Uechi-ryu Martial Arts | Karate

Web Name: Uechi-ryu Martial Arts | Karate

WebSite: http://uechi-ryu.com





Join the Mattson Academy and train with Grandmaster George E. Mattson on a regular basis. How much you train is up to you and will be based on the goals you set. If you belong to a dojo and have a teacher, Mattson sensei will act in the capacity of a “coach”. He will help View full post Point of view from Sensei Lee Adams! Presentation topic for Winterfest, 2021 ================ The COVID-19 pandemic and the reduction in dojo time has given me the opportunity to research more of what is presented via social media outlets, many uploaded videos and blogs showing Kata’s and bunkai based around the presenters own understanding or interpretation, View full post By Lee Adams Good avoidance (Tai Sabaki) is often discussed at seminars and in the dojo, however when we get to training our 2 person kumite drills this all seems to go out of the window and we are back using linear movements, not to mention the lack of centre and correct Maai. Unsoku ( View full post From October 2020 I will be assuming the role of Chairman of the British Aikido Association, The BAA was established in 1966, one year before the Japan Aikido Association so is recognised as the oldest official Aikido association in the world, although primarily supporting Tomiki Aikido the BAA today is the Association of choice for View full post November 14, 2019 In the Hawaiian Language, the word “ALOHA” mostly functions as a salutation and a greeting. But the word actually conveys a deeper sense of meaning, which the locals expound upon, by breaking the individual letters down into other Hawaiian terms: A Akahai: Kindness, expressed with tenderness L Lokahi: Unity, expressed View full post Join the Mattson Academy and train with Grandmaster George E. Mattson on a regular basis. How much you train is up to you and will be based on the goals you set.If you belong to a dojo and have a teacher, Mattson sensei will act in the capacity of a “coach”. He will help you create and achieve your martial art goals, supplementing your regular “in-dojo” experiences. If you do not have a teacher, he will be your sensei and will guide you through your martial art studies as he has with thousands of his current and past students. . . many who now run their own successful dojos.Mattson sensei devotes most of his time now to members of the Mattson Academy. He is the pioneer of on-line training, not only for the martial arts, but for many other industries and educational organizations.Members of the academy who qualify for advanced rank, will be tested on-line through an innovative system created by Mattson and successfully used to test many senior black belts and senior teachers within the system.The International Uechi-ryu Karate Federation (IUKF) has implemented with Mattson, an effective “pre testing” method of working with prospective black belt candidates that is considered to be one of the best and fairest testing methods for determining whether a candidate is ready to be tested for advanced ranking.www.athomekarate.com Permanent link to this article: https://uechi-ryu.com/okinawa-uechi-ryu-karate-at-home/ Point of view from Sensei Lee Adams!Presentation topic for Winterfest, 2021================Lee AdamsThe COVID-19 pandemic and the reduction in dojo time has given me the opportunity to research more of what is presented via social media outlets, many uploaded videos and blogs showing Kata’s and bunkai based around the presenters own understanding or interpretation, what I believe I have witnessed is a number of very well performed kata and bunkai that leave me feeling something is missing.If we are to assume that kata teaches everything, we need to be successful in combat, then why do change snippets of kata to make them work for bunkai?There is also a plethora of bunkai techniques that are clearly misinterpreted or make little sense but are presented because they have been made to fit the kata movement so we can easily recognise what is being demonstrated.Whenever this topic is raised the whole question of style or association requirements comes to the head, how many times have I heard that “this is the way because this is what my teacher taught me!”.yakusoku Kumite is often taught as a linear exercise with tori attacking in stance and delivering a textbook karate punch, bunkai where there is no balance break and the body line is so far off centre that the technique is negated. Read the rest of this entry Permanent link to this article: https://uechi-ryu.com/lets-examine-our-kata-bunkai/ By Lee AdamsGood avoidance (Tai Sabaki) is often discussed at seminars and in the dojo, however when we get to training our 2 person kumite drills this all seems to go out of the window and we are back using linear movements, not to mention the lack of centre and correct Maai. Unsoku ( foot movements) is an excellent way to start to develop a better understanding of tai sabaki (Total body avoidance).The exercise is broken down into 3 groups each of eight individual moves moving forward and back, side to side and turning, entering (Irimini) and turning (Tenkan) see diagram which shows the complete movement graphic.Unsoku Exercise 1 Movement utilizing entering and maintaining Maai Read the rest of this entry Permanent link to this article: https://uechi-ryu.com/unsoku-a-foot-movement-exercise-that-can-be-used-as-a-warm-up-or-as-training-tool-for-tai-sabaki/ From October 2020 I will be assuming the role of Chairman of the British Aikido Association, The BAA was established in 1966, one year before the Japan Aikido Association so is recognised as the oldest official Aikido association in the world, although primarily supporting Tomiki Aikido the BAA today is the Association of choice for many Non Tomiki Aikido Clubs and has recently opened its affiliate membership to other Aikido Styles and other Martial Arts.Professor Kenjo Tomiki skills and dedication to training were such that, after being the captain of the Judo Team at Waseda University in Tokyo, he became an uchi-deshi (live-in student) of Jigoro Kano, the founder of Judo. It was through his association with Kano that Tomiki Sensei came to be acquainted with Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido. Already holding an 8th Dan in Judo, O’ Sensei awarded Kenji Tomiki a Menkyo ( roughly equivalent to 8th Dan) and as such is recorded and Aikido’s first ever 8th Dan.Kenji Tomiki’s style of Aikido is a style that strives to combine the competitive excitement of Judo with the spiritual serenity of traditional Aikido.I am honoured to be asked to represent Tomiki Aikido on the world stage as I am to represent the IUKF and Uechi Ryu here in the UK, I believe that the two have much commonality and will continue to dissect, analyse and experiment with both for self-improvement and enlightenment.Regards,Lee Adams IUKF GB and the BAA Permanent link to this article: https://uechi-ryu.com/lee-adams-appointed-chairman-baa/ November 14, 2019Darin Yee works with kid s classIn the Hawaiian Language, the word “ALOHA” mostly functions as a salutation and a greeting. But the word actually conveys a deeper sense of meaning, which the locals expound upon, by breaking the individual letters down into other Hawaiian terms:A Akahai: Kindness, expressed with tendernessL Lokahi: Unity, expressed with harmonyDarin Yee with AlO Olu’olu: Agreeable, expressed with pleasantnessH – Ha’aha’a: Humility, expressed with modestyA – Ahonui: Patience, expressed with perseveranceAloha is more than just a word of greeting or farewell or a salutation. Aloha means mutual regard and affection and extends warmth in caring with no obligation in return. Aloha is the essence of relationships in which each person is important to every other person for collective existence. Aloha means to hear what is not said, to see what cannot be seen, and to know the unknowable…. On November 9, 2019, Darin Yee-Sensei travelled 5,046 miles from Boston to Hawaii to share his extensive knowledge of Uechi-ryu, to offer his continued support of our Dojo, and to spend his valuable time with us. From the multiple meetings and training sessions throughout the week, we gained much insight into the Tiger, Dragon, Crane roots of our art. We are so grateful to have been shown a new perspective from which to dissect, analyze, and maximize our effectiveness in Kata performance and applications. I’m particularly impressed with the humble manner in which Darin-Sensei interacted with our group. From the youngest member, to the oldest member, he showed patience, kindness, and understanding in freely sharing his knowledge.Sensei Yee, thank you for your on-going efforts in building a highly supportive International Uechi-ryu Karate Federation, and especially for travelling so far across the globe to help us become better Karateka! Mahalo nui loa for embodying the Spirit of Aloha! We are proud to be an IUKF affiliated Dojo and look forward to your next visit on January 11th and 12th 2020 for our Honolulu Uechi-ryu Gasshuku Regional Workout.Sincerely,Albert CloutierHonolulu Uechi-Ryu Karate-do Club Permanent link to this article: https://uechi-ryu.com/president-darin-yee-of-iukf-2019-visit-to-honolulu-uechi-ryu-karate-do-club/ My name is Jacob Bartoletti, I am a martial artist from Sweden but I live and teach karate and martial arts in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Having had the opportunity of being a close disciple of the legendary Yoshimi Inoue I would hereby like to contribute to the Karate community with some of Master Inoue’s ideas and teachings.Soke Yoshimi Inoue passed away in 2015. He was famous for not only teaching some of the best karatekas of modern karate in the world (World Champions such as: Antonion Diaz, Mie Nakayama, Ryoki Abe, Rika Usami).Soke Inoue has also received a lot of attention for being a great contributor to the modern karate by connecting some of the rather traditional karate principles to the modern competition karate.Except the fact of Master Inoue being remembered as a martial art’s genius, he will always be remembered as a kindhearted Budo-man. He rarely rejected anyone that asked for his teachings and he always inspired his students with humour and laughter.One of his strengths was to teach “principles” rather than style-specific techniques, Inoue’s principles could be adapted to martial artists, regardless of background or previous martial experience.Consequently, Soke Inoue did not only attract students from many different styles and martial arts from all over Japan (and the world), he was also appointed National Coach before he started his own Lineage, Japan Karate-do Inoue-ha Shito-ryu Keishin-kai.(Master Inoue in his younger days)The purpose of this article is to share some of Master Inoue’s teachings and ideas to the karate community. The ideas and principles taught by Inoue may be applied in both traditional martial arts as well as for the purpose of training for modern competitions.Soke Inoue himself used to refer to traditional karate and modern karate as two quite different types of training (but that still have many things in common).Many of the principles, practiced and used in old days have been forgotten or just are not emphasized in modern budo. Inoue thought this was a bad way of evolution.He meant that many (not all but many) old principles could be used even in modern karate to fill it’s purpose of developing skills that would typically be rewarded in modern karate competitions. Read the rest of this entry Permanent link to this article: https://uechi-ryu.com/3-karate-principles-taught-by-the-legendary-yoshimi-inoue/ Recently 9th degree and newly appointed president of the IUKF, Darin Yee, paid a visit to our school in Knoxville, TN. It is a privilege to be able to learn from Master Yee’s vast knowledge from not only Uechi-ryu but also his many other martial arts styles.These influences are easily seen, especially Wushu and Wing Chun, when exploring the soft side of Uechi-ryu. Even though most original styles of karate advocate being both a hard and soft style, through the years of evolution of karate, many styles have the lost the soft side. Master Yee’s seminar focused on the soft side of Uechi-ryu. Read the rest of this entry Permanent link to this article: https://uechi-ryu.com/iukf-president-visits-knoxville/ Last workout in 2018 was a great class with Tim and Patty Dado andJoe Bellone, special guest from New England.Joeis an amazing Uechi-ryu practitioner who has a boxing and mixed martial background that gives him an insight into the many layers often overlooked in traditional martial arts.We are looking forward to seeing Joe back at Winterfest where we can continue exploring the fascinating art of Uechi-ryu. The IUKF is extending a sincere wish to our Uechi family for an abundant Thanksgiving. Every year that passes presents different obstacles and so many new gifts. I pray our blessings outweigh any and all our burdens.Please remember the IUKF is your martial art family. We are at the pinocle of the martial art world and yet we continue to grow and expand.Rest and enjoy those love ones among you. The IUKF wish you a bountiful and fulfilling day. These types of days should remain with us forever.Darin YeePresident IUKF I want to thank Sensei George Mattson for his trust in me to carry on the IUKF as president. Along with this position comes a huge responsibility involving fairness, compassion and understanding while keeping in mind our enormous affiliations throughout the world. We must also maintain our insistence to all rules and guidelines with no exceptions.Every effort will be utilized to grow and to advance the IUKF. As expected small changes will be announced. Please follow our posting on our website.I appreciate all the well wishes I’ve received and look forwards to working with all our dedicated members.I would also like to announce the IUKF is an official 501-C3 organization which means we are a non-profit organization and all funds forwarded to the IUKF could be tax deductible. As President, I have been a businessman owning and operating businesses for over 30 years. Our Secretary Mario Rizzo is an attorney at Law who will address all our legal issues. Andrew Fink is a CPA with an abundance of experience dealing with the IRS and well versed with “non-profits”.The IUKF thanks you for your support through the past years. We hope to maintain our relationship as the torch is passed and continue to help grow and improve the legacy of Sensei George Mattson our Grandmaster. Darin Yee Permanent link to this article: https://uechi-ryu.com/darin-yee-new-iukf-president/

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