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WebSite: http://pl.smeet.com





We have awesome news for you: the new SMEET BETA DESKTOP APP IS NOW AVAILABLE. You don´t have to worry about the end of Flash anymore.With the new Smeet Beta Desktop App you are able to play Smeet in 2021 comfortably without needing the browser!The Desktop app is currently in Beta status. This means we are still working on it and will improve it over time. We would be happy to get feedback from you and if you have any issues, please write to our support.All you have to do is download the App and install it on your computer! Read more about PLAY SMEET IN 2021 - Welcome to the SMEET FUTURE! The contests come thick and fast on Smeet this festive season! You may have noticed that we have placed a number of new gifts in the Gift Shop this morning - well, there's a good reason for that!The user that sends the most gifts to other Smeeters between today (7th December) and Sunday 3th January will win a special badge!Time to spread the love at the most wonderful time of the year! Read more about Smeet User2User Gift Competition! It's that time of year again and everybody is searching for the perfect Christmas Tree. Christmas Tree shopping can be a really fun thing. Getting a hot, delicious mulled wine and strolling down the rows of taller and smaller Christmas Trees until your eye catches the perfect one. The one that fits right in the corner next to your masonry heater, where you and your family sit with a warm cup of tea during the cold days. Read more about Get your Christmas Tree at the The Big Christmas Tree Sale


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