Points and Figures

Web Name: Points and Figures

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Over the last five to seven years, I consistently have seen articles talking about the end of the bull stock market.  My favorite Permabull is Tim Knight of Slope of Hope.  The stock market has continuously hit new highs.  The Federal Reserve s easy money policy has really propelled it.Over the course of years since 2009 when quantitative easing forever started happening, the market has rallied.  It took awhile, but risk preferences changed.  People abandoned safe assets for riskier ones.  One anecdotal piece of evidence is the percentage change in startup valuations.  They are up by large percentages as new money has filtered into all stages of the space seeking returns.I have watched it and tried to keep my confirmation bias out of it.In April of 2020, my wife woke up nervous and wanted to sell.  We sold some stock.  I reinvested after the market kept going up.However, today is the first day I ever took a look around, put my finger in the air and thought, the bull is broken.Why?  More importantly, why don t I think there is anything the Fed can do about it?  Permabears have hated the Federal Reserve since at least 1997 when the Fed seemingly propped up the tech sector.  The Greenspan Put is not a colloquialism for nothing. Ramp up of Federal Spending.  We always spent way too much, but what they are doing and have done since Covid is unprecedented and stupid.  It s irresponsible. Covid policy.  It s not based in science at all and is just based in politics.  The US and worldwide economy cannot absorb the shock of stupid policy forever.Both of those things could be corrected in theory.  They won t be but they could be.The straw that broke the camel s back for me was the Biden speech on the Afghanistan withdrawal.  I knew Biden was a buffoon.  I had met him in person years ago and came away unimpressed.  America can survive bad Presidents.  But, it can t survive bad Presidents with all the other stuff that is going on.As an out of the closet Republican, I also knew I had some bias over the past election.  So, I have tried to keep that bias in check as much as I can.  I lost some money in 2009 due to that bias.  I still have deep scars from it.  I am not going to repeat that.The talking heads will begin sifting through all kinds of data to confirm why the market took a turnaround this week.  They only need to look at the speech and its aftermath.  Biden was actively shielded by the mainstream media, social media, his handlers and enablers.  Most of America didn t see the true Biden and were fed a consistent diet of fake Biden.  However, that changed this week.It took people falling off the wheels of a USAF jet in Afghanistan unfortunately, but eyes are opening.The real reason for the bust up of the stock market is that American s are no longer confident.  It is a crisis of confidence.  When you have things like CRT, males masquerading as females in athletic competition, defund the police, criminals being set free by willing district attorneys, cities boarded up, prices screaming higher, and all the rest of the drek that we have seen over the past year and a half with Covid, confidence gets sapped and can t overcome it.Time stamp it. We are in a bear market now. I remember after 9/11, there was a fervor across America to make the bad guys pay.  It took until 2003, but President Bush was going to make the bad guys pay.  The bad guys were in Afghanistan and Iraq.  Remember For the younger crowd that might read this, they might not understand pulling the football away so here is where that phrase comes from. The US Treasury, the Biden Administration, and the Congress (Democratic-led don t forget) just played Lucy to As the bloated infrastructure bill makes its way through the US Senate, a donnybrook has ignited about regulation on cryptocurrency.  The initial bill had an amendment that was agreed on by everyone, or so the world thought.  Then uber-Washington Machine The Cubs are my favorite baseball team and have been since I was a little kid.  My father was more of an American League guy.  Ted Williams was his favorite player and the Detroit Tigers were sort of the team If you don t think Democrats have a game plan you are either stupid, or have your head in the sand.  Right now, it looks like Republicans are going to overwhelm them in House and Senate elections come 2022.  The Democratic I read a lot of stuff from all over.  I do it for information and perspective.  I read liberal bloggers and conservative bloggers.  Seth Godin is an uber-liberal blogger.  He blogs daily and sometimes there is some stuff that can Non-Conformist: often capitalized: a person who does not conform to an established church especially: one who does not conform to the Church of England 2: a person who does not conform to a generally accepted pattern of thought or action It is really We are learning more and more about how Facebook s ($FB) Mark Zuckerberg not only suppressed freedom of speech on his platform but he used his money to back hard left-wing candidates in the last election.  What we don t have is There are some huge misconceptions when it comes to capitalism.  We are seeing it play out in the responses to the protests in Cuba.  The far-left says government failure in Cuba it s because the US didn t trade with Cuba.  They As the summer goes on, we are seeing things that were highly predictable. Fires near my cabin in Minnesota and across the border in Canada along with some floods from heavy rainfall in Europe and heat in my home of This summer, I wanted to re-read Ernest Hemingway.  When I was in high school, I was on a short road trip with my friend Sam.  In his English class at his high school, they were reading The Sun Also Rises.  Been watching the whirlwind of politics a bit.  The Democrats have gotten more strident.  Swinging even further to the left in their statements.  I think the NYC mayoral election is an outlier.  I don t think the NYC mayor will have For me, boats have always been utilitarian.  I never owned a boat until I bought the cabin we own.  I got my grandfather s red fishing Lund in the deal.  It has a 9.9 horsepower Mercury motor.  It s not at all Venture capital is having a bit of a moment.  Companies that are venture-backed are going public and weekly we seem to hear about another unicorn , which is a venture-backed company that is worth $1B dollars or more.  Of course, they There has been a lot of chatter about regulating cryptocurrency.  In the early days of crypto, it was used for fraud, illegal trade, sex slavery, and other unsavory things that we absolutely need to regulate and stamp out. However, like The forest was quiet.  The emerging light of a new day was just filtering through the trees.  That fuzziness, when you look out and see things you don t see.  His face was chilled, but under the covers his body was Last night, my wife and I decided to take a boat ride.  We weren t going to fish, no minnows.  The fishing up here this time of year becomes a lot more challenging as the water warms. Time for crankbaits and Jeffrey Carter is a general partner at West Loop Ventures. In April of 2007, he co-founded Hyde Park Angels and spearheaded the growth and development of one of the most active angel groups in the United States. He has consulted on ... Read More

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