Physical and Life Sciences

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Mission-driven sciences and technology advancing the security and well-being of the nation Highlights A Message from the Associate Director People Featured Video Internships Glenn Fox Excellence in forensic science Founded in 1991, LLNL s Forensic Science Center (FSC) is home to nationally recognized scientists and capabilities that support chemical, nuclear, explosive, and biological counterterrorism. The FSC is a special capability. It is the only center within the Department of Energy complex focused on forensic science and one of just two U.S. laboratories with international certification to handle chemical warfare agents. In the latter capacity, FSC researchers analyze interdicted samples, provide 24/7 radiological assistance, and engage in the critical research and development needs of the intelligence community including law enforcement, homeland security, and health professionals. As world events evolve in complexity, the nation s problems have become increasingly challenging. The FSC’s most important assets are its outstanding people who work together as a team to solve problems. Livermore s national security mission depends on constant vigilance, and the FSC’s dedication and technical excellence is reflective of the entire Laboratory workforce. Our ability to anticipate and adapt to changing needs makes us an asset to our sponsors, who are motivated to send their most difficult problems here. The FSC and its scientists are featured in the November issue of Science Technology Review magazine, and it is described in more detail on the center s website. CCMS Summer Institute The 2018 Computational Chemistry and Materials Science (CCMS) Summer Institute will have a special focus on Quantum Materials and Chemistry to highlight the science challenges and research opportunities in the development of novel materials for emerging energy and information technologies. Learn more >> MaCI Summer Internship Materials and Chemistry Institute (MaCI) offers a unique summer internship experience. Interns have access to state-of-the-art facilities like the Nanoscale Synthesis and Characterization Laboratory, the Jupiter Laser Facility, the Energetic Materials Center, and the National Ignition Facility. Learn more >> Nuclear Forensics Summer Institute The mission of the Seaborg Institute is to facilitate the training of the next generation of nuclear scientists. This program offers graduate students the opportunity to work directly with leading LLNL researchers on projects in the areas of nuclear forensics, nuclear chemistry, and environmental radiochemistry. Learn more >> Operated by Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, for the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration.

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