RESPOND. Pretty pleeeease? The "sign of peace" during Mass in the Ordinary Form... I dread it as it approaches and think of ways to avoid it. I hate it so much I won't go to Mass where it is done.View ResultsLoading ...Polls ArchiveThis is really useful when travelling and also when you aren t and you need backup internet NOW! I use this for my DMR Zednet hotspot when I m mobile. It s a ham radio thing.If you travel internationally, this is a super useful gizmo for your mobile internet data.  I use one.  If you get one through my link, I get data rewards.Please use my links when shopping! I depend on your help.WDTPRS POLL Should the Bishops of the USA have us return to obligatory meatless Fridays during the whole year and not just during Lent?Loading ...Polls Archive Rigid ? Pfffft. Faithful! No priest s desk or kitchen is complete without one, for young, old, and priests in general.Fr. Z s stuff is everywhere Help support Fr. Z s Gospel of Life work at no cost to you. Do you need a Real Estate Agent? Calling these people is the FIRST thing you should do!They find you a pro-life agent in your area who commits to giving a portion of the fee to a pro-life group!GREAT causes to supportHelp Monks in Wyoming (coffee – UPDATED LINK) and Norcia (beer) and the wonderful "Soap Sisters" of Summit, NJ!Please follow me on Twitter! My Twitter @fatherzTweets by fatherz This catechism helped to bring Fr. Z into the Catholic Church! Fathers, you don t know who might show up! It could be a big fish of one sort or other And... GO TO CONFESSION!“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Some Blogs I Keep Track OfA Clerk of OxfordActon Institute Power BlogAnecdotal EvidenceArt of ManlinessBonfire of the VanitiesC-Fam: Catholic Family and Human Rights InstituteCampus Notes (Card. Newman Society)CATHOLIC UNDERGROUNDCharlotte was BothCourageous PriestCowgirl s Country LifeCreative Minority ReportDa mihi hanc aquamEclectic OrthodoxyEdward FeserEphemerisFIRST THINGS On The Square Fr. Hunwicke s Mutual EnrichmentFr. Ray Blake St. Mary MagdalenFr. T. Finigan The hermeneutic of continuityGandalf s Gallery ART!Geoffrey Chaucer Hath a BlogHoly Cards For Your InspirationHugh Hewittignatius his conclaveIn the Light of the LawJihad WatchJimmy AkinLaudator Temporis ActiLifesiteLiturgical Arts JournalLuther Insult GeneratorMaranatha.itMessa in latino (In Italian)Mulier FortisMusica SacraNew Liturgical MovementOpus Bono SacerdotiiOUP BlogOur Word And Welcome To ItPaternostersRorate CaeliSancte PaterShakespeare Insult GeneratorSympotica graecolatinaThe ASK FATHER Question BoxThe Curt JesterThe Integrated Catholic LifeThe Lion and the CardinalThe Motley MonkTridentine Mass Society of MadisonUnderground ThomistVultus ChristiWhat people say about Fr. Z"The great Father Zed, Archiblogopoios"- Fr. John Hunwicke"Some 2 bit novus ordo cleric"- Anonymous"Rev. John Zuhlsdorf, a traditionalist blogger who has never shied from picking fights with priests, bishops or cardinals when liturgical abuses are concerned."- Kractivism"Father John Zuhlsdorf is a crank" "Father Zuhlsdorf drives me crazy" "the hate-filled Father John Zuhlsford" [sic]"Father John Zuhlsdorf, the right wing priest who has a penchant for referring to NCR as the 'fishwrap'""Zuhlsdorf is an eccentric with no real consequences" - HERE- Michael Sean Winters"Fr Z is a true phenomenon of the information age: a power blogger and a priest."- Anna Arco“Given that Rorate Coeli and Shea are mad at Fr. Z, I think it proves Fr. Z knows what he is doing and he is right.”- Comment"Let me be clear. Fr. Z is a shock jock, mostly. His readership is vast and touchy. They like to be provoked and react with speed and fury."- Sam Rocha"Father Z’s Blog is a bright star on a cloudy night."- Comment"A cross between Kung Fu Panda and Wolverine."- AnonymousFr. Z is officially a hybrid of Gandalf and Obi-Wan XD- CommentRev. John Zuhlsdorf, a scrappy blogger popular with the Catholic right.- America MagazineRC integralist who prays like an evangelical fundamentalist.-Austen Ivereigh on Twitter[T]he even more mainline Catholic Fr. Z. blog.-Deus Ex Machina“For me the saddest thing about Father Z’s blog is how cruel it is.... It’s astonishing to me that a priest could traffic in such cruelty and hatred.” - Jesuit homosexualist James Martin to BuzzFeed"Fr. Z's is one of the more cheerful blogs out there and he is careful about keeping the crazies out of his commboxes"- Paul in comment at 1 Peter 5"I am a Roman Catholic, in no small part, because of your blog.I am a TLM-going Catholic, in no small part, because of your blog.And I am in a state of grace today, in no small part, because of your blog."- Tom in comment"Thank you for the delightful and edifying omnibus that is your blog."- Reader comment."Fr. Z disgraces his priesthood as a grifter, a liar, and a bully. - - Mark SheaSpam blocked74 900 spam blocked by CleanTalkFr. Z s Blog is a Founding Member of Our Lady of the Clergy, Pray for us! The opinions expressed on this blog do not necessarily reflect the positions of any of the Catholic Church's entities with which I am involved. They are my own. Opinions expressed by commentators in the comments belong to the commentators. Fr. Z o{]:¬) Do you use my blog often? Is it helpful to you?If so, please consider subscribing to send a monthly donation. That way I have steady income I can plan on, and you wind up regularly on my list of benefactors for whom I pray and for whom I periodically say Holy Mass.

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