Parenting Literacy - Parenting Literacy

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Parenting LiteracyWhat is Parenting Literacy?Parenting literacy is the extent to which one possesses the knowledge, skills, and emotional dispositions that are conducive to raising childrenwho are physically healthy, emotionally happy, intelligent,spiritual, and sociallyadept. (Check the blog above for a more detailed description.)Increasing parenting literacy is the goal of this website. Our primary means of achieving this goal is by providing reliable information that caregivers can use to nurture the development of children.Fortunately, there is so much information available that we anticipate continuing to add new articles and features for quite some time to come. For now,you might want to check the “Parenting A to Z” tab in the menu above for general information about child development.If you would like to find solutions to many common parenting problems you may do so by creating a free user ID andpassword and then clicking on the“How Do I…” tab above. Thiswill take you to a Wikipedia-like repository of “optimal” solutions to some of the most important problems parents face. All are welcome to share their solutions to these common problems, provided they adhere to a few simple guidelines.If you don’t find the solution you are looking for, feel free to suggest your own. Eventually, someone else will come across your solution and may offer their own point of view.Although we believe the current draft of this site includes a great deal of useful information, more, much more, is on the way. If you check back regularly you will find new information being added every week. In the meantime, if you wish to let us know what you would find most helpful in this site, please send us an email at[email protected].[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width= 1/2 ][vc_column_text]Parenting StylesParenting styles are persistent patterns of behavior of a caregiver toward one or more children. The caregiver is normally a parent but may also be some form of baby sitter (e.g.,a relative, nanny, au pair, etc .). In practice, the specific reaction ofany responsive caregiver to anychild will vary with the demands of the situation. However, in spite of the obvious contributions children may make to their own social interactions, parenting styles refer to general patterns of caregiver behavior. In a sense, a person s parenting style reflects their central tendency, the pattern they tend to gravitate toward. And so, even when circumstances are unusual we can still find consistent differences between parents in the ways they think about and treat their children.Without going into a long boring history lesson, let me just note that the styles of parenting that are currently the center of scientific attention were first introduced by Diana Baumrind in 1967. She found that parents tend to gravitate toward one of three common patterns. These are authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive. Later, Maccoby and Martin (1983) distinguished between the permissive indifferentand permissive indulgentparenting styles. And, more recently, some researchers have suggestedthat there also exists a style referred to as tough love . So, this leaves us with four parenting styles, and a possible fifth that remains to be fully confirmed by scientific research. Each of these will be discussed below. These styles are:AuthoritarianTough LoveAuthoritativePermissive IndifferentPermissive IndulgentRead More[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width= 1/2 ][vc_column_text]Keys to ImprovementA few years ago a young mother asked me to forgive her misbehavior on the grounds that she was the product of imperfect parenting.At the time I forgave her, in part because I was in the same boat.Today I realize that we are all in that boat together.We are all the products of usually well intentioned yet imperfect parenting. Although this is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future, there is much that each of us can do to improve our chances of raising a great child. And if you think that you can t improve, please think again. Even dogs becomebetterparents with experience. So, what follows is a list of ideas forimproving the odds in your child s favor.Read More[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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