Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc.

Web Name: Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc.






Generosity is giving more than you can and pride is taking less than you need - Kahlil Gibran "Plant a kernel of wheat and you reap a pint, plant a pint and you reap a bushel. Always the law works to give you back more than you give." - Anthony Newell initiated a marvelous opportunity for meeting “unmet” needs in our community. This nonprofit public charity, totally independent of the University of Virginia (UVA) Medical Center, is dedicated to patients and family members who travel great distances to be served by this magnificent medical institution in Charlottesville, Virginia. The opportunity of which I speak was the formation of a Virginia non-religious, no stock, non-profit public charity, managed and guided by a totally volunteer staff. The initial core needs were categorized as assistance with temporary lodging, food, co-pay and travel assistance. Those in need of immediate temporary assistance live away from our community. They are from all parts of Virginia, West Virginia, and other surrounding states. They may include a visiting family member(s) in a caregiver or comforting role, and those outpatients who receive diagnosis and periodic treatment at the UVA Medical Center. In all cases a social worker has screened and determined that each recipient of assistance is underfunded, uninsured, or has a variety of mixed deficiencies whereby they cannot balance vital needs upon arrival. Close coordination with UVA Health System Office of Social Work allows for an immediate helping hand for contact every day all day. In these initial few years we have learned and adapted for being more effective, which includes continuing efforts through diversity for fund-raising, re-structuring and creating a program for making and providing full-day meal packets to the hospital, and reaching out to groups and individuals for contributions with monthly updates through our e-mails and blog entries. Many objectives are related in greater detail in this website, including our future vision to acquire a farm property to consolidate the mission of meeting the physical needs aforementioned, while providing a tranquil environment to encompass spiritual and psychological counseling and support. More strategically we must ready ourselves for increasing numbers of patients and families. Lodging and food services needs will out-pace our small community’s ability to assist, and the development of a dedicated space can vastly benefit the overflow and expand the safety net. Interfaith Humanitarian Sanctum, Inc. - PO Box 163 - Palmyra, Virginia 22963 Telephone: 434.589.4864 Website: www.interfaithhumanitariansanctum.orgEmail ©2014 Sammc Consultants, Inc., Sam McLawhorn, Lake Monticello, VA 22963 - 434.589.6363

TAGS:Humanitarian Interfaith Inc 

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We have discovered a marvelous opportunity for meeting unmet needs in our community. Although our location is in Charlottesville, Virginia, this nonprofit charity will affect visitors from great distances. The opportunity of which we speak is the formation of a Virginia non-religious, no stock, non-profit charity with initial designs for assisting with lodging, food and perhaps travel funds for those who live at great distances, have little or no funds to cover these vital necessities while visiting a family member in critical condition at UVA Medical Center, and those who live far away who have an opportunity for diagnosis and treatment at UVA Medical Center, but are without funds and uninsured

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